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Expanded Weapon Proficiencies Beta Feedback: Mesmer

Rubi Bayer.8493

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Solo OW PvE take:

On the theory that it would replace either of the 2H weapons,  I spent some time asembling a half-baked Chrono build instead of just going with the provided loadout (Cele rifle Virt, seriously? 🤣). Overall it's not as useless as I expected it to be, but it's just not plausible for solo play.

I'd also like to echo the earlier comments about the sfx. These are just generic rifle sounds, it needs more of that magical laser-zap glass-breaking audio like the OH pistol skills have. The rifle's sounds simply have no style. Ditto to the mobility comments too, if you get focused this thing offers no escape or even a self-defense option.

I'm not a fan of the heavy ground targeting the thing uses, since the weapon already limits mobility and you have to stop and place the reticle on 3/5 skills. It doesn't quite root you, but stopping to place those has more or less the same result. Please reconsider some or all of of these as enemy-targeted, with an AoE around the target.

  1. Friendly Fire is...ok. The targeting between enemy and ally is weird though, the skill is just awkward to use. It's not bad, but it's not good either. 🤷‍♂️ Maybe giving it a shotgun-style cone firing pattern instead of the sniper-style single targeting would help.
  2. Journey needs Steve Perry a little more separation between you and its clone, spawning it right in your footsteps is dumb. Make the clone generation work like Mirror Images or the rifle's own skill 4, so the illusion doesn't spawn literally on top of you.
  3. Inspiring Imagery is...ok. The "explodes after a short duration" feels a little too short, but otherwise this skill is...adequate.
  4. Phantasmal Sharpshooter is seriously underpowered, but at least it gets the illusion-placement thing right. As the weapon's only purely offensive skill it needz moar deepz.
  5. Singularity Shot is completely useless for solo play, skill 5 is effectively a wasted slot even if you fire directly at your feet. Burn a weapon skill slot for a few seconds of barrier and a portal I can't use? I'll pass, thanks.

I realize it's intended as a "support weapon," but the problem is that it's all support and no weapon. I suppose it might get some use in zerg play, but as it stands now for solo and ad hoc group play I don't see this thing ever rotating into my kit.

Edited by Teknomancer.4895
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Besides the condi removal and one-way portal, Rifle doesn't offer support or mobility skills in case you get pressured.

Inspiring Imagery: I would not mind if the beacon summoned a barrier reflecting enemy projectiles. It's still a good skill, but mesmers may benefit from that extra defense if they're not running focus + warden's feedback or shield.
Phantasmal Sharpshooter feels super weak compared to a lot of phantasm skills: summons only 1 phantasm, but no damage due to stun in PVP and WvW. 
Possible improvement: summon 3 phantasms that fire multiple bullets that either grant boons to allies or superspeed. Phantasms stun enemies when they explode. Maybe you could evade backward. Alternate idea: you summon up to 3 phantasms, then you and your phantasms teleport to your enemy and rifle butt them, knocking them back.

For mirage, the biggest gripe with the rifle is that you can't grant alacrity without having to camp staff or use two staffs. Mirage Mantle adds fury to the ambush, but it feels underwhelming IMO. Fury can be given with dueling spec or bountiful disillusionment. While it's nice not to use greatsword or staff, or perhaps complement greatsword with rifle, but again for mirage, you will be shoehorned to use staff for alacrity.


Edited by mirage.8046
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Def need more clone generation, gotta sacrifice a skill slot for the dual clone skill to make up for the lack of clones... Skill 4 also needs to pop that clone sooner. Considering this is a weapon you would use in a group most of the time enemies are already dead before its done unless it's a vet or higher.

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Healer rifle... okay Mesmers are weird, but I can get behind this. I was expecting it to be dead on arrival, but never have I been more happy to be so completely wrong. Firepower is good, with healing besides.

That said, the activation delay from the phantasm is so long as to make the stun useless, except against defiant foes, and the rescue portal on skill 5, while NARRATIVELY awesome, is worthless in actual gameplay. Other than that, great job.

9/10 overall.

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As someone who spams things... I wish we had a way to --not-- make the portal on #5... The rest, I absolutely love. The portal part though... Man.. I dunno.. I don't like that. -I have always wanted to have a healing mesmer. It is my fav class. This pleases me so very much. Thank you

Edited by Puddin.7450
Added a little more.
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A really creative idea that's been floating around is being able to create clones that stick to your allies, especially when the Rifle can already target allies, so I want to repeat it here for emphasis. Clones on allies would solve the one dire problem that support Mesmer has always been facing: Being unable to give boons in a group of trash mobs setting (Cold War or most Fractals), or during invulnerable phases of a boss fight. Since clones don't stick around for either cases, it really hurts the support Mesmer's output when most of the magic is depended on clones. So being able to create clones on allies ensure that the Mesmer could reliably provide support at any given time and solve that issue, so please consider it.

As for the Rifle, as all have said it's having serious problems with clone generations to keep up with Shattering. So:

Skill 1 could generate a clone on the target similar to Scepter. This ties back to the point above, as Skill 1 can already target either enemies or allies. I don't feel like this would invalidate the Scepter as it was never meant to be used for healing purposes like that, and if we could get the clone-on-allies effect then they are still distinctive enough in their own way.

Skill 2: if Skill 1 can generate clones then this doesn't need the clone effect anymore. The healing alone is enough the reason why you want to use it.

Skill 4: Either make it summon 2 Phantasm, or could be changed into an ammo skill with 2 counts. It would put it in line with other 2-handed options being able to do 2 Phantasms. On a side note, its effect should be reworked as its current effect doesn't synergize with anything of the rest of the kit. It's the only offensive skill on a low damage weapon, no supportive effect on a support weapon, and stacking Vulnerability is pretty much useless . Ideally the whole barrier function of Skill 5 should move here to make it stop competing with the portal function.

Skill 5: Please also add in the function where if you shoot it at a downed ally, they're instantly teleported to you without needing their key input. This will only work on downed allies to prevent trolling. Also Mesmer doesn't have a res pull, this will be the perfect place for it. 

Edited by ZephidelGRS.9520
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My English is poor, so please bear with me. 🙇‍♂️

As someone who loves to provide condition damage to my enemies.

I expect it to have a condi with auto attack and be more variable for power or condi build, cuz Mesmer only has a scepter and staff as main-hand condi weapons, and I feel their slow attack does not match with the  "magical duelist''.

I'm a newbie, not a pro player so I can't give much detail for the rifle's skills, but it feels slow and clunky to use.

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Been running the build in pvp with power healing stats, honest feedback. First of all would like to say I love that rifle autos can target allies, can we allow staff autos todo the same? 

So I run rifle on mirage with staff. As the rifle heal on all clones in conjunction with DE in dueling and Self-Deception(over renewing oasis) can be quite the aoe heal. The range of ambush rifle 1 is fine being that in this way it aoe heals whoever is closest to mesmer in general. To which in team fight scenarios, everyone is. Only issue with rifle, from a mesmer main with well over 12k games played, Is simply rifle 5. Remove the portal, make it a larger aoe barrier when casted. I’d take more team fight support than a highly situational ability collapse that will most likely not be used consistently. Makes more sense to increase the radius of the singularity to something like 600. That’s basically it. Rifles kinda neat as support or mage. Chrono or mirage compliment the weapon in general.   

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Rifle Mesmer, what I love is its a range heal weapon that uses a rifle. It being a rifle and playing it as a fantasy heal weapon is a plus already for me. But there is some improvement to be made. Testing it as purely a support weapon I found it is best pair with Chronomancer and Mirage. As all healer meta group would required healer to be able to provide quickness and or alacrity. For chrono this is easy as they can provide both but with mirage you are stuck with staff to provide alacrity and no quickness.

My suggestion is for mirage to replace the rifle weapon skill 1 ambush to provide quickness instead of fury with the trait mirage mantle. Allowing it to spray quickness and vigor to allies since skill 3 on rifle already provide fury, it feels redundant for it to give another fury boon. This would allow build diversity enabling mesmer different option either to go chrono to provide quickness or alacrity or Mirage to provide alacrity or quickness with two distinct mechanic playstyle it would not feel at all samey.

My other suggestion is to change skill 1 auto from ally targeting mechanic to a more reliable, true and tested forgotten mechanic that I frankly wish is more available on other weapon which is the attack bounces hit mechanic such as from the mesmer great sword 2 skill or staff 1. They show they can be reliable hit on either enemies and allies at the same time. It becoming bounces hits, I feel will be a better way to utilizes damaging enemies while healing allies. The number of bounces is up to you dev on how you feel is the right balance and I would be happy for it to bounces just 1 time from an enemies into an ally.

I think that is all for my feedback right now on rifle mesmer, thank you for taking your time to read my feedback and have a pleasant day.

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I think this is overall a good weapon. It does what it's supposed to do: heal.

The problem is that it's currently entirely propped up by numbers. It is an absolute PUMPER for healing, but doesn't have any other actually useful utility. As soon as it gets a numbers nerf, it will immediately be dropped like it's hot. Biggest offenders here are 4 and 5 skills.

As others have pointed out, this phantasm skill really needs to do something else to make it worth using. Some evade frames or even just an AOE aegis on initial cast would do a lot to make this skill something that anyone will use outside of hitting breakbars in pve (and questionable even there because of the extremely long wind up).

The 5 skill is way too niche. Cool idea, but especially for the cooldown penalty - which is particularly egregious in pvp (50 sec for a single-use one-way portal that I can't even use myself!?) - the flip skill on this is honestly just a fat-finger trap. As others have pointed out, self mobility would be really nice here. I think there are other options as well, though. Maybe put an AOE pull or other hard cc on the flip skill to help peel? I could even see moving the resistance to the flip skill along with maybe throwing stability, superspeed, and/or ally stunbreak on there so that the main skill is a barrier (sustain) pump and the flip is more concentrated on getting out of a bad situation. It just needs something to actually make using that flip skill a serious situational decision point and not a mistake.

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Each way I cut it the thought of optimizing this weapon feels lacking as its a power weapon with limited clone generation. Our other support weapons are condition based and also not healing oriented. Our support traits are primarily condition as well and the healing that isn't is locked to wells and mantras which don't pair well with keeping so many clones auto attacking for heals. In addition that auto attack makes our support oriented shattering questionable as well. Take all that and keeping those clones alive in the first place on difficult bosses and replacing them in a timely manner.

The lean to mirage is apparent but mirage itself is a selfish elite that leans into conditions. Virtuoso can keep you at range comfortably but it doesn't offer support.  Range in this game is hamstringed by short short support and if the mesmer wants buffs and healing themselves they'd have to stay in the zerg where the clones will die quickly.

In PvP and WvW if people wanted me dead it seems like a done deal too. The usage of this weapon just seems so limited and narrow on paper no existing weapon seems to pair well so you'd think to camp it but when you look at it even that's a questionable choice.

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People keep asking for quickness on rifle mirage - that's not going to happen. ArenaNet has given a pretty clear signal that they don't want one build to be able to provide both quickness and alacrity to a group, and putting quickness on the rifle ambush would create exactly that. Might be awkward getting the boon duration to pull that off, but people found a way to do it with boon chrono, and this would be a build that would be able to heal as well.

The rifle ambush needs alacrity. That would allow healmirage to comfortably provide alacrity as well.

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The rifle needs a bit more clone generation and needs alac on the ambush.

Rifle 2: Rifle needs more clone generation. Give 2 a flipover skill that clones the clone. Or see suggestions for skill 4.

Rifle 3 is either boons or a heal, but healers need to do both. Have the boons proc when the skill lands, explode after for more healing if needed. Give it a longer cooldown or something if the flipover skill is used if we need to be punished for using it.

Rifle 4: Rifle needs more clone generation. Add a second phantasm on skill 4 like the other two-handed weapons and speed up the animation/cast time. Shorten its cooldown as well. Greatsword phantasm CD is 12 seconds and staff is 15 seconds, why is rifle 20? Because of the CC? It won't be used for that as we'll need it to spam clones for shatters. Maybe have it do some kind of boon instead since it will be spammed.

Rifle 5: Pretty good as is, but would make downed autoport.

Ambush: Give alac on ambush when traited. Fury already comes from Rifle 3 or shatter F3.h Or just give mirage alac on all ambushes when traited. Or give rifle the ability to copy the extra ambush boon from the extra weapon and give scepter AOE quickness so you can either have rifle/staff alac or rifle/scepter quickness. 

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It is kinda boring: 3 ground targeted support AoEs and an extremely slow single target projectile stun.
I would like to see following:

  • Rifle 2 and 3 should be merged into 1 skill. Many ground targeted AoEs that require mouse targeting from just 1 weaponset will just be annoying to play long-term with.
  • Rifle 5: The portal should port to the from-being-shot location, rather than mesmer, so mesmer can use it for self survivability
  • Rifle 4: Should have separate function <600 range situations where mesmer shoots the bullet (so faster stun) and spawns a clone. Better suited for PvP
  • New Rifle 3: Burst of light pulsing rapidly. Cleansing, applying chaos aura and healing allies and at same time damaging enemies in between affecting also target but not the caster. Would require standing still and about 1.5 second cast time.

Honestly the current Rifle iteration is not very GW2ish, you should look at inspiration from warrior rifle or ele staff. Some reactive CC, fast cast times and survivability is a must.

Edited by Riba.3271
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The healing numbers definitely are on the heavy side. Any other healer profile will feel envious!

I'm fine with the fact the rifle is a power/healing weapon. Despite chaos spec sharing now condi & support tools, cumulating both would be excessive - clones' auto-attack already heals, if it were also damaging, just - no. It would only get nerfed so hard that we'd drop the weapon.

The mirage ambush is fine with me; feels weird when we cumulate targeted AoEs, heals around ourselves and that cone spray, but it's fun in its own way (unlike the guessing game for our mantras' radius, with several effets having a 360 radius mantras definitely need to be standardized). The clones' ambush does not heal, but it's fine IMO - just as the dagger clones' ambush does not daze, to avoid making it OP for a single dodge effect. However, the need for clones to get closer so they can fire the ambush indeed makes them miss the Infinite horizon window, it should somehow be adressed (such as forcing their behavior into standing at 600 range max on summoning).

The delayed stun of the phantasmal sharpshooter is a bit of a pain to time well, but... the same applies to the torch's Phantasmal mage. Playing often axe/pistol & axe/torch, I'm used to it already.

The single-use portal feels honestly like a toy for nostalgia's sake more than anything, the uses for it are so niche (throw it at your handkite on Deimos to troll the raid, make everyone leave in an instant 😂) that it doesn't look worth bothering with - especially when the original skill tied to it is supposed to provide barrier to a party. I'm struggling to find even an unique case in which I'd use that single-charge thing over the barrier, apart from someone gladly jumping into a red AoE (at which point sometimes, best way to learn is to let natural selection work its magic). If it could at least transport a full party (5 charges) it'd definitely have a lot more applications - even at 3 charges it could have some use, but a single one? Nah, it's a toy. It almost turns into a penalty if you indeed resort to that portal because of the increased CD.

Now for the buffs, I'm honestly dissatisfied with their distribution. It's time to take alacrity off the staff already, it would definitely fit better on that rifle instead of the fury stacks; inspiring imagery (rifle 3) is capable of feeding it on its own without trouble! It competes with chrono's Well of action, with chaos' Bountiful disillusionment on shatter 3, with mirage's staff ambush (Chaos vortex) under Infinite horizon (and in a smaller measure the auto-attack Winds of chaos that -let me dream!- could be an excellent buffing tool if it had its own trait to bounce in priority on allies with the shortest fury time remaining), or the Relic of the Midnight King. Definitely too much fury, hopefully merely a placeholder for the time being!

Still on the topic of buffs, one that's hard to miss - regeneration. You could have it 100% of the time on Journey (rifle 2), but it's also competing with chaos' Metaphysical rejuvenation, with chaos' Chaotic transference, with chaos armor's rolls and... That's it. Tying it to either a weapon, either a single spec that are both able to maintain the boon with ease, while making it largely overkill if combined together is a bit of a waste for variety - though again, for the current support traits, you don't exactly want to consider other specs. Well... there's definitely aegis that's missing and could be thrown in at some point, couldn't it? 😉

Well, aegis will take some time at least for me to reconsider. There are options but they largely compete with shattering effects, including especially the condi cleanse which access remains limited... Anyway, to finish on a more positive note the might stacks on rifle 3 are definitely welcome!

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WvW Roaming/pvp pov


  • Overall Dmg/Kill Contribution far too low, Supports in PvP need to be able to do more than raw healing. There needs to be ways to contribute to a Kill with either Dmg or Soft/Hard CCs  ( Example Druid,Tempest) , Grav isnt enough,
  • Since Rifle has zero Mobility, the second weapon set basicly has to be Sword (Mirage ambush leap, virtu leap) which results in zero Dmg ( this is mostly important for WvW )
  • So comparing a Support Mesmer to any other meta Support, it becomes pretty clear that this sadly is just a weak alternative
  1. Skill 1:  higher Power coe or add Some damaging condition so Cele becomes a viable option, add clone generation
  2. Skill 2: make it 1/2 s casttime
  3. Skill 3: same as skill 2, Give it an immobilize
  4. Skill 4: a weak excuse for a much needed CC, either give it some Dmg, a faster Casttime on Phanta or maybe a different effect all together like a 360* Knockback  Phanta next to the mesmer with an AoE heal/cleanse to give Rifle mesmer some defensive capabilities
  5. Skill 5: fun Idea, though not much of use, make it 3-5 uses and a 2 way Portal and u got a great skill with mobility for the Mesmer baked in which gives Room for another 2nd weapon set option other than sword/x
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I really like rifle, but it is disappointing that heal mirage can't get alacrity with it very easily. The ambush is really cool visually and mechanically, I really like having a purple flamethrower of life.

I really hope the boon gets changed to alacrity. I tried messing around with rifle/staff at 100% boon duration and it's just so hard to split your attention, especially if you run some clone generation. The build is incredibly difficult to play since you have to bounce back and forth constantly and can barely come close to keeping the alac up. Chronomancer just doesn't have this problem and can camp rifle and give its boon, which is great for them, but it gives no reason to stick with heal rifle mirage.

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7 minutes ago, King Azoron.5670 said:

I really hope the boon gets changed to alacrity. I tried messing around with rifle/staff at 100% boon duration and it's just so hard to split your attention, especially if you run some clone generation. The build is incredibly difficult to play since you have to bounce back and forth constantly and can barely come close to keeping the alac up. Chronomancer just doesn't have this problem and can camp rifle and give its boon, which is great for them, but it gives no reason to stick with heal rifle mirage.

THEN GO PLAY THE CHRONO! I'm sorry, but I just...I've read all the comments here and this has pushed me to the breaking point. When did the Mirage become the ONLY kind of Mesmer worth playing? Why does everything have to cater to the Mirage? When did this become the way Guild Wars works? It used to be that one of the great things about Guild Wars was diversity, and when one build became overwhelmingly mainstream it was nerfed back a bit or broken completely, but lately that's changed. Alac Mirage, whatever it is that Firebrands do, these have been dominant for so long the entire game has congealed like festering pus around them, and rather than nerfing them they've only been made stronger, and rather than the community seeking balance they've encouraged it.

I don't really care if the rifle gets Alacrity or not, but I WOULD like to see Alacrity stripped from every profession and spec in the game save for the Chrono where it belongs. The fact that people are actually complaining that it needs to be added so they can go play Mirage instead I think speaks volumes to the sheer depth of this problem because clearly people don't -want- to play the Chrono, and rather than make the Chrono better, we should just throw more boons at Mirage. Why not give the Mirage time rewinding too, and even throw in the Virtuosos daggers for good measure, just so we never have to use another build again.

Just tired of it.

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5 minutes ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

THEN GO PLAY THE CHRONO! I'm sorry, but I just...I've read all the comments here and this has pushed me to the breaking point. When did the Mirage become the ONLY kind of Mesmer worth playing? Why does everything have to cater to the Mirage? When did this become the way Guild Wars works? It used to be that one of the great things about Guild Wars was diversity, and when one build became overwhelmingly mainstream it was nerfed back a bit or broken completely, but lately that's changed. Alac Mirage, whatever it is that Firebrands do, these have been dominant for so long the entire game has congealed like festering pus around them, and rather than nerfing them they've only been made stronger, and rather than the community seeking balance they've encouraged it.

I don't really care if the rifle gets Alacrity or not, but I WOULD like to see Alacrity stripped from every profession and spec in the game save for the Chrono where it belongs. The fact that people are actually complaining that it needs to be added so they can go play Mirage instead I think speaks volumes to the sheer depth of this problem because clearly people don't -want- to play the Chrono, and rather than make the Chrono better, we should just throw more boons at Mirage. Why not give the Mirage time rewinding too, and even throw in the Virtuosos daggers for good measure, just so we never have to use another build again.

Just tired of it.

Mirage is literally a dead spec people don't play outside OW and has only received memes as balance. We still don't have our screen ui fx fixed since june 27. Chrono has been receiving buff after buff patch after patch and this rifle seems to be pigeonholed to chrono too.

Even if they add alac to the ambush Chrono will still be  better than Mirage as  support. Rifle so far looks to be a Chrono only weapon and not a mesmer one.

And about Virt, its been Anet's babygirl since release. Nobody dare touch it.

Wanna know why you see so many people crying about Mirage? It's because Virt and Chrono players have almost nothing to whine about.

Edited by Geronmy.3298
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Generally I like the mez rifle I think it is a sound support weapon which is already fun to play.

1.)  Clones or lack there of.
As others have noted clone generation is low and the fact that you probably don't want spam its phantasm makes the problem worse.

I'd prefer to see the CC moved to skill 2 and the phantasm become a support power so it can be spammed more freely.  I'd love to see this become a warhorn phantasm which toots out an ethereal field of some sort.

2.)  I want Aegis.
This is a personal preference but I just want to hand out Aegis to my friends, I'd love it on the ambush skill when you have the Mirage Mantle trait rather than fury which feels a bit lack luster but I assume that level of AoE aegis would be too strong.

3.)  I want to save people with the singularity.
I really, really like this power in theory but in practice I never found a situation where it was useful.  If you could portal someone in down state this would be amazing.  I'm sure it will see use with jumping puzzles and be useful in fractals to help with mechanical sections such as moving the cursed treasure so by no means bad but it is a bit more situational that I would like.

4.)  I hate some of the visuals
I'm just not feeling the Phantasm or the mist portal shot.

1.)  Like the design, particularly skills 3 & 5.

I really like the choice to detonate the beacon, that feels exciting and impactful.   
The way the portal is tucked into another support power great!  It takes a situational power and gives it a nice home with bringing down the larger design.

Kudos on the weird healing flamethrower ambush skill also.

2.)  Feels good and impactful on support.
I definitely felt like the rifle was having an impact the battle field, though I did find it it a little challenging to build around.  I found myself only switching to rifle when healing was needed.  Oddly I didn't feel super great paired any of the other power weapons, I found myself wishing for mesmer warhorn for the first time.

I like the rifle and think is largely solid as is and I'm excited to take it into fractals mostly, though I imagine this will get a lot of numbers fiddling post release to balance out it strong healing numbers and low damage to make it a more flexible weapon.  I felt like it played best with Chrono and Mirage but slightly less with Virtuoso but over all viable with any elite spec.

Edited by Kris Knives.8513
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17 hours ago, Sodeni.6041 said:

So if you are in an urgent situation and your allies need burst healing (which Rifle has little to begin with)

Well i have to say i agree on the part about mirage the burst skill should give some alac to be able to play mirage healing , maybe anet want two healing spec for mesmer ...

but rifle lacking burst healing... the kitten thing heals about 600 every AA (not even counting the 3 clones doing the same for a lesser amount) skill 2 heals about 3500  ranged , skill 3 (if re-used before explosion) is +6000 and skill 5 grant and big chunky 4500 barrier ... all of that with an aoe of 240 (a bit narrow on that i agree) but with 1200 range , with healing stats ofc (minstrel and givers)

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heal mesmer with rifle - Critique

Rifle weapon
-AA after 3 attacks should provide a buff of somekind, maybe quickness, might or alac, if no buff then provide small barrier or condi cleanse. Maybe the more clones active, the more the bullet richoettes to heal more allies?
-Rifle 2 is a solid skill with decent healing and low CD, suggestion would be add a blast effect on skill, its an explosion after all and the weapon doesn't have anything to trigger combo fields
-Rifle 3 is a good skill I'm happy with it.
-Rifle 4 is alright, boring but it does give some cc to be used as a healer.
-Rifle 5 is a unique skill which is nice but niche in usage, i cant find my self using the tp function~Thresh lanter wew~ , the barrier is nice to have.

How can heal mesmer be better

What it does well
-Burst healing, decent sustain heal with new change to illusionary inspiration
-Unique utility options such as reflections, illusion of life, dome ressing, and mantras
-Flexible with roles providing quickness or alac (but not both at same time, as a time wizard(chornomancer) they should both be present at the same time kek)
-Aegis buff procs from multiple sources to avoid BIG THICC DMG
-Might generation and fury (alltough tricky to use at first, its very much possible to prebuff or buff up quickly.)
-Chaos tree synergy is really good with heal/boon mesmer
-Staff AA is nice because of might and fury 

- good synergy with chrono

Whats lacking

-Chaos aura procs, only from staff 4 and shatter 2 which is on a 30 sec cool down
-Shatter 2,3 & 4 have a very long CD
-Elite skills have a very long CD and do not provide much utility outside of cc and ally stealth (please buff timewarp...its almost useless...)

-need better synergy with Mirage spec

What could change for the better:
-Chrono trait Stretched Time, instead of procing with phantasm, change it to illusions for higher alac up keep
-Change or remove wardens feedback on inspiriation tree, I thought ANET reduced all cd from traits on weps, why is this still here? it doesnt provide anything but lower cd by 20% and reflection of missiles. (focus 5 destroys projectiles any ways (shrugs)), suggestion is to replace it with Blurred inscriptions. or change the function to providing quickness or condi cleanse when summoning a illusion.
-Buff duration of alac boon when shattered with F1-4 skills (chrono only)

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