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A vip pass less crowded than Mistlock Sanctuary?

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Royal Terrace is my go to when I don't want the crowd of Mistlock.  All the things I usually need, crafting, mystic forge, TP,  bank  are close together and it isn't too busy.  It doesn't have the bonus features of several passes but maybe that is why it is less crowded.   Looks like according to the wiki it isn't available right now in the gem store though so that might not help you much at this moment.

Edited by Nine Inch Snails.7963
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I was going to suggest using Arborstone on the basis that it doesn't cost any extra if you have the expansion and it's more spread out which makes it less crowded, but you might have the same problem as the PoF one.

I think Mistlock is so busy because it's one of the more popular ones for a long time it was the only one that let you return to your previous map (except Obsidian Sanctum and that has fewer facilities). Later Armistice Bastion and Thousand Seas came out which have the same function, and now almost all of them do.

I haven't used all of them but the least crowded are likely to be either the ones with bigger maps with services spread across them like Arborstone and the ones that don't have many/any extra features like Noble's Folly and Lava Lounge.

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1 hour ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

i did bought mistlock sanctuary pass, the place is nice, but is too crowded...

you guys have any idea of less popular/crowded of these gem store passes?

The airship in/above Gendarran Fields is mostly not crowded. And it is small (everything is nearby) and does not have much "bling-bling". I have several passes, they all have their specialities, but the airship is my favourite if I just want to craft something. But it is part of a regular map, not an instance, so no jumping back to the place where you were before.


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8 minutes ago, Zok.4956 said:

The airship in/above Gendarran Fields is mostly not crowded. And it is small (everything is nearby) and does not have much "bling-bling". I have several passes, they all have their specialities, but the airship is my favourite if I just want to craft something. But it is part of a regular map, not an instance, so no jumping back to the place where you were before.

They fixed that a while ago. Now the only ones which don't let you go back to your previous map are Champion's Rest and Noble's Folly. I'm not sure why those two are excluded though.

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I use Royal Terrace the most, never crowded, but not as many features but has all the crafting/bank/etc nicely laid out.  Handy for festivals and portal to major cities and maps.   

Depending on your needs, Thousand Seas Pavilion is quite nice.  Fishing vendor, jade bot bench, all the amenities, and not crowded.  Busier but not packed.  And you can fish lol.  

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2 hours ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

Seconding Armistice Bastion. Not a lot of people usually on that map, and it's very compact. Just uncheck Team chat in your chat tab. 😂

Worth mentioning that it doesn't have world map accesss though

Edited by jokke.6239
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12 minutes ago, jokke.6239 said:

Worth mentioning that it doesn't have world map accesss though

Yeah. I'm just assuming the guy wants an area that will probably load faster than other maps + have fewer people, and it's very compact. They've also made it so you can return to your prior map, just like you can Mistlock. The only bad part would be no immediate world map access, if that's what he's looking for. 😞

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1 minute ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

Yeah. I'm just assuming the guy wants an area that will probably load faster than other maps + have fewer people, and it's very compact. They've also made it so you can return to your prior map, just like you can Mistlock. The only bad part would be no immediate world map access, if that's what he's looking for. 😞

Yeah I use armistice a lot too

But the lack of world map is annoying ;S

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Considering the OP already has 2 passes (Mistlock and Lily of the Elon) whether things like world map access are a factor depend on if they're looking for a new lobby to be the only one they use, or an additional option in addition to their current ones.

I have Armistice Bastion, Lily of the Elon and Arborstone and I use all of them at different times, depending on what I want from them.

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18 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I was going to suggest using Arborstone on the basis that it doesn't cost any extra if you have the expansion and it's more spread out which makes it less crowded, but you might have the same problem as the PoF one.

I think Mistlock is so busy because it's one of the more popular ones for a long time it was the only one that let you return to your previous map (except Obsidian Sanctum and that has fewer facilities). Later Armistice Bastion and Thousand Seas came out which have the same function, and now almost all of them do.

I haven't used all of them but the least crowded are likely to be either the ones with bigger maps with services spread across them like Arborstone and the ones that don't have many/any extra features like Noble's Folly and Lava Lounge.

Armistice, Thousand Seas and Mistlock are the only one that lets you double click on item to let you return though. That does matter a lot for convenience.

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12 hours ago, Manpag.6421 said:

Thousand Seas Pavilion never seems particularly busy to me, everything is close, and I like that you can get to a lot of maps/regions for free via the fishing portal, to reduce WP costs.

I get tired of the music in Thousand Seas really fast

They should create a juke box for the lounges

I mostly just use that pass for the unique functionality it offers (map portals, fishing vendor, jade bot stuff etc)

Edited by jokke.6239
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  • 2 weeks later...

thanks all for suggestions and comments, i did bought the Captain Airship Pass, its lovely.

- Not crowded.

- Gendarran fields is always a very chill place, rare map chat is ppl calling for events or LLA.

- Core tyria maps have quick load.

- No music, just wind ambience sound.

- "Rust basement" aesthetics.

Im addicted in "ambience" videos, its remind of this.




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On 9/3/2023 at 12:09 AM, Manpag.6421 said:

Thousand Seas Pavilion never seems particularly busy to me

Loads longer for me than Bastion does most times. But I bought the pavilion one just recently while I've been using the Bastion one for 2 years.


On 9/2/2023 at 11:15 PM, jokke.6239 said:

But the lack of world map is annoying

But how often do you need a world map? If you have the Bastion one you are a wvw player.

Annoying about Bastion is that you can't travel to a wvw wp. Esp. when someone pings an ewp. You see it in the chat and know that you won't make it, won't be able to help even if you have the time. That is such a let down for me.


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48 minutes ago, nosleepdemon.1368 said:

Lily of Elon gets my vote as well, I rarely find it to be overly crowded.

That one is a no go. You can't travel back to your previous map.

Or did they change that recently?

I only use that to get a char to the desert without doing the story. Otherwise it was my waste of money when buying the deluxe ed of PoF. Didn't know it better before, I regret it. 😔

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