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There is a need to separate Legendary Weapon made the hard ways from the cheap way.

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EDIT: this post is about separating real HARD-EARNED Legendary and Cheap Legendary.

There should be a set of legendary that look like Basic Weapons no bling bling no foot steps, its just weapons that you can easily swap stats,  where everyone can make very fast and easy for the lazy entitled players. and these legendaries must not be allow to change skin. If you want cheap legendaries this is how you get it. it will look cheap.

Leave the very nice looking legendary weapons as they are, If  players who wants legendary fast because they don't like to actually play the game or they want a legendary so they can join raid to get gold so they too can craft the NICE looking legendary they can make the ugly ones first. and Let the people who actually put time an effort into the game enjoy their hard earn rewards.  

You can thank me later.

You know I play games so I feel good and enjoy the game journey to come to where my account is today, I feels nice and happy to have achieved something even if it means nothing to some of you, I didn't play this game so my game achievement can be diminished because people are lazy and entitled.

Edited by babana.7521
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I do think (optionally) separating Legendary Skins and Legendary Functionality into two different things to acquire, which combined make up the current cost, would actually be a decent value add for the game.


Not only does that satisfy different needs, like of players who just want the functionality to enjoy the game more, but don't care about the skins whatsoever - or of players who just want to collect all the skins (but possibly neither being able to justify paying/grinding for both), it could also come into play with for example the next Legendary Armor release. 

No matter how good that new Armor may look, as someone who got full Legendary Armor for all weights covered, there is no justifying to get it for just the skin with the effort and time these things require. So it's essentially zero content for me, and zero player retention value for Anet with players like me. 

If there was a way to just chase the skin for partial cost/effort, it could be something keeping players like me around more consistently for longer, working towards that. 


There are also other benefits to adding just basic looking Legendary Functionality Items into the game, for example it always baffles me that when Anet does Beta Weekends and the like to test out new Elite Specs or mechanics, all they give players without pre-existing Legendaries in the Amory are these extremely clunky Exotic Gear Boxes to somewhat put together their Beta-Characters for testing. 

It would be so much more convenient, fair and better for feedback if Beta Characters were just fully geared in these basic Legendaries, allowing all players to freely test around. 

And I'm sure experiencing such functionality in testing would inspire a great deal of players to chase Legendaries for real on their actual account, resulting in significant player retention boosts for Anet through that as well.

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1 hour ago, Asum.4960 said:

I do think (optionally) separating Legendary Skins and Legendary Functionality into two different things to acquire, which combined make up the current cost, would actually be a decent value add for the game.

I don't know. The main value of legendaries lies within their functionality, not their looks. And you can always reskin them, which many (including myself) do.

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I think the gen 1 legendaries also have footsteps and effects and stuff. (I have Bolt - looks nice.) I dislike a lot of the legendaries though. Some look weird and too much. We already have the transmutation option though. Just using a normal skin on them.

I guess what we might need is a wardrobe for that effects to enable/disable only them while still using the normal skin of the weapon. Or to apply the effects (if unlocked) to another (normal) skin.

For the speed of crating (or rather cost of grinding the mats): I think to some extend the skin is included in that. (That why raid armor is more expensive and more "work" ... doing the raids ... - it has an exclusive skin.) Most probably get it for the convenience (free access to swap between all stats). And that would be the mean cost. Would not make them a lot cheaper to exclude that.

You are supposed to then use ascended stuff and maybe not trying for the most expensive builds/stats. Most content does not require you to play optimized. "the play build x exactly like on some website mentioned or get kicked" only happens in raids, non-easy strikes and maybe the fractals CM or so. There have been movements to make that stuff easier accessible. (Raid emboldment stuff, never tried it though.)

And they seem to want to make stuff easier available. (New legendary armor set. And the one legendary starter kit from wizards vault.)

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4 hours ago, babana.7521 said:

Leave the very nice looking legendary weapons as they are, If  players who wants legendary fast because they don't like to actually play the game or they want a legendary so they can join raid to get gold so they too can craft the NICE looking legendary they can make the ugly ones first. and Let the people who actually put time an effort into the game enjoy their hard earn rewards.  

When you have absolutely no idea how gearing works in the game, but try to make changes to it for some reason. 

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2 hours ago, Asum.4960 said:

I do think (optionally) separating Legendary Skins and Legendary Functionality into two different things to acquire, which combined make up the current cost, would actually be a decent value add for the game.

Part of it is already in the game, in a way. The legendary WvW armor (and the PvP legy armor also, I believe) do not have a unique skin. They use the skin and visual effects of its precursor armor. So players just looking for the skin and visual effects don't have to build the legy and players building the WvW legy armor are just doing if for the legy functionality (that increased in value since the legy armory).



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1 hour ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

I don't know. The main value of legendaries lies within their functionality, not their looks. And you can always reskin them, which many (including myself) do.

With the Aurene legy weapons, Anet introduced the possibility of getting additional "legy" skins without having to buy or earn additional legys for the other skins. Some players liked the other looks so much that they did this.

If the new openworld pve legy armor (similar to WvW legy armor) allows you to get skin/visuals without building the final legys, I would consider trying to get it. But I wouldn't go to the expense of a complete legy armor, because another legy armor wouldn't give me any further functionality, it would only be for skin/visual.

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1 hour ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

When you have absolutely no idea how gearing works in the game, but try to make changes to it for some reason. 

This post isn't about gearing thou. its about separating me from  those who got CHEAP LEGENDARIES. Like when you put on real designers outfit vs the ones you bought at the road side stall that spell Doche and Banana.

Edited by babana.7521
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  • babana.7521 changed the title to There is a need to separate Legendary Weapon made the hard ways and the cheap way.
5 hours ago, babana.7521 said:

this post is about separating real HARD-EARNED Legendary and Cheap Legendary.

So, you want to separate the gen 2 legys from all others? Because all legys that you can buy on the TP can simply be bought with money, or can be gifts.

But those Gen 2 are already separated, because of their looks.

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Your post makes no sense, OP. Gen1 legendaries are tradable, you can easily use your credit card, 2 mins. They can be gifted, raffle, tournaments, etc. How do you propose we recognize "hard work"?

You want hard work recognition? Get yourself a hard work title, WvW/Fractals god, for example. 

Also, this is a catch-up mechanic, same as Skyscale. GW2 is a very old game, giving new players a chance to get a taste of legendary weapon. For most, it's like a waking call, they'll want more.


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6 hours ago, babana.7521 said:

I feels nice and happy to have achieved something even if it means nothing to some of you, I didn't play this game so my game achievement can be diminished because people are lazy and entitled.

As you write it, your joy of accomplishment comes not from how hard or difficult something you accomplished was for you, but from having something that others don't have.

Because otherwise it wouldn't bother you if others have the same thing as you, because you can't know at all whether the others who have done the same thing had it easier or harder than you. 

So, I do not agree with you.

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6 hours ago, babana.7521 said:

There should be a set of legendary that look like Basic Weapons no bling bling no foot steps

I'm lazy and entitled -- after many years of striving to attain this glorious status -- but even if I wasn't, I would actually prefer a 'no bling bling no foot steps' legendary. Especially the no foot steps part. Never really understood what that's all about. Can it be disabled? Anyway, thanks to the new daily reward thing, I'm within a Gift of Battle of having a legendary.

A little bling bling would be okay, though. A teensy tiny itty bitty amount of bling bling. Not so much as to make my character look like a Las Vegas hotel come to life. Just a little extra zing. Zing! Ya know?

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3 hours ago, Zok.4956 said:

If the new openworld pve legy armor (similar to WvW legy armor) allows you to get skin/visuals without building the final legys, I would consider trying to get it. But I wouldn't go to the expense of a complete legy armor, because another legy armor wouldn't give me any further functionality, it would only be for skin/visual.

I fully agree with you that there are people who want to get the new armors for the skins only. I am one of them. I doubt, though, that you can acquire the skin without getting the full legendary set. 😉

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9 hours ago, babana.7521 said:

EDIT: this post is about separating real HARD-EARNED Legendary and Cheap Legendary.


Why does it matter to you how other people acquired their legendary weapons? How does someone else buying one off the TP or using the item from the WV detract from your own sense of accomplishment for "doing it the hard way?"

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i have lots of expensive or complicated to earn stuff(like the wvw mist infusion, i was sitting on 5k tickets when the infusion lauched).. 

i have receveid more compliments for simplier - cool looking skin thematic combination(like my rev char mixing mist-ward warbeast armor), than the expensive stuff.


Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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1 hour ago, Qys.5937 said:

So what is the difference between legendary stuff and ascended stuff? Is one better than the other? 

Lege: free stat change anytime out of combat; will have best stats in the game forever.

transmute for free anytime

insert/remove infusions and sigils/runes for free

doesn't take up an equipment slot as it's in the legendary armory, which is accessible to all lvl80 chars on your account.


Ascended: may be stat-changed at the mystic forge for a small cost; currently same stats as lege

transmuting costs 1 charge

sigils/runes and infusions require an extractor unless you want to overwrite them with another sigil/rune/infusion

is account-bound so may be used by any char who can equip it, but must be moved manually to bank/shared inventory slot and takes up an inventory slot.


Lege weapons give your character footfalls, a draw animation, sometimes a trail, usually an aura of some sort and modify the default projectile into a themed one. The aurene weapons occasionally spawn an animation on mob death.

Lege armour pvp/wvw offer the same functionality as lege raid/pve armour but have the same skins as their precursors. Lege raid armour animates when 'wielded'/ entering and leaving combat.


Finally, Lege armor/weapons cost significantly more than ascended, but if you have a lege greatsword (for example), you can sell/salvage every other greatsword you get.

You only need ascended/lege gear for fractals because fractals require agony resistance infusions at higher levels, and only lege/asc gear have the slots for those infusions; with the exception of one exotic ring. Otherwise exotic gear is fine for the rest of the game even if it has slightly lower stats.


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11 hours ago, babana.7521 said:

EDIT: this post is about separating real HARD-EARNED Legendary and Cheap Legendary.

There should be a set of legendary that look like Basic Weapons no bling bling no foot steps, its just weapons that you can easily swap stats,  where everyone can make very fast and easy for the lazy entitled players. and these legendaries must not be allow to change skin. If you want cheap legendaries this is how you get it. it will look cheap.

Leave the very nice looking legendary weapons as they are, If  players who wants legendary fast because they don't like to actually play the game or they want a legendary so they can join raid to get gold so they too can craft the NICE looking legendary they can make the ugly ones first. and Let the people who actually put time an effort into the game enjoy their hard earn rewards.  

You can thank me later.

You know I play games so I feel good and enjoy the game journey to come to where my account is today, I feels nice and happy to have achieved something even if it means nothing to some of you, I didn't play this game so my game achievement can be diminished because people are lazy and entitled.

Lol if anyone sounds entitled it's you. I'm not gonna thank you because you have a one track mine about this game and feel the need to cry about a make-believe problem.

Gen 1 legends have ALWAYS been easy to get, because they're available on the TP. That isn't an accomplishment, and it has ALWAYS BEEN IN THE GAME, but you wanna complain about the starter kit now when it's more difficult to make a legendary that way over breaking out a credit card like a ton of people already do.

But sure. Make this into something waaaaaay bigger than it needs to be. 99% of players don't care.

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I honestly don't understand this kind of entitled mentality like you, we have ppl demand special skins for Siege Turtle for those who legit beat Soo Won when Anet allow players to buy eggs, feeling entitled with compensation as now Skyscale can be acquired easier way.

Do you really think you're that deserving when everyone who got their legendaries literally the same way as you did? Even those who bought Legendary Starter kit still need to do full PvE exploration, gift of battle from WvW, combine 250 power blood, powerful sac, totem, and dust, then with 77 clover + 250 Ectoplasm, Obsidian Shard.


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