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I'm lost - what do people want from GW2?


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29 minutes ago, Dante.1508 said:

Yeah i never understood the appeal.. I tried them a few times and its really repetitive and pointless mostly solo. I still to this day never got the Tyrian masteries there.

That's like saying world bosses from the core game are pointless solo. People to run up and solo Tequatl. It's on a timer though.  Riba groups advertise on LFG all the time. You join the group, you get into the server, and then if you want, you leave the group and suddenly you're not solo.

You're working with a limitation you're putting on yourself. As for the masteries, I assume you're taking about the meta-achievements for each of those zones. They weren't that hard to get back in the day and some of them are much easier to get these days.

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Personally what I would like is completely customizable armor.🤯  Not armor set armor pieces like viper, berserker, plague doctor, and ect.

I'd like to have set amount of stat points I could add to make an armor piece.  Or even to just beable swap one stat with equal value.

I'd like to beable to put all available stat points into one stat (power, toughness, condition damage, etc) or into five stats if I wanted.  Just buy an exotic and start loading up the stats you would like.

As far as the rest of the game....  definitely need more relics.  Maybe even have changable weapon skills... on some.  Like drop down to make certain weapons more healing, condition, or power.

Getting the Skyscale (oldskool way) was tough, getting the griffon, the roller beetle, and the warclaw...  yeah it was tough and time consuming, but I feel accomplished with them.  Felt great afterward, like yeah I did that.

Legendary anything is hard.  Hard to do the long game for.  I know some ppl probably pop one out every few months, (bc mystic clovers).  Not me I've gotten one Legendary Nevermore.  I'm working on armor but barely scatched the start...  I do feel like Legendary anything is a bit too much.  That is just from a casual player perspective, at the same time I see why though.

People do have a mindset of straight up getting handouts.  Man, I've been in this game for 10 years on and off.  Getting hand out skyscale wasn't right lol. But I expect more, so that GW2 can pander to people.

The game is the game just play it how you want. 

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50 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

That's like saying world bosses from the core game are pointless solo. People to run up and solo Tequatl. It's on a timer though.  Riba groups advertise on LFG all the time. You join the group, you get into the server, and then if you want, you leave the group and suddenly you're not solo.

You're working with a limitation you're putting on yourself. As for the masteries, I assume you're taking about the meta-achievements for each of those zones. They weren't that hard to get back in the day and some of them are much easier to get these days.

Some are close to impossible to get today due to power creep.

Like any of the end boss lane achievements building the honey comb on the first boss etc.

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On 9/20/2023 at 6:26 AM, Padrion.7382 said:

I don't get it either: legendaries are not needed for anything else but to show off. And if they are easy to obtain you can't really show them off anymore...

I expect them to have a very large convenience factor by being able to stat change, use on other characters simultaneously, etc. 

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44 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Some are close to impossible to get today due to power creep.

Like any of the end boss lane achievements building the honey comb on the first boss etc.

I just get stuff like that in late maps that only just start advertising. There are plenty of those too.  There are definitely achievements that are harder to get these days though, that's true. But I'd wager more of them are easier than the old days. 

However, power creep has made the four bosses in the Silverwastes pretty hard to get, because they die so fast, you have to be pretty close to get them. I wish people would just tap them and wait a bit, tbh. I know I do.

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Hold on a sec…do people not get that the obsidian armor acquisition in this game is the nostalgic equivalent to the obsidian armor acquisition in guild wars 1? It was…iconically the most expensive and artificially prestigious armor you could ever make in that game (looked like kitten though). It was proof in some sense that you grinded Underworld seven thousand times… or were obscenely rich.

obsidian armor being grindy and expensive should not be a surprise to anyone


edit: btw I’m not defending crappy grindy gameplay…I’m just saying that obsidian armor is the epitome of the meaning of “grindy” and that it shouldn’t be surprising that gw2, is following the same nostalgia based footprint as it’s predecessor for this armor

Edited by JusticeRetroHunter.7684
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I want a new ingame lfg "filter" by default 

And the community should vote  , by default which listings should be stay hidden (like selling and KP) , in order to avoid this issue 😛

And ofc a command to unlock them


Edit: Or even better ,the community should vote for which non-istanced-lfg-listing  should be shown !

(We can put the RP channel in the Silverwaste)


(funny that people where open in arms about seeling the OW in the TP , but selling the Raid one or the Flower aura  is "ok" and people should use the filters instead ... .hmm...)


Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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18 hours ago, Dante.1508 said:

Yeah i never understood the appeal.. I tried them a few times and its really repetitive and pointless mostly solo. I still to this day never got the Tyrian masteries there.

I think it's different strokes for different folks. People don't all have the same taste for what they want to do in an MMO, so the games offer varying things to do to widen their appeal.

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16 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

Some are close to impossible to get today due to power creep.

Like any of the end boss lane achievements building the honey comb on the first boss etc.

Yes, silverwastes is a map where the npcs need to go back to being the damage sponges (is that the term?) they once were. This will also enforce the need to break the defiance bars on the final champs. The legendaries need to go back to having legendary HP. Every time I do SW, and I'm doing 2-4 meta repeats a week, someone always calls out for slow dps. There should not be a need to request people to slow down their dps when fighting a legendary.

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2 hours ago, Hesione.9412 said:

Yes, silverwastes is a map where the npcs need to go back to being the damage sponges (is that the term?) they once were. This will also enforce the need to break the defiance bars on the final champs. The legendaries need to go back to having legendary HP. Every time I do SW, and I'm doing 2-4 meta repeats a week, someone always calls out for slow dps. There should not be a need to request people to slow down their dps when fighting a legendary.

They reduced power creep but not enough. The game was not built for 43k dps specs.

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It is a rat-tail.

Gw2 is probably my most/longest mmorpg. i have the game since launch (boxed version). And i played the game since 10 years now with a few months breaks obviously.

I like the original way of doing map completions together. Exploring casually maps, do some pvp and wvw.

PvP and WvW in 2012/2013 was fun. there was no meta, there was no guides, there was nothing. you just joined, and won if you played better. Nowdays the "gamers" changed how they play games... Nowdays you have to read a guide or play meta to succeed in any content. Which is sad.


Fractals when they came out, you joined any group and just tried and have fun. You where considered "Pro Player/Skilled" if you know what a combo field and combo field finishers are.

Nowdays people want min-maxed aDps, qDps, alacHeal, some weird killcount 3rd party website e.g. .. I finished map completion in tyria ones. and it took me 10 years. Why it took so long? Cause for the first 60% i had no mounts or gliders or Overlays/Guides. Finishing Queensdale was like 1 month of playing back in the days. Then you found something new too.

How i used to play Gw2 in 2012 was sitting in queensdale, doing events, helping new people with the champion troll, have fun and enjoyed the game. We walk with some friends around the map, made some speculations and roleplay "What is behind this gate?", various rumors and had a good time. (The Jumping Puzzle in Queensdale). I remember the time someone found this mysterious entry. My friend literally wrote me an MMS (yes, we didnt used whatsapp back in the days). and shared the moment. Then we agreed that no one take a step further, so we can explore it all together. And we had a fun evening together.

Nowdays there are no rumors, secrets, miracles and "hype-moments" anymore. Everything is Datamined through the API or on the wiki... or on Reddit..

It's a Rat Tail!  People want everything now, and guides.. people cant explore anymore... people cant be creative and invent nice rumors/tinfoils and stories about areas anymore.
And that affect everyone. "But Janna, you don't have to read the guides". No thats where the rat-tail comes in. If i dont read the guides i cant run any group content. People expect from me i know the raid, fractal boss, people even want that i play meta build.. There are almost no gamers left that play for fun and exploration sadly.. Thats why many friends quit the mmorpg genre as a whole.

MMORPG'S/Gaming is not what it was supposed to be.. People want everything fast and guided nowdays.. Spending a whole week solving a jumping puzzle in 2023 is inconceivably for most people.

And yes i was the person complaining about Gift of Battle.. but mainly cause its WvW.. and guess what.. to play WvW and succeed you have to play meta... and this result in reading a guide... The moment you have to read a guide or some 3rd party website/tool to enjoy some content. is the moment i rather don't play that content at all.

Gaming is about haveing a fun, a cozy and relaxing atmosphere, exploration feeling and creativity/rumors "what could be behind the gate!?". Not about "competive-pvp-meta-####" If i want meta-competive-pvp stuff i go play a shooter...

Gw2 is a Horizontal Progression Game! And the community and the content should be designed as this. and not come with their toxic "You need 9k alacDPS to join"...
And yes Legendary should still be hard to obtain, this is a long term goal, and can be vertical. But still, it shouldnt be mandatory to do pvp/wvw content for it.


"If gamers would invest only half as much time for education in their real environment as they do in researching video-game guides, then they would be genius."

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2 hours ago, WaifuJanna.9108 said:

Nowdays people want min-maxed aDps, qDps, alacHeal, some weird killcount 3rd party website e.g. .. I finished map completion in tyria ones. and it took me 10 years. Why it took so long? Cause for the first 60% i had no mounts or gliders or Overlays/Guides. Finishing Queensdale was like 1 month of playing back in the days. Then you found something new too.

Because bosses nowadays, even in HoT are scaled by what they release. Anet has decided to give us the boons for quickness and alacrity. Quickness and alacrity has scaled up gameplay significantly and demanded more, from us, the player. That is not the fault of the players, that is simply adaptation at work. Players adapted to what the devs gave to them. How is that exactly a bad thing? If we didn't do what you are seeing as a problem, people would either not succeed at anything but core content or encounters would take twice as long. People (not me) don't have all the time in the world to be sitting on a singular encounter when there is several encounters people need to get through.

2 hours ago, WaifuJanna.9108 said:

It's a Rat Tail!  People want everything now, and guides.. people cant explore anymore... people cant be creative and invent nice rumors/tinfoils and stories about areas anymore.
And that affect everyone. "But Janna, you don't have to read the guides". No thats where the rat-tail comes in. If i dont read the guides i cant run any group content. People expect from me i know the raid, fractal boss, people even want that i play meta build.. There are almost no gamers left that play for fun and exploration sadly.. Thats why many friends quit the mmorpg genre as a whole.

Actually you could run the content. It is called taking initiative. People in the most upper echelon of gameplay within GW2 have done the hardest content with core classes as a challenge. Granted, people like the elite specs, because on a surface level, they appear to be more polished, but there are people that take the leadership role of running the game with core classes and they do JUST fine. Is it on the same level as elite specs? No. But people are still ABLE to do content. What you presented is what people hate to hear, even people that are not involved with the video game world: that is an excuse.

2 hours ago, WaifuJanna.9108 said:

MMORPG'S/Gaming is not what it was supposed to be.. People want everything fast and guided nowdays.. Spending a whole week solving a jumping puzzle in 2023 is inconceivably for most people.

I don't know about anywhere else in the world, but in America the economy has gotten worse. Jobs have been demanding more of time and we have less time to actually enjoy ourselves. Time is valuable, and the fact that people want to be 'fast' is the unfortunate reality of what we have been given over here. If things were to change and this country were a lot more comfortable, we wouldn't need to feel like we have to rush in order to 'enjoy the game'. Granted, not EVERYONE is suffering, but the overall working class is being pushed harder than we were a decade ago, so. Neither here or there, just what our reality is.

2 hours ago, WaifuJanna.9108 said:

And yes i was the person complaining about Gift of Battle.. but mainly cause its WvW.. and guess what.. to play WvW and succeed you have to play meta... and this result in reading a guide... The moment you have to read a guide or some 3rd party website/tool to enjoy some content. is the moment i rather don't play that content at all.

Again, while meta builds make things EASIER and more efficient for players and to succeed, again there are people that are just like YOU they run 'off-meta' builds that see just as much success. Are they going to win EVERY encounter? Obviously not, but they still created something that tailors to their playstyle and ultimately allows them to 'have fun'. They are dedicated to their own fun. The fact that you FEEL the need to play meta, tells me you don't want to bother with that extra little effort in order to find something that you love. Which, that is the fault of no one.

Added point:  This repeated mention of guides..bothers me. Guides have never been a bad thing. Guides have been around since literally Dreamcast era? SNES era? (Someone older than me, tell me if there were guidebooks in the original NES days.) They are there if you WANT to use them, you don't have to use them. This is not a new concept. This is not a strange, 2020s era thing. This has been around for ages, but people that (are even older than me) are going -surprise pikachu- at concepts that have been around since I was an infant banging my hands on a controller with my father. It's strange and honestly makes me wonder do people genuinely did not know about these sort of things back in the day or if they are trying to take some higher ground by saying they 'didn't use a guide on any game they played growing up'. Either way it's odd to me, but again, not my place to judge. I only come here to inform and sometimes even debunk. 


2 hours ago, WaifuJanna.9108 said:

"If gamers would invest only half as much time for education in their real environment as they do in researching video-game guides, then they would be genius."

This is just jaded talk right here. Almost borderline insulting. So I'll just say this: you sound no different than my father until he is proven wrong and then he gets mad about the fact that people younger than him can debunk his fallacies and lies he conjures up. There are plenty, severely educated people. In fact, a lot of people who make these guides for people like YOU are the same people cranking out numbers on spreadsheets in their offices and dealing with systems on a day to day basis. Mathematics? Statistics? Heard of that? Being able to take what you know from the real world and then having it adapt to your gameplay so you can have FUN cranking numbers, seems to tell me that this person loves this game enough to take their work related skill into something they don't need to use it in. The fact you felt the need to say this is..It brings up concerns. Opinions. But I doubt you would care or even felt that I have insulted you, so I will just keep them to myself.

Edited by Dreams.3128
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12 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

They reduced power creep but not enough. The game was not built for 43k dps specs.

The game was not built for many things - pseudo-trinity, dedicated boon supports and healers, perma quick/alac upkeep, elite specs being straight out upgrades to core professions (in direct contradiction to their original stated plans of them only being sidegrades, there to offer only new options and introduce new playstyles - of course that design goal likely got broken even before it got announced)... Once they unbalanced everything, every attempt they make to bring it back under control just makes it wobble even more.

Although to be honest likely it was impossible to keep everything in check from the very beginning. The system they designed just gives their players too much freedom, which means players very fast started arriving at solutions devs never even thought about.

One example: Remember the reason why weapon swap exists? It was so players could adjust to changing situation. So, for example, transition from a melee weapon to ranged one, or from a single target weapon into an aoe option. It didn't take industrious players long however to notice, that they could use two similar purpose weapons to swap between them and basically double on their high cooldown high dps skills - which threw out design calculations for skills on each weapon out of the window. Now, this is considered a norm however - game adjusted to the players, that pushed it forward.

It is just one of many such examples. Each of them minor, but each of them eventualy being "rolled into" a new normal, with game being moved slightly every time it happens. And since it is always players that push the efficiency envelope that come up with, use and then popularize those ideas, the game keeps moving in that very direction. Year after year, step after step. And then we arrive in present times and suddenly someone is suprised that the original reference points are no longer appropriate because the game has moved past them long ago.

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4 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

It didn't take industrious players long however to notice, that they could use two similar purpose weapons to swap between them and basically double on their high cooldown high dps skills

The theory about developers somehow not being aware that 9 second weapon swap cd is shorter than 20s skill cooldowns is rather doubtful. Even moreso when you take into account warrior design along with its fast hands trait.

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2 hours ago, Dreams.3128 said:

Because bosses nowadays, even in HoT are scaled by what they release. Anet has decided to give us the boons for quickness and alacrity. Quickness and alacrity has scaled up gameplay significantly and demanded more, from us, the player. That is not the fault of the players, that is simply adaptation at work. Players adapted to what the devs gave to them. How is that exactly a bad thing? If we didn't do what you are seeing as a problem, people would either not succeed at anything but core content or encounters would take twice as long. People (not me) don't have all the time in the world to be sitting on a singular encounter when there is several encounters people need to get through.

Actually you could run the content. It is called taking initiative. People in the most upper echelon of gameplay within GW2 have done the hardest content with core classes as a challenge. Granted, people like the elite specs, because on a surface level, they appear to be more polished, but there are people that take the leadership role of running the game with core classes and they do JUST fine. Is it on the same level as elite specs? No. But people are still ABLE to do content. What you presented is what people hate to hear, even people that are not involved with the video game world: that is an excuse.
I play Staff Elementalist/Katalyst on DPS. and every other party i need to explain myself else they wouldnt take me.

I don't know about anywhere else in the world, but in America the economy has gotten worse. Jobs have been demanding more of time and we have less time to actually enjoy ourselves. Time is valuable, and the fact that people want to be 'fast' is the unfortunate reality of what we have been given over here. If things were to change and this country were a lot more comfortable, we wouldn't need to feel like we have to rush in order to 'enjoy the game'. Granted, not EVERYONE is suffering, but the overall working class is being pushed harder than we were a decade ago, so. Neither here or there, just what our reality is.
Video gaming is supposed to be a hobby not a job. So if the Job is going fast, why you want your freetime to be fast and hectic too? Just take it slowly and relax.

Again, while meta builds make things EASIER and more efficient for players and to succeed, again there are people that are just like YOU they run 'off-meta' builds that see just as much success. Are they going to win EVERY encounter? Obviously not, but they still created something that tailors to their playstyle and ultimately allows them to 'have fun'. They are dedicated to their own fun. The fact that you FEEL the need to play meta, tells me you don't want to bother with that extra little effort in order to find something that you love. Which, that is the fault of no one.

Added point:  This repeated mention of guides..bothers me. Guides have never been a bad thing. Guides have been around since literally Dreamcast era? SNES era? (Someone older than me, tell me if there were guidebooks in the original NES days.) They are there if you WANT to use them, you don't have to use them. This is not a new concept. This is not a strange, 2020s era thing. This has been around for ages, but people that (are even older than me) are going -surprise pikachu- at concepts that have been around since I was an infant banging my hands on a controller with my father. It's strange and honestly makes me wonder do people genuinely did not know about these sort of things back in the day or if they are trying to take some higher ground by saying they 'didn't use a guide on any game they played growing up'. Either way it's odd to me, but again, not my place to judge. I only come here to inform and sometimes even debunk. 

Yes some "Guide books" exist back in the days, but guess what, those are usualy paid and during that era only the "super dedicated" people would pay money for a guide book. There was no reddit, no wiki or datamining. Nowdays people know how to beat a game, before its even released (See at Diablo IV, people knew most stuff from datamines and alpha/pre builds....)

This is just jaded talk right here. Almost borderline insulting. So I'll just say this: you sound no different than my father until he is proven wrong and then he gets mad about the fact that people younger than him can debunk his fallacies and lies he conjures up. There are plenty, severely educated people. In fact, a lot of people who make these guides for people like YOU are the same people cranking out numbers on spreadsheets in their offices and dealing with systems on a day to day basis. Mathematics? Statistics? Heard of that? Being able to take what you know from the real world and then having it adapt to your gameplay so you can have FUN cranking numbers, seems to tell me that this person loves this game enough to take their work related skill into something they don't need to use it in. The fact you felt the need to say this is..It brings up concerns. Opinions. But I doubt you would care or even felt that I have insulted you, so I will just keep them to myself.

That was an exagerated Quote. but the key message is still the truth.  Yes the few Guide authors are smart, and many (not all) get paid for this, or do write the guides as part of their job (Journalism).  But the Quote was regarding the other 99% of players.

Lets be real here... do you know anyone who Solved the SoTo Missing Sky-scale eggs without using some guide? I don't know anyone.. If this content would released 20 years ago, and there wouldnt be a guide for it, this would be a year project.

Remember back in the days there was games, where secrets and archivements/puzzles got solved way later. Nowdays this is impossible. cause everything is solved sadly.
Map completion is a good example, some places are so hidden you will only find them if you explore every single tree/rock. But since guides exist people just ignore that narrative and finish the content in a few days.

Also you have to think a bit in the developers view. It's an insult to the developers if you can solve/clear content they took weeks to code in just 1 day...

And then people wonder why timegate exist.. Timegate have to exist, else the "rushing-guide-players" will finish everything in a day, and then cry for more content.
At that point might wanna ask yourself, do you actually play the game, or do you just going down a checklist in the wiki? - You bough an expansion just to finish it in 1-2 days? Thats kinda sad... I bough an expansion to have fun a few thousand hours over the next year, until a new expansion drops.


Edited by WaifuJanna.9108
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2 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

The theory about developers somehow not being aware that 9 second weapon swap cd is shorter than 20s skill cooldowns is rather doubtful. Even moreso when you take into account warrior design along with its fast hands trait.

Here you have developer thought on weapon swap (look around 8:30 timestamp, where he explains how he can run either gs for power build, or swap to longbow and use it with a completely different build approach). That'd the depth of developer thoughts about builds and weapon swap from around that time. And notice how it's already after launch, when some top players were already diverging from this way of thinking.

So... yeah, i'm quite sure they didn't think of it at all.

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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Here you have developer thought on weapon swap (look around 8:30 timestamp, where he explains how he can run either gs for power build, or swap to longbow and use it with a completely different build approach). That'd the depth of developer thoughts about builds and weapon swap from around that time. And notice how it's already after launch, when some top players were already diverging from this way of thinking.

So... yeah, i'm quite sure they didn't think of it at all.

So one of the dev says what he, personally, likes to do and you somehow come up with a conclusion that it means they didn't think of weapon swapping cooldowns when compared to much longer skill cooldowns?
Here's a fun part though: what you linked literally just confirms what I pointed out about fast hands. Check 8:00 mark, which is where he mentions fast hands "giving you 5s weaponswap, it will allow you to do a lot more combos, switch around between your weapons(...)". They very clearly were aware of what it does and what the implications of weaponswap -including the shorter one for FH- are.

Sure, "they didn't think about it", except specifically pointing it out 10 years ago when talking about "fast hands" trait in the very video you just linked. 🙄

Edited by Sobx.1758
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21 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Pointing out the trait, sure. Without apparently fully realizing consequences.

Go check the 8:00 timestamp or read what I quoted, he literally said: "giving you 5s weaponswap, it will allow you to do a lot more combos, switch around between your weapons(...)".

Meanwhile I check 8:30 and it doesn't really say what you claim it does. All he said there was that he likes running power stats on GS [which is a power weapon and some condi stats on longbow (because it provides condi damage). All it means is that he liked "attaching" stats to the weapon he uses (which is also what he straight up says there), it says nothing about cooldowns or frequency of weaponswapping. Watch 8:00 and listen to what he says, he does realize the consequence, if he didn't, he wouldn't need 5s weapon swap to switch around between the weapons and do more combos. Stop ignoring what he said and I specifically quoted in my post. He pointed out the trait and described consequences.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Interesting and challenging (to various degrees) content that is rewarding without relying on convoluted matryoshka doll like collections and who knows how many currencies.

And, if my boss told me he was "rewarding" me for putting a lot of time and effort by giving me more work I would laugh. So, having game rewards be an option to now work on something else doesnt work. Nor does having rewards be the option to spend my gold.

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On 10/4/2023 at 10:13 AM, WaifuJanna.9108 said:


This is why I emphasize to make your OWN squad. Do you have a squad tag? 300g is not that hard to acquire when doing dailies and weeklies. Also staff DPS can be done, but it is a very very tight rotation that can lose momentum very fast. If they are not taking you, that means you are probably not reaching the DPS that is acquired for something that is CMs. T4s you can get away with it on most outside of a few fights. 

But for example, I had a Core Ele in my T4s. Me and my friend laughed, but we took him. He did fine. Not amazing, but acceptable. Most people don't care unless they are really really needing a key boon like quickness or alac. 

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On 9/25/2023 at 9:57 PM, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Actually, I think WvW is the best place to not run them. Because nobody can kick you out of the map if they disagree with what you're running. The meta doesn't exist outside of zergs either

That goes for every non-instanced game mode.

I actually prefer to play in squads.
While those that just collect players don't say anything about what class/spec joins, I know some of those would prefer when the people, who join, play meta.
An organised squad anyway, they expect you to play a role. They may accept everything at the beginning but sort the non-fitting people out later (meaning they ask them to switch to something meta or kick them).

I don't join squads often anymore and run beside/along them because I cba to switch to herald and play meta, I rather stick to renegade and snack what the squad leaves in downstate or what I can catch. I help with building sieges and do scout, report hostile zergs, take camps, but I know from voice chat that those commanders that run organised squads, mainly for fights, detest people like me when not playing their meta. Esp. when their squad is low of meta people because of those ppl who won't join and won't play meta. That's often the case on EBG. But they rarely say so nowadays because even they had to learn that people have feelings 😉 But every then and now they show their true colors. And then I hate them. For thinking they can tell how people are meant to play, how wvw is meant to play. In my opinion it is not meant for squad fights, thats gvg abuse on wvw maps.
Some commanders are really cool and play organised squads even with non-metas saying everyone should have fun. Ofc that means we may lose more often vs zergs. And I can count the number of those commanders on one hand.

The last wvw event had a lot of newbies flooding the wvw maps, they did the track needed for legendaries and the veterans were often so hostile towards them. Awful and so short sighted. Wvw needs more active people and instead of hoping that some of the pve players will stick to wvw and welcome them and make them feel welcomed, they gave everything to make it a bad experience for them. As if being new to wvw isnt hard enough already.

Edited by Lucy.3728
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