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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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Things I'd like to have in the gemshop 🧜🏻‍♀️💙

* Kuunavang mini

* Kuunavang inspired skyscale skin, with shimmering colours. Breathing hot water instead of fire

* trident staff skin (beautiful sea-folk style)

* mermaid mini

* Sea folks dorsal fin - a backpiece that is a beautiful dorsal fin.

* Seafolks legs.... Legpiece that turns your legs into a mermaid tail when entering water, making u'r character swim more like krait/naga rather than humanoid style.

* Seafolks hands - simply gloves that make u'r character get webbed fingers and fins on the forearms, mermaid style.

* Seafolks face - a headpiece and underwater helm/breather (yes, 2 skins that look the same) that gives u fins on the side of the head (replacing the ears), on top of the head like a beautiful fin mohawk (replacing the hair), and gills. 

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The recent Secrets of the Obscure announcement included screenshots of professions using weapons from alternate specializations. Featured in said screenshots were armor skins that are gem store exclusives. Wanting to recreate the style in the screenshot became difficult as these specific armor skins are not available at this time and assumedly won't be available by the time of the release of the Expansion. Its a bit frustrating having no ability to acquire specific armor skins besides simply waiting and praying they will be released. As such I propose some sort of similar Item like the "Mount Selection license".

"Armor Skin Selection License" - Gives you the choice of a number of gem store exclusive armor skins. Could be separated by specific part i.e. Boots, Gloves, Capes etc. Costs more then the standard gem store exclusive Item, in exchange for the ability to choose. This item would add more options to the gemstore without overloading it, and provide players who desire a specific skin to acquire it without waiting months or years for it to return to the gem store. This would also aid in allowing players who desire to acquire most if not all skins in the game to do so without simply waiting, but actively playing to earn the gems required to purchase the skins they lack. All in all a item like this would benefit both us the players and ArenaNet.

If this option is out of the question, I would like to see the return of The Rebel Long Boots, and the Jade Prothesis Gauntlet. Thank you.

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Not sure if you also take requests for recurring sales.

But hoping that the living story packs could go on sale again sometimes soon.

My friend is newly going through the story and soon approaching the end of living story season 1 - though having to buy season 2 at its current price is really turning him off from getting it. Was hoping a sale may lessen that hurdle a bit 😄

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I remember buying these first year of GW2's release when town clothes were still a thing (they were hand clothing) and then I remember that I had accidentally deleted them because I forgot they were on a character I didn't want and needed character space. Why it's taken me so long to make a request I don't know, but I'll probably just post here so this request will get buried and then I'll forget about it again (I seem to have a habit of doing that.)  Also support directed me here because I made a ticket wondering if they had any information on purchases made 10/11 years ago. Silly me.

If they did find their way back to the gem store Anet would have my gratitude.

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