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Sorcerer's Cape


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I just  want  to say HUGE thanks for this AMAZING cloak!
It has completed the looks of my Phantom of the Opera inspired character -- giving him a proper dark and majestic vibe; plus the glider is just 10/10!

Pics of char with cloak:
Cloak from behind.
Cloak Front!
Rapier + Torch for full vibe!

My only issue is -- it badly clips with the face when using a staff (and sadly that's my main weapon).
I really, really wish the clipping issue was fixed somehow 😞

Clipping issue on face.
Clipping issue 2.

That said!
Share the pics of your chars wearing the new cape! 

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I am not going to comment about the look of the cape, I don't like cape, all capes. NO CAPES.

Back to the issue at hand: why is sorcerer's cape gliding  animation a reuse of the  Geomancer Glider animation? it doesn't fit, when anyone at all wears a cape they don't glide like that, when you have a cape you need to glide like superman!  If not, a sorcerer probably will levitate and float across the sky. Are you so lazy to even have a new animation for something that you sell on the trading post (btw you already have the levitating animation all over the new map, why can't you have use that?)  Pretty sure if you add a new animation for cape gliding, it will benefit you in the long run,   and If it is a superman gliding animation, me who is always 'NO CAPE' might just buy it. All your wings gliding uses the same animation and that is okay because it fit the wings ... when I have nothing good to say about something, I should keep my views to myself. but seriously, your lost. 

Edited by babana.7521
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39 minutes ago, babana.7521 said:

I am not going to comment about the look of the cape, I don't like cape, all capes. NO CAPES.

Back to the issue at hand: why is sorcerer's cape gliding  animation a reuse of the  Geomancer Glider animation? it doesn't fit, when anyone at all wears a cape they don't glide like that, when you have a cape you need to glide like superman!  If not, a sorcerer probably will levitate and float across the sky. Are you so lazy to even have a new animation for something that you sell on the trading post (btw you already have the levitating animation all over the new map, why can't you have use that?)  Pretty sure if you add a new animation for cape gliding, it will benefit you in the long run,   and If it is a superman gliding animation, me who is always 'NO CAPE' might just buy it. All your wings gliding uses the same animation and that is okay because it fit the wings ... when I have nothing good to say about something, I should keep my views to myself. but seriously, your lost. 

It isn’t trying to be like Superman

It’s loosely trying to be Dr Strange. Without trying to be Dr Strange. Whilst still being Dr Strange

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5 hours ago, phandaria.4891 said:

Weird gliding animation on Charr

FYI, weird gliding animations on Charr and Norn. Why can't they be Dr. Strange too? I hope these are not deliberate and Arenanet can fix it asap. I am sure they already have Dr. Strange pose in Dagda's phase of Amnytas meta.


Ooof that is so bad on Charr 😧 hsfuighsig
I hope they fix that AND the clipping issue. Or well, just give a version with and without collar maybe? >>

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I just finished my astral ward armor yesterday and the cloak and glider look amazing with it.

Caveat about dye channels: the bottom two dyes are reversed between the cape and glider.  Keep that in mind if you want the stars to match.

One really nice touch is the stars brighten when it transfers from cape to glider which gives it a great mystical feel.

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There always has to be one who is gonna hate on capes and someone's taste huh?
Don't like it? Don't buy it, don't use it. Let other people enjoy! 🙂 It has absolutely completed the majestic look of my character.

That said, as I mentioned above, my only issue is the clipping of collar when using staff. And for Charr players the poorly designed animation for it. I hope there will be a fix for that ❤️

Edited by Blur.3465
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There is always that one person who expect everyone to agree with them. 
Don't like people disagreeing? Don't put it on the forum. 

This is what I withhold in the first reply:
The cape is ugly! and I hate wizard theme.

I was being constructive, giving a good review of what I thought that cape could have been, the animation is A REUSE OF  another glider, reusing an existing animation for something that is sell for money, imho is not really good , especially when it turns out to not fit the merchandise theme. 

but you choose to take offence , omg, my taste is being question. Guess what? it wasn't about your taste. I really think it could/should have been better.

Edited by babana.7521
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11 hours ago, babana.7521 said:

I was being constructive, giving a good review of what I thought that cape could have been

"bad cape with wrong animation" is not really constructive, and hardly a review.

11 hours ago, babana.7521 said:

the animation is A REUSE OF  another glider,

FYI there are also skills that use that animation 🙂

11 hours ago, babana.7521 said:

especially when it turns out to not fit the merchandise theme.

This animation (at least it's unbugged form, sorry charrs) fits perfectly with this particular merchandise theme, You just don't happen to like this particular theme. This is sorcerers cape, and clearly inspired from dr. Strange, it ain't superman cape nor batman cape.

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18 minutes ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

"bad cape with wrong animation" is not really constructive, and hardly a review.

FYI there are also skills that use that animation 🙂

This animation (at least it's unbugged form, sorry charrs) fits perfectly with this particular merchandise theme, You just don't happen to like this particular theme. This is sorcerers cape, and clearly inspired from dr. Strange, it ain't superman cape nor batman cape.

and your point is? 

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14 hours ago, babana.7521 said:

There is always that one person who expect everyone to agree with them. 
Don't like people disagreeing? Don't put it on the forum. 

This is what I withhold in the first reply:
The cape is ugly! and I hate wizard theme.

I was being constructive, giving a good review of what I thought that cape could have been, the animation is A REUSE OF  another glider, reusing an existing animation for something that is sell for money, imho is not really good , especially when it turns out to not fit the merchandise theme. 

but you choose to take offence , omg, my taste is being question. Guess what? it wasn't about your taste. I really think it could/should have been better.

Actually, it is all about their taste. They created the thread to express gratitude for this skin that they really like. And your first response is "I don't like any cape, but here's my "constructive" criticism", which turns out to be all negative and completely missing the point. You don't even get what the cape is referencing (Dr. Strange's Cloak of Levitation; yes, it's the cloak that flies, not Dr. Strange himself). And if people shouldn't complain about disagreement, why are you being so defensive?

Also, Superman doesn't glide. He flies. Since GW2 characters don't fly on their own, a Superman cape animation would make no sense whatsoever. Dr. Strange's cloak, however, makes perfect sense for a glider, because that's what it is. You want to express your dissatisfaction with the skin? Create your own thread. Don't rain on their parade. In the end, your opinion matters just as little as their opinion matters to you (and people seem to agree, judging from the emoji reactions to your posts).

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1 hour ago, TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

Actually, it is all about their taste. They created the thread to express gratitude for this skin that they really like. And your first response is "I don't like any cape, but here's my "constructive" criticism", which turns out to be all negative and completely missing the point. You don't even get what the cape is referencing (Dr. Strange's Cloak of Levitation; yes, it's the cloak that flies, not Dr. Strange himself). And if people shouldn't complain about disagreement, why are you being so defensive?

Also, Superman doesn't glide. He flies. Since GW2 characters don't fly on their own, a Superman cape animation would make no sense whatsoever. Dr. Strange's cloak, however, makes perfect sense for a glider, because that's what it is. You want to express your dissatisfaction with the skin? Create your own thread. Don't rain on their parade. In the end, your opinion matters just as little as their opinion matters to you (and people seem to agree, judging from the emoji reactions to your posts).

I was going to start a new thread talking about the re-use of animation on something that is sold on the trading post, but I saw a post about the cape already exist, that is why I posted in it, my post wasn't raining on anyone's taste, I use superman as an example that Anet could have created a new animation for the cape, it was an example, all of you say the cape is Dr Strange animation, does this cape fly on its own? NO? something sold on the TP should at least have new animation and not RE USE old animation, like all the enemy in soto are re-skin of existing enemy in previous expansion. Did I  say that the op have bad taste? no, I said  the animation is re used and if it was something like a superman flying animation could have been better BUT NO YOU ALL HAD TO RAIN ON MY PARADE AND SAY GO AHEAD SELL USED ITEMS AT FULL PRICE. Well go ahead and buy it than, more good for me that you are keeping Anet afloat buying mediocre item.

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50 minutes ago, babana.7521 said:

I was going to start a new thread talking about the re-use of animation on something that is sold on the trading post, but I saw a post about the cape already exist, that is why I posted in it, my post wasn't raining on anyone's taste, I use superman as an example that Anet could have created a new animation for the cape, it was an example, all of you say the cape is Dr Strange animation, does this cape fly on its own? NO? something sold on the TP should at least have new animation and not RE USE old animation, like all the enemy in soto are re-skin of existing enemy in previous expansion. Did I  say that the op have bad taste? no, I said  the animation is re used and if it was something like a superman flying animation could have been better BUT NO YOU ALL HAD TO RAIN ON MY PARADE AND SAY GO AHEAD SELL USED ITEMS AT FULL PRICE. Well go ahead and buy it than, more good for me that you are keeping Anet afloat buying mediocre item.

You weren't raining on anyone's parade? Imagine you expressing your happiness with an item and the first person to chime in lists everything they feel is wrong with it. That would pretty much be raining on your parade. No acknowledgement of the fact that you're happy with something. Not even the decency to just say nothing and let someone else enjoy something. Nope, you had to weigh in with a negative opinion to someone's happiness. You can complain all you want, but behavior like this isn't usually appreciated in real life. Why should it be normal on a forum?

The re-using of skins and animations is a common practice in the gaming industry. Every single dragon minion is a re-used skin with re-used animations. Every wing glider uses the same flapping wings animation. That's a re-use too. The lotus chair uses the same sitting animation as the aurora glider. Most gliders have the same animation for our characters, and those are all sold on the TP. The list goes on and on. Does all of this irk you as well? Does every glider need a new animation? If not, you're being highly selective.

No, the cape does not fly on its own (in the game; Dr. Strange's Cloak of Levitation very much can and does). No glider skin flies on its own. What's your point? In case it eludes you, the answer is "moot". Superman doesn't even belong in this discussion because he's not a glider and our characters aren't flyers.

And I'm sorry, but the one who does the raining does not get to complain when the rain hits them as well. You basically already said it yourself: "When I have nothing good to say about something, I should keep my views to myself". Create a thread suggesting new options for gliders or to argue against the re-use of skins and animations. This thread is about someone loving the cape and how it completes their character's look. Two completely different topics.

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4 hours ago, TheNecrosanct.4028 said:


And I'm sorry, but the one who does the raining does not get to complain when the rain hits them as well. Y

Well than you don't get to say anything because you are pouring on my parade. Please go away. 
The cape is ugly the animation is re-used and I like to see better quality item in the store. 
Please go away.

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