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Expanded Weapon Proficiencies Beta Feedback: Engineer

Rubi Bayer.8493

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I like the concept of the weapon, but it is currently unplayable in pvp and wvw (tested as healing scrapper). The weapon is too much time consuming to build up, left you very vulnerable for an effect that can be easily avoided buy your opponent. Like everybody said radius need to be bigger, effects are not impactful enough. You need more mobility and defense as an utility weapon.

The weapon needs more synergy with engi traits lines, detonation could be treated as explosion, the initial device as an elixir or a turret, etc.

The initial arrow absolutely needs to trigger something (before detonation) to help the engi and his allies to survive either pulsing around the device or the initial landing around and the player and the device: swiftness or superspeed for mobility, barrier, stability or protection, resolution/resistance or regen. Landing a device could also trigger on the player a stacking effect.

Detonations needs to be more impactful: boon removal, launch etc. Combo fields need to be better, water/smoke or light.

You really have a huge scope before to consider the weapon potential op.

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6 hours ago, Nate.8146 said:

Imagine an alternative shortbow. Ground targeted bow #5 creates a tar patch, slowing all within it. Ground targeted bow #4 lobs a fire arrow that lights the tar patch up, creating an aoe burn field. Ground targeted bow #3 lobs a gas arrow that detonates in the fire patch to create a larger poisonous AOE gas. Bow #2 creates a static discharge in the gas cloud, zapping everyone for additional damage. That IMO would have been more engaging, purposeful, entertaining, and fulfilling. You could also pair the skills differently to create unique combinations and effects. Like shooting a gas arrow first then a fire arrow second to create an explosion with knockback. Or you could wait to stack 4 arrow combos for maximum effect. For an engineer that spends 95% of our time in kits, this alternative supports weapon swap play and provides us with unique combat experiences. We don't need more boons, we need more ways to play. GW2 was always about supporting yourself, not others. Give us more offensive variety.

this is what i would have imagined the bow would be when it was teased. i was obviously delusional.

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My input on shortbow from a WvW player:

1) Shortbow is too slow for the pace of WvW and the mobility focus that the game mode has. By the time a canister lands my intended target has already moved. By the time I can get a chain reaction to happen the fight has almost always moved somewhere else or my allies has been downed by a roamer's power burst.

2) The boons and condis of the canisters for a sitting zerg are also situational or lackluster, but that could be improved by a better application system.

3) in a WvW or pvp setting shortbow is designed more like a full offensive weapon with no defense. By taking shortbow I sacrifice the defensive utility of hammer or shield. I also sacrifice the stun and mobility from hammer or mace. With low retaliation value on a full support weapon the utility that I pull from that weapon has to have something to keep me alive (this runs back to the slow and immobile nature of the canisters).

My suggested changes:

I'm surprised that the canisters don't pulse condis on arrival. Without those condis my ally will be downed before I can even detonate them. I want to be able to fire the arrow and swap to medkit to try to keep medkit uptime as high as possible.

I would also like to detonate the canisters prior to arrival so that they detonate as soon as they arrive. This change would make the mobile nature or WvW and pvp manageable. I would like to see a larger AOE for QoL but honestly the mechanical delivery system of the boons just needs to be improved for WvW. I know I stated that the boons feel lackluster but a faster application of those boons would fix that issue.

Final thoughts:

I really enjoyed the theme and concept that the shortbow offers (shortbow 1 is really cool). It's hard to justify setting up a shortbow for WvW due to the issues discussed above. I was excited to look at building a gen 3 shortbow for my engineer but at this stage I think I will just use an ascended weapon chest instead.

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i had some hope as a WvW engi but boy were those  vacuumed into the eternal alchemy void  

we have no weapon swap 

shortbow is fundamentally broken / even if it wasnt  it would have been better to just -30/-50%  damage + Unblockable the mortar kit 

it's all set up  with no pay off  , the shortbow  is only potentially useful in sPvP where players have to stand in circles , in WvW its useless , boonball is meta, boonball is all about  boon uptime and high mobility , shortbow not only has short range , but the projectiles are slow/have arming time  and ontop of it you have to stack them , wich means  You have to be Immobile  while facing hyper aggressive hyper mobile hordes 

900 range is only in perfect optiomal scenario in actual combat the actual range is about 300-450, 600 if you're spamming auto 

even if the enemy ignores you , short bow does underwhelming damage  and it's conditions are easily bypassed  as it has no boonstrip ontop of having small radius 

the kit can work though IF we apply it on a longbow, up the cast speed  and reverse engineer the chain reaction system ,  instead of manual detonations  make it so  chains react  when you drop them ontop of each other , address the lack of boonstrip by making  a reaction of all 4  puddles be some eternal alchemy void field amalgamation that pulses boonstrip 

perhaps a multi charge/ammo system would make the shortbow viable as a support tool  with some changes

maybe stacking same  shot enhances its effect and lenghtens field  whereas mixing causes shorter hybrid effect  , the manual detonation thing definetly does not work that's for sure

there's just too many ways this thing could have been better

Edited by Rezzet.3614
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17 hours ago, LilBiM.3581 said:

Let me just offer my own suggestion for SB for Engineer:
AA Chain: Standard 1/4s SB animation. Jolt Bolt: First Attack: 1x Vuln (5s). Second Attack: Hammer Bolt: 2x Vuln (5s) .Final chain: Poisoned Bolt: 3x Poison (3s). All bolts bounce between 3 Targets, Projectile Finisher (20%)
2 Skill: Explosive Bolt: A bolt streaks across the ground that pierces, crippling foes and applying a Timed Charge ( https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Timed_Charge ) on all struck targets. Projectile travels in a straight line. Cripple for 3s. 1200 range.
3 Skill: Holographic Shot: You evade for 1/2s as a holographic image fakes out your opponent. If you successfully evade an attack you and nearby allies (240 radius) are granted Super speed (3s) and 5x Might (8s) (at your location) and the holograph creates 3 clones that shatter, granting aegis (3s) and inflicting weakness (3s) (240 radius at the clone's location).
4 Skill: Crashing Shot: Drop a lightning field (240 radius) that removes conditions from allies and strips boons from foes. When it ends static electricity built up erupts (200 base x ( 1 + number of conditions / boons removed, up to a total of 20). Pulses: 4, Removes 1 Condition and 1 Boon per Pulse. Alt: Instead of Damage on eruption: Keep lightning field and condition / boon strip and simply offer Protection (5s) and Resolution (5s) on target location.
5 Skill: Singularity Shot: Launch a bolt that produces a wave of infused magical energy (fire) that pulls all foes (5 targets) in a funneling cone from the user to the target location ( up to 600 range away). After Knocking Back foes the arrow detonates on the target location copying your boons to allies at the target location. Knock Back (600), 240 radius Fire Field (3 Pulses), Explosion, Transfer Boons on the Engineer to 5 Allies at the target location.

It's terrifying how good this sounds compared to what we got 😅. The idea of mimicking Mesmer shenanigans with skill 3 via holograms is an awesome roleplay element, love it.

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The actual problem with it is that the chain reaction-mechanic holds the entire weapon hostage. In order for that to work the entire weapon needs to have the same theme. 
This would be fine for an elite spec with utilities and traits to support it, but on a weapon - especially on a class without weapon swap - you want a wide variety of skills providing different things.
The more streamlined the weapon is, the fewer utility choices you will find viable since you need to compensate for the lack of those skills the weapon couldve provided.

The entire thing is so far off the mark its rediculous

Edited by Ovalkvadratcylinder.9365
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Everything about shortbow is bad.  There is no situation where I'd want to use this over Mace/Shield.  It is clunky, overly complicated, non mobile, and gives not even remotely enough benefit for the uncomfortable usage it demands. 

I would rather we got nothing than have Anet waste time supporting this terrible weapon.

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6 hours ago, Groggyfrog.9754 said:

The chain effect could be cool. But personally I think it'd be cool to rework into the bomb kit or the mortar kit. Hell maybe both. They would benefit greatly from the rework and setting bombs down in melee range so you can benefit from the boons as well seems way better, plus since it's explosive it would also have synergy with the explosives trait line. 


Then just go an entirely new direction with the short bow 

what you are describing sound like how Mine Kit used to work before it got removed. ya used to have 5 mines you could detonate individually with the flip skill or use the toolbelt skill to detonate all placed mines. honestly a Mine Kit with the chain reaction mechanic (at least on paper) sounds way more fun and manageable than what wer getting with the short bow

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I don't really understand it. Someone post a build to me that makes it fun.

It's very slow and um.. unimpactful. It has the same curse Thief Shortbow 2 has with it's ground target skills being ultra slow but it's amplified x5.

It's also balls deep into support so hard it can't even kill basic fodder mobs in full zerker. Mace doesn't have that problem. Is it designed to even be used as a weapon and we're supposed to use a kit to defend ourselves instead? Somekinda reverse-kit? XD

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8 minutes ago, mitri.3842 said:

what you are describing sound like how Mine Kit used to work before it got removed. ya used to have 5 mines you could detonate individually with the flip skill or use the toolbelt skill to detonate all placed mines. honestly a Mine Kit with the chain reaction mechanic (at least on paper) sounds way more fun and manageable than what wer getting with the short bow

I definitely think the shortbow would work much better as a kit in its current state, with the toolbelt skill allowing you to detonate all the mines at once.

Imagine detonating all the mines at one time and then swapping to use Hammer 3 to perform leap finishers from all the different field types at once as a Scrapper...

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10 hours ago, Nate.8146 said:

Sorry Anet, but this shortbow is what you call an air ball. A cold turkey. A few cans short of a six pack. The lights are on, but nobody's home. It completely misses the mark in terms of engagement, entertainment, purpose, and fulfillment. I took it around PvE, fought a couple tough roaming bosses and IMO the weapon just doesn't click.



  1. It's a ranged AOE weapon that's designed for you to stand in the AOE to receive its benefits, which effectively puts you in melee range with the enemy.
  2. The boons are short and pointless. My mech gives way more useful boons and survivability. The barrier and heals are pitiful. The #4 arrow that gives 25 stacks of might in a game that's power crept over the years and hands out boons like candy is also pointless. At the end of the day, people are going to bring what works best and reliably to a party comp. An engineer shortbow is going to make best friends with the kick button.
  3. Too long, too many button presses. 2, 3, 4, 5, then any 2->5 btn to detonate. Several seconds will have gone by and you will have contributed nothing to the fight while you were busy trying to setup the boom booms that will disappear faster than it took you to set them up.


1. Chain reactions. It's nice that you're thinking outside the box, something GW2 has been known to do well over its life. So I give you credit for the idea, but not its execution.


Imagine an alternative shortbow. Ground targeted bow #5 creates a tar patch, slowing all within it. Ground targeted bow #4 lobs a fire arrow that lights the tar patch up, creating an aoe burn field. Ground targeted bow #3 lobs a gas arrow that detonates in the fire patch to create a larger poisonous AOE gas. Bow #2 creates a static discharge in the gas cloud, zapping everyone for additional damage. That IMO would have been more engaging, purposeful, entertaining, and fulfilling. You could also pair the skills differently to create unique combinations and effects. Like shooting a gas arrow first then a fire arrow second to create an explosion with knockback. Or you could wait to stack 4 arrow combos for maximum effect. For an engineer that spends 95% of our time in kits, this alternative supports weapon swap play and provides us with unique combat experiences. We don't need more boons, we need more ways to play. GW2 was always about supporting yourself, not others. Give us more offensive variety.

Someone plays Divinity Original Sin 2 😛

But in all seriousness, the design person for this weapon would do well to learn from that system. Those kind of combo interactions would be cool. What we got is probably the most boring and impractical implementation of chain reactions we could have had.

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The weapon is useless in PvP.   Engineers have no stability, no invuln, no stunbreaks, no condi removal, no ports.  The only way to live is to have defensive blocks and reflects on your weapons, or CC to knock opponents back or immob them.   This weapon is unusable as it has no immediate defensive capability.  Someone ports on you and you're dead.

Now maybe you meant it to be useful for support for PvE or something?  But could I please have something useful for PvP

Edited by shion.2084
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3 minutes ago, shion.2084 said:

The weapon is useless in PvP.   Engineers have no stability, no condi removal, no ports.  The only way to live is to have defensive blocks and reflects on your weapons, or CC to knock opponents back or immob them.   This weapon is unusable as it has no immediate defensive capability.  Someone ports on you and you're dead.

Now maybe you meant it to be useful for support for PvE or something?  But could I please have something useful for PvP

Im a engi main, support at that, even in pve this is utter garbage.

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It isn't viable in its current state at all. None of the skills synergize with each other. Skill 1 doesn't even belong on this bar. Its a damaging skill on a support weapon.

That being said, some changes could make it viable. Make the Arc Detonator recharge other skills by 1 second per enemy hit. Move the Might from skill 4 onto Arc Detonator as well. Replace skill 4 boon with 6 seconds of protection instead. And on chain detonation make it give 4 seconds of fury per detonate. Make skill 5 give 3 stacks of stability for 10 seconds instead of superspeed. More stability on chain detonation. Make ALL of the skills except skill 1 blast finishers on detonate.

I get why quickness and alacrity are out of the question on the weapon. We don't want HAM giving out quickness in addition to alac, or heal scrapper giving out alac with quickness. But the changes I suggested seem to me the best way to get this weapon anywhere close to useful. At least in PvE. Dunno if this weapon can be saved in competitive modes.

EDIT: Forgot to add that make all the skills have 360 radius. The current radius on them is a joke.

Edited by Aravind.9610
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I've been thinking about how to fix this weapon and the only thing I can come up with is to make the skills have charges and to make a talent similar to Ranger's shortbow one, but it could switch the base support effect skills for quicker more damage based explosion skills, letting you choose between what you want. 1 could also interact with the vials by adding vulnerability stacks while they are sitting there so you don't feel obligated to detonate them immediately.

Idk I'm not a game designer

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2 hours ago, Ovalkvadratcylinder.9365 said:

The actual problem with it is that the chain reaction-mechanic holds the entire weapon hostage. In order for that to work the entire weapon needs to have the same theme. 
This would be fine for an elite spec with utilities and traits to support it, but on a weapon - especially on a class without weapon swap - you want a wide variety of skills providing different things.
The more streamlined the weapon is, the fewer utility choices you will find viable since you need to compensate for the lack of those skills the weapon couldve provided.

The entire thing is so far off the mark its rediculous

Honestly if they dissolved shortbow and chose to infuse the four abilities across the grenades, bomb, and mortar kits where you can mix and match kits to be either power, condi, or support depending itd be an amazing concept. Hell add in more pools that chain and spread em through the medkit and elixir gun as well. You'd create a reason to mix and match kits and create a unique play style. This on a single weapon? It's kitten.

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The radius of effect of the Shortbow skills is too small, it doesn't feel like you are really doing anything with this weapon, 

Raise the effect radius of the skill, it is too small.
if they want to make it a support weapon I think they should think more about the effect of each skill, because they are useless. 

I thought the attack speed of the short bow using quickness was great but only that is useful with this bow, it should do damage when placing the essences and detonating them. 

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20 hours ago, BenaSPACE.6028 said:

My suggestion:

Shortbow 5 becomes "Deploy mode", allowing you to kneel (similar to deadeye) to place and detonate your nodes for greater chain reaction effect.

Shortbow 1's passive chain lightning effect can target and activate a lesser chain reaction of deployed nodes.

as for shortbow 2-4, I would say the theming should be to activate the nodes' lesser chain reaction effects.

After sleeping on it a bit, I think I can come up with some example skills:
1 - Arc Detonator: Fire an arrow equipped with an electric module that discharges when striking your target, shocking them and nearby enemies or nodes. Enemies struck by an electric blast gain vulnerability/weakness. Nodes struck create a chain reaction once per interval (3 seconds, possibly shorter). (is a 20% projectile finisher)

2 - Sticky Grenade: Release a grenade-tipped arrow from your bow. The arrow detonates after a short delay. Nodes near this detonation produce a chain reaction. (is an explosion, and a projectile finisher)

3 - Shockwire: Fire an arrow attached to a Shockwire, tethering you to an enemy. Tethered foes will receive an electric shock every second, giving weakness and dealing damage. Foes that cross this tether will also be shocked. If the Shockwire comes in contact with a node, it triggers a chain reaction. The tether breaks if you are too far from your target.

4 - Rocket Arrow: Fires a high-impact, explosive arrow in a straight line. Enemies too close are knocked back. After a set distance, the arrow then explodes on impact, stunning foes and activating a chain reaction from nearby nodes. (Is an explosion, and a blast finisher)

5 - Node Deploy: Kneel and ready specialized nodes to fire and place. Moving while in this stance will end it.

kneel skills:

1 - Essence of Animated Sand: Fire an arrow equipped with a payload of enchanted sand, prepared to grant nearby allies barrier when activated.
Chain Reaction: When activated, Essence of Animated Sand provides a barrier around itself.
->Detonate Essence of Animated Sand: Manually detonate your trap, springing a larger barrier on allies, crippling and damaging nearby foes, and detonating other nearby nodes, granting them Essence of Animated Sand's Chain Reaction effect as they do. The detonation leaves behind a field that provides barrier to allies and conditions to enemies. If Over Shield is traited, this will activate Ally Ward. (is an explosion, and blast finisher)

2 - Essence of Living Shadows: Fire an arrow loaded with a shadow magic reactor, which heals allies and hinders foes.
Chain Reaction: When activated, Essence of Living Shadows heals nearby allies, and cleanses a condition from allies, while causing weakness in foes.
->Detonate Essence of Living Shadow: Manually Detonate your trap, healing and cleansing allies of conditions, while blinding and weakening nearby foes. The shadows will linger, providing their effects with a pulsing field of darkness. Nearby traps will also detonate, gaining Essence of Living Shadow's Chain Reaction effect. (is a dark combo field)

3 - Essence of Liquid Wrath: Fire an arrow with enchanted flames, ready to lash out at enemies and empower allies.
Chain Reaction: Flames burst from node, inflicting vulnerability (1 stack, 10 sec) and burning nearby enemies (1 stack, 1 sec) and granting might to allies. (is an explosion)
->Detonate Essence of Liquid Wrath: Detonate your trap, leaving a swath of fire that enchants your allies with might (2 stacks, 20 seconds) and resolution (1 second) for every second they stand in it, and burning(1 stack, 3 seconds) and inflicting vulnerability (2 stacks, 10 seconds) on foes that can't escape. Nearby traps will also detonate, gaining Essence of Liquid Wrath's Chain Reaction effect. (is an explosion, a fire field)

4 - Essence of Borrowed Time: Fire an arrow laced with chronal magic, distorting time around itself.
Chain Reaction: Time distorts in an area, slowing (0.75 seconds) enemies. Nearby allies gain protection (1 sec, possibly less in PvP/WvW).
->Detonate Essence of Borrowed Time: Detonate your trap, creating a singularity that slows (3 seconds) and stuns (2 seconds) enemies, and granting Superspeed (3 seconds) to your allies. Nearby traps will also detonate, gaining Essence of Borrowed Time's Chain Reaction effect. (Is an explosion, a blast finisher, and an Ethereal field.)

5 - Get Up: Exit Deploy Mode, knocking standard arrows.

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2 hours ago, Bomboed.5697 said:

If Anet will not rework this weapon completely even after all that negative feedback, I will stop supporting the game.
Because it is not only about this weapon, but also about attitude towards players. And I don't want to give my money to people with such attitude.

Im with you on this. I was already on the edge with the removal of the Golem, the removal of the 3x burst on rifle, the overnerf of power mech... But now with this sorry excuse of a supossed "new tool"... I dont know... my love for the game is at critical HP... Anet need to heal me up or Im done.

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35 minutes ago, BenaSPACE.6028 said:

After sleeping on it a bit, I think I can come up with some example skills:
1 - Arc Detonator: Fire an arrow equipped with an electric module that discharges when striking your target, shocking them and nearby enemies or nodes. Enemies struck by an electric blast gain vulnerability/weakness. Nodes struck create a chain reaction once per interval (3 seconds, possibly shorter). (is a 20% projectile finisher)

2 - Sticky Grenade: Release a grenade-tipped arrow from your bow. The arrow detonates after a short delay. Nodes near this detonation produce a chain reaction. (is an explosion, and a projectile finisher)

3 - Shockwire: Fire an arrow attached to a Shockwire, tethering you to an enemy. Tethered foes will receive an electric shock every second, giving weakness and dealing damage. Foes that cross this tether will also be shocked. If the Shockwire comes in contact with a node, it triggers a chain reaction. The tether breaks if you are too far from your target.

4 - Rocket Arrow: Fires a high-impact, explosive arrow in a straight line. Enemies too close are knocked back. After a set distance, the arrow then explodes on impact, stunning foes and activating a chain reaction from nearby nodes. (Is an explosion, and a blast finisher)

5 - Node Deploy: Kneel and ready specialized nodes to fire and place. Moving while in this stance will end it.

kneel skills:

1 - Essence of Animated Sand: Fire an arrow equipped with a payload of enchanted sand, prepared to grant nearby allies barrier when activated.
Chain Reaction: When activated, Essence of Animated Sand provides a barrier around itself.
->Detonate Essence of Animated Sand: Manually detonate your trap, springing a larger barrier on allies, crippling and damaging nearby foes, and detonating other nearby nodes, granting them Essence of Animated Sand's Chain Reaction effect as they do. The detonation leaves behind a field that provides barrier to allies and conditions to enemies. If Over Shield is traited, this will activate Ally Ward. (is an explosion, and blast finisher)

2 - Essence of Living Shadows: Fire an arrow loaded with a shadow magic reactor, which heals allies and hinders foes.
Chain Reaction: When activated, Essence of Living Shadows heals nearby allies, and cleanses a condition from allies, while causing weakness in foes.
->Detonate Essence of Living Shadow: Manually Detonate your trap, healing and cleansing allies of conditions, while blinding and weakening nearby foes. The shadows will linger, providing their effects with a pulsing field of darkness. Nearby traps will also detonate, gaining Essence of Living Shadow's Chain Reaction effect. (is a dark combo field)

3 - Essence of Liquid Wrath: Fire an arrow with enchanted flames, ready to lash out at enemies and empower allies.
Chain Reaction: Flames burst from node, inflicting vulnerability (1 stack, 10 sec) and burning nearby enemies (1 stack, 1 sec) and granting might to allies. (is an explosion)
->Detonate Essence of Liquid Wrath: Detonate your trap, leaving a swath of fire that enchants your allies with might (2 stacks, 20 seconds) and resolution (1 second) for every second they stand in it, and burning(1 stack, 3 seconds) and inflicting vulnerability (2 stacks, 10 seconds) on foes that can't escape. Nearby traps will also detonate, gaining Essence of Liquid Wrath's Chain Reaction effect. (is an explosion, a fire field)

4 - Essence of Borrowed Time: Fire an arrow laced with chronal magic, distorting time around itself.
Chain Reaction: Time distorts in an area, slowing (0.75 seconds) enemies. Nearby allies gain protection (1 sec, possibly less in PvP/WvW).
->Detonate Essence of Borrowed Time: Detonate your trap, creating a singularity that slows (3 seconds) and stuns (2 seconds) enemies, and granting Superspeed (3 seconds) to your allies. Nearby traps will also detonate, gaining Essence of Borrowed Time's Chain Reaction effect. (Is an explosion, a blast finisher, and an Ethereal field.)

5 - Get Up: Exit Deploy Mode, knocking standard arrows.

I'm not too familiar with Deadeye, but this at least sounds like an interesting way to keep both the "it should be another damage weapon" and the "it should be a support weapon to compete with mace + shield as the only other option" crowds happy by giving it both depending on if you're kneeling or not. I'm assuming you can quickly cancel the kneel with a dodge-roll for bosses like Boneskinner and the kneel has a short, if any, cooldown?

It's not like it's the first time they've given one class some goodies of the others. Mechanists got a Ranger-like pet after all, so a weapon that functions like Deadeye, but as damage / support modes sounds like a neat twist.

Edited by Icefyer.9208
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There are enough support weapons added with this update/beta, and engineer already has access to decent support options already. What we need, and what several classes' shortbows specialize in, is ready access to conditions. Even the world's best engi piano player can't put out the condition damage a dual pistol guardian now can just by headbutting their keyboard once.

I say keep the shortbow but entirely rework it into a condition and CC weapon.

Edited by Overedge.2435
Fixed a typo
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