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Ranger nerfs


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When the rangers will be nerfed, should nerfs aim to damage, survivability or a bit to both? Currently damage is biggest problem with slb, but they also have plenty of survivability with full glass cannon, so i think Anet should take a look at both.


What ya think?

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People have been calling for nerfs since the game launch, unless they straight out delete a profession from the game....the same individuals will keep losing regardless of nerfs because it's not like Anet will ever remove 100% dmg and sustain from a class...like how can anybody even think this would ever be possible? If you're bad..you lose....even a thousand nerf thread won't change that...and only people destined to fail always, will make those thousand threads so......

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19 minutes ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

People have been calling for nerfs since the game launch, unless they straight out delete a profession from the game....the same individuals will keep losing regardless of nerfs because it's not like Anet will ever remove 100% dmg and sustain from a class...like how can anybody even think this would ever be possible? If you're bad..you lose....even a thousand nerf thread won't change that...and only people destined to fail always, will make those thousand threads so......

So it was not needed to nerf signet cata? Ppl still keep losing, they could kept signet cata as it was, with ur logic. 1 shot scrapper also, it didnt needed to be nerfed with ur logic.

Its just sad when ppl like u comment when u have no idea about pvp.

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12 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

People have been calling for nerfs since the game launch, unless they straight out delete a profession from the game....the same individuals will keep losing regardless of nerfs because it's not like Anet will ever remove 100% dmg and sustain from a class...like how can anybody even think this would ever be possible? If you're bad..you lose....even a thousand nerf thread won't change that...and only people destined to fail always, will make those thousand threads so......

This is half true/does not account for something critical.

There is a group of people that are trying to push "balance the game so I win", sure. Some of these people are the recipient of balance pushes that hand them too much power, though. If a bad player plays a broken class, they may still lose occasionally, but the threshold for that failure is narrower.  

The nerf threads that turn out to be self reports for skill issues usually reveal said skill issues within the first few posts. I don't think getting pulled off a building into nuke from stealth is in that category though. 

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22 hours ago, zyra.7860 said:

So it was not needed to nerf signet cata? Ppl still keep losing, they could kept signet cata as it was, with ur logic. 1 shot scrapper also, it didnt needed to be nerfed with ur logic.

Its just sad when ppl like u comment when u have no idea about pvp.

You really comparing burst ranger to signet cata and then talk about having an idea about PvP lolol.

Nade engi still exists btw.

I do take offense to all this crying about burst slb though because if it does get nerfed my matches are going to be harder to win as they are so easy to counter.  

6 hours ago, Eurantien.4632 said:

Warhorn should not cast birds at 60% of the way through the cast. It makes it very hard to dodge. 

To be fair...half the people can't dodge Worldly Impact and that roots the ranger.

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8 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

To be fair...half the people can't dodge Worldly Impact and that roots the ranger.

Let the people that can't dodge worldly impact get nuked by worldly impact. There is an issue with birds, especially when it stacks with OWP and force feeds you 2k ticks of damage while the ranger is preparing to throw 7-10k more damage at you while you spend your defensives mitigating that.

Rampage got its damage obliterated for this same reason. 

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4 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Ranger is fine!

Yall just need to learn how to dodge!



i finally understand those two rangermains....  Its nice over here on this side!  Join the Rangeclub today to get your free "smokescale plushie"!

I prefer two wyvern plushies that are named obnoxious name pairings, but they don't do crazy damage or offer stealth fields so they're probably not as popular.

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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1 hour ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

Let the people that can't dodge worldly impact get nuked by worldly impact. There is an issue with birds, especially when it stacks with OWP and force feeds you 2k ticks of damage while the ranger is preparing to throw 7-10k more damage at you while you spend your defensives mitigating that.

Rampage got its damage obliterated for this same reason. 

True, but I'm more afraid of what happens if they fix it to line up and start the damage when the cast does.  

We already have enough stationary burst skills like Worldy Impact and Whirling Defense, we don't need another if they 'fix' Warhorn #4 to work right away but make it so moving cancels it.  

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10 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

You really comparing burst ranger to signet cata and then talk about having an idea about PvP lolol.

Nade engi still exists btw.

I do take offense to all this crying about burst slb though because if it does get nerfed my matches are going to be harder to win as they are so easy to counter.  

To be fair...half the people can't dodge Worldly Impact and that roots the ranger.

It will get nerfed, trust me. We just dont know yet when. OP builds always get nerf but it takes few months, cata era lasted 2-3 months. Anet nowadays also overnerf things so slb will not be big problem for years.

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2 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

Let the people that can't dodge worldly impact get nuked by worldly impact. There is an issue with birds, especially when it stacks with OWP and force feeds you 2k ticks of damage while the ranger is preparing to throw 7-10k more damage at you while you spend your defensives mitigating that.

Rampage got its damage obliterated for this same reason. 

its not exactly that you can't dodge worldly impact... its that you just double dodged stupid birds 🙂

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5 minutes ago, shion.2084 said:

its not exactly that you can't dodge worldly impact... its that you just double dodged stupid birds 🙂

This is really the crux of the issue, while I personally don't find the power creeped deleter builds fun to play against, their burst is at least predictable and if you know what to look out for you can either totally negate it or avoid the majority of it, their low skill floor high reward playstyle is unhealthy for the state of the meta in the long run, but it's manageable. Slb using pig pet and GS/ls+horn has so many huge damage skills to choose from and we have limited ways of actually countering those, and they can do any of them from stealth, and their ability to run away and survive if they blow it is pretty good, they're not really glass or a roamer, they're a brawler.

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22 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

This is half true/does not account for something critical.

There is a group of people that are trying to push "balance the game so I win", sure. Some of these people are the recipient of balance pushes that hand them too much power, though. If a bad player plays a broken class, they may still lose occasionally, but the threshold for that failure is narrower.  

The nerf threads that turn out to be self reports for skill issues usually reveal said skill issues within the first few posts. I don't think getting pulled off a building into nuke from stealth is in that category though. 

Coincidence that you answered to one of these peple with your post? 😄I mean this guy spammed the necro subsection for months with nerf demands after he ran into some reapers (including me) that could fight back and occasionally win against his bunker beast and owl / GS / LB builds when they where at their top level top of brokeness.

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3 hours ago, zyra.7860 said:

It will get nerfed, trust me. We just dont know yet when. OP builds always get nerf but it takes few months, cata era lasted 2-3 months. Anet nowadays also overnerf things so slb will not be big problem for years.

Keep that hopium alive

One day the big bad ranger will go away...one day....


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