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Are devs actually playing the game?

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2 hours ago, Antrix.4512 said:

And I think that this is rather clumsy trolling on your part 😉I agree that it is not very well designed, because the implementation of stealth in this game is the most pathetic among all games where stealth is present in any form, and the only players who can complain about it are those who absolutely can't play and have never played as a Thief in their life. 

Exactly and this is why I will continue to say, as long Anet does not take any action against Thief Profession, especially Stealth Mechanic; do not believe anything including exploits, hacks and abuse being "looked into"

As long Anet continues to pretend, ignore the elephant in the room, nothing will ever be resolved

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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Keep in mind that stealth classes are made for Losers. They lack skills to win a 1vs1 fight. So they need something too flee from combat. So that only they can attack and not the opponent. A true hero would fight for the win. But losers… yes enough said. Many times they combine it with a ridiculous high ping to even have more chance to win. 

ohw and about the devs. I heard its a small team. They dont have the time to play their own game because they have to finish all the content for the New BattlePass. Players ask too much. So no time left to even test it. 

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I don't know, but often while I'm playing the game I find myself thinking that whatever dev was responsible for this or that particular game feature should have to play through it, too, without any dev-ine tools or outside assistance, in order to get to the proverbial 'fun stuff'. The fun stuff in this case being their paychecks. Every. Single. Kitten. Juggling. Time. I feel that truly would be 'For great justice!'

/e summon :classic_huh:

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Anet balance team is ok with stuff like this, always have been, because they don't subject themselves to the abuse, nor do they understand that their version of stealth is one of the worse in mmos. Wvw Ghost thief would have never been fixed all those years ago if it wasn't for a pve raid kill, then they nuked thieves entire trap line to make sure they never touched another raid boss (But somehow Revs are acceptable lol). You only ever see them hiding in zergs in wvw, that's because their tag makes them a hot target!, but I would be totally shocked if a dev released a vid of them successfully solo roaming, and even then I would totally expect it to be on a thief.

I'm not sad to see trappers finally go(Relic of the unseen invasion is just basically a rework of it with the superspeed part), it should have been the solution back when Ghost thief was around, instead they nerf their traps and gave them a group portal, smh, but rangers spamming stealth while having the longest range in the game, terribad.

Nothing can or will be done about decisions like these, and like everyone loves to say when fighting classes and specs like these, bring friends, roaming and ganking in groups is now the acceptable norm. Or don't face them in the first place, because totally avoiding specs you know by just looking at their icon, will have a boatload of annoying defenses or mechanics to deal with, is somehow a good thing in a pvp game mode. 🤔🤷‍♂️

Edited by XenesisII.1540
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19 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

Exactly and this is why I will continue to say, as long Anet does not take any action against Thief Profession, especially Stealth Mechanic; do not believe anything including exploits, hacks and abuse being "looked into"

As long Anet continues to pretend, ignore the elephant in the room, nothing will ever be resolved

@Burnfall  Anet can do much to stealth it m8 be already a spagethi monters in the netcode.

When i was dueling my brother thief we notice a huge desync in stealth actions(this was few years ago but i bet still works same way), now this in zergs is catastrophic lol.

Many thiefs actually can load alot on targets before they get out of stealth(or they render out of stealth to targets).

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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On 8/27/2023 at 1:21 PM, Antrix.4512 said:

And I think that this is rather clumsy trolling on your part 😉I agree that it is not very well designed, because the implementation of stealth in this game is the most pathetic among all games where stealth is present in any form, and the only players who can complain about it are those who absolutely can't play and have never played as a Thief in their life. 

I spent years maining various versions of thief and mesmer, *precisely* because stealth was such a broken mechanic, in combination with all the other instant "get out of jail free" abilities and mobility. It gives you an incredible amount of freedom as a roamer/ganker. Oneshot out of stealth, safe-stomp, back into stealth, disengage when cd's are low ish, repeat. 'zerg surfing' was one of my favorite things to do as D/D thief. This isn't even just thief - PU shatter mesmer was one of the trolliest builds I ran back in the day. Trapper ranger and DH were also pretty oppressive at some point though I didn't play those myself. The only reason I (and many other stealth enjoyers) stopped playing these was because of all the flavor of the month sic 'em soulbeasts, DH tethers, and holos with the 'reveal if you ever hit anything' trait that made it hard to abuse stealth. But those are pretty rare now (and don't have nearly as much ranged oneshot potential either), so we're seeing a lot more thieves being dusted off the shelves again [and complaining loudly about cele, despite still mostly winning the 1v1 against cele builds]

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I had to make a post on this since it poped up in my feed.


You have your pet classes (mesmer, thief, guardian, ranger and lately mechanist) and no idea what is actually going on.

Lets talk about that line first. How is thief, guardian, and mesmer a pet class? Thieves don't even summon any thing without using thieves guild and are you telling me you are losing to thieves USING THIEVES GUILD?

Second, WvW is designed to be unfair. Yes thieves are unfun to fight in WvW due to the ability they have to reset, but that isn't solely because of stealth they are able to just shadowstep and break combat because the WvW in combat breaks to easy due to it not being designed for small scale fights.

Third, thief in general is a harder class to play THE CORRECT WAY. Yes any one can spam three like a lot of thieves do to get kills on low skilled players. So its only natural for it to be more punishing to fight. 

Fourth, If you really wanted them to fix the balance in WvW for smaller scale fights there is two simple ways to do that. The first would be to nerf CELE gear in WvW, if cele gear had the same stats as it did in PvP no one would use it. The second thing to do would be to just put in the PvP combat/ make it harder to break combat in WvW. The downsides of that is in large fights it would be a little bit of a problem, and that is what WvW is designed around. 

The balance in GW2 has never been prefect to begin with, but there are some outliers that are just straight not fun to fight. I actually do agree that thieves are not fun to fight but I DO NOT think they are overpowered as a class.

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over the weekend ksc took screen shots of a aanet employee or partner with anet icon anove their head playing wvw actually assisting sea of sorrows .  these relics are from other mmos but with anets wording .dint worry 2 years of builds went out the door with the runes being changed . Ksc has screen shots of said arena net icon during wvw on discord . but change is coming eithrr for better or worse .just be happy we dont pay subsscription fees no more .

good luck have fun 

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On 8/27/2023 at 11:01 AM, Dawdler.8521 said:

Oh guess I missed that one. So now instead of having permastealth and being impossible to hit due to tps, evades and showing up for 1s to hit once before vanishing again, I guess they will now do the same. 

Ah, there's where my trapper effect went. Locked behind an expansion.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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If ur asking about wvw... F NO. They do some blobing twice a year maybe. That's all the feedback they need. As u can probs tell from the state of wvw. 

On 8/27/2023 at 7:30 PM, VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig. said:

I am asking, because stealth (ab)users were oppressive AF in wvw already.

Now the relics drop. And lo and behold: one of them is specific for stealth (ab)users, the other one specific for thiefs. Which are also a stealth abusing class.

Way to go Arenanet. People hate facing thieves - and now you drop two relics that make thieves even worse to face. Of course, the rest of the classes are left behind.

Because either

Arenanet cares about thieves, mesmers and noone else.


Arenanet devs have no idea about their game. Do not play wvw or pvp and can't even understand how frustrating it is to be constantly hit out of stealth with no real chance to retaliate. How thieves not only kill everyone elses fun - they also break the game constantly with their stealth&porting abilities.

So ANET, what is it? Pet classes and the rest can f* off? Or no idea how your own game actually works?


Btw, the other relics that activate on elite use? What did you consume when you came up with that idea? Have you checked the cooldowns on elite skills in wvw and pvp lately?

Oh, why I am even asking. You have your pet classes (mesmer, thief, guardian, ranger and lately mechanist) and no idea what is actually going on.



I want my old runes back. NOW.



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19 hours ago, Sexykillerz.8572 said:

I had to make a post on this since it poped up in my feed.

Lets talk about that line first. How is thief, guardian, and mesmer a pet class? Thieves don't even summon any thing without using thieves guild and are you telling me you are losing to thieves USING THIEVES GUILD?

Second, WvW is designed to be unfair. Yes thieves are unfun to fight in WvW due to the ability they have to reset, but that isn't solely because of stealth they are able to just shadowstep and break combat because the WvW in combat breaks to easy due to it not being designed for small scale fights.

Third, thief in general is a harder class to play THE CORRECT WAY. Yes any one can spam three like a lot of thieves do to get kills on low skilled players. So its only natural for it to be more punishing to fight. 

Fourth, If you really wanted them to fix the balance in WvW for smaller scale fights there is two simple ways to do that. The first would be to nerf CELE gear in WvW, if cele gear had the same stats as it did in PvP no one would use it. The second thing to do would be to just put in the PvP combat/ make it harder to break combat in WvW. The downsides of that is in large fights it would be a little bit of a problem, and that is what WvW is designed around. 

The balance in GW2 has never been prefect to begin with, but there are some outliers that are just straight not fun to fight. I actually do agree that thieves are not fun to fight but I DO NOT think they are overpowered as a class.

those classes are anets pets. They love them. They are broken AF and oppressive. But anet does not care and never did.

And because you did not got that. I will tell you another thing:

thieves are not hard to play. They are hard to avoid. They will just shadow you, hit you, and then teleport away to hit you again. That is not hard. But it is what they all do.

But there is a simple fix. No need to touch cele at all.


It was idiotic in 2012. It is idiotic now. It was idiotic in between. 11 years of mind boggling idiotic mechanic allowed to ruin two modes. It just has to go.

Either that or nerf dmg out of stealth into the ground. They were stealthed? Fine, the next 60s they can not port, nor stealth and their max dmg is 100. 

I do not care. But any of those two options would fix the problem once and for all.

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Again because some people don't get it:

The question is not "is this OP or not?" with respect to stealth or anything else.

The question are more along the lines of "is it fun to play against a thief?", "can I have enough fun outside of these moments that it's worth playing?". And given the state of pvp in a general sense whether we're talking structured or wvw... it's pretty clear the vast majority answered "no" and don't bother. And of the remaining people who stick around a decent chunk are only in it for rewards.

And that's the biggest problem with this game in a nutshell. Not enough thought went into questions like the above. Way too much thought went into "how do we make a game without monks" and general power creep in pve that has absolutely decimated pvp.

The game is a fun pve cooperative experience despite the combat and not because of the combat.

Edited by Leger.3724
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44 minutes ago, VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig. said:

those classes are anets pets. They love them. They are broken AF and oppressive. But anet does not care and never did.

And because you did not got that. I will tell you another thing:

thieves are not hard to play. They are hard to avoid. They will just shadow you, hit you, and then teleport away to hit you again. That is not hard. But it is what they all do.

But there is a simple fix. No need to touch cele at all.


It was idiotic in 2012. It is idiotic now. It was idiotic in between. 11 years of mind boggling idiotic mechanic allowed to ruin two modes. It just has to go.

Either that or nerf dmg out of stealth into the ground. They were stealthed? Fine, the next 60s they can not port, nor stealth and their max dmg is 100. 

I do not care. But any of those two options would fix the problem once and for all.

Maybe a Malice Backstab will do something but why nerf stealth attacks when they're already mostly ignored for other skills? 

You can already nearly kill someone when they're in stealth, why do you need such a huge handicap where they can't be mobile for the next 60 seconds? You're talking about since 2012 but you haven't progressed any since then? 

They can't damage you while they're in stealth. You can camp the stealth signs and mitigate when they pop out and counter. Why would you need a second and third handicap to fight one person? 

Why do you play WvW at all? 

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Thieves.... they have been very active on the forum to make sure they never get nerfed (just look how many confused face OP post have, all from thieves). Even when 1 thief can troll 30 peoples forever they will still have reasons and excuses. That coupled with the fact that Anet devs don't play their game mean thief will NEVER be balanced. This kind of post have been  popping since the beginning of GW 2 and they never did anything about it. Kind of like how thief can glitch in SWT in WVW since the beginning and that have never been fixed. 


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1 hour ago, MasterDeere.3417 said:

Thieves.... they have been very active on the forum to make sure they never get nerfed (just look how many confused face OP post have, all from thieves). Even when 1 thief can troll 30 peoples forever they will still have reasons and excuses. That coupled with the fact that Anet devs don't play their game mean thief will NEVER be balanced. This kind of post have been  popping since the beginning of GW 2 and they never did anything about it. Kind of like how thief can glitch in SWT in WVW since the beginning and that have never been fixed. 


here is the first report of Anet: Bad Design Thief Profession by The Community



Anet will continue to defend Bad Design until all players who cares about the leaves. So here is my question for The Community? Why give Anet any more satisfactions of more years to profit from us, knowing kitten well that, they won't ever deal with Thief Profession and Stealth Mechanic?

Seriously, Anet has been defending Bad Design for 11 years and to make it more apparent, evident and defiant to The Community concerns, they designed and released two Toxic Bad Design Specialization; Spectar and Willbender. 

So what is the final stance;  continue being a free bag to Anet so they could continue manipulate our trust with marketing words with freebees or give Anet an Ultimatum to either address Bad Design once and for all including Thief Profession and Stealth Mechanic or Walk With Pride To Never Be Used   Ever Again.

"That broken thing you keep trying to put back together, want to remain broken....it does not want to be fixed"

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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3 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

here is the first report of Anet: Bad Design Thief Profession by The Community



Anet will continue to defend Bad Design until all players who cares about the leaves. So here is my question for The Community? Why give Anet any more satisfactions of more years to profit from us, knowing kitten well that, they won't ever deal with Thief Profession and Stealth Mechanic?

Seriously, Anet has been defending Bad Design for 11 years and to make it more apparent, evident and defiant to The Community concerns, they designed and released two Toxic Bad Design Specialization; Spectar and Willbender. 

So what is the final stance;  continue being a free bag to Anet so they could continue manipulate our trust with marketing words with freebees or give Anet an Ultimatum to either address Bad Design once and for all including Thief Profession and Stealth Mechanic or Walk With Pride To Never Be Used   Ever Again.

"That broken thing you keep trying to put back together, want to remain broken....it does not want to be fixed"

And then in the very first patch that made any change to pistol 5/black powder Anet had to go "we fixed a bug but dont worry it still got the smoke field!" just to placate d/p stealth jumping thieves. 

Yes literally, the patch notes is "the field can still be generated."

Then it was slightly nerfed in 2014.

It has only been buffed since then.

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Guild Wars 2 is Anet platform and the devs do play the game. The question to be ask is, are they being considerate to The Community experience and concerns when playing the game?

Next question is, does the devs hold personal bias, favoritism for Professions they favor or detest?

Last question is, as The Community has already know l...the game is being sabotage internally by someone or a group of people, who only cares about their own self interests and their own personal agenda to mistreat, abuse and to take advantage of The Community experience and remaining hope in the game,?

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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