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2 hours ago, RaveOnYou.2819 said:

bcs there is powercreep and anet aware the situation after especially eod and soto. if they let boonstrip easy then all zergs fights can turn into who attack first, who has more burst which is not fair, there should be breath room in fights.

So instead we just mindlessly spam boons with no real counter play.



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Boonstrip Chrono was nerfed again today. That build has been nerfed in almost every patch dating back to the launch of EOD. 

IMO, the devs don’t want to come into WvW and get pwned because normies took their boons away. Same reason the devs cancelled invis. 

Boonball = meta until there’s major leadership change at ANET

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Devs just enjoy rolling in their sweaty stacked unkillable GvG comps rolling over more casual WvW players with perma boons and perma reflects. 

Roy rather than bringing in his wvw knowledge for good, is just doubling down on helping Anet make WvW fights an awful experience for new players.

If you are an organised group why do you need the boon advantage that confers 200% more effectiveness (stab/quickness/mightstacks/perma prot/broken healing) over a casual non-boon ball group? would 20% not be more reasonable.

Surely your organisation, experience and comms should be enough to allow you to win without the added massive advantage of all this boon powercreep?

Boons are carcinogenic. Change my mind

Edited by Sandzibar.5134
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1 hour ago, Sandzibar.5134 said:

Roy rather than bringing in his wvw knowledge for good, is just doubling down on helping Anet make WvW fights an awful experience for new players.

Change my mind

Now you ask me to put on the tin foil hat. Early on wasn't there a comment about Roy not being part of skills and balance now and Taylor stepping up? None of the three were flagged as WvW balance lead in any case. So not sure based on the satirical titles displayed who/what/where is the WvW skill lead. So not saying yeah or nay but it leaves more of a huh? in my mind.

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More serious note, for all WvW players in this subforum, if you missed the skill balance twitch feed, check out 

They have asked for feedback so provide if you want to see other skill balance changes. Not going to say yeah or nay to it here, just more FYI if you missed it.

The Twitch video is missing the other two audio feeds else I would link, will have to watch for a more full 3 version feed if you want the full feed versus one from a CC provider.


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52 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Now you ask me to put on the tin foil hat. Early on wasn't there a comment about Roy not being part of skills and balance now and Taylor stepping up? None of the three were flagged as WvW balance lead in any case. So not sure based on the satirical titles displayed who/what/where is the WvW skill lead. So not saying yeah or nay but it leaves more of a huh? in my mind.

Well yeah. the Roy thing is more a meme than anything. I dont think they let him do anything other than occaisionly place trees on maps and be pretty for Tv/streams.

Maybe he fetches CMC water or something. Who knows.

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On 10/28/2023 at 7:16 AM, Sandzibar.5134 said:

Devs just enjoy rolling in their sweaty stacked unkillable GvG comps rolling over more casual WvW players with perma boons and perma reflects. 

Roy rather than bringing in his wvw knowledge for good, is just doubling down on helping Anet make WvW fights an awful experience for new players.

If you are an organised group why do you need the boon advantage that confers 200% more effectiveness (stab/quickness/mightstacks/perma prot/broken healing) over a casual non-boon ball group? would 20% not be more reasonable.

Surely your organisation, experience and comms should be enough to allow you to win without the added massive advantage of all this boon powercreep?

Boons are carcinogenic. Change my mind

The state of GvG isn't even good ATM either, I watched it a bit in some streams and the meta looks boring to watch. 

It's not unsurprising, as they have to balance so many different modes, elite specs, relics and now weapon mastery, before they have to balance for, new weapons early next year.

I'm not sure Roy has much power or feedback over WvW profession balancing, it just seems anet feels like they want to go in one direction, ignoring feedback. It even seems to impact server performance I think, that's why there's skill lag at times.

Edited by CrimsonOneThree.5682
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30 minutes ago, SlateSloan.3654 said:

It feels like they meet in the office, write all specs on paper snippets, drop them in a bowl and one is to close the eyes and randomly pick one. that spec gets buffed then for the next 6 month into op-ness while the next pick gets nerfed in the ground and so on.

So they switched from darts to bowl picking this time? Impressive.

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9 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Now you ask me to put on the tin foil hat. Early on wasn't there a comment about Roy not being part of skills and balance now and Taylor stepping up? None of the three were flagged as WvW balance lead in any case. So not sure based on the satirical titles displayed who/what/where is the WvW skill lead. So not saying yeah or nay but it leaves more of a huh? in my mind.

If he's not on the balance team.... why have him on the balance streams....

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9 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

More serious note, for all WvW players in this subforum, if you missed the skill balance twitch feed, check out 

They have asked for feedback so provide if you want to see other skill balance changes. Not going to say yeah or nay to it here, just more FYI if you missed it.

The Twitch video is missing the other two audio feeds else I would link, will have to watch for a more full 3 version feed if you want the full feed versus one from a CC provider.


Hey to the guys who were suggesting changes to concentration...

  • Relic of the Herald: This relic now also grants its bonus when applying boons to yourself. Increased the concentration per stack from 15 to 25. This relic no longer has an internal cooldown.

You see Anet listens! Enjoy! LMAO! 🤭

  • Null Field: Increased the cooldown from 35 seconds to 45 seconds in WvW only.
  • Phantasmal Disenchanter: Reduced the number of boons removed from 2 to 1 in WvW only.

Oh hey Anet, save everyone some time, Just remove boon strips entirely next patch thanks. 🤷‍♂️

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1 hour ago, XenesisII.1540 said:
  • Null Field: Increased the cooldown from 35 seconds to 45 seconds in WvW only.
  • Phantasmal Disenchanter: Reduced the number of boons removed from 2 to 1 in WvW only.

Oh hey Anet, save everyone some time, Just remove boon strips entirely next patch thanks. 🤷‍♂️

At some point, one have to wonder how balancing patches went from meh we dont care about wvw to just straight up bizarre.

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On 10/27/2023 at 8:29 PM, Nanoir.2315 said:

So instead we just mindlessly spam boons with no real counter play.



That's what Anet wants  the side who has the ktrain MUST win and KTRAIN like EOTM,  all bunkers support and condi bunkers perma boons just like PVE but instead of dps players hug to bunkers stats.

This is actually how Anet wants WvW to happen... they even stated in the past (in the old gw2 forum)they wanted to bring what was happening from EOTM to wvw....  less fights more structure farm with omni blobs.

Which means powercreep with bunkers stats + perma "overboon spam" and omniblob is the way, it is very lame but that's what devs are 🙂 lamers.


Edited by Aeolus.3615
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They balance the game based on data. Data says that GW2 gamers are so bad that they need 100% vengeance proc on warrior in pve. 

You boonball complainers just need to shift your mindset. Think of boons as reverse conditions, because that's what most of you are, right? Celestial gamers, condi build enjoyers? Ranger mains?

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