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This game has a serious accessibility problem.

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6 minutes ago, Parasite.5389 said:

Armor is already available in the WV

I wrote that as a joke, but yeah ik, I mentioned before you could get chest piece from it. (Bladed one is only from T4 VB meta which is not happening often)

But still, that's only 3 pieces per one season.

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11 minutes ago, Khlori.6209 said:

I wrote that as a joke, but yeah ik, I mentioned before you could get chest piece from it. (Bladed one is only from T4 VB meta which is not happening often)

But still, that's only 3 pieces per one season.

this is true, though you honestly don't need full ascended unless you're running fractals, and by the point you need the infusion slots for agony, you've probably earned enough currency to buy the remaining peices

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46 minutes ago, Lucius.2140 said:

- The idea of just get the ascended or the legendary are expectations of someone been out of the newbie context. Not all guilds and people are like that and is better to not heard bad advice.

- Theres a normal progression to get into a competitive spot (for strikes and raids nowdays (you can try the first without them)), at release i will say was around 2 months, 1 to get to 80 and  1 more max to get exotic gear, builds and proficence on them (im not counting canging WvW currency).

- Now, an open world only core account will need to get money by weeklies and events to craft/get the exotics. Of course open world bosses can be taken in account, but im not sure if they will know about them. Overall still 1 month to get the exotics.

- Celestial gear was always difficult to get by itself, aside of character boosts. I got main and was painfull but it has the maximum number of stats possible (not necesarily good to be fair).

- The pass to ascended is always painfull, but barely anything really need it, my Raid commander (and he is heavily experienced) doesn't ask for them in the first 4 raid wings.

- Getting ascended  gear with the actual weeklies  (gold), fractals even if you dont haveto other content i will say it will be around 1-2 months max, with the possibility of getting there in 1 week because of having done weeklies and such.

- Skyscale isnt necesary but i will say that it could take you around 1 month to get normal mounts and glider (and finishing both first and second expa). Depending of the hours even getting griphon.

- Overall you can be maxed out gear and build with gryphon in around 1-4 months.

Several MMOs take more time than that.

In wow if you are persistent and know what you are doing, you can level a class from scratch in one day and get it heroic raid geared through mythic plus (rips off fractals here slightly) on day 2-3.  I have done this multiple times, though it isn't fun.

I want to say you can do that on two characters there before you would even have the path of fire story done here just to even start on your mounts just to make walking around the world not a chore.

Here, there are so many time gates and "you have to have the wiki open and watch event timers like a hawk" which means you can't do it at your own pace.  On top of that, you basically HAVE to do hardcore grinds in endgame content just to unlock the "luxury" of getting to be a casual player.  The only thing in wow that requires guild wars 2 level grinding were unlocking allied races in legion/bfa.  Over there that was a nutty grind that few people did, here it's your main progression.

The best solution would be what I mentioned here:

57 minutes ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

Better would be to have ascended unlock in the wardrobe, but only for the specific affix of your collected items.

Legendaries would then unlock all affixes for that one slot.

It takes SIX MONTHS of 20 hour a week grinds (that's if you know what you are doing) to get a legendary set, completely ignoring any costs and money grinding involved.  Just allowing people to farm one berzerker, one condi, and one celestial ascended set and have it be able to be account wide from there on would do wonders in making the game not instantly repulsive to newcomers (with the side effect of alleviating the need to actually talk to any of the feral playerbase here).

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I'm ignorant here, never have played WoW or FF14. They just hand you all the gear you'll ever need? No need to work for anything? Including end game raids | dungeons | whatever they call it in that particular game?

@OP, it seems you're referring to open world stuff, so why do the cheap named sets not work? I've used them all these years on my alt accounts, which since the WV the mains on those accounts now have ascended for minimal effort. Shoot (aka Kitten) have I been doing it wrong for 11 years?

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20 minutes ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

I'm ignorant here, never have played WoW or FF14. They just hand you all the gear you'll ever need? No need to work for anything? Including end game raids | dungeons | whatever they call it in that particular game?

@OP, it seems you're referring to open world stuff, so why do the cheap named sets not work? I've used them all these years on my alt accounts, which since the WV the mains on those accounts now have ascended for minimal effort. Shoot (aka Kitten) have I been doing it wrong for 11 years?

The "work" here is hidden behind seeking out stat combinations only available through specific content that involve absurd grinds.

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You're being ridiculous.  You don't need to have ascended/legendary gear or the perfect stats just to do open world/story content.  Any content creator that provides open world builds is naturally going to show you what they think is the best option, but you can generally adapt those builds to the resources you have available.  For example: 

Here's a very similar build to the one I recommend for open world, except I've removed my jade bot and relic and equipped all green gear with nothing in the build worth over 10 silver value on TP.  As you can see, it's still quite tanky and I'm able to finish Balthazar in 54 seconds.  I only took two defensive traits with this build and no defensive utilities.  So, there's plenty of room to make it even tankier as needed.  

Do I expect a new player to be able to crush champions in green gear?  Of course not.  But I think the vast majority of players given a build like this could equip it with exotic gear and comfortably handle open world/story gameplay.

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29 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

You're being ridiculous.  You don't need to have ascended/legendary gear or the perfect stats just to do open world/story content.  Any content creator that provides open world builds is naturally going to show you what they think is the best option, but you can generally adapt those builds to the resources you have available.  For example: 

Here's a very similar build to the one I recommend for open world, except I've removed my jade bot and relic and equipped all green gear with nothing in the build worth over 10 silver value on TP.  As you can see, it's still quite tanky and I'm able to finish Balthazar in 54 seconds.  I only took two defensive traits with this build and no defensive utilities.  So, there's plenty of room to make it even tankier as needed.  

Do I expect a new player to be able to crush champions in green gear?  Of course not.  But I think the vast majority of players given a build like this could equip it with exotic gear and comfortably handle open world/story gameplay.

Want to link the build you recommend?  Obviously not the greens.

Also, you have years of game knowledge on your side too.

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4 minutes ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

Want to link the build you recommend?  Obviously not the greens.

Also, you have years of game knowledge on your side too.


It's a pretty standard full condi DPS build like you'd use for raiding.  I've just equipped trailblazer gear.  It works fine with celestial or viper as well, of course.  But if you don't have any of those you can just use dire stats and swap in Balthazar rune to cap your burn duration.  If you need more defense, elemental shielding provides full uptime protection boon.  You can also take bolstered elements or invigorating strikes, although that's a larger DPS loss.  Swapping in a defensive utility is another option.  A setup like this will also work with any elementalist spec and weapons you choose, too.

I do have years of game knowledge, but like I said I don't expect a new player to be able to do this.  But they really don't need to.  They just need to feel comfortable with open world/story content, and I think a build like this would be perfectly adequate without requiring any special gear or extensive grinding.

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2 hours ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

Want to link the build you recommend?  Obviously not the greens.

Also, you have years of game knowledge on your side too.

Yes, he is a skilled and experienced player....but he is soloing a champion intended for a group of max level characters while wearing gear three tiers below BiS. A pretty solid indication that legendary, ascended, and even exotic gear are optional. The game is balanced around rares.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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I won't lie, I have both encountered this issue and have to watch for it.  I remember back when I was trying to unlock the HoT elite specs, and all the guides I saw on how to do it involved warping to waypoints I hadn't unlocked yet.  Why yes, getting all the hero points is easy if I've already explored the entire map.  

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4 hours ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

I think the game's community being so "insulated" means that absurd time sinks like legendaries are not only offered as "content" by the community but are accepted as normal things to have.  In a more populous mmo, such things would be seen as novelties only a few people have and something that no one really needs.  Since there is just about zero new blood in this game (and consistent content droughts mean people stocked up legendaries just to have something to do) it seems that every regular has these just laying around now.

"Oh, just use the legendary wardrobe and all your alts are instantly geared in any affix you want!" is something I have heard far too often in discussions with new and returning players, even in guides for casual "open world" builds.  As a player who is considering a return, I can't tell you how repulsive it is to hear "getting exotic gear in this 'open world build' affix can take serious time, so just spend the weeks to grind the ascended instead!" and then someone chiming in with "just spend 2-3 months to get the legendary instead, as it's faster than getting a full set of ascended for multiple characters."

This game may be "casual friendly" for people who have played 10+ years straight, but there's a reason people bolt out the door faster than they can come in.  Even the "uber casual" hizen builds can take a while to get (if you don't want to spend real money for overpriced exotics) since he abuses celestial and other rare affixes to augment boons.  Sure, the game becomes easy enough that anyone can play it once you have an entire bank full of legendaries and ascended in every affix, but no actual person looking for these builds will be in those situations.

Why do people want "open world builds?"  Because the overworld content is actually quite hard for a new player.  Frustratingly so.

Sure. it's not hard for YOU because you have everything already, but it's not for someone just starting out.  There is a reason anet gives full celestial with boosts now, as it would take weeks of endgame grinding to get it.  If you take offense to that, saying it takes "weeks" to get these non-named affixes, you are not doing the math properly.  YOU can get them easy because you are 540 mastery level, have multiple legendaries, all story complete, all teleport scrolls, gold flying out the ears, all reward tracks maxed out, all mounts unlocked, friends in game, and years upon years of game knowledge.  Get rid of your friends and game knowledge, boost a fresh character and see how long it would take you to get the stuff to make the overworld "fun" instead of a crushing slog.

For example, I have the skyscale.  It takes me less than a second to summon it.  I can trivialize gathering grinds that can get me gear in any affix I want with it.  Therefore, its "easy" to get around and so new players should just suck it up and summon their skyscale too.  I also have enough of a memory to remember that it took me 26 straight days of grinding 5-6 hours over 8 characters to get and would have been longer (and cost real-life money) if I didn't have the gold and everything unlocked before I started.  This was only after leveling up and gearing those 8 max level characters, reading dozens of guides (because less than nothing is explained in game), completing weeks' worth of story and side quests, and farming over a hundred mastery points just to get quality of life stuff.

Tell that a new player might be able to finally enjoy playing the game after MONTHS of suffering, and that they basically have to do everything the hard way a dozen times over before they can do things in a way that isn't soul-crushing, and they leave.  Tell them that they have to go through hardcore, miserable grinds just so they can go through more lighthearted grinds, which only then rewards the ability to just sit back and casually play the game (which means just more grinding but slower), and they might punch you before leaving.

I am getting the impression you are feeling bitter about something in your own game experience here, not that of other players who are new.

I mean what you wrote reads like not having the things you believe you should have on your own account is an issue, even though by your own admission you are "considering a return" -- which sounds like you are not in fact, actively playing now? though actively reading about the game.  Or maybe I misunderstand. 

Truly new players rarely make the type of complaints you are throwing out here as being an issue for them, since they are usually just busy enjoying playing the core game and learning about it, what they like and don't, classes, etc. 

I have seen far more often people posting here and on Reddit of positive impressions of the game as brand new players; the polar opposite to what you describe.  They are usually also not super worried about gearing up either, because many times such players are getting far better advice than what you are claiming is the "standard" response to any such questions. 

Either way,  if you think that a game which does not have a sub to play it, does not have vertical progression, and does not completely tear up your hard acquired gear and build every 3-4 months, has a global trading post, robust guild system, and literally hundreds of ways to play, has an accessibility problem??? I think you are mistaken. 

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5 hours ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

I think the game's community being so "insulated" means that absurd time sinks like legendaries are not only offered as "content" by the community but are accepted as normal things to have.  In a more populous mmo, such things would be seen as novelties only a few people have and something that no one really needs.  Since there is just about zero new blood in this game (and consistent content droughts mean people stocked up legendaries just to have something to do) it seems that every regular has these just laying around now.

Didn't want to quote the entire thing, I don't know what kind of people you are hanging out with, but I've never once heard anyone say just farm legendaries to a newbie. Sometimes people will tell you not to bother with exotic accessories or exotic celestial etc. because getting the ascended ones isn't much more difficult and ascended gear doesn't become soulbound on use.

Honestly, reading through this almost sounds like a complaint about how hard it is out there for new players and if it is, holy cow man how much easier do you want the gear up process to be? Skyscale can be farmed in a single day now with SotO, even the super expensive exotics like celestial can be farmed for in a day or two of grinding metas if you so choose. With the wizard's vault, the game literally throws 3 ascended armor pieces and a weapon at you, as well as 150 laurels, which you can use to buy ascended accessories if you need core stats. Even if you want a non-core stat, you can convert the armor and weapon fairly cheap, but you'd need to farm living world season 3 or 4 for the accessories. The funny thing is, with the "return to" achievements, the game also throws map materials at you so you get to gear up your first character in ascended almost immediately.

Gearing up in this game is easy for everyone once they get going. The problem new players face is that this game lets you gear up in a multitude of ways and being new, these players are limited to googling things or asking around to determine which path they will take, which proves overwhelming at times. But the act of farming or acquiring gear is laughably easy in this game, and it keeps getting needlessly easier to the point that exotics themselves mostly feel redundant for anything other than your first few characters.

Also, about enjoying the game after MONTHS of suffering. I feel like you don't understand the point of a game. Don't treat it like a sweatshop, enjoy the journey, as well as the goal.  This is an 11-year-old game, there is absolutely 0 point to rushing to get your gear, this isn't a vertical progression game, you don't have 3 months to gear up so that you are prepared for the next content drop to start it all over again. Once you get ascended gear, you have the highest attainable stats from your equipment, you can then proceed to grab stat infusions if you care to minmax. There is a reason why legendary gear provides you with absolutely 0 bonus stats, it is meant to be a time sink and a quality of life improvement, not the default endgame gear.

Edit: Btw, an advice on confused reactions, they are this forum's way of dislike/disapproval, get used to them. Babyraging about them is not going to make people, go "oh, let me remove my disapproval of this guy's message because his feelings are hurt".

Edited by Passerbye.6291
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2 hours ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

In wow if you are persistent and know what you are doing, you can level a class from scratch in one day and get it heroic raid geared through mythic plus (rips off fractals here slightly) on day 2-3.  I have done this multiple times, though it isn't fun.

Leveling takes 2-3 hours in gw2 if you know what you're doing. There are some timegates in this game because unlike wow, the gear you get here doesn't become entirely irrelevant in 3 months. Since you said you can do this in wow, I'll go ahead and assume this is meant for when you aren't a new player, because a new player won't be doing raids or mythic plus on his 2nd day of starting the game.  Now, taking the same thing into account on gw2, you passively accumulate ascended mats by playing the game, and assuming you have enough mats to craft vision crystals, you can start a character from scratch and have it in full ascended gear in 5 hours, give or take.

Edited by Passerbye.6291
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5 hours ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

Tell that a new player might be able to finally enjoy playing the game after MONTHS of suffering, and that they basically have to do everything the hard way a dozen times over before they can do things in a way that isn't soul-crushing, and they leave.  Tell them that they have to go through hardcore, miserable grinds just so they can go through more lighthearted grinds, which only then rewards the ability to just sit back and casually play the game (which means just more grinding but slower), and they might punch you before leaving.

Subjective opinion. My best memories from being a new player a few years ago was when I decided I was ready to work towards legendaries. Aurora and vision collections was the most fun I’ve had in any mmo from the time I started playing them. And I have played a lot of them. I get nostalgic when I visit living world maps now. And I knew I finally could have legendary gear that was not worthless a few weeks later and still enjoy the content they provide.

These collections are different then other games and it doesn’t feel like a grind except for a few items. (hello Druid stone 👀) not having to grind hundreds of the same dungeon felt refreshing and new.  And legendaries are not needed since they have the same stats as ascended gear. So you can choose to do these or skip them completely.

When you finally get bis gear after grinding for weeks or months in other mmos, all you do is stand afk in towns and cities to show of your “shinies” as there is no point playing anymore. Just wait for your gear and grinding to be in vain and worthless and gear treadmill is repeated with a new expansion. 

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1 hour ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

Leveling takes 2-3 hours in gw2 if you know what you're doing. There are some timegates in this game because unlike wow, the gear you get here doesn't become entirely irrelevant in 3 months. Since you said you can do this in wow, I'll go ahead and assume this is meant for when you aren't a new player, because a new player won't be doing raids or mythic plus on his 2nd day of starting the game.  Now, taking the same thing into account on gw2, you passively accumulate ascended mats by playing the game, and assuming you have enough mats to craft vision crystals, you can start a character from scratch and have it in full ascended gear in 5 hours, give or take.

Yes, I also have 10+ years of level skips just rotting in my bank.  Not what I mean.  I mean actually playing the game.  There are time gates here to increase metrics, no other reasons; or more accurately because there is no other content.

There is also absolutely nothing stopping you from doing what I said on a new account.  Just level and do dungeons, that's it.  It's what everyone does as is, I can do it faster than most because I am efficient; requires no game knowledge at all.  A new player could do it on the second day of starting the game as just about nothing carries over between patches besides cosmetics.  So while gear is easily invalidated it's also easy to get.  this game has to make gear an arcane process with purposely useless sets just to extend busywork into "content."  Even with that in mind, it would be palatable if not for something far worse than arenanets lipstick on pigs obsessions.

As for the final comment, in this game, most people seem to sell all their mats just to afford the most basic things, so it isn't as passive as you want to assist.  That just goes back into my point that you either have lost perspective of what it means to be a truly new player, or you are just spitefully sneering in bad faith (your previous posts indicate it's the latter).

1 hour ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

Btw, an advice on confused reactions, they are this forum's way of dislike/disapproval, get used to them. Babyraging about them is not going to make people, go "oh, let me remove my disapproval of this guy's message because his feelings are hurt".

Pointing out that you or people like you are going back through EVERY SINGLE POST IN MY ACCOUNT to "dislike" my posts (including the people in the thread agreeing with me no matter how rock-solid their arguments are) is not "baby rage" (whatever that is), dogpiling me IS though but projection dovetails with your other qualities.

My point about adding ascended to the wardrobe like legendaries (if adding ascended add just the single affix, legendaries add all possible affixes) has its biggest boon in allowing you to instantly gear up alts without needing to interact with the community.  I think even the games numerous flaws would be negligible if the community was better and not so utterly bitter and hostile.  Even 5 years ago when I finally decided to come back I received nothing but hostility on here and on reddit AND in game.  Every guild is a cult of personality or catty cliques.  Every player in the world is uncooperative and aloof or cutthroat to the point of actively sabotaging you.  Any exceptions to this just make the hateful majority stand out more.  you, my not-friend (you aren't important enough to me to be my enemy), are not a part of that exception.

I could put up with all of this game's problems, but not that (NEVER that).  That this smugness filters down even to what would be considered new player guides is EXACTLY what this thread is about.

2 hours ago, Surelia.2651 said:

Either way,  if you think that a game which does not have a sub to play it, does not have vertical progression, and does not completely tear up your hard acquired gear and build every 3-4 months, has a global trading post, robust guild system, and literally hundreds of ways to play, has an accessibility problem??? I think you are mistaken. 

This is possibly the single most opaque mmo I have ever played or seen.  This is not an uncommon view, it's just that you are in a bubble.  Those who voice their frustrations are dwarfed by those who show their frustrations by just leaving and never coming back.

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5 minutes ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

Yes, I also have 10+ years of level skips just rotting in my bank.  Not what I mean.  I mean actually playing the game.  There are time gates here to increase metrics, no other reasons; or more accurately because there is no other content.

You can easily farm 20+ gold per hour without being super fast (didn't mention things like dragonfall being well over 40 gold per hour as things of similar nature require efficiency and mounts). The 2-3 hour leveling I mentioned is manual leveling as well, not spamming tomes. Gear is objectively not hard to get in this game. What I can tell you is that if you find gearing up (exotic or ascended) to be a grind in this game, you either have a lot less knowledge in this game than you lead others to believe, or you are simply being disingenous. If you are a new player, you either shouldn't be worried about getting best in slot gear, or if you are, you need to ask people who know their stuff or google things for yourself. Doing these things makes gearing up incredibly easy in this game. Comparing equipment acquisition in this game to doing mythic plus in wow is funny as well. While I do not play WoW, a quick google search revealed that the vast majority of players in wow don't do mythic plus. This being the case, your suggestion that wow has an easier gear up process would be akin to gating ascended gear behind HT CM and calling it easy because you can just do it a few times to finish gearing. 

You keep talking about new player experience, and then proceed to give examples from the perspective of an endgame player in wow. "Just do mythic+ or some raiding to get gear bro, what's the problem?" Meanwhile in gw2 you can do any combination of strikes, fractals, raids, open world and then crafting to get the best in slot in the game. Oh, to reiterate, you don't have to start over every 3 months. You have to farm 1 set of gear to have best in slot berserker stats in the game forever, meanwhile you need to farm from scratch every content drop on WoW. If you are going to make a comparison, compare how long it took you to farm gear every content drop cumulatively, and then calculate how long it takes to gear 1 character in ascended in GW2 as those 2 things essentially do the same.

Saying GW2 has no content while playing a game that renders every bit of previous endgame content irrelevant every content drop is hilarious, thanks for the giggle. GW2 has notoriously had a low cadence in its introduction of new content, but it still has 11 years' worth of content released at said cadence.

Honestly, I don't know who confuse spammed all your posts, but you have yet to make any decent point in this thread beyond being salty about random things in the game. So I totally see why people confuse bomb you on this thread at least. If your other stuff is similar, they probably saw a pattern. 

TLDR: No thanks on making ascended gear essentially the same as legendary gear by letting you fill up the armour with only the widely useful stats and cutting down on the grind for legendaries. If you want the quality of life, work for it, if you don't, grab ascended and move on. The game is already way too easy, if you are still struggling, it is a l2p issue. I'm so tired of people asking for things to be made easier instead of putting in the necessary work, especially in a game like GW2 where you get to do pretty much w/e you want to get gear. 
The game doesn't have an accessibility problem, you have an entitlement problem.

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6 hours ago, Khlori.6209 said:

I wrote that as a joke, but yeah ik, I mentioned before you could get chest piece from it. (Bladed one is only from T4 VB meta which is not happening often)

But still, that's only 3 pieces per one season.

It is also a chance drop from any of the night bosses not only t4 VB meta.

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6 hours ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

In wow if you are persistent and know what you are doing, you can level a class from scratch in one day and get it heroic raid geared through mythic plus (rips off fractals here slightly) on day 2-3.  I have done this multiple times, though it isn't fun.

I want to say you can do that on two characters there before you would even have the path of fire story done here just to even start on your mounts just to make walking around the world not a chore.

Here, there are so many time gates and "you have to have the wiki open and watch event timers like a hawk" which means you can't do it at your own pace.  On top of that, you basically HAVE to do hardcore grinds in endgame content just to unlock the "luxury" of getting to be a casual player.  The only thing in wow that requires guild wars 2 level grinding were unlocking allied races in legion/bfa.  Over there that was a nutty grind that few people did, here it's your main progression.

The best solution would be what I mentioned here:

It takes SIX MONTHS of 20 hour a week grinds (that's if you know what you are doing) to get a legendary set, completely ignoring any costs and money grinding involved.  Just allowing people to farm one berzerker, one condi, and one celestial ascended set and have it be able to be account wide from there on would do wonders in making the game not instantly repulsive to newcomers (with the side effect of alleviating the need to actually talk to any of the feral playerbase here).

It takes like 10 hours to level a character to max in GW2 and you don't even need to be extremely hardcore about it thanks to the Adventure Guide and you can gear your character with whatever stats of Exotic you want right after through the WvW vendor. By the time you get to thinking about leveling that fast you're way past the "I'm new, I don't have those currencies" excuse. 

If it takes you six months of 20 hours a week of grinding to unlock a legendary set you should stop counting the other 19 hours you spend doing other things in the game.

It took me less time to gear two characters on my alt out with Ascended, unlock the Skyscale and finish the two Envoy collections than to hit 415 on one of my characters in WoW. 

Complaining about grinding in GW2, but then going on about how WoW is less grindy is the funniest kitten I've ever seen.

EDIT: Almost forgot to write this, you're complaining about inaccessibility and new players, but bring up kittening Mythic+ for gearing in WoW. 

8 hours ago, Parasite.5389 said:

and before you start to complain that you hate WvW, and don't like fighting Real people, you can earn all that currency avoiding people and simply filpping some objectives.

And if someone is too allergic to do even that you get Badges from achievement chests as well. My alt, which is only level 25 in WvW has over 3k Badges just from the limited playtime in WvW and achievement chests.

Edited by IAmNotMatthew.1058
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1 hour ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

You can easily farm 20+ gold per hour without being super fast (didn't mention things like dragonfall being well over 40 gold per hour as things of similar nature require efficiency and mounts). The 2-3 hour leveling I mentioned is manual leveling as well, not spamming tomes. Gear is objectively not hard to get in this game. What I can tell you is that if you find gearing up (exotic or ascended) to be a grind in this game, you either have a lot less knowledge in this game than you lead others to believe, or you are simply being disingenous. If you are a new player, you either shouldn't be worried about getting best in slot gear, or if you are, you need to ask people who know their stuff or google things for yourself. Doing these things makes gearing up incredibly easy in this game. Comparing equipment acquisition in this game to doing mythic plus in wow is funny as well. While I do not play WoW, a quick google search revealed that the vast majority of players in wow don't do mythic plus. This being the case, your suggestion that wow has an easier gear up process would be akin to gating ascended gear behind HT CM and calling it easy because you can just do it a few times to finish gearing. 

You keep talking about new player experience, and then proceed to give examples from the perspective of an endgame player in wow. "Just do mythic+ or some raiding to get gear bro, what's the problem?" Meanwhile in gw2 you can do any combination of strikes, fractals, raids, open world and then crafting to get the best in slot in the game. Oh, to reiterate, you don't have to start over every 3 months. You have to farm 1 set of gear to have best in slot berserker stats in the game forever, meanwhile you need to farm from scratch every content drop on WoW. If you are going to make a comparison, compare how long it took you to farm gear every content drop cumulatively, and then calculate how long it takes to gear 1 character in ascended in GW2 as those 2 things essentially do the same.

Saying GW2 has no content while playing a game that renders every bit of previous endgame content irrelevant every content drop is hilarious, thanks for the giggle. GW2 has notoriously had a low cadence in its introduction of new content, but it still has 11 years' worth of content released at said cadence.

Honestly, I don't know who confuse spammed all your posts, but you have yet to make any decent point in this thread beyond being salty about random things in the game. So I totally see why people confuse bomb you on this thread at least. If your other stuff is similar, they probably saw a pattern. 

TLDR: No thanks on making ascended gear essentially the same as legendary gear by letting you fill up the armour with only the widely useful stats and cutting down on the grind for legendaries. If you want the quality of life, work for it, if you don't, grab ascended and move on. The game is already way too easy, if you are still struggling, it is a l2p issue. I'm so tired of people asking for things to be made easier instead of putting in the necessary work, especially in a game like GW2 where you get to do pretty much w/e you want to get gear. 
The game doesn't have an accessibility problem, you have an entitlement problem.

Vast majority of people in wow don't do much of anything besides alts and quests.  Same thing here, but even more leave because of those like you.  Secondly, there is just about no content in wow other than mythic plus and raids at high level: you are once more arguing in bad faith as a personal attack against me rather than even interacting with my salient points about both this game's flaws and yours.  I don't even care about wow, the point of this thread has always been the community; but you don't want to have that conversation because it would be about things you would rather hide from about yourself.

Continuing my point you keep dodging, the opaqueness of this game is to drag an inch deep puddle a mile wide.  That inch deep puddle would be much more forgivable if the community didn't do everything they can to poison the well.

Second time in one day that someone has gone through and given their "disapproval" to every single one of my posts.  Thank you for making my point for me, you are dismissed.

40 minutes ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

If you don't enjoy every step of this "terrible" way, you're playing the wrong game.

I, like millions of others, am not playing this game.  I was considering it.  Was.

11 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

It took me less time to gear two characters on my alt out with Ascended, unlock the Skyscale and finish the two Envoy collections than to hit 415 on one of my characters in WoW.

I think heroic dungeons get more than that now.  Start groups for your own keys and you will have more than that in a day.  Level up a character from nothing in one sitting with timewalking.

Again, this thread is not about wow, you are criticizing the finger pointing at the real topic.  you are partially doing so because of simple foolishness but deceitfully because the finger is pointed at you.

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Very casual OW player here.  Played for 10+ years.  Have exactly 0 legendary items.  The only ascended that I have, I crafted during COVID because I had nothing better to do with my time, and even then I've only crafted ascended weapons because I liked particular skins.  I have never needed ascended or legendary items and have been able to complete content with exotics.

Sound a lot like a L2P thread.

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Just now, kharmin.7683 said:

Very casual OW player here.  Played for 10+ years.  Have exactly 0 legendary items.  The only ascended that I have, I crafted during COVID because I had nothing better to do with my time, and even then I've only crafted ascended weapons because I liked particular skins.  I have never needed ascended or legendary items and have been able to complete content with exotics.

Sound a lot like a L2P thread.

Like others, you missed my point but ironically made it for me.

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