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Is it just me.... or is Deadeye pretty strong right now?


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Relic of the unseen invasion comes in pretty handy for Deadeyes.

You get 5 seconds of Superspeed from SA and the relic just from a single dodgeroll... repositioning is a piece of cake...

Right now, i am pretty much unkillable when playing Deadeye...  The second it gets dangerous, i just stealth and ZOOOOOM...  There is literally 0 risk.....

generally asking, if yall think thats fine.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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New relic has synergy with a class .....the gw2 pvp community " nerf hammer it, it's broken op"

One of the most prevalent and numerous complaints about relic system by the gw2 pvp community, especially on reddit......" these new relics are gbage and watered down"

This clown fest of a community never disappoints lol.

Edited by Psycoprophet.8107
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i dont see anyone proposing any nerfs here.

Cant you ask for people opinion without someone chiming in?    "BUUHUUU dont nuuuurf"

relax pal 😃 I just want to know how others feel about DE. Because to me, it feels very strong right now. 


The only person slowly turning this into what every Thief Thread becomes fairly quick..... is.... well..... you... xD  (no offense, i know how these threads usually go., so i understand what your saying....)



Aslong as Ranger is hitting 15k Boarmauls, idc for anything else.   The elephant in the room is Ranger.

I am trying to find a new main, as they completly destroyed every build i previously played.     And deadeye looks promising.


Edited by Sahne.6950
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On 8/24/2023 at 2:57 AM, Sahne.6950 said:

Relic of the unseen invasion comes in pretty handy for Deadeyes.

You get 5 seconds of Superspeed from SA and the relic just from a single dodgeroll... repositioning is a piece of cake...


you get three point five seconds on a single dodge roll, in pvp. on a 5 second cd. 

In WVW you get four seconds of superspeed.   the relic doesn't exist

Doesn't matter. everyone else has mobility. Just because the relic is built largely for thieves doesn't mean it makes them invincible. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
was wrong af, wiki had no acquisition links at time of posting
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9 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

i dont see anyone proposing any nerfs here.

Cant you ask for people opinion without someone chiming in?    "BUUHUUU dont nuuuurf"

relax pal 😃 I just want to know how others feel about DE. Because to me, it feels very strong right now. 


The only person slowly turning this into what every Thief Thread becomes fairly quick..... is.... well..... you... xD  (no offense, i know how these threads usually go., so i understand what your saying....)


  Reveal hidden contents

Aslong as Ranger is hitting 15k Boarmauls, idc for anything else.   The elephant in the room is Ranger.

I am trying to find a new main, as they completly destroyed every build i previously played.     And deadeye looks promising.


So ummm...how's the discussion going? Lmao

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37 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:

assassin ruined gw1
teef ruins gw2

coincidence? rogues are a scumbag archetype and should be thrown in jail
taste justice, you cowards

my favorite part is the person who's gonna take this post seriously and respond to it with some 11 year old video

Shut up kid.



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14 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:


you get three point five seconds on a single dodge roll, in pvp. on a 5 second cd. 

In WVW you get four seconds of superspeed.   the relic doesn't exist

Doesn't matter. everyone else has mobility. Just because the relic is built largely for thieves doesn't mean it makes them invincible. 

yes 5. 

2 from relic.+ 1.5 from entering +1.5 from exiting stealth.  =  that is 5.

And you only have the ICD on the relic.  Meld with shadows perfectly fills the gap till the relic is ready again. And the 4 second reveal debuff, also make it so you almost always perfectly hit the 5 second window.

In other words: When you dodge/ stealth when your "revealed effect" wears off, which you do anyways on DE, you already perfectly maintain the superspeed.

When you now restealth, without attacking, which happens in normal gameplay quite frequently, you begin to increase the duration.   And can then maintain it at that level no problemo.

The longer the fight, the more superspeed youll have. Thru natural gameplay you slowly but surely increase the duration of superspeed.

In drawnout fights you hit the 10 seconds superspeedcap, without even realizing.


TRY IT! ^_^     


Is it op tho?  Aslong as ranger can oneshot you with a single button... i think not.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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11 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

yes 5. 

2 from relic.+ 1.5 from entering +1.5 from exiting stealth.  =  that is 5..

I see I see.


And you only have the ICD on the relic.  Meld with shadows perfectly fills the gap till the relic is ready again. And the 4 second reveal debuff, also make it so you almost always perfectly hit the 5 second window.

In other words: When you dodge/ stealth when your "revealed effect" wears off, which you do anyways on DE, you already perfectly maintain the superspeed.

When you now restealth, without attacking, which happens in normal gameplay quite frequently, you begin to increase the duration.   And can then maintain it at that level no problemo.

The longer the fight, the more superspeed youll have. Thru natural gameplay you slowly but surely increase the duration of superspeed.

In drawnout fights you hit the 10 seconds superspeedcap, without even realizing.

This sounds like the DE would have to be visible outside of a dodge once every 4 seconds or so to maintain the superspeed, with any other stealth proc or any interruption staggering your superspeed. 

Dodge: [Relic goes on CD] [3.5 seconds of superspeed][1.5 seconds of superspeed] = you're now out of stealth with four seconds of superspeed, and the relic has four seconds of cooldown.

If you stealth any time before that four second mark, the relic is still on CD / will proc on your next exit. permanent if you are largely undisturbed or dont swap to another non rifle weapon.

This sounds good for conquest mobility, but I dunno about the combat aspect. Glad there's some repositioning help though.

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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7 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

@Sahne.6950 explain this to me, why would I burn dodges every 4 seconds to stack superspeed on DE? Cause I kind of need those. I'm looking at it right now and it requires a heck of a lot of endurance, which I don't have a lot of on DE. How is this given to protracted fights?

Dont burn anything 😄

Just play how you normally would! Dont pay attention to it. You dont need to alter your gameplay or burn stuff yada yada. 

Just equip the relic and go on about your gameplay as usual. youll have 100% uptime! 

Atleast i do 😄 You can NOT constantly dodge for the stealth! youll run out of endurance at some point. You need to use other sources aswell, just how you do in a real game. Use the Kneel4+4  use d/p leap combos use HIS.... just play how you normally would and youll have 100% uptime no problemo 😄

( i run d/p offhand, HIS, Blindingpowder, and Shadowgust if that makes a difference... Also maleficiant seven and bountifultheft for the vigor (and the dmg :D) )

Edited by Sahne.6950
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