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Poll- Do you think a GW2 port to consoles will be good for the game?


Do you think a GW2 port to consoles will be good for the game?  

152 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think a GW2 port to consoles will be good for the game?

    • Yes.
    • Yes, but is impossible.
    • No.
  2. 2. Will you or someone you know will buy and play a port of GW2 to consoles?

    • Yes.
    • No.
    • Not sure.

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16 hours ago, Blude.6812 said:

To the OP!!!!!!!!! This has been rejected many times, in many threads.  Move on and Fuhgeddaboudit!!!!!!!!

Maybe because new winds are coming? and withe them new "opportunities" that 90% of gw2 refuses? but the real question is: ANet will refuse it or is it planning something beyond the scene? 


Just googling to find ArenaNet opens multiple positions for "UNANNOUNCED TITLE" built to ground in Unreal Engine 5, GW3 coming? a cross-platform one? They also stated last year that a new expansion of gw2 would come much sooner than the new title.

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On 11/20/2023 at 9:11 PM, bossdonut.1938 said:

i think this game has too much buttons for console. i try it with the controller on steam and its just weird. ESO does it well but i would guess they designed it for console on purpose.

The main difference between TES ESO and GW2 is that when TES ESO where on planning stage it where design from start with the intention of being possible to be played on console. GW2 where never intended to be played on console and lack basic feature for control of using Trade Post, Guild panel (outside of just being able to open panel with a command) and so on.

If a game haven't been designed with controlling input from something else then keyboard and mouse, then some feature will be hard to add later on. You can see that from when Action Camera where introduced into this game that AC still have its issues vs the default tab target system which this game originally where designed around.

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On 11/21/2023 at 4:53 AM, Puck.3697 said:

Gonna be honest, No. 

The only mmorpg I know that does console well is ffxiv, and tbh the companies large enough to have swallowed costs of doing so with ease to do it well. 

ESO is a absolute lag fest on console and tbh buggy. 

GW2 I don't think will pull enough. To make the investment worth it, itd be a huge outgoing for the game to go this direction and do it well. Espically for any player wanting to play WvWvW. 

eso is a lagfest everywhere lmao

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On 11/23/2023 at 4:28 AM, Skorpion.4850 said:

Maybe because new winds are coming? and withe them new "opportunities" that 90% of gw2 refuses? but the real question is: ANet will refuse it or is it planning something beyond the scene? 


Just googling to find ArenaNet opens multiple positions for "UNANNOUNCED TITLE" built to ground in Unreal Engine 5, GW3 coming? a cross-platform one? They also stated last year that a new expansion of gw2 would come much sooner than the new title.

And don't forget PC gaming was supposed to die 20 years ago and no one would be using it to play games because of the 'new winds' way back when. LMAO.   BTW converting a what is basically a walking simulator  would be easypeasy compared to this game.

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24 minutes ago, Blude.6812 said:

And don't forget PC gaming was supposed to die 20 years ago and no one would be using it to play games because of the 'new winds' way back when. LMAO.   BTW converting a what is basically a walking simulator  would be easypeasy compared to this game.

Yeah! And don't forget about Google Glass and how everyone laughed at the idea and now...wait..nevermind... And what about the Laserdisc, huh!?! Technology that revo...oh no, wait, it actually didn't... Almost as if it's hard to predict the future, hm. Strange.

Edited by Omega.6801
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I don't necessarily need it to come to consoles any time soon. But I would very much like official controller support. I come from a console heavy background outside of things I played years ago. I play FF14 on PC with a controller and do just fine in all roles. Having Controller Support as an option would be appreciated.

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On 11/22/2023 at 11:57 AM, Assolador.3598 said:

The original release (1.0) was made thinking on consoles, playable on pc, it was a nightmare made real for everyone tbh, a realm reborn is made for pc players, playable on consoles, with its own ui, but it just plays well, its clearly worse than a keyboard and mouse, but people still play it. the combat on gw2 is not the problem when it comes to playing on a controller, its the messy ui, tera is available on consoles (was?), bdo, even not mmos, fortnite, wich got more buttons than mechanist, and fricking roblox is available to consoles man lol, theres no such thing as built for xxxx, everything can be adapted without changing its gameplay.

All those examples you gave were games designed from ground up to work on consoles though. While the ports are always very iffy.

Hint: remember the initial bad release of Cyberpunk 2077? 80% of the issues was due to the ps4 version - and generally having to work on 3 engines at the same time. Some issues from the FF XIV ps3 release keep dragging the game down even now, long after that console stopped being supported. ESO issues due to the console version have been mentioned already as well...

On 11/22/2023 at 11:57 AM, Assolador.3598 said:

Theres lots of examples out there that sometimes companies just take advantage of extra platforms that wasn't planned after some years of running, and it just works

And there's way more examples of such ports being subpar at best, or complete trash tier at worst. The ones that do work are either very simple games, or required years of work (and massive investments), because they required rebuilding the game from ground up.

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21 hours ago, Trisk.4726 said:

I don't necessarily need it to come to consoles any time soon. But I would very much like official controller support. I come from a console heavy background outside of things I played years ago. I play FF14 on PC with a controller and do just fine in all roles. Having Controller Support as an option would be appreciated.

I totally agree, because this simple (?) gimmick could enable gw2 to be played from remote even on mobile, with almost zero effort (nothing to be rebuild from ground, just streaming)

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Mostly because i doubt consoles can run this game, let alone mobile games, people saying this think hardware specs are all that matters completely ignoring the software optimization: The game doesn't even run well on PCs, current PCs and we talking about an 11 years old game.

But on the other hand.
That this game doesn't have controller support and a proper UI to accomodate it is a mistake that should be corrected asap. 

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On 11/24/2023 at 10:50 AM, ShadowCatz.8437 said:

What does lag issues have to with porting a game either from PC to console or vice verse?

looks like some client side processing was changed to be made on server instead, so it could run in weaker pcs and consoles, resulting in the servers being kitten. Now for the details I know litterally nothing

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This again. Sigh...


Even if it was reasonably possible, the time for it has come and gone. It would cost ArenaNet extra time/money/resources for every version they have to keep tabs on, it means their patches would have to go through Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo/etc for approval, slowing down updates at the very least if not adversely affecting them in other ways, and for a nebulous return on investment that will eventually die off and require renewing upon newer consoles to keep it going.

And this is before any potential technical issues, bugs, glitches, or things like crossplay (whether or not to even do that), or the interests/demands of the console community (or lack thereof).

Admittedly, much of this is just my opinion, but, if ArenaNet was going to do this, they'd have done it long ago. It took them years to even get onto Steam, and that had problems of its own.

TLDR : No. Not worth it, don't know anyone who'd go for it. The horse has been eaten by raptors already.

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As long as the console version has its own servers i don't see any issues with a mobile/console version. I'm not sure how much it would sell. Controls shouldn't be a large problem with a decent control setup. It does after all work in FFXIV, which has far more buttons to juggle.

Of course if it is to share the same servers as the current PC version there will be a lot of issues with certification taking forever which makes patches take longer. This is on top of the current expectation that everyone has a keyboard they can use to type in chat. With consoles this is not a given. Warframe as an example has more than a few issues stemming from their implementation of cross play, though most of those are performance related. But it is something that weighs in as well, especially as the current console generation ends. How long will the old consoles then hold back future improvements?

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I think ArenaNet did several attempts in the past: they tried, but in the end they dropped it. While you can bind the skills to a gamepad, and I also played GW2 for a bit using XPadder, the problem is the UI, imo. Games like FFXIV or ESO have a UI that it's designed for consoles: it's very slow and annoying on PC (and it's one of the reasons why I don't play those games), but it works on console. If you wanted to sell or browse an item on the trading post, or clear your inventory in GW2 (that it's always full of stuff), it would be a nightmare with a gamepad. You'd need to rearrange the UI and make dozens of tabs to sort the items in sub-categories. You need to assign a button for every tooltip you want to read, when you level up and get the pop-up for the next rewards, tooltips for the skills, compare gear/weapon... It's a huge work to do after you already released the game.

For a possible GW3, they may consider it (and I hope they won't be lazy like Square Enix, ZeniMax or Bioware in Dragon age 2, and add both the UI for console and PC), but changing the whole UI now it would be a titanic effort.

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