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Set Off Chain Reactions with the Engineer Short Bow Proficiency

Rubi Bayer.8493

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8 hours ago, Bomboed.5697 said:

With all new weapons revealed, we can conclude, that Engineer's one has the most negative reception.
But who cares, this will change nothing.

I say it is a bit more unique than certain other professions got but not the most unique.

I expected Tech arrows for a long time when it comes to Bow weapons. I was not expect Tech arrows that contain magic from other professions though. however, this Tech being technology that can absorb and store magic then release them as weapons been around in GW2 for a long time so Engineer was bound to get it some how eventually.

That aside, with Tech Arrow bows out of the way, I am hoping for Daggers, Staff, or Greatsword next. 

Edited by EdwinLi.1284
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15 hours ago, Bomboed.5697 said:

With all new weapons revealed, we can conclude, that Engineer's one has the most negative reception.
But who cares, this will change nothing.

If the main feedback is "this sucks, i want a completely different weapon concept", then yes. 

It's probably way too late in the development process for that. 

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9 hours ago, Atmaweapon.7345 said:

Almost decade of forging its own identity and Engineer is back to stealing abilities from other professions.

I honestly expected Engineer to eventually gain the ability to use technology so they can use powers from other professions. Though I also hoped they did a bit more instead of just simple field placement arrows that release the magical energy. The concept been there since GW2 began when they introduced technology that can store magical energy and apply that magical energy to technology. 

They certainly could have done far more creative attacks and animation with the Magical energy storage technology concept with shortbow such as the mesmer magical energy arrow when fired would end up splitting into multiple illusion arrows to hit multiple times with the arrow shot, the Guardian magical energy arrow could have been a massive explosive arrow that causes a massive explosion applying a decent amount of burn status stacks while also leaving a field that apply more burn stacks, Necromancer magical energy arrow could have been a type of death cloud field effect that apply poison over time while slowing enemies, and etc. There are obviously more ways they can handle it due to how each profession have different ways to handle their magical energy.

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11 hours ago, Wulfhearth.7962 said:

If the main feedback is "this sucks, i want a completely different weapon concept", then yes. 

It's probably way too late in the development process for that. 

This is what I wish more people would get. There's no more theorizing what could be done because it's already done. The only option is to ask for adaptations and improvements on the current thing being implemented.

It's like with Willbender. It sucked at first then they improved it and made it work, a little too well imo but whatever.

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I liked the concept.

Apparently each arrow has part of some profession mechanic.

* Yellow: Necromancer, barrier, vulnerability, Sand Shade;

* Blue: Guardian, might, fire, Justice;

* Purple: Mesmer, daze, Diversion;

* Red: Revenant, corruption, Mally.

The unblockable fact is needed. It will help a lot.

Waiting the beta to check more.

Edited by Ten.2617
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On 11/20/2023 at 11:34 PM, EdwinLi.1284 said:

I say it is a bit more unique than certain other professions got but not the most unique.

I expected Tech arrows for a long time when it comes to Bow weapons. I was not expect Tech arrows that contain magic from other professions though. however, this Tech being technology that can absorb and store magic then release them as weapons been around in GW2 for a long time so Engineer was bound to get it some how eventually.

That aside, with Tech Arrow bows out of the way, I am hoping for Daggers, Staff, or Greatsword next. 

As yes unique, we dont have any kit thats only aoe ground target -cough- grenade, -cough- mortar...

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4 hours ago, Zzik.5873 said:

As yes unique, we dont have any kit thats only aoe ground target -cough- grenade, -cough- mortar...

I'm talking about animation wise with the arrows, not gameplay wise.

I know it is similar to grenade and mortar kit but designed to be the "Mine Kit" of the Engineer weapon options. The description for gameplay wise though basically explains they focus more on creating a mine field with the arrows then have them all go off as they "react" to each other based on which order they trigger each other for some kind of different effects. We still need to wait for beta to understand this part.

I already mentioned in other comments that I agree they could have done something more unique with the shortbow's concept for magic storage technology that contains the magical energy of other professions.

Edited by EdwinLi.1284
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On 11/24/2023 at 9:31 PM, Stx.4857 said:

Guardians pistols look so much cooler than engineer pistols… really bumming me out.  

TBF, they do look better with how they interact, but we are getting P/P buffs soon. That may help out some in that feeling, but theme wise Guardian's P/P do look cooler sadly. Well, anything is cooler than the shortbow we got, but that is not hard to beat.

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1 hour ago, Doctor Hide.6345 said:

TBF, they do look better with how they interact, but we are getting P/P buffs soon. That may help out some in that feeling, but theme wise Guardian's P/P do look cooler sadly. Well, anything is cooler than the shortbow we got, but that is not hard to beat.

Tbh, i'm not a fan of all this flashy stuff, but speaking of the bow, yup, look's very boring, Imagine if all those recipe was Just metal conductive rods that you could activate with chain of lightning to gerate massive aoe DMG and various fields... One can dream.

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You say you want feedback, so here is my feedback:

I watched the Twitch presentation about shortbow and, with such an outstanding array of new weapons given to every other class, why on earth did engineer get this??

To highlight my points:

- In a game where you have been pushing for more mobility, why on earth would you give engineer which traditionally has less than average mobility EVEN LESS. Shortbow on every class other than Revenant has a bunch of mobility.

-Claiming it is a support build then making every field only 180 radius seems extremely counter intuitive. Even if I was going to pretend it was purely a PVE weapon, how on earth are you going to keep a raid's boons and health up with four tiny arrows, with long cooldowns as well, with little puddles? And how are you going to chain reaction them together unless they are all clumped up in one spot?

- With all of the creative space that you COULD have used with shortbow, why this? You could have had a batman style gadget bow that had tricks and things. A grappling hook, or explosive arrows or anything, but your choice was to go with static, unmoving ground wells that are flat out worse than other similar weapons like necro staff.

- EVERY other weapon in that presentation had some flashy element with multiple parts. The whole necro sword thing with a thematic health mechanic? That's rad. Getting bigger with ranger mace? Not my favorite but it looks really cool and thematic. Engineer? We get little circles. That technically are kinda themed. Was Engineer a footnote? Because it feels like this was put together last minute.

- Engineer ALREADY HAS A TON OF SUPPORT. We have ways of making every boon, giving barrier, healing... the list goes on. If you hadn't nerfed scrapper, engi would be *the* support. But after nerfing the support we already have then slapping on this garbage weapon, it really makes it feel like no one cares for this class.

- The weapon looks exceptionally boring to play. It feels like no one there actually plays engi. Spamming four arrows is not exciting gameplay.

Please rework this. SOME kind of mobility would be amazing but if not that, please just take another look at this. 

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So, as far as feedback goes, I definitely agree that the tiny range on them is terrible. The barrier and healing arrows look interesting, but there's no protection at all, since support engies have to give up shield. Engies already have several solid ways to give might, from blast gyro which just got buffed to mechanist's mech commands + fists that can quite readily cap might just on their own. I'd say the might could be swapped for protection, since the guardian is well known for aegis and protection, thus filling in the major gap posed by the lack of shield. Sure there's a trait that gives protection on heal skill, but support mechanists who wield the medkit can't use it because they lack medkit's healing skill t obegin with as just one example of that kind of flaw.

Edited by Icefyer.9208
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As far as presentation goes, the engineer's shortbow is up there as a top contender for "worst weapon in the game".

Watching the live stream you could even tell the devs felt uncomfortable showing off the weapon. Where is the fun in shooting circles at the floor especially when you CAN'T WEAPON SWAP?? This weapon had long cool-downs and tiny aoes where every part of the game has players constantly moving around (even in open world). MAYBE this would work if engi had a weapon swap mechanic. Perhaps that class mechanic should be revisited at this stage in the game because this weapon just didn't impress anyone and literally no one would take this in any mode. But the biggest concern to me is "where is the fun" in this weapon?

As far as mechanics and play style goes, it needs a rework, and perhaps a dual functionality like condi + support. Or at least let it give useful boons. No prot. No vigor. No stability, No resistance.


Edited by origin.1496
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5 minutes ago, origin.1496 said:

As far as presentation goes, the engineer's shortbow is up there as a top contender for "worse weapon in the game".

Watching the live stream you could even tell the devs felt uncomfortable showing off the weapon. Where is the fun in shooting circles at the floor especially when you CAN'T WEAPON SWAP?? This weapon had long cool-downs and tiny aoes where every part of the game has players constantly moving around (even in open world). MAYBE this would work if engi had a weapon swap mechanic. Perhaps this mechanic should be revisited at this stage in the game because this weapon just didn't impress anyone. But the biggest concern to me is "where is the fun" in this weapon?

As far as mechanics and play style goes, it needs a rework, and perhaps a dual functionality like condi + support.


No kitten that. It looks awesome. It's not just some mindless spam weapon. You have to think about how you want to chain react for each situation that you're in. Looks engaging and super versatile 


Idk where you're getting the idea that the CDs are long.... the 5 skill is 20 seconds! And it stuns!

Edited by WhoWantsAHug.3186
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4 minutes ago, WhoWantsAHug.3186 said:

No kitten that. It looks awesome. It's not just some mindless spam weapon. You have to think about how you want to chain react for each situation that you're in. Looks engaging and super versatile 


Idk where you're getting the idea that the CDs are long.... the 5 skill is 20 seconds! And it stuns!

In PVP and WVW, all someone has to do is dodge once and you are on full cooldowns. 

In PVE, on any boss that has any mobility, it moves 300 units and all your abilities you just spent all that careful time setting up is useless.

And if you swap to a kit? You can't set off your arrows. 

It feels clunky and not in keeping with any other weapons, or engi's general playstyle.


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