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The price of Astral Ward Exotic!! Armor is too high

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50 minutes ago, Kulvar.1239 said:

You're disingenuous.
PoF bounties have way more variety (116 foes, 90 at launch) and modifiers to make the fights non-repetitive.
Kryptis rift hunting has exactly 6 possible big foes that never vary.

POF Bounties are just as bad if not worse than Rifts. You could spend most of the time spawn camping because someone else already killed the bounty whereas Rifts are consistently occurring as you always have a rift spawning and the Heart of The Obscure helps to keep that going. You can literally have a Rift Farm Train similar to AB train if you want to just farm Rifts and Amnytas has the perfect Waypoint to navigate the entire map for all Rift openings (World Spire Waypoint)

Also you can get Champs with Modifiers on Rifts if you have the Motivations for Tier 2/Tier 3 Rifts, the only reason for Elite spawns is for people who prefer not to spend the extra mats for Motivation crafting

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1 hour ago, idpersona.3810 said:

Personally I had hoped the OW leg armor would be more fun to grind for. Varied collections and whatnot. Doing rifts full time for a few months sounds awful (purely because they are so repetitive and boring). Wouldn't be so bad if the essences were tradable. But the idea of farming 19500 Essence of Despair (T1 Kryptis Essence) oneself seems pretty bad. In comparison, WvW seems like a lot more fun. At least there you get progress regardless of what you do.

Mind you, I don't have any real complaints about this. It's there for anyone that's so turned off by the 3 other game modes that they want to pursue the armor this way. And maybe rewards will be tweaked at some point, and make this approach either more fun or more rewarding. Leg rifts are supposed to be a thing. Those bosses might have interesting mechanics. We'll see.  

Considering they stoped collections on legendary gen 2 precursors because it  was to time consuming why would you expect one for the armors?

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5 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Considering they stoped collections on legendary gen 2 precursors because it  was to time consuming why would you expect one for the armors?

I don't know that I expected it.
I just stated I thought that would be more interesting/fun than "collect 19000 essence".
In the end, doesn't matter what I think. Rifts are already boring and it's only been a week.

Edit: adding that I'm working on Astralaria now. It's not necessarily fun, but the activities are varied enough that it doesn't all feel the same, so it isn't overly boring to me. And obviously that's entirely subjective.

Edited by idpersona.3810
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1 hour ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

No need to play anything other than open world, price is fine as long as nothing else is involved.

Which might be the case, the next upgrade for rift hunting is supposed to introduce something called "Convergences" (which they said is going to be instanced content) and I would be rather surprised if they don't make this a requirement for the armor.

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24 minutes ago, ChronoPinoyX.7923 said:

POF Bounties are just as bad if not worse than Rifts. You could spend most of the time spawn camping because someone else already killed the bounty whereas Rifts are consistently occurring as you always have a rift spawning and the Heart of The Obscure helps to keep that going. You can literally have a Rift Farm Train similar to AB train if you want to just farm Rifts and Amnytas has the perfect Waypoint to navigate the entire map for all Rift openings (World Spire Waypoint)

Also you can get Champs with Modifiers on Rifts if you have the Motivations for Tier 2/Tier 3 Rifts, the only reason for Elite spawns is for people who prefer not to spend the extra mats for Motivation crafting

That's a flaw with how bounty spawns which rifts don't have. But you can't take a weakness of the bounty system to excuse the lack of variation that rift hunting suffer.

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16 minutes ago, Tails.9372 said:

Which might be the case, the next upgrade for rift hunting is supposed to introduce something called "Convergences" (which they said is going to be instanced content) and I would be rather surprised if they don't make this a requirement for the armor.

It can also just be an option to open your (or your small group's) own rifts so you're not tied to people following you and pressing 2 on skyscale 4 times to scale the event, do next to nothing and still get the loot out of others who actually play instead. But who knows, maybe you're correct and it will be something else strictly required to complete the items. Might actually be a decent way to challenge some of the players' phobias towards instanced content with the whole "see, this is the same thing you done this whole time... but now there's 10 of you instead of 30-50!" take.

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4 hours ago, Kulvar.1239 said:

That's not an acceptable solution.

You don't want to repeatedly grind ow because it bores you, so it's pointed out you can acquire the items through other available modes (including mixing the acquired items to complete the set) and that's somehow not an acceptable solution? Why not? I thought you wanted to do more so you can be less bored, but now doing other things is also unacceptable?

3 hours ago, Kulvar.1239 said:

It's a game, everything is optional.

Exactly -and we can be sure you already don't do what you don't want to do, but somehow the line is drawn on this one and you somehow have to do it even if you don't want to? Were you under the impression that we somehow deserve the leggies by default here or what is this about?

If you understand there are different ways to acquire it and you're bored by grinding just one way then interchanging content is your solution. If that, for some reason, isn't acceptable (again, why?) but you still understand that it's all optional then... yeah, now that is indeed your solution. Don't want it, don't do it. Do whatever you want instead.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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12 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

You don't want to repeatedly grind ow because it bores you, so it's pointed out you can acquire the items through other available modes (including mixing the acquired items to complete the set) and that's somehow not an acceptable solution? Why not? I thought you wanted to do more so you can be less bored, but now doing other things is also unacceptable?


I love doing open world. So many meta events, bounties, gathering nodes, jumping puzzles, and other things to do.
I farmed thousands of elegy mosaic in bounties. Thousands of materials for various crafts. I gathered countless ores, wood logs, and plants.
Farming the 6 same foes with no variation for thousands of hours is the thing that's the unacceptable. It's indefensible.
ANet must add to rift hunting to make it fun to do. More variations, renewing challenges.

12 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Exactly -and we can be sure you already don't do what you don't want to do, but somehow the line is drawn on this one and you somehow have to do it even if you don't want to? Were you under the impression that we somehow deserve the leggies by default here or what is this about?

If you understand there are different ways to acquire it and you're bored by grinding just one way then interchanging content is your solution. If that, for some reason, isn't acceptable (again, why?) but you still understand that it's all optional then... yeah, now that is indeed your solution. Don't want it, don't do it. Do whatever you want instead.

You can't pull out of your butt what motives other people are, that's called a strawman fallacy. It's already contradicted by what I said in previous posts. You added a sprinkle of condescension too, which is plain despicable.

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34 minutes ago, Kulvar.1239 said:

That's a flaw with how bounty spawns which rifts don't have. But you can't take a weakness of the bounty system to excuse the lack of variation that rift hunting suffer.

Bounties are literally as repetitive as Rifts if not worse when you have a stopgap in-between where you're forced to wait. Its the same mobs, same locations, same modifiers and worst yet, you have to keep changing maps just to get specific Champs.

Even if Rifts feel repetitive they are consistent, there is no sudden stop just because someone beat you to it, you continue to the next rift, it's easily cycled through. Best yet you can choose Amnytas and you can cycle through the entire Rift farm and be able to go through meta in-between each run, Bounties are located in maps where Metas either rarely happen or non-existent. Bounties are even worse in that more often than not people can't solo them, Rifts you can solo if the maps are empty. Sure it takes longer but you still get progression to what you're aiming to do.

I've already said in a different thread how generic Rifts are from a design standpoint but for actually farming them decently for people who do enjoy them, they get way more out of it than others if they do other content like bounties because they aren't hindered by whatever arbitrary situation the game throws at them

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21 minutes ago, Kulvar.1239 said:

I love doing open world. So many meta events, bounties, gathering nodes, jumping puzzles, and other things to do.

You can always intertwine those with rifts, you don't need to min-max your farming to still make progress towards a goal. Some people apaprently strive to minmax -as in rush- their reward acquisition and then complain about burnout or w/e. Largly, those people are doing it on their own wish.

21 minutes ago, Kulvar.1239 said:

ANet must add to rift hunting to make it fun to do. More variations, renewing challenges.

Not much against that.

21 minutes ago, Kulvar.1239 said:

You can't pull out of your butt what motives other people are, that's called a strawman fallacy. It's already contradicted by what I said in previous posts.

Not sure about that, I've read the full thread (including the post where you said using other venues for legendaries is not acceptable after it was pointed out as an answer to your complaint about "boring/repetitive gameplay" -which is specifically what I quoted and responded to, so please don't tell me I'm "pulling something out of my butt", because I'm not) and in your first post you mention adding a skill or two depending on the tier of rift as if that would make it any less repetitve. It wouldn't and it's highly doubtful adding those one or two skills would change the reaction you had about rifts in this thread.

21 minutes ago, Kulvar.1239 said:

You added a sprinkle of condescension too, which is plain despicable.

Nope, nothing I wrote was in any way condescending.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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The cost of the OW legendary armour especially in terms of account bound Essences definitely seems excessive to me. 

I wanted OW accessible armour, I thought I'd take some grinding, be time gated by events or items you could only get once a week (items like the statuettes you got from the EoD metas) was well as some but this just seems tedious beyond belief.

19,500 T1 Essence? Bloody hell! We'll have to see how much more rewarding the next tier of invasions and the new map will be. I suspect it'll be like night and day (we could be "mining" essence nodes or whatever) but will have to wait and see.


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36 minutes ago, Pifil.5193 said:

I wanted OW accessible armour, I thought I'd take some grinding, be time gated by events or items you could only get once a week (items like the statuettes you got from the EoD metas) was well as some but this just seems tedious beyond belief.

Weekly rift hunting achievements provide additional loot for 5 rift clears per zone, in 5 zones each (1 chest per clear +5th clear per map gives 2 chests, totalling to 6 additional chests for 5 clears per zone, which in turn makes it 30 additional chests for 25 cleared rifts). So you can still "make your own timegate here" by increasing the efficiency of loot/clear and just doing 5x5 each week. Just because the player is able to grind their head off in a desperate chase of the reawrd doesn't mean they need to.

And yeah, the next additions to the rift system will probably influence the rewards too.

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17 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Weekly rift hunting achievements provide additional loot for 5 rift clears per zone, in 5 zones each (1 chest per clear +5th clear per map gives 2 chests, totalling to 6 additional chests for 5 clears per zone, which in turn makes it 30 additional chests for 25 cleared rifts). So you can still "make your own timegate here" by increasing the efficiency of loot/clear and just doing 5x5 each week. Just because the player is able to grind their head off in a desperate chase of the reawrd doesn't mean they need to.

And yeah, the next additions to the rift system will probably influence the rewards too.

Yeah, I'm doing those, in fact those are the only ones I plan to do until I see what comes of the Rift system.

I'm not seeing much in the line of Rift trains around, maybe I'm just missing them but while there are people in those weekly zones doing the Rifts they mainly seem to be T1 Rifts. Maybe ArenaNet will do something to make it more interesting or maybe not.

Be a shame if they're left the way they are now but it'd please the schadenfreude brigade on the forums no end.

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10 minutes ago, Pifil.5193 said:

Yeah, I'm doing those, in fact those are the only ones I plan to do until I see what comes of the Rift system.

I'm not seeing much in the line of Rift trains around, maybe I'm just missing them but while there are people in those weekly zones doing the Rifts they mainly seem to be T1 Rifts. Maybe ArenaNet will do something to make it more interesting or maybe not.

Be a shame if they're left the way they are now but it'd please the schadenfreude brigade on the forums no end.

Because the expac is still recent, there are still those going through the story to get to SoTO maps. That said I've been in about 2 Rift Trains since launch and it's still not fully fledged compared to something like AB trains

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17 hours ago, ChronoPinoyX.7923 said:

Because the expac is still recent, there are still those going through the story to get to SoTO maps. That said I've been in about 2 Rift Trains since launch and it's still not fully fledged compared to something like AB trains

True, it's all new. I do wonder went we don't h get Essences from the Kryptis themselves, maybe that'll be a new master when the next map drops.

There are so many events in SotO that end with you closing a Rift, be good to get some there too rather than just for the Rift hunt Rifts.

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9 minutes ago, Pifil.5193 said:

True, it's all new. I do wonder went we don't h get Essences from the Kryptis themselves, maybe that'll be a new master when the next map drops.

Do you like having afk inattentive? minionmancers farming out leggy sets? Because that's what you'd get with your idea. For me, that sounds absolutely awful.

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17 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Do you like having afk inattentive? minionmancers farming out leggy sets? Because that's what you'd get with your idea. For me, that sounds absolutely awful.

Fair enough, although I don't really care how someone farms out legendary sets I don't want to encourage this.

To be clear though, I'm not talking about loads of essences here, just a chance of getting a blue from normal and a couple from Veteran mobs, a green or two from Elites and get a yellow or two from Champions.

They should drop from all rift events though.

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11 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

still kinda sad for ppl who already have legendary and just want the skin. 

but it is what it is.

When people who got WvW/PvP armor wanted raid skins, this forums answer was "man up and do the whole thing if you want those skins".

Now that we are getting OW legendary armor with it's unique skins, we are supposed to feel sad for raiders having to take their own medicine?

Personally I would not mind some alternative sets of cheaper collections to unlock just skins if you already have a legendary armor, but that should have to apply to all legendary armor to be even remotely fair (so if someone get WvW/PvP armor, they should get a discount collection to unlock raid skins as well)

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1 hour ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

When people who got WvW/PvP armor wanted raid skins, this forums answer was "man up and do the whole thing if you want those skins".

Now that we are getting OW legendary armor with it's unique skins, we are supposed to feel sad for raiders having to take their own medicine?

Personally I would not mind some alternative sets of cheaper collections to unlock just skins if you already have a legendary armor, but that should have to apply to all legendary armor to be even remotely fair (so if someone get WvW/PvP armor, they should get a discount collection to unlock raid skins as well)

I think they were talking about the exotic skins, not the legendary Obsodian skins.

Because Astral Ward armor collection is required for Obsidian, it’s really expensive. That means people who just like the AW skins are paying a very hefty price.

Totally agree with you if it’s about the Obsidian armor skins, though.

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3 hours ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

When people who got WvW/PvP armor wanted raid skins, this forums answer was "man up and do the whole thing if you want those skins".

Now that we are getting OW legendary armor with it's unique skins, we are supposed to feel sad for raiders having to take their own medicine?

Personally I would not mind some alternative sets of cheaper collections to unlock just skins if you already have a legendary armor, but that should have to apply to all legendary armor to be even remotely fair (so if someone get WvW/PvP armor, they should get a discount collection to unlock raid skins as well)

first of its the internet "them" doesn't exist.

now to the topic

im ok with that easier so better

but need to mention the wizard armor is not the legendary armor.

u can compare it with pvp wvw exotic armor and they are way cheaper than the Wizard armor.

so or so its to late anet will not change it

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9 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

but need to mention the wizard armor is not the legendary armor.

my bad, when you said "already have legendary but just want the skin" I interpreted it as wanting the new legendary skin, not astral ward skins.

2 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

I think they were talking about the exotic skins, not the legendary Obsodian skins.

I think you are right in here 🙂

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