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any1 complaining that ranger isn't strong enough, or will be bad next patch is COPING


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I'm not going to pretend that ranger is getting unreasonably nerfed by any means, I'm just sad that they're changing the archetype of the Drakehound. I've been using the same pet since literally day 1 of the game and now I'm gonna have to change my primary pet since they're turning him into some weird emotional support animal and hyena doesn't work with my aesthetic. I don't get why they're messing with something like that, that is neither a nerf nor a buff.

Edited by Elricht Kaltwind.8796
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That video is pure propaganda. What it actually shows it a rookie pvper literally making all the mistakes and nothing else. If you made those same choices on any other class, the result would still be the same with that rev downing you.

Ranger has been top dog class for awhile now and anyone who actually pvp's would know that. Ranger isn't the BEST pvp class atm, that goes to tempest IMO, but it's definitely top 3 for sure. The mobility and power creep has made rangers better thieves than actual thieves; it's insane how many people don't seem to realize this. Ranger also has viable specs in all 3 elites, with soulbeast being the weakest right now out of the 3, but still pretty strong.

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the patch does nothing for ranger last i checked- a bunch of pet changes that do literally nothing and in fact nerf the better pets.

power untamed is ok, kindof countered by necroand sadly even guardian. can assure you its not some kindof miracle build.

condi untamed is probably the best build, but its honestly just ur average tanky side node. only "problem" is it has mobility on top of condi damage. generally ur condi bunkers are slower, this is not so

Edited by RedAvenged.5217
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1 hour ago, Grimjack.8130 said:

dodge, dodge again if needed, equality ca 3 ca 5 ur welcome

It'd be swap to staff => staff #3, dodge, hopefully CA is off CD, then CA into #3 => #2 combo, etc. ur welcome

Like, I'm not burning equality when CA already dazes...your lack of ranger knowledge shows lol

30 minutes ago, Waffles.5632 said:

That video is pure propaganda. What it actually shows it a rookie pvper literally making all the mistakes and nothing else. If you made those same choices on any other class, the result would still be the same with that rev downing you.

Nah, other classes have passives to pop--even if I was on soulbeast I could use dolyak for prot, etc. etc.--this version of Druid doesn't get these luxuries.  

Reason for late react is I was assuming rev would stay on point long enough for heal to come off CD (can see me try to use it just as rev ports to me), but they recognized the kite and came after me--was not expecting that much damage as ranger isn't allowed to do damage.

I COULD kitten that rev port does too much damage, no time to react yadda yadda like SOME do for ranger, but nope---was just late reaction from me that lead to down.

Let's not deflect from the real point of the vid though--other pet has to path up to me or force swap, and even when swap is forced...ranger downstate is sooo OP the pet CC entirely misses.

Whoever is getting wrecked by ranger downtate seriously needs skill checks, I swear 😂.

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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5 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

It'd be swap to staff => staff #3, dodge, hopefully CA is off CD, then CA into #3 => #2 combo, etc. ur welcome

Like, I'm not burning equality when CA already dazes...your lack of ranger knowledge shows lol

Nah, other classes have passives to pop--even if I was on soulbeast I could use dolyak for prot, etc. etc.--this version of Druid doesn't get these luxuries.  

Reason for late react is I was assuming rev would stay on point long enough for heal to come off CD (can see me try to use it just as rev ports to me), but they recognized the kite and came after me--was not expecting that much damage as ranger isn't allowed to do damage.

I COULD kitten that rev port does too much damage, no time to react yadda yadda like SOME do for ranger, but nope---was just late reaction from me that lead to down.

Let's not deflect from the real point of the vid though--other pet has to path up to me or force swap, and even when swap is forced...ranger downstate is sooo OP the pet CC entirely misses.

Whoever is getting wrecked by ranger downtate seriously needs skill checks, I swear 😂.

you had 6k health, tf

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@Gotejjeken.1267 I'm sorry but no amount of spaghetti you write will ever square up with the fact that you were super low hp with your heal down and you knowingly went back into the fight instead of disengaging. It was a huge risk even if you ended up winning the exchange somehow. Did you honestly think a Rev was going to pass up such a perfectly placed low hp target? That is literally part of their power fantasy, appearing out of nowhere like a ghost and getting the jump on people. You walked right into their trap and then say somehow that Ranger now needs buffs? What is this madness? LOL.

Furthermore ranger downstate is actually BROKEN in that the pet can still rez the ranger even if the pet has died. I see rangers abuse it all the time, and that fact alone makes rangers both the dumbest and hardest class to actually down. You have to secure them above all else otherwise their pet WILL bring them back up. No other class gets that luxury.

Now if Anet actually fixed the broken part, or simply took pet acess away from Ranger entirely while downed, that would go a long way to balance the above issue. Until then, it's propaganda and copium to suggest Ranger is in any way weak right now. Any more absurd and they will become the new Cata's.

Edited by Waffles.5632
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1 hour ago, Waffles.5632 said:


Furthermore ranger downstate is actually BROKEN in that the pet can still rez the ranger even if the pet has died. I see rangers abuse it all the time, and that fact alone makes rangers both the dumbest and hardest class to actually down. You have to secure them above all else otherwise their pet WILL bring them back up. No other class gets that luxury.

Let me get this straight... you think Ranger down state is broken?
Personally  I have no issues downing anyone in game including Rangers. Zero.

"You see Rangers abuse it all the time." Sorry man, this is hard to take serious. I've played since release and I'm pretty darn sure nothing has changed about ranger/Pet Rez mechanics.
The game has been out since 2012. And it hasn't been changed all this time. You might want to get mad about something else cause this ain't gonna change

Edited by EnderzShadow.2506
Grrrrramur And spellung
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1 hour ago, Waffles.5632 said:

Furthermore ranger downstate is actually BROKEN in that the pet can still rez the ranger even if the pet has died. I see rangers abuse it all the time, and that fact alone makes rangers both the dumbest and hardest class to actually down. You have to secure them above all else otherwise their pet WILL bring them back up. No other class gets that luxury.

This has been fixed; I've posted video proof of that before pretty recently.  If pets are rezzing when they are dead, that is a bug at this point--and as you can see from the video in this topic, didn't even get a shadow of a chance to use lick wounds vs. player who knows what they are doing.

2 hours ago, Gundam Style.8495 said:

you had 6k health, tf

This is true lol; typically in placement matches and such (which this was) kiting up the back works and can go high risk--did not expect someone to actually counter it.  I'm not disputing that; the above explanation was more cause Grim was trying to troll haha.

Again, video was just a way to show that ranger downstate more often than not does absolutely nothing.  Sure, pet rez when dead is messed up but the rest of it is pretty balanced because half the pet CC's don't even hit...  

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6 hours ago, EnderzShadow.2506 said:

Let me get this straight... you think Ranger down state is broken?
Personally  I have no issues downing anyone in game including Rangers. Zero.

"You see Rangers abuse it all the time." Sorry man, this is hard to take serious. I've played since release and I'm pretty darn sure nothing has changed about ranger/Pet Rez mechanics.
The game has been out since 2012. And it hasn't been changed all this time. You might want to get mad about something else cause this ain't gonna change

Ah yes, the perfectly reasonable and sound logic of "I don't have a problem with it, so there must not be a problem!" followed immediately by "You're just mad"

This is the propaganda I'm talking about. 😔


5 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

This has been fixed; I've posted video proof of that before pretty recently.  If pets are rezzing when they are dead, that is a bug at this point--and as you can see from the video in this topic, didn't even get a shadow of a chance to use lick wounds vs. player who knows what they are doing.

If it has actually been fixed then great tbh. As for the video, again it's propaganda. The actual reality is Ranger is the ONLY downstate in the game that has access to 3 CC's AND can self rez themselves via the pet. There is literally no comparison. At the very least rangers should not be able to pet swap while downed.


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12 hours ago, Waffles.5632 said:

Ranger has been top dog class for awhile now and anyone who actually pvp's would know that. Ranger isn't the BEST pvp class atm, that goes to tempest IMO, but it's definitely top 3 for sure. The mobility and power creep has made rangers better thieves than actual thieves; it's insane how many people don't seem to realize this. Ranger also has viable specs in all 3 elites, with soulbeast being the weakest right now out of the 3, but still pretty strong.

This is such bull**** and could only be said from the mouth of a Thief main who gets countered by Ranger.

The insanely low representation rates of Ranger in MAT teams speaks for itself.

8 hours ago, Myror.7521 said:

Ranger is for sure one of the If not the strongest 1v1 class in right hands. However the gamemode itself just hold it in line right now. (Ranger is not good in staying and defending the Point)

Allow me to clear a few things up:

  1. When we ran the 1v1 ladder, it ends up being Engis & Warriors that are actually dominant in 1v1, with Ele as a close runner up. Ranger has a specific problem in 1v1s where it either can bring the DPS to be able to kill the Engi or War or Ele and then lacks sustain to survive long enough to do it, or it can bring sustain for adequate survival and then completely lacks the DPS to threaten an actual downstate on the Engi/War/Ele. There like isn't an in between when you're talking high tier players vs. high tier players.
  2. In Conquest with Ranger you're either running a DPS+ build that loses 1v1s to the classes that are better situated for it, or you're running a bunker that can hold a side node but doesn't actually have the DPS output to get things like Bladesworn/Catalyst off a node. There just isn't an in between. Ranger does not get to have an ultra build that can do everything like some classes get to experience from time to time. And then in 2v2, Ranger is just kittening bad. High DPS builds don't function well in the tiny arenas because they lack close quarter sustain when no kiting, and sustainy builds lack DPS & AoE CCs.

The truth is that the only people complaining about Ranger or who claim it is the top class, are people down in middle or lower tiers. Ranger is a difficult class to balance because in middle to lower tiers where it can exploit l2p issues, it is a noob stomper class that functions well for players at that skill cap. But in higher tiers things are completely different and it can't wield those l2p issue advantages over players anymore and its efficiency takes a steep dive.

IE: Two gold 1 players are in a 1v1. One of them is a War and one is a Ranger. At this level of skill cap, the Ranger class will have an advantage over the War. But in higher tiers plat+ players in the same match up, the War will have the advantage in their class of skill cap.

12 hours ago, RedAvenged.5217 said:

the patch does nothing for ranger last i checked- a bunch of pet changes that do literally nothing and in fact nerf the better pets.

The changes to those pets will reflect a small increase in average DPS output when testing on a raid room golem.

Those changes for competitive are actually going to hurt Ranger. They're removing utility for tiny damage increases. It's straight up a nerf for competitive.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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45 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

This is such bull**** and could only be said from the mouth of a Thief main who gets countered by Ranger.

I have only ever played power mirage in pvp and nothing else lol. My perspective is entirely unique from anyone else here, even yours. Nice attempt though trying to just dismiss me like that, as if me playing thief or not has anything to do with Ranger strengths and weaknesses.

Like I said, Ranger isn't the best, but it's definitely one of the best atm and will be until at least Nov 28th after which everything gets shaken up, so can't really tell where classes will actually land, but even then it's still hard to imagine Ranger will rank low simply due to the nature of the class and how it plays. It's a very safe class for every game mode simply due to the pet+longbow. (and you know this)

Anyone who pvps intuitively knows this because ranger is almost always on one of the teams. Like seriously it's the class I've seen most consistently throughout all matches, but in fairness I will give you that almost nobody plays Soul Beast atm since it seems like untamed does everything better.

Now you can dismiss this again but it won't make it any less true. You talk about ele's having bias but yours is so obvious here.

Where do you rank ranger currently btw if not top? Are you seriously trying to convince people that Ranger is B tier or something? 😆

45 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Those changes for competitive are actually going to hurt Ranger. They're removing utility for tiny damage increases. It's straight up a nerf for competitive.

Ranger Pet AI and CC has been a long contention amongst many pvpers and here I can show you my bias.

I absolutely hate pet AI and pet CC. Why do I as a Mesmer, have to literally sacrifice my entire class identity around mixing myself with my clones, simply because the pet AI will always target the real mesmer?

Pet CC is also free. It cost the ranger nothing, yet grants some of the most powerful tools that sway team fights. In the visual mess that gw2, there is no pvper that can actively see the pet and react to it in time. Not unless it's a 1v1. I refuse to believe anyone can reliably and consistently keep track of PET animations in pvp fights let alone large scale wvw battles.

Such powerful tools shouldn't be given to AI companions, and if they are, they should come with serious drawbacks, otherwise everyone would just play ranger because the pet does everything; See mechanist on EoD launch.

So, by the inherent nature of Ranger, it has to be nerfed in all areas. Rannger should never be as mobile as thief, it should never be as tanky as warrior, it should never do as much damage as willbender or mesmer burst, because again, if it did, it would be better because it also has pets.

For the most part, ranger follows this exact philosophy, but then there's untamed and all EoD specs which were purposefully designed to break traditional balance.

So you want ranger buffs? Well the pet CC has to go then, so then Anet can move that power over to Ranger. (which I'm fine with, I actually think atm Ranger is the most balanced class, with untamed being a slight outlier. The point is, the class is consisent, easy to learn, hard to master, and performs very well in literally all areas. You can recommend to new players, and experienced players alike.)

Edited by Waffles.5632
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Say what you like about his decision to re-engage, his poor reaction time, Ranger downstate etc. The point he was making was that the pet completely missed a stationary target with its CC charge. When he popped the skill the Rev was just starting his stomp wind up and would have been launched and interrupted.

Would it have changed the final outcome? Possibly not, his teammate was staying committed to the capture point. Chances are he would still have come in and finished the stomp, but that still isn't the point here.

It's one thing for pet skills to be a bit janky and have poor timing and/or tracking, it's another entirely when it misses a completely unmoving target at point blank range. It's almost comical the way the pet appears, looks at the Rev, turns 45 degrees to the right, then yeets istelf into the wall... gg wp.

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Just now, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

Say what you like about his decision to re-engage, his poor reaction time, Ranger downstate etc. The point he was making was that the pet completely missed a stationary target with its CC charge. When he popped the skill the Rev was just starting his stomp wind up and would have been launched and interrupted.

Would it have changed the final outcome? Possibly not, his teammate was staying committed to the capture point. Chances are he would still have come in and finished the stomp, but that still isn't the point here.

It's one thing for pet skills to be a bit janky and have poor timing and/or tracking, it's another entirely when it misses a completely unmoving target at point blank range. It's almost comical the way the pet appears, looks at the Rev, turns 45 degrees to the right, then yeets istelf into the wall... gg wp.


Anet needs to code better pet AI if they want to make pets more impactful, otherwise it will just be a mess either way. In some fairness though it isn't a pet issue per se in that video rather a pathing issue which affects everyone who can shadowstep as well. The overall jankiness of what is the "mesh" and what is "on top of the mesh" in pvp maps is a real chore. Since the pet has to stick to the mesh and can't jump, anytime jumping is involved, it will freak out one way or another.

Idk if Anet even has the ability, but perhaps making pets being able to jump would solve many of these issues. Like as it stands right now that is the counter to pets, just jump somewhere, boom pet AI 100% nullified. I hate that. It's silly IMO.

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1 minute ago, Waffles.5632 said:


Anet needs to code better pet AI if they want to make pets more impactful, otherwise it will just be a mess either way. In some fairness though it isn't a pet issue per se in that video rather a pathing issue which affects everyone who can shadowstep as well. The overall jankiness of what is the "mesh" and what is "on top of the mesh" in pvp maps is a real chore. Since the pet has to stick to the mesh and can't jump, anytime jumping is involved, it will freak out one way or another.

Idk if Anet even has the ability, but perhaps making pets being able to jump would solve many of these issues. Like as it stands right now that is the counter to pets, just jump somewhere, boom pet AI 100% nullified. I hate that. It's silly IMO.

Seems strange to say given all the jumping, gliding, flying, vertical maps etc. we have. But I believe a large part of the issue is GW2 being based on a modified GW1 engine, which was never designed with vertical movement in mind. I'm sure I read somewhere once that even basic player jumping was quite the issue during development.

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20 minutes ago, Waffles.5632 said:

I have only ever played power mirage in pvp and nothing else lol.

Yeah it gets countered by Ranger for the same reasons Thief gets countered by Ranger. There are other things that just completely shut down Ranger in the same way you get shut down by Rangers. If you are saying that you have seriously only ever played Power based Mes specs, this is why you think Rangers are strong. Go log on a Bladesworn or Condiserk or Tool Holo or Catalyst, then see how your opinion differs.

21 minutes ago, Waffles.5632 said:

It's a very safe class for every game mode simply due to the pet+longbow. (and you know this)

Anyone who pvps intuitively knows this because ranger is almost always on one of the teams. Like seriously it's the class I've seen most consistently throughout all matches

As I've already stated, that is true in middle to lower tiers. But it is completely different when you hump over middle tier and head towards higher tiered play. Ranger doesn't become "evened out" it actually steeply losses a great deal of its value and ends up being a middled tiered option at best in higher tiered play.

26 minutes ago, Waffles.5632 said:

You talk about ele's having bias but yours is so obvious here.

What bias? I've stated the same thing that you have and agreed with you, that Ranger is strong in middle or lower tiers. But I am also trying to point out to you that the broad statement that "Ranger is very strong in general" is coming from yourself who has only ever played Power Mesmer specs, which get hard countered by Ranger. You've got to admit that maybe your opinion on this matter, having only ever played Power Mesmer specs, might be less informed than you realize it is.

32 minutes ago, Waffles.5632 said:

Where do you rank ranger currently btw if not top? Are you seriously trying to convince people that Ranger is B tier or something?

DPS Ranger specs are definitely B-Tier at this point.

The only viable meta role Ranger has right now is side node, which there are two specs that can fill that role. This PvP Builds - MetaBattle Guild Wars 2 Builds and this PvP - Lyhr Bunker Support Druid - YouTube

46 minutes ago, Waffles.5632 said:

I absolutely hate pet AI and pet CC. Why do I as a Mesmer, have to literally sacrifice my entire class identity around mixing myself with my clones, simply because the pet AI will always target the real mesmer?

You may hate pet AI but everyone else hates Mesmer clone spam, literally everyone.

47 minutes ago, Waffles.5632 said:

Pet CC is also free. It cost the ranger nothing

It's part of the same class kit. Don't let the pet vector fool you. The Ranger and his kit has no more CC than a Spellbreaker or a Tool Holo, ect ect.

48 minutes ago, Waffles.5632 said:

Such powerful tools shouldn't be given to AI companions

This is coming from a Mirage main? I am speechless and do not know what to say.

52 minutes ago, Waffles.5632 said:

So, by the inherent nature of Ranger, it has to be nerfed in all areas. Rannger should never be as mobile as thief, it should never be as tanky as warrior, it should never do as much damage as willbender or mesmer burst, because again, if it did, it would be better because it also has pets.

Ranger can never be as mobile as Thief. Ranger is no where near as tanky as a Bladesworn or Condiserk. The only way it can equal that level of sustain is if it sacrifices all its damage to take every sustain option possible. Ranger & Willbender are definitely on par with each other for DPS output, but the Ranger has to run glass to do it, same as the Willbender.

lol this hatred towards pets man. I don't get it. Even when I play other classes and I do, I rarely even notice pets when engaging Rangers. I know their AI patterns so maybe that's why I find them easy to deal with.


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