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Anet can you fix this low effort toxic game play


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9 hours ago, Shagie.7612 said:

Yeah isn't that the point tho lol
The only "decent spec" is yours.

Not at all. I have played just about every spec in the game now, and it is very clear multiple specs have far easier sustain/damage application.


Hollo, vindi, herald, cata, weaver, power untamed, chrono, were clearly specs that had a higher learning curve, which made them interesting (to me) and became specs I sank more time into. The rest of the specs I really tried to enjoy, but the mechanics are so basic, they get boring fast, while things like SB/scrapper.. 16k maul crits or eye watering stealth jumps becuase I could press a few buttons?. I even had an SB lecture me on how hard the spec is becuase you have to seperate from pet and combo for stealth, like fking seriously mate?... have you ever tried power untamed, or hammer cata?


I mostly stick with ele/rev now becuase I sunk more time into those over time. I'd like to spend more time on specs like hollo and power untamed but whats the point? its barely worth the effort on power ele/rev when every game youre surrounded by 3 button specs.. so go and learn yet more specs that are hard to play and punishing for mistakes? Seriously, why play power untamed when SB does similar damage for half the effort? evidently that's what people play, what a suprise.


My personal skill level compared to X plat player is not the point. Specifically, if I play hammer cata for example, its hard, I die much easier for mistakes, but cata is a very good spec in the hands of a plat player. Now if I play LB-SB, its much easier to sit back and spew out double barrage procs and LB2, which amounts to around 40k point damage X as many people as it hits for 0 risk = 30%+ damage for no effort/risk (compared to up close hammer cata). Barrage and lb 2 are not actually that visable either.. its fking amazing how many decent players get caugh out by it while stomping/ressing. Now is LB-ranger build I play going to work in a plat environment? likely not, but win or lose it pumps out easy risk free damage, which is "fun" for many im sure.


Please focus on that example. The multiple hard specs I pointed out above are massively underepresented in average level play <g2. Many "easier to do damage with" specs are massively over represented, yet many of them do not work at higher level. Then, a player like me (average), tries to play a harder spec. In a lot of games this then happens, the enemy has compitant players >g3 who outskill me, so going sides on such players is a losing battle. But then mid is full of scourge/dh/gaurdians, which all have more forgiving face tank and brainded point spam. In those games, nothing much I can do, and  they are half the games at-least. So then I look at this, and its obvious that many people have tried the harder specs, seen the same thing, and begin jumping on the bandwaggon of easier specs, and who the fk can blame them, the MM range is half the problem here. But this simply limits the amount of playerbase who are playing harder specs, learning the skill ceilings, getting to plat level. Is it any wonder the title system in this game is a joke? duo plats farming low gold/silvers.. on sub par specs, which ANet encourage. But even worse than that, is some of the kitten specs are now meta. I mean kitten... lets put zerker/specter in the hands of a plat. Lets get condi mech to plat? I mean thats basically what people are asking for every time they refuse to call out the effectivness of these low effort specs.


Btw please asnwer the question (I might have missed it); Do you think specters scepter 3 is good game design?



Edited by Flowki.7194
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6 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

Pre-Nerf cata could literally kill people by doing it's PvE rotation on them. 

kitten were they gonna do about it? Stun you? Through perma stab? Outtrade you? Through 25 might, vuln, quickness, shocking aura, and permaprot? Corrupt your boons perhaps? Too bad they pulse so they just refresh themsleves. And let me stress. This all happened passively as you did your PvE rotation. 

Or just beat someone to death with earth shield autos. It's really funny how hard those hit. Especially when juiced up with cata boons. 

It was MORE faceroll than condi zerk. 


OP and mechanical difficulty are not the same thing (Ironically, see condi zerker). For as long as I have played this game, catas of any sort are very rare considering it was meta for most of that time, it was rare becuase it was hard unlock its "OP", I still havent even got there after playing it for months and months. I can say this with ABSOLUTE confidence becase guess what? when signet cata landed it was EASY to unlock the OP, and by god did people flock to condi cata. Signet cata then got nerfed and guess what??? like magic.. catas dissapeared from 99/100 ranked games, and in-fact to even lower levels than pre signet buff. I qued a lot as cata.. tempest has always been the most popular ele spec as long as Ive played. The problem you have is you are bias, which I am not, so its pretty kitten easy to make you look foolish.

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42 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Btw please asnwer the question (I might have missed it); Do you think specters scepter 3 is good game design?


The way it works is fine? It's more or less just Shadow Strike/Repeater for scepter, a skill nobody's ever had a problem with.
It applying an initial immob, slow, torment and poison is closer to a tuning problem than any sort of mechanical design one.

20 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

The problem you have is you are bias, which I am not

that's quality bait

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1 hour ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

I dont have any trouble in this meta playing core staff ele. Sounds like skill issue tbh

Na, just sounds like you are another player trying to draw attention to how awesome you are. The type of player who will not admit the very concept of DH is toxic AF, becuase you are too scared the cool off peak duo plats will make fun of you. When I say you, I mean core staff eles in general, I wouldnt wanne catch a ban for getting personal.

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Y'know what. You're right Flowki.

I had a moment of reflection, checked my bias, and have changed my mind. 

Cata,  should be better in mid elo. Whether we bring it up or tear the others down. Whichever you think is more appropriate. 


Peak PvP gameplay is when your opponent uses you as a target golem. I worked hard to perfect that rotation after all. I earned those kills thanks to my raw mechanical prowess. 

IMAGINE, advocating that Anet NOT buff your main class. I shan't act so shamelessly again. 


... Y'know this bait goes well with my morning coffee. 

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1 hour ago, Kuma.1503 said:

Y'know what. You're right Flowki.

I had a moment of reflection, checked my bias, and have changed my mind. 

Cata,  should be better in mid elo. Whether we bring it up or tear the others down. Whichever you think is more appropriate. 


Peak PvP gameplay is when your opponent uses you as a target golem. I worked hard to perfect that rotation after all. I earned those kills thanks to my raw mechanical prowess. 

IMAGINE, advocating that Anet NOT buff your main class. I shan't act so shamelessly again. 


... Y'know this bait goes well with my morning coffee. 

Hahah, as if SPB isnt a rotation of stuns-counter-blocks, while being half as complex as hammer cata, SPB is the most robotic spec in the game. But stun spam is less toxic than stability spam right?, we wouldnt wan't the robotic SPB's having to learn dueling on a spec that doesn't depend on crutch spam of blocks and stuns. And zerker? not even enough dps buttons to consider a rotation. Its actually ironic that as simple as BS is, it's more fun to play as then czerker and SPB. It litterally gets boring killing people with a condi bomb, or stunlocking them to death.


If warrior had an extra utility bar I'd play it still.. becuase it wouldnt be a snoozefest.

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18 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

I don't play meta builds, is that not allowed?

Than don't expect ur home brew half arsed build that does nothing really well to compete against meta builds that have been chosen to be the meta because of their effectiveness. I swear are u for real or just a forum troll, every post u have is complaing about x class etc. U literally come across as a somewhat newer player who just want their class to insta win vs others regardless of whatever home brew build uve constructed. Mmo pvp doesn't work like that in any mmo.

Also I should point out that revs actually pvp builds when played properly can destroy most of the classes uve mentioned in secs. U honestly just need to get better at the game and the class ur playing. Maybe spend more time in game practicing vs on here in the forums complaining and ud see improvements.

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2 hours ago, Myror.7521 said:

@Flowki.7194 the best part about this is that Spellbraker is actually bad cause of exactly this.... You know half of the build doesnt deal dmg kekw

Why on earth should it deal good damage? The continual defense of that degenerate spec is what will always keep it from getting anything decent. You want the highest player control in the game AND damage. lol.


1 hour ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Than don't expect ur home brew half arsed build that does nothing really well to compete against meta builds that have been chosen to be the meta because of their effectiveness. I swear are u for real or just a forum troll, every post u have is complaing about x class etc. U literally come across as a somewhat newer player who just want their class to insta win vs others regardless of whatever home brew build uve constructed. Mmo pvp doesn't work like that in any mmo.

Also I should point out that revs actually pvp builds when played properly can destroy most of the classes uve mentioned in secs. U honestly just need to get better at the game and the class ur playing. Maybe spend more time in game practicing vs on here in the forums complaining and ud see improvements.

So if I play condi zerker, does that mean condi zerker is suddnely now ok? And do you think condi zerker deserves to be anywhere near meta?, don't answer that actually..


You also have 0 idea what I play.

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6 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

If warrior had an extra utility bar I'd play it still.. becuase it wouldnt be a snoozefest.

Frankly, same. 

I haven't been able to stick with Warrior for longer than a dozen games at a time because eventually I get bored. Like, arguments aside I see where your coming from. If the meta becomes dominated by easy specs, people who need complexity to keep their interest get put in a catch 22. You either conform to the meta and be bored out of your mind... Or you play what you enjoy and accept that you're operating at a handicap. 

In that regard, I suppose I am biased, but not in the way you probably intended. Theorycrafting builds is half the fun of this game for me so I end up playing a lot of garbage. Fun garbage, but garbage nontheless. Losing due to a handicap just... doesn't bother me all that much, so I don't share that frustration. But I do understand it. 


Anyway, this is turning into an opinion war (an entertaining one, but not very productive anymore) so I'mma tap out.  If you manage to get ele buffed, make sure to put in a good word for hammer cata so I can benchmark my DPS against players again. <3

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@Kuma.1503 the best thing about all this is ..... even we warr mains telling that those 2 Meta builds are just too easy to Play xD. (Hammer CC Spam warr is too but thats another sort of a thing)

But we also know ...... these 2 sleepy to play Builds are just the only builds that could somehow manage to keep up with the rest of specs. Warrior simply does not have eather enough dmg or enough self defence. And you know why? Cause someone decides that every spec in tha game need to have at least something that uses blinds buuut also decides that warriors weapons should stay not updated to the rest of classes weapons while the class is also not allowed to deal dmg on CCs again to punish ranged kite classes ...... xd

In the end we eather just forced to Play hard bunker unkillable stuff OR oneshot meme stuff OR beeing omegauseless ^^

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8 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:

Frankly, same. 

I haven't been able to stick with Warrior for longer than a dozen games at a time because eventually I get bored. Like, arguments aside I see where your coming from. If the meta becomes dominated by easy specs, people who need complexity to keep their interest get put in a catch 22. You either conform to the meta and be bored out of your mind... Or you play what you enjoy and accept that you're operating at a handicap. 

In that regard, I suppose I am biased, but not in the way you probably intended. Theorycrafting builds is half the fun of this game for me so I end up playing a lot of garbage. Fun garbage, but garbage nontheless. Losing due to a handicap just... doesn't bother me all that much, so I don't share that frustration. But I do understand it. 


Anyway, this is turning into an opinion war (an entertaining one, but not very productive anymore) so I'mma tap out.  If you manage to get ele buffed, make sure to put in a good word for hammer cata so I can benchmark my DPS against players again. ❤️

Fair enough, Im not asking for ele buffs though.

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1 hour ago, Flowki.7194 said:



Whens the next patch?, or in-fact does anybody know another decent MMO that isnt monthly?

Good news, in few months we can help on rev pull enemies in dh traps with scepter too😂.

Btw idk if you did, but you should have used mallyx to help them get pulled in a lot for the troll 😁

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if the game had an abundance of truly skilled players, the "low effort" builds would be replace. unfortunately, the players that you all "look up to" by way of the MATS have ALL been, even by Anet, exposed as cheaters.

Skills left after the esports did. They had a kid, its what we play.

Did you know the first ever monthly tournament was filled with cheaters and account sellers?



the link didn't work? awe....

no worries....

Guild Wars 2 July Tournament Cheaters Permanently Banned From PvP - MMOs.com




Guild Wars 2 Forum - PvP (gw2archive.eu)


They come back in a few weeks, and just banned the naughty boys


The others, you think you don't recognize, are the usual suspects. I'll name them

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5 hours ago, Last Crab.6054 said:

if the game had an abundance of truly skilled players, the "low effort" builds would be replace. unfortunately, the players that you all "look up to" by way of the MATS have ALL been, even by Anet, exposed as cheaters.

Skills left after the esports did. They had a kid, its what we play.

Did you know the first ever monthly tournament was filled with cheaters and account sellers?



the link didn't work? awe....

no worries....

Guild Wars 2 July Tournament Cheaters Permanently Banned From PvP - MMOs.com




Guild Wars 2 Forum - PvP (gw2archive.eu)


They come back in a few weeks, and just banned the naughty boys


The others, you think you don't recognize, are the usual suspects. I'll name them

To be fair, GW2 has an insanely high skill ceiling in general, the combat gameplay is truly unlike what you'd expect from your typical MMO - so an abundance of skilled players is indeed hard to get and Anet has either given up or not trying nearly hard enough. 

That said, this post basically explains the prevalence of low effort builds even in P1/G3. We have a good, but very complacent and oddly cheating core of top bracket players, a mediocre middle ground of players of which at least a few are basically cheated out of their places in the top bracket, and everyone else just fooling around/farming PvE currency/disillusioned. This population makeup is always going to shoot for the path of least effort even in the higher tiers of play. Anet went all in on E-sports in the beginning and for some reason have turned a complete 180 instead of just course correcting into a healthy, large difficulty curve PvP mode which people could enjoy competitively - and anyone left now is oddly clinging to repeatedly gaining the same titles by playing duo with their friends and avoiding other friends.

The saddest part, is that combat gameplay in GW2 is still just plain fun, and balance in fact is actually going somewhere nowadays. All the aspects surrounding the reward structures being linked to PvE and top bracket players having this odd surreal clinging to duo queue/ruining other people's games is what makes it sour.

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