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Why is PvP the worst behaved community in GW2

Mount Mazama.2917

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On 12/22/2023 at 10:44 PM, Mount Mazama.2917 said:

It seems impossible to play a handful of games without someone letting out their mental health issues onto a stranger for no reason. It is after all just a game, I understand getting frustrated what I don't understand is deciding that you are going to type out all of your misplaced rage to a random group of strangers. I get a lot of people do it because it is done to them and they think it's okay or even what you should do if you feel like you are playing well and others are not. All you are doing is showing everyone that you don't care about other people or yourself by acting that way. Happy, self respecting individuals do not go crazy and have a melt down to random strangers on the internet when things don't go their way. It's sad the community seems to have more of these people than other competitive games I have played. When I was new this stuff bothered me but wasn't going to stop me from playing a game I am interested in getting better at for fun, now that I have played many games I can usually tell if someone is upset for a good reasons or not and it's way too common people blow up over things that don't even make sense.

I honestly think this behavior is a big reason why many players don't ever play PvP again after encountering it. Most people can emotionally handle losing in a game. What is harder to handle is having teammates that treat you like you are in an abusive relationship with them over and over. This doesn't make anyone want to keep participating and the whole idea of an MMO is that it is a social game. A lot of players here blame A net for PvP dying and they have neglected it some sure but for me by far the worst part of PvP and of anything I have done in this game is people having mental breakdowns and PMing me rude things while also simultaneously blocking me so I can't even respond which is incredibly childish but happens way too often. I understand you can block these people and I do but it doesn't change the fact that there is always another person who wants to throw their self loathing onto others when they don't win every game.

TL;DR: Having a mental break down on a stranger over the internet is childish and anti-social in a game all about playing with others. This drives people away from this game mode. Good sportsmanship is important to having a positive community and PvP is the worst behaved community in this game by far. It's not Anets fault it is everyone that contributes to poor conduct.

Edit: changed some wording to improve the quality of the quality of the post.

The reason why not more player stick to PvP is a lack of new content - maps, rewards or any change for that matter. Anet could do better in creating incentive to play more not less or keep playing lost matches.

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On 12/23/2023 at 2:03 AM, Swagg.9236 said:

The undead wizard, rogue, and the hunter/beastmaster are healers?  And the paladin is a healer twice over?

I could go for the other ones two, but do you see the point?  GW2 is a muddled mess and makes zero sense to anyone at first glance without going through a bunch of patch notes, wiki pages or videos unless somebody just gives them a full lecture on it (which is an awful way to experience it).  Sure, anyone can also play the game to find out at that pace, but there is no initial sense to it at all, and the lines blur over every class.  How is every profession DPS but only a few are "support" or "tank" without any real holistic concept behind the reasoning?  Why is the thing marketed as a blue mage the tank??  That's not creative or surprising.  That's confusing for anyone (particularly because the marketed definition of so many of these classes completely clash with what they generally do in the game).

this might come as a surprise to people but it’s because gw2 has no roles. It never has, it never will and was never based on the concept of roles. 

the idea of the game and the franchise at least originally from almost 20+ years ago…is that people create builds and builds create their own roles and serve purposes they create themselves among the other builds in their environment. Based originally on a card game archetype: you create a deck with the cards given (skills are cards, builds are decks) Your deck is like an invention you make and you pit that invention against other players inventions…to play against other decks.

Youd be surprised how many people refuse to believe that this game and it’s predecessor were designed on these principles…and not on principles of WoW or fighter games, or call of duty. 

Edited by JusticeRetroHunter.7684
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7 minutes ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

this might come as a surprise to people but it’s because gw2 has no roles. It never has, it never will and was never based on the concept of roles. 

the idea of the game and the franchise at least originally from almost 20+ years ago…is that people create builds and builds create their own roles and serve purposes they create themselves among the other builds in their environment. Based originally on a card game archetype: you create a deck with the cards given (skills are cards, builds are decks) Your deck is like an invention you make and you pit that invention against other players inventions…to play against other decks.

Youd be surprised how many people refuse to believe that this game and it’s predecessor were designed on these principles…and not on principles of WoW or fighter games, or call of duty. 

That's 1 of the many things I really like about here. You can create your own, like you put your own mark on it.

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9 minutes ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

this might come as a surprise to people but it’s because gw2 has no roles. It never has, it never will and was never based on the concept of roles. 

the idea of the game and the franchise at least originally from almost 20+ years ago…is that people create builds and builds create their own roles and serve purposes they create themselves among the other builds in their environment. Based originally on a card game archetype: you create a deck with the cards given (skills are cards, builds are decks) Your deck is like an invention you make and you pit that invention against other players inventions…to play against other decks.

Youd be surprised how many people refuse to believe that this game and it’s predecessor were designed on these principles…and not on principles of WoW or fighter games, or call of duty. 

It's been very clear that they gave up on roles early on.  Anet was on a knife-edge when they talked about how GW2 would be a game without any established roles along with things about the closest thing to a "healer" in GW2 would be an elementalist camping in water attunement for passive regeneration (which equated to a non-healer because everyone just ran DPS ele in everything).  When they went to go balance on that knife-edge, they basically just stepped up and fell over it instead of giving any effort to their marketed design.  Everything quickly orbited around elementalists (by virtue of how many buttons they could press due to sheer button volume) and thieves (by virtue of how many buttons they could press due to initiative and zero cooldowns).  Now everything is just an E/A except that shadowsteps don't have aftercasts for whatever reason.  It's pretty wild.

19 minutes ago, arazoth.7290 said:

That's 1 of the many things I really like about here. You can create your own, like you put your own mark on it.

What's the most unique build in GW2?  What are the unique roles?  Healers heal themselves and can deal pretty consistent damage instead of remaining a vulnerable team element within the context of a skirmish; so there goes the delineation between tanks and healers.  I remember when everyone was trying to pretend that "side-noder," "brawler" and "duelist" weren't just the exact same build with slightly less or more respective teleports.  I'm not saying that we need the BLESSED HOLY TRINITY ALL HAIL without any change or further imagination, but GW2 doesn't have any roles that anyone can make which won't just die to what is effectively just a knock-off Rogue.

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On 12/22/2023 at 4:44 PM, Mount Mazama.2917 said:

It seems impossible to play a handful of games without someone letting out their mental health issues onto a stranger for no reason. It is after all just a game, I understand getting frustrated what I don't understand is deciding that you are going to type out all of your misplaced rage to a random group of strangers. I get a lot of people do it because it is done to them and they think it's okay or even what you should do if you feel like you are playing well and others are not. All you are doing is showing everyone that you don't care about other people or yourself by acting that way. Happy, self respecting individuals do not go crazy and have a melt down to random strangers on the internet when things don't go their way. It's sad the community seems to have more of these people than other competitive games I have played. When I was new this stuff bothered me but wasn't going to stop me from playing a game I am interested in getting better at for fun, now that I have played many games I can usually tell if someone is upset for a good reasons or not and it's way too common people blow up over things that don't even make sense.

I honestly think this behavior is a big reason why many players don't ever play PvP again after encountering it. Most people can emotionally handle losing in a game. What is harder to handle is having teammates that treat you like you are in an abusive relationship with them over and over. This doesn't make anyone want to keep participating and the whole idea of an MMO is that it is a social game. A lot of players here blame A net for PvP dying and they have neglected it some sure but for me by far the worst part of PvP and of anything I have done in this game is people having mental breakdowns and PMing me rude things while also simultaneously blocking me so I can't even respond which is incredibly childish but happens way too often. I understand you can block these people and I do but it doesn't change the fact that there is always another person who wants to throw their self loathing onto others when they don't win every game.

TL;DR: Having a mental break down on a stranger over the internet is childish and anti-social in a game all about playing with others. This drives people away from this game mode. Good sportsmanship is important to having a positive community and PvP is the worst behaved community in this game by far. It's not Anets fault it is everyone that contributes to poor conduct.

Edit: changed some wording to improve the quality of the quality of the post.


Who Created Guild Wars 2 Gaming Culture?

Who Created Guild Wars 2 Philosophy?

Who Designed: The Professsions, The Mechanics, The Environment?

Who Permitted, Allowed, Encouraged and Promoted Those Behaviors, Languages, Actions, Attitude   To Continue To Affect Our Experiences?

Who Influenced Those Players To Act and Behave This Way Without Consequences?

Where Do Those Players Get Their Inspiraction From??

Who Taught Them That’s The Way It Should Be??

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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1 hour ago, Swagg.9236 said:

It's been very clear that they gave up on roles early on. 

It's more like...roles were never a thing, and were never supposed to be but at some point in dev balance and design history they tried to inject roles into the game (Like Druid being the first unofficial healer)...the peak of that role injection was Purity of Purpose. It for the most part, never worked due to the lack of skill and trait system design. The powercreep they placed into those specs, for the most part ensured that the only "purpose" every class would have, is to play the E-spec.


but GW2 doesn't have any roles that anyone can make which won't just die to what is effectively just a knock-off Rogue.

And ya...basically this I suppose. I'd say that where this comes from is a lack of understanding...not in making traditional roles work (which never will in this game) but rather in the design of skills and how to make them, so that they develop into unique, interesting and novel gameplay.


2 hours ago, arazoth.7290 said:

That's 1 of the many things I really like about here. You can create your own, like you put your own mark on it.

Yea. Same here. This is what most people (myself included) who played Guild Wars 1, enjoyed about it, was this fact that there were these self-generated purposes, and the invention like construction of the game. Many of the ideas and concepts we have today in GW2, are watered down dilutions of those original concepts unfortunately...but at base level, they will never go away since that is what the game is based on. It's why roles...even though that concept works fine in other games, will never work here by just forcing it. 

It's like...if you took all 12,000 Yu-gi-oh cards, and designed the cards in such a way, so that only 9 decks can be made. That's what Guild Wars 2 tried to do for 10 years.

In Yugioh, this is how many decks can exist. If anyone has ever played Yugioh, pretty much any assortment of cards will work generally well as a deck, since the design of the game and it's cards are unique and imaginative.


Edited by JusticeRetroHunter.7684
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3 hours ago, Lanz.7312 said:

All pvp communities are the worst of their respective game. Gw2 is not special in this regard. Pvp can be a place for fun competition, sure, but it is mostly just a coping ground for people with low self esteem to feel better about themselves. 

May I ask you, what does having low self esteem has anything to do with pvp?

How about if I told you, Toxicity has absolutely nothing to do with having Low Self  Esteem.

 By the way, not everyone who raises concern about Toxicity, has low Self Esteem.

In fact, it is not those who have Low Self Esteem who ruins Competition, it is the one with Overly High Self Esteem, who are given the tools to harass, abuse, bully other players and  who ruins Fair Competition for everyone and are given free Privilege to create a Toxic Hostile Experience for the players including their environment without Consequences.

You know what those players tell me when I ask them why they are behaving Toxic?

They laugh at me, dance and make fun of me and have their friends harass and bully me by trolling me wherever I go.


Edited by Burnfall.9573
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19 minutes ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

May I ask you, what does having low self esteem has anything to do with pvp?

How about if I told you, Toxicity has absolutely nothing to do with having Low Self  Esteem.

 By the way, not everyone who raises concern about Toxicity, has low Self Esteem.

In fact, it is not those who have Low Self Esteem who ruins Competition, it is the one with Overly High Self Esteem, who are given the tools to harass, abuse, bully other players and  who ruins Fair Competition for everyone and are given free Privilege to create a Toxic Hostile Experience for the players including their environment without Consequences.

You know what those players tell me when I ask them why they are behaving Toxic?

They laugh at me, dance and make fun of me and have their friends harass and bully me by trolling me wherever I go.


Because people with low esteem are the ones desperate to have power or status over other people. High self esteem people aren't desperately clinging to the emotional high of beating people in pvp. The hostility and toxicity comes from a need to feel superior.

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27 minutes ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

In fact, it is not those who have Low Self Esteem who ruins Competition, it is the one with Overly High Self Esteem

What I've learnt from life is that there are no people with an "overly high" self-esteem. There are those within healthy levels of self-esteem, and then there are those who are merely projecting an image of alleged high self-esteem, but in reality are deeply insecure on the inside and require constant approval and praise to pamper their egos, or constantly have to prove something to themselves and are never content. Their fragile egos can easily be shaken, and that is when you see them lashing out at others (because nothing is ever their fault and everyone has to function exactly as they anticipate in every given situation).


Edited by Ashantara.8731
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This thread has blown up and I do not have the time right now due to holidays to read everything. I just want to say to everyone thank you for having the conversation. I hear your frustrations!!! I am someone who actually fits both sides of the coin. I started PvP early in my game like sub 200 hours. now I have over 1500 and most of it is pvp. I was what you guys loath and was treated terribly regularly from this community for over year. Now it's more often my under performing teammates that take the majority of the flack but I will say it. I test builds in ranked. I grow my skill and understanding of the game in ranked and I am not a perfect player or someone who has known this game existed for 10 years. I play to win, to get better and in search of a challenge. I do not flame my team. I do not afk in a match. I do not lose my PMA in order to fluff my own ego in a game with worse performing teammates.  in mid gold (I know I am not a great player) I have gone 24 and 1 (with all top stats except damage) winning by ONE POINT. I could have easily lost and accepted that no matter my teams performance. I am about my own game play. You are never too good to improve. That core of my thought and opinion is that you will lose some games no matter what you do. It's how life works. You are not a god and will never succeed in ever endeavor no matter how well executed it.

I am kinda drunk when writing this but I appreciate all of the community feedback because the backbone of this post is to try and bring the community together and improve our current situation regardless of what the devs decide to do. Sometimes melding different types of people allows both sides to learn something valuable from each other beyond PvP rating in a game. I just want us to treat each other better and sooth the pain some players are  encountering. I do not have the answer which is why we must talk and bring people together. I understand both sides and even get frustrated myself but never take that out on others. I don't think frustration and anger mean you NEED to throw it on those around you even if they are contributing some of your woes. If you are a true competitor would you not want to take an opportunity to test yourself even further? If you lose it doesn't matter, if you can learn to hold your own and do well in a losing game isn't that proof of your own abilities? It is not a waste of time. Is it now the ultimate  challenge that a true competitor seeks? You know if the game is over and you are losing rating. Just do the best you can and try to push your limits.

Merry Christmas everyone I will read this whole thread after some nice family time and holiday festivity.

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15 hours ago, Reznov.5423 said:

Because it is pvp. I came from call of duty. It is way worse than gw2 over there. People playing cod will tell you all the time  how you are a disappointment in your family because you are a failed abortion and should commit suicide. 

I had to respond to this. CoD is not even a remotely competitive game. Skill expression is very low compered to other FPS games in general. The people that play CoD while acting poorly have no reason to as realistically even my worst and least experienced gaming friends play CoD because they can actually secure free kills in silly circumstances against "better" players. That game is a joke. I maintained a 1.8 K/D (not the best but above average) in Black Ops one using the worst sniper in the game as a meme. Players with way worse stats and favorite weapon of the OP guns flamed me. No CoD game is competition. A big issue with that game is it is built around making everyone feel like a god and when that does not always come to pass for them people flame. Funny enough it's very uncommon to AFK after getting frustrated in that game yet it happens often here.

That game also has such a large community it is like okay just go next. However in a smaller community like GW2 those same people show up all too regularly and trying to let them understand how destructive that behavior actually is especially in a smaller community I believe is important.

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16 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

this might come as a surprise to people but it’s because gw2 has no roles. It never has, it never will and was never based on the concept of roles. 

GW2 had roles from day 1 in PvP (can't say about PvE, I didn't play that).
And roles were in the concept of the game from start.
If some classes have skills to heal others and have options to put emphasis on that - you already has healer role in the concept of the game. If some classes have skills to provide boons to others - you already has support role in the concept etc.
Those "the game has no roles" was nothing but marketing kitten.

And if you think about it to actually achive that "the game has no roles" you have to make classes extremly homogenized. Which is bad gamedesign, IMO.

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7 hours ago, Spellhunter.9675 said:



GW2 had roles from day 1 in PvP (can't say about PvE, I didn't play that).
And roles were in the concept of the game from start.
If some classes have skills to heal others and have options to put emphasis on that - you already has healer role in the concept of the game. If some classes have skills to provide boons to others - you already has support role in the concept etc.
Those "the game has no roles" was nothing but marketing kitten.

You have it backwards. Roles emerge from the game as a player generated creation. That’s why you can’t box in a majority of skills in the game into roles.

For instance what role does a warrior hammer serve? That question depends on what other skills you brought, what other players and enemies brought and what game mode your in…and those questions are cross applicable in each game mode with their own separate answers.

The fact that for instance, a Druid, can be a pure healer…a boon provider…a bruiser…a condi inflicter thing…a pure dps thing…that is a result of roles emerging from the options that are available to the player, the game modes they play in and what is useful to play in that game mode.

guild wars 1 gameplay was the epitome of this emergence of new roles…people just invented roles and it was great…

One role I can remember was a player in an HA spike build, responsible for doing enough blanket damage to the enemy team, so that the team stays under 90%. that 90% was so that the skill Edge of Extinction could trigger on the enemy team to kill them when your team did their spike on one of the enemy players (and under role compression, this player would be a ranger that also set the spirits up…so it’s class was a ranger/necro). So Q: How can you box this into a tradition role? A: You can't.


And if you think about it to actually achive that "the game has no roles" you have to make classes extremly homogenized. Which is bad gamedesign, IMO.

And no that’s not true. Homogenization comes from the (bad/trivial) design of options and how those options interface with one another; whether they yield complex behaviors or not. That’s why other games that do not have roles exist and are not homogenous…like yugioh…or just biology in general.

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Competitive games are usually populated by many toxic players, including wvw, where there is alot of drama between egos, but I heard worse things in more popular pvp games, with ranked, like OW, League etc

Gw2 pvp at thIs point is try hard, especially with the population, that even bothers with it sadly, but you'll still see toxicity ofc.

Edited by CrimsonOneThree.5682
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On 12/25/2023 at 3:32 AM, Spellhunter.9675 said:



GW2 had roles from day 1 in PvP (can't say about PvE, I didn't play that).
And roles were in the concept of the game from start.
If some classes have skills to heal others and have options to put emphasis on that - you already has healer role in the concept of the game. If some classes have skills to provide boons to others - you already has support role in the concept etc.
Those "the game has no roles" was nothing but marketing kitten.

And if you think about it to actually achive that "the game has no roles" you have to make classes extremly homogenized. Which is bad gamedesign, IMO.

GW2 had no real roles in any mode.  PvE had "roles" but it was more like "25 might stack guy" (happened to be ele) + "guy with buffs that could stack with 25 might" (banner slave warrior who then literally autoattacked with axes all fight) + DPS (all guardians).  Every other class was worthless because they not only didn't provide any of these, but they also didn't deal enough DPS.  For the most part, all of these "roles" were just DPS at the end of the day.  Banners weren't something you juggled, and stacking might generally happened right before an encounter started and then was sustained during DPS rotations.  Everyone was just a DPS in PvE.

In PvP, GW2 had only two real classes that served the same role:  old-school WoW Rogue.  Old-school WoW Rogues are defined by a bunch of cooldowns that don't allow a lot of interaction with the user in the midst of PvP.  These include invisibility, instantaneous movement, stuns, and other defensive gimmicks that don't really have proper counters and often chain directly into the user's offensive suite.  During post-lauch GW2 PvP and extending well into 2014, Thief and Elementalist were always the Rogues by virtue of how they always have defensive options to off-set the risks involved with attacking anything:  Elementalist by sheer volume of buttons to press (lmao 25 buttons vs your 15-20); and Thief by sheer volume of buttons to press (initiative).  The big issue was that, instead of trying to course correct by establishing actual role options for the game, anet just made everyone else into Rogues.

The real question is what is the honest-to-goodness difference between Thief, Revenant, Holo/Scrapper, Willbender, Reaper/Harb, Soulbeast, Spellbreaker, Mesmer, and Elementalist?  How do the best builds across all classes engage opponents in PvP?  How long do those fights last?  Why do those fights last at all?  How many hits actually go through or matter in any significant way when two enemies have full cooldowns up?

GW2 has no real roles; only long-range Rogues and melee Rogues.  Anet made GW2 PvP intentionally frustrating in order that every player could press all of their buttons at least once so that they could feel like they did something.  Then, after PvP was revealed for the clown show that it was, they laughed at anyone who took it somewhat seriously, or wanted to see improvements.

Edited by Swagg.9236
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2 hours ago, Swagg.9236 said:

The real question is what is the honest-to-goodness difference between Thief, Revenant, Holo/Scrapper, Willbender, Reaper/Harb, Soulbeast, Spellbreaker, Mesmer, and Elementalist?  How do the best builds across all classes engage opponents in PvP?  How long do those fights last?  Why do those fights last at all?  How many hits actually go through or matter in any significant way when two enemies have full cooldowns up?

This is where the player vs player element comes in of class MU and knowing your fights 🙀

2 hours ago, Swagg.9236 said:

GW2 has no real roles;

Dps (most important player(s) in lobby) / node anchor (loser training golem holding fullcap/contesting decaps in TF or the home/far 1v1) / support (waterboy resetting teamfight dps)

Perfect world you have 3 dps that synergize well with eachother for the task of 4v4 teamfights and general +1 roaming, Node slave who doesn't instantly die in a 1v1 & a low T support (merp) using CDs to mitigate the other teams wincondition/burst go's

Edited by ccccc.4963
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We're the worst behaved because:

  • The balance direction continually teeters between [making builds and classes that were already functioning competitively so strong that they become problematic, then either ignoring those classes/builds for years or nerfing them to worse than they were before they were problematic] and [making builds and classes that need help to function competitively worse, sometimes for no clear reason.] Whether this is intentional or accidental makes no difference.
  • Up until recently, there was not consistent balance direction, and the above problems usually went unaddressed or even acknowledged for years at a time, only to be quickly glossed over in the weeks leading up to an expansion. 
  • Spoiler

    A good number of us were witness to an apparently now retired dev actively disparaging the community that wants to enjoy this gamemode, and now factor in that sentiment to every balance patch that resonates with said sentiment. 

  • A good amount of unsportsmanlike behavior goes unpunished for long periods of time, emboldening the people who would say and do such things and jading everyone else.
  • Spoiler

    A good number of us were witness to individuals in the PVP community actively manipulating high rated matches and either not getting punished or retaining their rewards, sometimes both. 


Even so, we're not the worst behaved. We're just the most ignored. I've seen PvE forums devolve into much more toxic messes over the most trivial things, like mounts having slightly inconvenient functionality or minor fishing bugs. If PvErs didnt comprise the bulk of Arenanets purchasing audience (and thus didn't incentivize catering to them quickly), at least the ones who had grievances would be just as, if not more wretched. 


Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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Don't really care what OP is saying, all I care about is losing because someone is "testing some build", those that treats point caps mode as TDM, reasoning it's "only a game" i play a game not to be frustrated because of some noob tries to do a role that he's not good at, people who don't put up a fight.


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On 12/24/2023 at 11:55 AM, Frequency.6407 said:

I find GW2 the least toxic.

misread OP.


Thread is saying  " PvP has the worst community of the 3 in gw2, being WvW/PvE/PvP"


what youve read is:  "Gw2 PvP is the most toxic, out of any game".

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All sports and games is part of talks and trash talk. You playing competitive RANK games and you cant handle trash talk and talks? Have you ever play sports? It's loke you playing basketball and Someone trasktalked you and smack talk you and you cry and call it toxic. In the gaming world All Competitkve games are part of it or you can try to play FPS games and MOBA games then you will know what is this all about. Nothing personal. If you cant handle it then dont play rank. Play PVE

Edited by PURPLE BLUE.7625
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