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I just had the most uncomfortable experience in GW2 since game launch


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1 hour ago, Luthan.5236 said:

Why would anyone want to do all 5 strikes?

 Because people want to play the content and get the rewards? What a weird question. 🤔 The reasoning behind players playing this content is basically the same -or similar- to anyone else playing any other content.

1 hour ago, Luthan.5236 said:

DS only can mean Dragon's Stand or Dragonstorm - no strike mission: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Abbreviations#D

That's right, dargonstorm is being opened and cleared by those 10 player strike groups. So that's exactly what it means.


50 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

No wonder people will wait for an auto-que , or bother doing anything with instance if  they have to face this mechanic :boons guys " should be invited first ".

No matter how many times you'll repeat this empty, meaningless sentence, it won't change the fact that you -and anyone else, including op- are already able to make "everyone welcome" groups in current lfg and not care about literally any role if you don't want to. Meanwhile you're not doing it. So some "autoque" rather obviously won't change that. 🤷‍♂️

Edited by Sobx.1758
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I'm really interested to know when you start a group how many of you just kick every dps that joins at 2/10 3/10 because you want alac. The dude joined at 1/10 and yeah he didn't say his role but typically that means he's dps still should say something. You acting like you'll kicking every dps until you get the specialized roles filled and somehow any dps that joins early is in the wrong. You want to sit at 1/10 all day go ahead but groups with 6/10 8/10 are more attractive to join plus many times you get a bunch dps early and people see that and start offering to switch roles. And if you are kicking these rude dps who join early I hope the commander is a support and not a dps cuz whoa that would really screw up everything.

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1 hour ago, Luthan.5236 said:

Just let the elitist children wait forever until their group is filled and play other content. Most content can be played witout having to do strikes and there are enough other options to get skins and gear. I don't even know that the "DS" means and why you'd put the number 5 in an lfg for a 10-man content. Seems pretty random that elitist abbreviations. 😄

The thing is, i'm not the one being elitist here

IBS 5 refers to the 5 Ice Brood Saga strikes, and DS is the Dragonstorm strike. The whole thing in my post is about an elitist commander treating strikes way more serious than necessary. They are very easy, anyone can do it, no matter the group setup, as long as you know the boss mechanics.

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57 minutes ago, FrizzFreston.5290 said:

I mean, I wouldn't have said anything after the encounters were finished, why bother talking to a commander who has a bone to pick with you?

You can't let bullies bully without repercussions ... that just teaches them their behavior will not impact them negatively. You must always react, if enough people do so, the bully will stop doing behavior that makes people react negatively. 

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5 hours ago, Kovac.4372 said:

Commander gets mad at me because group advertised qdps and alac

If a comm is looking for a specific role and you join the group on a different one, you could at least let them know that you are not fulfilling what they asked for so they can organize their squad. But instead of that...

5 hours ago, Kovac.4372 said:

I say I joined when it was 1/10, you don't need a whole squad full of qdps alac do you? Plus this is strikes, not raids, it's a breeze. I get berated like "if everyone thought like you blablabla". I'm like whatever, didn't reply..

You don't provide what they've asked for while remaining silent, and then are immediately confrontational and dismissive.

5 hours ago, Kovac.4372 said:

I figure the guy is looking at some of those dps tracking mods and comparing me to a probably better player. But like, I know I'm doing good

And then you claim you are performing well when someone else actually has the numbers in front of them. They shouldn't have bothered messaging honestly because yes, strikes are easy, but there's a chance they pointed it out because of your other previous interactions. But I've also personally noticed a correlation between those who say they are doing good while being told otherwise, and those who are not doing as well as they think.

5 hours ago, Kovac.4372 said:

I enter DS, decide to whisper back to the commander - "I'm doing fine, you've got some issues friend"

And then you are snarky again.

I'm not going to defend their behaviour, but I also really don't see how you think you were in the right here. 

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4 minutes ago, Kovac.4372 said:

The whole thing in my post is about an elitist commander treating strikes way more serious than necessary. They are very easy, anyone can do it, no matter the group setup, as long as you know the boss mechanics.

you joined a group, not said anything ( role etc.)  so comm had to ask you personally.   this is already a bit annoying because if comm is trying to create group he has to ensure boon coverage and noone is going to play guess game here. also this shows you feel entiteled to complete strikes and be carried by other 9 ppl that do most of job.

then comm, instead of kicking you right away for poor performance, whispered you that you are doing poorly (because you probably were). he wouldnt whisper you for no reason and he didnt kick you instantly because strike missions arent that hard.

you dont even know what your performance is if you dont have "some of those dps tracking mods" and you are so full of yourself that you dont even want to face reality... if dps is below alac than that dps is indeed terrible.

and at the end you replied to him in a rude way for no reason... no wonder he kicked you lol.

19 minutes ago, Kovac.4372 said:

You can't let bullies bully without repercussions ... that just teaches them their behavior will not impact them negatively. You must always react, if enough people do so, the bully will stop doing behavior that makes people react negatively. 

you gotta be kidding... i would do exactly the same as that comm and block you as well to not worry in the future. if you cant read description of lfg group, are rude and show only ignorance/entitelement than be ready for being kicked/blocked often.

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38 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

No matter how many times you'll repeat this empty, meaningless sentence, it won't change the fact that you -and anyone else, including op- are already able to make "everyone welcome" groups in current lfg and not care about literally any role if you don't want to. Meanwhile you're not doing it. So some "autoque" rather obviously won't change that. 🤷‍♂️

You are doing great since dungeons , and i hope you keep doing your great job for 1-2 more expansions :P


(Now... how to contact the old gg ad ask them to poor resources in the WvW .... now where they have more free time ?)

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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I think the OP is very right that it is downright rude and inconceivable that someone might do this to them! Everyone else here BERATING the OP for doing what players do in a game should have a contrite heart. Absolutely telling of the Guild Wars 2 community that this still happens.

In regards to joining a 1/10 group as DPS, please, KEEP DOING IT! Everyone else does it and it helps with the LFG. If you know the raid composition without the LFG message (hint: not a lot of commanders know optimal group compositions even!), you are HELPING THEM OUT. Consider this: Some1 is mowing the lawn using nail clippers. Hilarious but inefficient! If you offered that person a lawnmower they would be grateful! Unless: they are a Guild Wars 2 player 😨! They would tell you that your lawnmower is bad and the wrong colour while telling you that their decibel meter is telling them that it's also quieter than their nail clippers 🤣🤣🤣🤣.

Keep on rocking, OP. Don't listen to all of these haters!




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2 hours ago, Luthan.5236 said:

Why would anyone want to do all 5 strikes? Seems a bit of a hassle to stick with annoying other players for such boring lengthy content. 😄 DS only can mean Dragon's Stand or Dragonstorm - no strike mission: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Abbreviations#D


long content its like 40 mins with a decent squad.

And dragon storm can have a 10 player private squad so you can treat it as a strike mission yea.

55 minutes ago, Janitsu.6284 said:

I think the OP is very right that it is downright rude and inconceivable that someone might do this to them! Everyone else here BERATING the OP for doing what players do in a game should have a contrite heart. Absolutely telling of the Guild Wars 2 community that this still happens.

In regards to joining a 1/10 group as DPS, please, KEEP DOING IT! Everyone else does it and it helps with the LFG. If you know the raid composition without the LFG message (hint: not a lot of commanders know optimal group compositions even!), you are HELPING THEM OUT. Consider this: Some1 is mowing the lawn using nail clippers. Hilarious but inefficient! If you offered that person a lawnmower they would be grateful! Unless: they are a Guild Wars 2 player 😨! They would tell you that your lawnmower is bad and the wrong colour while telling you that their decibel meter is telling them that it's also quieter than their nail clippers 🤣🤣🤣🤣.

Keep on rocking, OP. Don't listen to all of these haters!




Comedy gold your whole post you get a laugh emoji even if you forgot the /s

Edited by Linken.6345
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1 hour ago, Kovac.4372 said:

The thing is, i'm not the one being elitist here

IBS 5 refers to the 5 Ice Brood Saga strikes, and DS is the Dragonstorm strike. The whole thing in my post is about an elitist commander treating strikes way more serious than necessary. They are very easy, anyone can do it, no matter the group setup, as long as you know the boss mechanics.

You werent being elitist, you were joining someone else's group and forcing your preferences on them. If you dont want to abide by someone else's rules, dont join their group. 

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1 hour ago, Jilora.9524 said:

I'm really interested to know when you start a group how many of you just kick every dps that joins at 2/10 3/10 because you want alac. The dude joined at 1/10 and yeah he didn't say his role but typically that means he's dps still should say something. You acting like you'll kicking every dps until you get the specialized roles filled and somehow any dps that joins early is in the wrong. You want to sit at 1/10 all day go ahead but groups with 6/10 8/10 are more attractive to join plus many times you get a bunch dps early and people see that and start offering to switch roles. And if you are kicking these rude dps who join early I hope the commander is a support and not a dps cuz whoa that would really screw up everything.

There are 4 reasons why I am for kick in this scenario, even if its 1/10.

- Its just easier to build a group if you fill supports first. Easier to track roles and make parties. Especially now when most specs can also fill boon support roles. In the most spec could only be DPS, it was easier. Now someone might say I am making a big deal about making groups. Its not really a big deal but other players also expect from commanders to not take forever to setup groups.

- Sometimes group fill in literary seconds (at least daily strike, what I run most of the times) and you can overfill with dps. 

- Players that can't read and follow the simplest LFG request can be liability. Maybe not in normal strikes but generally I expect players to read and write/talk when in groups and not join in bad faith and stay quiet.

- Maybe most important. It is not fair to DPS players that actually wait for the DPS spots to open. Basically greedy selfish players get advantage if they are let in.

Noone sits all day in normal strikes groups waiting for players. Unless its CM or with some crazy requirements or its unpopular strike when not daily. Otherwise it fills very quickly. And in my experience most players do not just join. Most players respect LFG requests. And if you do join prematurely at least state your role and be polite.

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6 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

There are 4 reasons why I am for kick in this scenario, even if its 1/10.

- Its just easier to build a group if you fill supports first. Easier to track roles and make parties. Especially now when most specs can also fill boon support roles. In the most spec could only be DPS, it was easier. Now someone might say I am making a big deal about making groups. Its not really a big deal but other players also expect from commanders to not take forever to setup groups.

- Sometimes group fill in literary seconds (at least daily strike, what I run most of the times) and you can overfill with dps. 

- Players that can't read and follow the simplest LFG request can be liability. Maybe not in normal strikes but generally I expect players to read and write/talk when in groups and not join in bad faith and stay quiet.

- Maybe most important. It is not fair to DPS players that actually wait for the DPS spots to open. Basically greedy selfish players get advantage if they are let in.

Noone sits all day in normal strikes groups waiting for players. Unless its CM or with some crazy requirements or its unpopular strike when not daily. Otherwise it fills very quickly. And in my experience most players do not just join. Most players respect LFG requests. And if you do join prematurely at least state your role and be polite.

I don't buy it man. You aren't kicking every dps before you get your desired roles. And every dps aren't waiting till there's a listing where it already has all supports. Of course daily strikes fill fast but a do all ibs strikes won't or the harder ones. You keep saying kitten like greedy selfish players joining a strike early still looking for alac like give me a break. Noone is being greedy joining. It's common sense if its 2/10 asking for alac it's not asking for 8 alac so ppl can join. I see something in lfg I want to join I join as long as I'm not joining something 8/10 still looking for 2 things as dps. If I join as one of the last in those fast-filling group and the group is missing certain roles I'll leave. Np with these rules. The op sure he made mistakes and deserved to be kicked and doesn't seem to get that but joining as dps early wasn't one of them. 

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block and move on op. I have gotten kick for some of the stupidest thing in game. I just block and move on. Just a few days ago, I died in DS private run at the very end. I got bugged and couldn't use my glider. It took about 8 sec for boss to die after I died. And, I was cover alac dps maintaining top 3 spot on dps.

Commander kicked me so fast after the boss dead, I was like,, did I even get my reward? lol. So, that commander is on my perma block list.

Edited by Shadow Chaser.1948
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10 minutes ago, Jilora.9524 said:

I don't buy it man. You aren't kicking every dps before you get your desired roles. And every dps aren't waiting till there's a listing where it already has all supports. Of course daily strikes fill fast but a do all ibs strikes won't or the harder ones. You keep saying kitten like greedy selfish players joining a strike early still looking for alac like give me a break. Noone is being greedy joining.

It doesn't matter if you agree with it or not, commie tells you who  they're looking for and if you join the squad while not fitting the description, they're free to kick you. Wait or not wait, do whatever you want. Commie will still do whatever they want and are perfectly fine to do so. Not sure what you're trying to argue about here, if OP wanted to "try his luck" then maybe he should mention he's joining as dps when he joined and not when the squad filled and commie asked him specifically about it.

Granted that if commie later thought OP's dps isn't enough then they could let them know and kick them instead of writing it and... still clear the strikes as the same group? At that point, what commie did seems kind of pointless to me. And yes, I'd see it differently if commie whispered op after the clears and gave him tips how to improve in some areas, but just "calling out lower dps" and then going on as if nothing happened is a bit weird 🤷‍♂️

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3 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

It doesn't matter if you agree with it or not, commie tells you who  they're looking for and if you join the squad while not fitting the description, they're free to kick you. Wait or not wait, do whatever you want. Commie will still do whatever they want and are perfectly fine to do so. Not sure what you're trying to argue about here, if OP wanted to "try his luck" then maybe he should mention he's joining as dps when he joined and not when the squad filled and commie asked him specifically about it.

and that's the exact type of commander I'd block and move on. Having that said, I have never joined any group other than asking roles.

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8 minutes ago, Shadow Chaser.1948 said:

and that's the exact type of commander I'd block and move on. Having that said, I have never joined any group other than asking roles.

Yeah, I'm not making squads like that and I also don't exactly agree with that "prioritization" because it seems pointless to me. Except I'm still fully aware that the commies are free to build their squads how THEY want it, not how I want it. Me (or you) disliking how someone else makes their squads changes nothing here.
Because I wouldn't be surprised if some people here thought I'm someone defending my actions here, except I'm not. I simply acknowledge that squads are built according to the commander's needs and wants. Want your squad? Make your squad. Or join the one that fits your wishes/needs, I don't see an issue here.

I also don't think blocking those is a good idea because it doesn't mean they're always doing it this way (and it's not like I'm somehow never joining those squads, including as supports, so there's that 😅). I might as well simply not join a squad I dislike while not killing my potential future options, but if that helps you, good!

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2 hours ago, Janitsu.6284 said:

I think the OP is very right that it is downright rude and inconceivable that someone might do this to them! Everyone else here BERATING the OP for doing what players do in a game should have a contrite heart. Absolutely telling of the Guild Wars 2 community that this still happens.

In regards to joining a 1/10 group as DPS, please, KEEP DOING IT! Everyone else does it and it helps with the LFG. If you know the raid composition without the LFG message (hint: not a lot of commanders know optimal group compositions even!), you are HELPING THEM OUT. Consider this: Some1 is mowing the lawn using nail clippers. Hilarious but inefficient! If you offered that person a lawnmower they would be grateful! Unless: they are a Guild Wars 2 player 😨! They would tell you that your lawnmower is bad and the wrong colour while telling you that their decibel meter is telling them that it's also quieter than their nail clippers 🤣🤣🤣🤣.

Keep on rocking, OP. Don't listen to all of these haters!




Your advice boils down to:

Please keep ignoring other players preferences and asks.

and somehow you consider this good advice. That is very sad. Yet somehow you are trying to spin this as: it's the other guys fault. That's delusional.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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There's a surprisingly easy way to avoid this kind of situation, which I've seen quite a few commanders use: "q/adps + heals, no dps yet".

Sure, it's not "to the letter" for dps to join unless it says "dps" but a lot of people do it anyway, and in order to avoid unneccessary irritation this seems like a decent way...

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2 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

It doesn't matter if you agree with it or not, commie tells you who  they're looking for and if you join the squad while not fitting the description, they're free to kick you. Wait or not wait, do whatever you want. Commie will still do whatever they want and are perfectly fine to do so. Not sure what you're trying to argue about here, if OP wanted to "try his luck" then maybe he should mention he's joining as dps when he joined and not when the squad filled and commie asked him specifically about it.

Granted that if commie later thought OP's dps isn't enough then they could let them know and kick them instead of writing it and... still clear the strikes as the same group? At that point, what commie did seems kind of pointless to me. And yes, I'd see it differently if commie whispered op after the clears and gave him tips how to improve in some areas, but just "calling out lower dps" and then going on as if nothing happened is a bit weird 🤷‍♂️

What are you trying to argue? Multiple times I said the comm can kick or post any req they they want. My argument is solely everyone acting like him joining a group at 1/10 as dps is somehow wrong. This comm had alac/qdps not no dps yet. He did nothing wrong joining. He did multiple things after and deserved to be kicked.

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24 minutes ago, Zohane.7208 said:

There's a surprisingly easy way to avoid this kind of situation, which I've seen quite a few commanders use: "q/adps + heals, no dps yet".

Sure, it's not "to the letter" for dps to join unless it says "dps" but a lot of people do it anyway, and in order to avoid unneccessary irritation this seems like a decent way...

this is some kind of solution for commander, but honestly every dps (any player in fact) should always have any sort of support for flexibility and join as " dps/xyz".  if you join as dps/adps   or dps/quick commander will be happy and you will be happy.

also chances are, some people join as just support, and you will still play as dps

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5 hours ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

We could have an auto-lfg , and the old lfg.

That way we "respect the commies" and the other people can do whatever they like in their mode-preference 😛

It can be shock for you, but u have this mechanic already in game, its called "Public strikes" 😛

But guess what, if you put 10 ppl with attitude "i can play however i want" in one squad suddenly they cant kill boss... So they go back to lfg and join groups formed by commanders they hate so much.

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29 minutes ago, rawisz.6439 said:

It can be shock for you, but u have this mechanic already in game, its called "Public strikes" 😛

But guess what, if you put 10 ppl with attitude "i can play however i want" in one squad suddenly they cant kill boss... So they go back to lfg and join groups formed by commanders they hate so much.

It might  shock you , but we had people afk and then coming in the forums telling the company , that people didnt like it and we should go back i Raids

(they didnt understand that the intent was to indrodue people to instanced content , and now they lost both)


So theres no reason to put any other experimental new mechanic  , only the MMO standards ones .

And now that we have OW legendaries and people can get the WvW ones , then is a wating game situation , till people "agree"  :P



(I will try to push to reduce the WvW PvP to 5months and the OW get the "Return to...." mechanic in order to avoid people telling to get better the Raid one  , but i dont knwo how to contant the old gg ....)

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12 hours ago, Jilora.9524 said:

It's common sense if its 2/10 asking for alac it's not asking for 8 alac so ppl can join.

No it is not common sense. Common sense is respecting the lfg posting. Yes very often a few dps will join early (and they wont get kicked because its just a strike). But when you open squad for dps theres an avalanche of dps that were waiting for posting. Its quite clear most players wait for their spots to open.

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