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Scrapper needs a nerf again


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7 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

Remove Stealth Mechanic access entirely from all Professions 

Yeah that's good, alienate the rogue enjoyers of the game, they only make up significant portion of a already failing pvp population. People enjoy rogue for the high mobility bursty ambush playstyle, without stealth the whole concept of a rogue is off...... no thanks.

I get u guys don't like the class or playstyle  but it would be better for the game for the devs to simply add things like reveal on missed attacks etc and remove stealth from non rogue/mesmer classes entirely as the other classes arnt designed around such, tho rangers typically have small amounts of stealth access in most rpgs/mmos.

Let's stop the remove x class cuz u don't like it mentality plaguing this games pvp community and realize everyone has equal right to enjoy the class and plastyles they like.

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39 minutes ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Yeah that's good, alienate the rogue enjoyers of the game, they only make up significant portion of a already failing pvp population. People enjoy rogue for the high mobility bursty ambush playstyle, without stealth the whole concept of a rogue is off...... no thanks.

I get u guys don't like the class or playstyle  but it would be better for the game for the devs to simply add things like reveal on missed attacks etc and remove stealth from non rogue/mesmer classes entirely as the other classes arnt designed around such, tho rangers typically have small amounts of stealth access in most rpgs/mmos.

Let's stop the remove x class cuz u don't like it mentality plaguing this games pvp community and realize everyone has equal right to enjoy the class and plastyles they like.

No Stealth Mechanic needed for Assassin Profession in Guild Wars


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On 9/12/2023 at 7:43 PM, mariugo.4856 said:

you just can't do it anymore while running in a straight line against people sitting on a node..

stealth is still way superior, you can still stealth + superspeed to gank people busy in fights or simply stealth behind corners or angles where they're less likely to see you coming

Stop giving people ideas kitten.

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2 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

No Stealth Mechanic needed for Assassin Profession in Guild Wars


1. Gw assassin isn't gw2's thief.

2. That's one example, want me to show a vid of almost every other mmo other than gw1 where the assassin class has stealth......I don't wanna bother and I'm sure u don't either.

3. People pick rogue or assassin for its common playstyle and designs, gw2 design was one rare example that it's different.......but I bet most players chose assassin in gw1 because was closest thing to what they usual prefer....rogue class.

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21 minutes ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

1. Gw assassin isn't gw2's thief.

2. That's one example, want me to show a vid of almost every other mmo other than gw1 where the assassin class has stealth......I don't wanna bother and I'm sure u don't either.

3. People pick rogue or assassin for its common playstyle and designs, gw2 design was one rare example that it's different.......but I bet most players chose assassin in gw1 because was closest thing to what they usual prefer....rogue class.

Guild Wars 2 Thief Profession was designed to be a replica of Guild Wars  Assassin Profession; see attributes/traits


 I do agree with you on your third point and this is what Guild Wars 2 Rogue Profession-Thief Profession should have been design as....Assassin Profession in Guild Wars 

You and I know that, it is Anet Philosophy is to be blamed for implementing a Stealth Mechanic that not only gives Thief Profession Rogue attributes but allows it to defy healthy competitive counterplay in the entire gaming industry to become a near-God Mode Profession by continually equipping it with other Profession Identities and Roles by committing- Profession Identity Theft and Hijack; like Necromancer Profession: Shroud-Specter


Edited by Burnfall.9573
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11 minutes ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

Guild Wars 2 Thief Profession was designed to be a replica of Guild Wars  Assassin Profession; see attributes/traits


 I do agree with you on your third point and this is what Guild Wars 2 Rogue Profession-Thief Profession should have been design as....Assassin Profession in Guild Wars 

You and I know that, it is Anet Philosophy is to be blamed for implementing a Stealth Mechanic that not only gives Thief Profession Rogue attributes but allows it to defy healthy competitive counterplay in the entire gaming industry to become a near-God Mode Profession by continually equipping it with other Profession Identities and Roles by committing- Profession Identity Theft and Hijack; like Necromancer Profession: Shroud-Specter



If gw2 thief was designed to be a replica gw1 assassin class it would replicate the assassin from gw1, it definitely does not so... 

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2 hours ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

1. Gw assassin isn't gw2's thief.

2. That's one example, want me to show a vid of almost every other mmo other than gw1 where the assassin class has stealth......I don't wanna bother and I'm sure u don't either.

3. People pick rogue or assassin for its common playstyle and designs, gw2 design was one rare example that it's different.......but I bet most players chose assassin in gw1 because was closest thing to what they usual prefer....rogue class.

I choose assassin because I was a sweaty tryhard and I loved abusing weaponstows to skip aftercasts, swapping between 4 different weapon sets, and endless unblockable CC combos that only ended when my target died. When people say "look GW1-s iteration of rouge did not need stealth", that's not the argument they think it is. If assassin got ported into GW2 for real, they would be crying for the stealth system to come back, so they'd have at least one way of hiding from it.

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On 9/12/2023 at 11:15 PM, Barabbas.8715 said:

Lol, thieves are not primarily a stealth class. That would be like saying warriors are primarily a shout class or that necros are primarily a minion class.

Wrong, they are primary stealth class. Saying otherwise is like saying necros aren't a shroud class. Their core mechanics is, gasp, https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stealth_Attack.....


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2 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

Guild Wars 2 Thief Profession was designed to be a replica of Guild Wars  Assassin Profession; see attributes/traits


 I do agree with you on your third point and this is what Guild Wars 2 Rogue Profession-Thief Profession should have been design as....Assassin Profession in Guild Wars 

You and I know that, it is Anet Philosophy is to be blamed for implementing a Stealth Mechanic that not only gives Thief Profession Rogue attributes but allows it to defy healthy competitive counterplay in the entire gaming industry to become a near-God Mode Profession by continually equipping it with other Profession Identities and Roles by committing- Profession Identity Theft and Hijack; like Necromancer Profession: Shroud-Specter


Shiro Revs feel closer to assassin then thief.

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On 9/12/2023 at 7:28 PM, shion.2084 said:

put a debuff on condi and power damage after coming out of stealth.  Also do this after a port and while invuln.   Those should be use for positioning and strategy, not to gank someone from the other side of a wall that they couldn't possibly see you through.

I vote to simply  nerf stealth and simply have all damage done out in the open instead.Forget using stealth just get rid of it.

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On 9/12/2023 at 10:12 AM, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

The only thing exclusive to scrapper that is dumb is the perma superspeed.

That's gone. DE has closer to perma superspeed than scrapper after the nerfs. 

And, unlike scrapper, DE has ports on top of it. Scrapper's actually one of the slower specs in today's mobility creeped meta.

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11 hours ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Yeah that's good, alienate the rogue enjoyers of the game, they only make up significant portion of a already failing pvp population. People enjoy rogue for the high mobility bursty ambush playstyle, without stealth the whole concept of a rogue is off...... no thanks.

I get u guys don't like the class or playstyle  but it would be better for the game for the devs to simply add things like reveal on missed attacks etc and remove stealth from non rogue/mesmer classes entirely as the other classes arnt designed around such, tho rangers typically have small amounts of stealth access in most rpgs/mmos.

Let's stop the remove x class cuz u don't like it mentality plaguing this games pvp community and realize everyone has equal right to enjoy the class and plastyles they like.

Just here to echo you and be a voice of sanity in this insane forum. 

7 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

Guild Wars 2 Thief Profession was designed to be a replica of Guild Wars  Assassin Profession; see attributes/traits

Are you a troll? Or just self-diluted? Your pseudo-instinctual bull is tiresome. Listen man you aere not Socrates - and this isnt Athens. Talk about the game or go away.

18 minutes ago, arazoth.7290 said:

Relic Of Reveal => 5 sec duration on target/1 sec longer if hit in stealth, 30 sec cd.

Relic gets triggered  on damage.

Actual discussion feedback. Look at that. A reveal relic seems like a decent idea - nice suggestion. 

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35 minutes ago, arazoth.7290 said:

Relic Of Reveal => 5 sec duration on target/1 sec longer if hit in stealth, 30 sec cd.

Relic gets triggered  on damage.

Fine. Im into "give up your relic slot to interrupt stealth."

2 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

That's gone. DE has closer to perma superspeed than scrapper after the nerfs. 

And, unlike scrapper, DE has ports on top of it. Scrapper's actually one of the slower specs in today's mobility creeped meta.

Ah annoying fast DE how I've missed you, welcome home

19 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

Remove Stealth Mechanic access entirely from all Professions 

Forumers tried to kill thief for 10 years with old videos and hyperbole, but even taking the stealth duration out of SA didn't get that done. 

You all think you're more important than the entire thief playerbase and that Anet will remove stealth without adding some other defense that will put you in downstate just as often, and you're wrong on both counts. Unshackle yourself, you'll be here forever trying to substitute thief-bullying balance for learning the matchup. 💓

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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2 hours ago, jdawgie.1835 said:


Actual discussion feedback. Look at that. A reveal relic seems like a decent idea - nice suggestion. 

A reveal relic would be broke. If we get that, we need an unblockable relic, an unblindable relice, a relic that removes 2 boons and prioritizes stab and aegis, a relic that puts out weakness. We need to practice the game more, and not ask for nerfs or things that have always been in the game to be negated just because we BELIEVE we are good. We are not all kings or queens. 

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5 hours ago, magickthief.6492 said:

A reveal relic would be broke. If we get that, we need an unblockable relic, an unblindable relice, a relic that removes 2 boons and prioritizes stab and aegis, a relic that puts out weakness. We need to practice the game more, and not ask for nerfs or things that have always been in the game to be negated just because we BELIEVE we are good. We are not all kings or queens. 

I hear you man - i am not saying i agree. But at least he put out a suggestion instead of an emotional appeal.

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5 hours ago, Master Ketsu.4569 said:

Glass burst scrapper is in an annoying state right now where by itself it's just a cheese build that while annoying can be easily focused and killed, but when it has a competent support duo it starts to break the game. Expect to see abuse in the MAT as more people figure this out.

This makes decent sense. I'd argue that many builds become monsters with dedicated support, but grenades do offer a certain constant pressure.

Apart from that, yeah, Scrapper is one of the easiest kills in the game rn.

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7 hours ago, bethekey.8314 said:

This makes decent sense. I'd argue that many builds become monsters with dedicated support, but grenades do offer a certain constant pressure.

Apart from that, yeah, Scrapper is one of the easiest kills in the game rn.

I sincerely hate the grenade play style but engi is largely balanced around it. If it needs tuning, I’d rather the “snap ground target to target” option just be removed as an option for nades… literally would fix the problem with constant face roll pressure. Either way, even at current level, I still don’t see any form of engi really being oppressive in the meta. Yeah, okay, if you get a full stealth burst it can hit hard on glassy specs, but again, that requires setup dependent upon a 75s CD stealth. Honestly, even with support, scrap is very easy to target down or at least pressure away- ESPECIALLY if they already used their sneak gyro. I just don’t see this is being much of an issue, especially when you consider the current performance of all the A-S tier classes currently dominating the meta. 

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