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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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Please please please could you bring back the "Tropical Feathered Cape" soon?




I've been waiting for months for it to come back with no luck and i'm really desperate for it to finish my character's shaman look. It has such beautiful colours, and is the only cape made with feathers. Thank you ^_^

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I want buy Exalted Shoulders Skin and Lunar Backpack
I really want to buy it.
Any thoughts on reselling?
I want to decorate my character pretty. xD
plz :L

Exalted Shoulders Skin

Black Lion Statuette history

Black Lion Statuette History
Start date End date
August 11, 2020 August 25, 2020
July 13, 2021 August 17, 2021
June 28, 2022 August 02, 2022


Lunar Backpack

Black Lion Statuette history


Black Lion Statuette History
Start date End date
June 07, 2022 June 28, 2022
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Can you please add dye options for Mechanist mechs?  Even if we can't dye the jade parts (I wish we could), it would be nice to be able to dye the gold bits the same as we can dye our mounts, outfits, and gliders.


This would be a nice way to at least give mechanist players some way to customize their mech without adding new mech skins entirely (which is another popular request but one that might not be realistic in the near future).


If we can dye the jade armor outfits, back items, and mounts, I think it would be totally doable to allow us to dye our mechs!  And this would also be nice for non-mechanist players too who have to stare at the same giant green mechs all over the place lol!

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On 1/31/2023 at 11:34 PM, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

Please bring back the Canthan Menagerie Mount Pack, it hasn't been available for over a year and I can see that it probably won't be available at all this entire year..... why rotate mounts so slowly in the gemstore?  I mean I shouldn't have to wait for more than 6 months to a year for something to come back, but 2 years plus is ridiculous, i probably won't even want it by then, so you're missing out on sales. I just don't get it.


On 2/9/2023 at 1:18 PM, Terrorangel.1526 said:

Is it possible to increase the "rotation speed" of outfits, skins and/or gliders in general?

It seems there are always the same outfits available and never leave the Gem Store while others are purchasable once or twice a year.


I agree: I think it would be a much healthier dynamic and lead to more sales overall if any given item could be available frequently (or just all the things always, if that's possible) and if there were more frequent sales including on utility and upgrade items.

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