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Expanded Weapon Proficiencies Beta Feedback: Revenant

Rubi Bayer.8493

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Expanded weapon proficiencies are coming in 2024 during the second major update for Secrets of the Obscure, bringing a new weapon and skills for each profession. The expanded weapon proficiency beta event is live now and will run until 10:00 p.m. Pacific Time (UTC-8) on December 3.

You can leave your feedback for the revenant in this thread.

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Just got done with a small bit of testing as well. I was hoping that scepter had some offensive potential --- but it really seems pigeonholed into support (as expected). It looks like it fills in some gaps in heal rev's kit, but it is not a particularly fun weapon to use. I don't like the feel or flow of Otherworldly bond, and its 3 pips of upkeep makes it quite awkward to use in conjunction with herald, where you are already dealing with a lot of other upkeep.

I'd honestly be happier with a ventari rework (and quality of life improvement) --- where you could attach the tablet to people, and have it provide some barrier (etc.).

Edited by Kagaho.5378
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Rev Feedback: The weapon has horrible damage and support and looks and feels horrible. 

- Make the beam/Range shorter - Give skill 1 might on the first strike(also buff damage on skill 1) / skill 2 - buff the skill and have it build up(stages) and let us detonate it / Skill 3: Mark a target and buff/debuff it as you strike it with skill 1.

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1 hour ago, Grinz.4560 said:

5 min test!

i play pve and wvw, but i dont see any use of the new weapon, because i dont get anything i need, no damage, no support..., its useless to me

57 minutes ago, Kagaho.5378 said:

Just got done with a small bit of testing as well. I was hoping that scepter had some offensive potential --- but it really seems pigeonholed into support (as expected). It looks like it fills in some gaps in heal rev's kit, but it is not a particularly fun weapon to use. I don't like the feel or flow of Otherworldly bond, and its 3 pips of upkeep makes it quite awkward to use in conjunction with herald, where you are already dealing with a lot of other upkeep.

I'd honestly be happier with a ventari rework (and quality of life improvement) --- where you could attach the tablet to people, and have it provide some barrier (etc.).

ventari is more then fine. Removing it's mobility to use on any location you want on short cd is much worse.

You don't like to put in effort to oriëntate your tablet that's clear or you need little more practice with it.

Moving tablet ln any location you want, is a lot better then what you suggested


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Is there anyway the "blade" effect animation on the auto can be scaled down. It's very obnoxious. The weapon is a 300u range skill so it needs some length, but on my Charr it seems to extend out past 600u. 

Also please allow other skills to interact with the "building in strength" mechanic on skill 2 and 3. Its incredibly limiting to making it just a pure pve weapon where all I do is auto attack. In any pvp scenario its dead on arrival because you wont bet able to just sit there and just auto for 4s. 

Also Also, the 3 skill being a drain skill and being the only ally target function in the entirety of rev feels awful. Would much rather it just be the same as 2 where its just a timed buff on the enemy that just does aoe effects, both positive and negative, as it really breaks the flow of combat for the weapon that doesnt have any other target ally effects. Or at the very least make it so when you attach it to an enemy and hit said enemy it does the boons to your party, and when you attach it to an ally it does condis to the target thats hitting said ally. 

Idk, just feels all sorts of clunky and very one dimensional.

EDIT: Also Also Also, The barrier on skill 2 might scale a bit too well. In any pve stacking scenario the group will pretty much have the full capped 50% hp barrier from heal herald. I would possibly suggest reducing it a bit and then also reducing the skill's cost down to 5, as 10 energy on a skill 2 feels weird. (I only suggest this, even though its strong, because i dont want our healing nerfed elsewhere)


Edited by UncreativeGreen.2019
Added thought
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Otherworldy Bond:  Yikes, drop the -3 upkeep to -2 in pvp/wvw.  Being a melee weapon, getting 6 charges is just terrible.  Make this a 900 range weapon and keep the 6 charges.

Overall, the melee range weapon for what it's doing feels awful.  Make it 900 range and adjust the auto-attacks.

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Scepter feedback. Tested it on golem for like 10min.

Scepter 1 - useless as heal. Why not add some  healing on the skills or the last hit. like staff?  (Sound is horrible: too brain itchy, please change it)

Scepter 3 - Otherworldly Bond - Energy cost: 5 basic and -3 for the tether. Thats too much in my opinion. You need the energy for the other upkeeps. In combination, the energy is literally sucked away

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Great concept, useful skills, nice aesthetic. With high healing power, the barrier bursts can make you nearly immortal, and it doesn't want for damage either. Certainly a better kit than I thought it would be when I saw its trailer video...


Internal synergy? Yeah, there is none. Forcing players to use a different kit in order to close with the target after applying the effects of the ranged skills makes poor tactical sense, and forces the use of aggressive legends and/or off-hand weapons, in what was obviously meant to be a support/tank build.

6/10 overall rating. If skill 3 pulled the target, it would go up to 10/10.

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@arazoth.7290 To respond to your point --- I did not suggest that the attach functionality I suggested would replace the ability to freely move the tablet. You put words in my mouth! It would be simply another tool in the kit --- i.e., you can freely place the tablet AND ALSO attach it to a person, if you so desire. Been playing Rev for 8 years, pretty sure I can move the tablet just fine 😄

Edited by Kagaho.5378
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As a pure healer weapon it's great. The barrier output is fantastic.

As a hybrid damage weapon it's horrible. In berserker gear it's far behind both S/S and GS (it shouldn't beat either of them, but it's VERY far behind them currently). For as energy consuming as the Otherworldly Bond tether is, and for as punishing as it is to drop 6 stacks of the tether by accident, it definitely needs to have slightly higher damage modifiers.

I would boost the damage modifier "bonus output mechanic" on both #2 and #3 and slightly increase the auto attack dps on strikes #1 and #2. Again, does not need to beat S/S or GS, but it shouldn't be super far behind either, otherwise this will only see use on heal builds and that's it.

Edited by LucianTheAngelic.7054
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•SCEPTER• is strong in barrier, not the highest damage like suspected because hybrid which I think is fine, you can't have it all.  But it needs some tuning in its abilties from testing to make it more fluent. I found out you can make some nice bursts though.

-auto attacks:  Should have barrier spread on all 3 auto attacks. while each auto attack grants 1 might. It is still a chain attack, so each auto attack chain does more damage.

-Weapon Skill 2: Make this 5 energy instead of 10 energy. It's little bit much for a 2nd weapon skill.

-Weapon skill 3:  The upkeep for the weapon is little too much. 3 upkeep => 2 upkeep.

It requires atm 6 auto attacks. Make it so when the chain is applied it also gains passively every 1 second, 1 stack.

This way if you keep ranged, it takes longer to activate and if you go in melee with auto attacks, you get the stacks faster. This would already make it more fluent


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24 minutes ago, Kagaho.5378 said:

@arazoth.7290 To respond to your point --- I did not suggest that the attach functionality I suggested would replace the ability to freely move the tablet. You put words in my mouth! It would be simply another tool in the kit --- i.e., you can freely place the tablet AND ALSO attach it to a person, if you so desire. Been playing Rev for 8 years, pretty sure I can move the tablet just fine 😄

And how would you like to see this happening??? Since you said "attaching to people", I expect on allies and enemies since tablet also has a cc for enemies. 

Atm the ventari heal/move skill is for placing it where you prefere. I don't see them making 1 F-skill that lets the tablet automatically follow the target, that would be there on core/especs. 

Also I assumed the placement choice would be removed because of above reasoning. And since you were talking about a rework and didn't mention it would stay either, I obviously assumed this.

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3 minutes ago, arazoth.7290 said:

And how would you like to see this happening??? Since you said "attaching to people", I expect on allies and enemies since tablet also has a cc for enemies. 

Atm the ventari heal/move skill is for placing it where you prefere. I don't see them making 1 F-skill that lets the tablet automatically follow the target, that would be there on core/especs. 

Also I assumed the placement choice would be removed because of above reasoning. And since you were talking about a rework and didn't mention it would stay either, I obviously assumed this.

Let's keep this discussion focused on scepter. We can agree to disagree here --- or take it to another topic if you feel passionate about it. Last thing I'm going to say is that it would be simple to make the behavior of the tablet attach to a person if you have an ally selected when you press the move tablet skill --- and in any other case, keep its behavior as is.

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Just now, Kagaho.5378 said:

Let's keep this discussion focused on scepter. We can agree to disagree here --- or take it to another topic if you feel passionate about it. Last thing I'm going to say is that it would be simple to make the behavior of the tablet attach to a person if you have an ally selected when you press the move tablet skill --- and in any other case, keep its behavior as is.

Yea that's best👌

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2 minutes ago, Kagaho.5378 said:

Let's keep this discussion focused on scepter. We can agree to disagree here --- or take it to another topic if you feel passionate about it. Last thing I'm going to say is that it would be simple to make the behavior of the tablet attach to a person if you have an ally selected when you press the move tablet skill --- and in any other case, keep its behavior as is.

I love the idea of the tablet, simple and effective.

Edited by Angesombre.4630
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Looks like pure endgame pve weapon.
my pvp/wvw experience
-    6 hits with #3skill is very hard to deliver in GW2 2023 where everything is very fast and jumpy, and you are very slow(pvp,wvw).
     Tether doesnt do anything special for its huge cost. 
      If you swap legends, use upkeep and #3 and 6x hit golem, you will end with 20 energy, not good.
      In fighting scenario, you cannot just walk and hit, you will die.
      But if you can hit in 5v5 it is decent tank. But devs don't like revenant unkillable builds, so this will be nerfed.

-     #2 skill is Okayish, shame I cannot use #2 swap to gs and 4x hit and then get the effect. 
       #2 skill can be used without target and does nothing(if without a target)

-     biggest flaw for me is how does the weapon feel(just another sword, this is slower,less dps and does barrier). It is slow, you are very vurneable if you wanna utilize #2 and#3. 
      #3 does absolutely nothing (and have huge cost) if you are unable to hit(multi hit does not count in PvP for some reason)
BUT if you have another healer you can keep point in PvP vs 3 ppl (drop devastation for retribution and shiro for jalis, Scpt/Shield+GS)

-      if #1 was ranged(even single target), whole weapon weapon would work exactly the same, maybe better.

Edited by Catchyfx.5768
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8 minutes ago, Kryka.3648 said:

Make the auto hit 900 range.

Agreed. I'd drop the whole "oooh look at how weird and wacky rev uses weapons" and just make scepter a ranged weapon. It would come with the added bonus of making the pull or teleport more impactful and synergistic. At the moment it feels like "oh let me pull this mob that I've spent auto attacking in melee range, into more melee range" or "let me teleport to my ally I'm standing next to because we're all stacked together in pve melee'ing the same target"

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I love the animations but I do not like that it is pigeon holed into being only a support weapon because the damage is very lacking and auto attacks are very slow. It is hard to get stacks unless you are standing there whacking away at a golem and even then it drains energy way too fast in combination with heralds upkeep skills and you are not able to activate the pull efficiently. The pull feels underwhelming because you are already in melee range due to the auto attacks being in melee as well. For a scepter I was expecting a bit more range on at least one of the skills. What the point of pulling aside from the short cc when you are already in melee? Why are you pulling something already in front of you? You wont even be able to pull from far away because you wont be able to get the stacks unless you are repeatedly hitting them in melee. I was so excited for scepter on revenant and I know this is a beta but this weapon just makes me sad and I can't see myself ever using it in its current state. 

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Autoattack needs to be ranged, when using 2 and 3 at range, these gets wasted because they need 1 for their full effect.

I dont like the idea of 3 depending of 1, because these can interrupt your rotation seriously, i would prefer 3 to be a "launch and forget" skill, which finishes after a certain time with no upkeep and a single energy cost, also being able to use their activation anytime, finishing the tether.

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