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Wizard vault destroyed communty feel of the dailies - please fix this

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The way the wizard vault missions are designed revolves around the expansions people have. Not everyone has the same expansions so essentially everyone get different dailies.

I help new players a lot who mostly do not have the same expansions as I do and having different missions than I do.

Also, targeting my attention to maps my friends cannot enter is useless. Why do I have to go to SOTO  for dailies and weeklies when I don't want that?

Please return a system where everyone can do the same core dailies and weeklies and meet new people and stop pushing us to content we don't want to do at the moment. If you want people to go to dead maps please update the content and we will go there without the need for daily and weekly missions.

Also, the new system totally killed the feeling of community doing the same missions as everyone like the parties we were having at JPs with PINK.

Let us go back to dailies we can share with friends regardless of expansions please.

Edited by Datriman.6714
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Okay, I just got done with my dailies and half of my weeklies. I was there with with a veritable sky full of dragons as we soared into the Maws of Torment and dismantaled the Forged, one limb at a time. I was there in the foothills of Ascalon, climbing through the ruins of the Loreclaw Expanse, dodging spikes, flames, and falling rocks with everyone else, grabbing the fallen and pulling them to safety as a veteran of my caliber is duty-bound to do. I was there with everyone else, with common purpose, with common cause and comraderie. This idea that the Wizards Vault has done something to damage the communtiy here is beyond wrong; it's insulting to the community here, because we were doing this before the Wizards Vault. We were doing this before Dailies. We've been doing this since the game launched and people learned they could band together and chase events across the world, climbing every mountain and exploring every cave together.

Edit: I REALLY DESPISE the emoji system on these forums. I write up a full paragraph of praise for the community in this game and I get one confused and one sad emoji? WHO THE HELL IS SAD ABOUT THIS???? WHY????

Edited by ShadowKatt.6740
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8 hours ago, Datriman.6714 said:

The way the wizard vault missions are designed revolves around the expansions people have. Not everyone has the same expansions so essentially everyone get different dailies.

I help new players a lot who mostly do not have the same expansions as I do and having different missions than I do.

Yes, and? Help them with their missions then.

8 hours ago, Datriman.6714 said:

Also, targeting my attention to maps my friends cannot enter is useless. Why do I have to go to SOTO  for dailies and weeklies when I don't want that?

Not even half of the weeklies are SotO locked. You are grossly exagerating.

8 hours ago, Datriman.6714 said:

Please return a system where everyone can do the same core dailies and weeklies and meet new people and stop pushing us to content we don't want to do at the moment. If you want people to go to dead maps please update the content and we will go there without the need for daily and weekly missions.

Update the content most often just means: up the rewards.

The wizard vault just did that and it's future proof and can be adjusted. Login rewards couldn't.

8 hours ago, Datriman.6714 said:

Also, the new system totally killed the feeling of community doing the same missions as everyone like the parties we were having at JPs with PINK.

I see plenty of groups forming around current weekly and daily objectives.

8 hours ago, Datriman.6714 said:

Let us go back to dailies we can share with friends regardless of expansions please.

A system where free rewards are handed out without incentivising interacting with the game has alot of drawbacks.

Having a few players with hundreds (I've seen screens of players with 500 alt accounts reward wise) of accounts getting 6,000 - 30,000 value per month worth of materials/gold is just the tip of the iceberg.

I don't see the developers moving away from the wizard vault any time soon. The system is overall better for the individual player and the game overall.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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And whats stopping You from helping newbies without expansions now? Are You helping only when it means finishing your daily as well? Now You can show how truly helpful and selfless You are. Also no one is stopping You from doing Your "party pink thing" as well. Do it with players on your daily or with the newbies I mentioned above.

And the legendary "I aM fOrCed tO dO iT", you are by all means not forced to do anything. Not even play the game. Not doing daily don't gate You from any content in the game. Daily system encourages players to go visit variety of places and do variety of content, it works as intended, if You have a problem to organize and play with Your friends than sorry but thats not a WV problem, but Yours. 

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Even in the previous system you got dailies in areas you haven't been to just because you own HoT and/or PoF, the old system even guaranteed that you'd have different dailies compared to people who own no expansions(edit: only 1-2)
There was no community in most of the old dailies, because the ones that required multiple people were SKIPPED.
Why do dungeon when I can go to WvW and spend 25 Badges, or just kill the Harpy/Warg/Wurm?
"<Waypoint> event" also doesn't have a huge community aspect, because the 4 event dailies were also often just skipped.
There is also not a lot of community aspect to everyone going up to the same Vista or people running around at Atholma for Daily Desert Forager.
Daily Adventure was also something people loved to skip.

People complain about having to take part in activities for daily, when activities are also pretty much community features.
There are still bounties, jumping puzzles, minidungeons, Fractals and Strikes in WV, just like there was in the previous system.

The most "community feel" daily in previous system was daily veteran in WvW, because we often had 10 people from 3 different sides waiting around on DBL at the Warg's spawn location.


Edited by IAmNotMatthew.1058
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13 hours ago, Datriman.6714 said:

Also, the new system totally killed the feeling of community doing the same missions as everyone like the parties we were having at JPs with PINK.


I miss this one too ^^.

Before, there was 1 commie at jp with buffs and nice stuffs tp-ing us with portals. It felt so nice and it made me appreciate the community much more. I haven't seen that in a while ^^.

Maybe i am wrong, but jp spots are used by most tags just for profit xd



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17 minutes ago, Efar.8153 said:

Maybe i am wrong, but jp spots are used by most tags just for profit xd

I vividly remember PINK also having squad messages about donations and two people porting with PINK tag also got mad at people not donating gold for Swashbuckler's Cove and Demongrub Pits each.

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28 minutes ago, Efar.8153 said:

I miss this one too ^^.

Before, there was 1 commie at jp with buffs and nice stuffs tp-ing us with portals. It felt so nice and it made me appreciate the community much more. I haven't seen that in a while ^^.

Maybe i am wrong, but jp spots are used by most tags just for profit xd



At least yesterday when I did the weeklies, there were multiple tags and portals at the Loreclaw JP, but yes, it may depend on the day / time and also for which expac-combination it's needed.

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Ah yes, that welcoming community feeling of "do 4 events in Queensdale," where a bunch of skyscales and roller beetles would blast off and obliterate every event in sight and all the new players without mounts would bemoan this game. "How am I supposed to enjoy this game when all these big veterans in their eyesore armour keep stealing all the quests with their eyesore dragons? 0 stars. Uninstalled."

It's better now, because that part is gone, and everything else is the same as it was, generally. Distribution could be better, but that won't change the community feel of anything.

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How about a popup of the content of choice? Like you can choose between WvW, PvE, PvP - another choice could be Core, HoT, PoF, EoD, SotO.

But I predict even more scattered dailies then, more complains because of that and even less help for newbies.

(As for me, I'm pleased with my permanent wvw choice; the old daily system made me play more pve but that's over - that's surely a loss for pve participation/activity for daily events)

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43 minutes ago, Lucy.3728 said:

How about a popup of the content of choice? Like you can choose between WvW, PvE, PvP - another choice could be Core, HoT, PoF, EoD, SotO.

But I predict even more scattered dailies then, more complains because of that and even less help for newbies.

(As for me, I'm pleased with my permanent wvw choice; the old daily system made me play more pve but that's over - that's surely a loss for pve participation/activity for daily events)

PvE'ers would probably all set it to Core, since that would probably be simpler. No fishing, no mini-dungeons in EoD, etc. So undoubtedly a pointless addition to the interface/system.

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1 hour ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

PvE'ers would probably all set it to Core, since that would probably be simpler. No fishing, no mini-dungeons in EoD, etc. So undoubtedly a pointless addition to the interface/system.

Pretty sure hot is better since you dont have to do the silverwaste jp each weekly.

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18 minutes ago, Gop.8713 said:

Fair or not, I always read these complaints as 'I used to be able to fleece the noobs for tips and now that's harder/less profitable' . . .

How would you fleece noobs when anyone can take your portal even without sending you money?

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5 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

You wouldn't have to do the SW JP each week on core considering there are 20 PvE JPs in the core game that can pop up in WV. 

oh given how often the long way around/vexa's lab comes up as weekly on my core accounts I would not rule it out that they would change it.

I mean have you seen Tears of Itlaocol even once in the WV?

Edited by Linken.6345
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6 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

oh given how often the long way around/vexa's lab comes up as weekly on my core accounts I would not rule it out that they would change it.

Those are dailies, not weeklies, but yeah, they pop up all the time. I just skip them. Not worth the 33.33 silver.

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22 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

oh given how often the long way around/vexa's lab comes up as weekly on my core accounts I would not rule it out that they would change it.

I mean have you seen Tears of Itlaocol even once in the WV?

Well, they pop up often, because there is a - much - smaller pool of minidungeons the game chooses from, only 4 when a minidungeon pops up. Tears of Itlaocol also isn't included in the dailies/weeklies of WV, so, that's why we never see it.

If it's Vasburg it's free daily for me, since I do it daily for the Jade Runestone. Spirit Vestibule is instant skip. Vexa's, Long Way is in the "eh, I'll do it" category.

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19 hours ago, Datriman.6714 said:

The way the wizard vault missions are designed revolves around the expansions people have. Not everyone has the same expansions so essentially everyone get different dailies.

I help new players a lot who mostly do not have the same expansions as I do and having different missions than I do.

Also, targeting my attention to maps my friends cannot enter is useless. Why do I have to go to SOTO  for dailies and weeklies when I don't want that?

Please return a system where everyone can do the same core dailies and weeklies and meet new people and stop pushing us to content we don't want to do at the moment. If you want people to go to dead maps please update the content and we will go there without the need for daily and weekly missions.

Also, the new system totally killed the feeling of community doing the same missions as everyone like the parties we were having at JPs with PINK.

Let us go back to dailies we can share with friends regardless of expansions please.

roflmao - I don't know what game the op is playing but it's not the same one I am. Atm I have 1 main account and 5 alt accounts and I do dailies and weeklies on all of them. Across the 6 accounts, there are three variations of the WV because of differences in which expansions the various accounts have. Whichever variation I happen to be doing at any given moment, there are always crowds of other folks doing them too. I did the Maw of Torment yesterday and there were so many other folks doing it too that it was hard to kill a Forsaken before the mob melted it. One of the easiest ways for me to farm Awakened, champs, vets, and events is the Joko invasions. I've done them at widely varying times on all the different maps it happens on and every time I do them, there are mobs of people also doing them. Jumping puzzles generally have folks providing portals and tele to friends just like the days before the WV. The WV provides a rich and varied game experience for me as well as a nice way to farm gold. When I'm doing those dailies and weeklies, I'm not doing them alone in some vast, empty wasteland like the op is describing. Rather, I'm doing them along with plenty of other folks.

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"Please return a system where everyone can do the same core dailies" 

As someone who did the old PvE dailies @Kiki.9450 wrote it perfectly. Vets just obliterated mobs in starting zone areas. And even if you had mounts, you had to move fast or wp there, simply because ppl did not want to just tag the mob, they had to zerg everything down, leaving those who came late, missing out and having to find other events to do. At times I got so annoyed with this, I didn't even mention it on map chat an event is up, until I killed 1 mob, then advertise an event is up. And even then, I had to remind ppl that just tag the mob or kill one will give you credit so everyone else can get credit. As for new players, I feel sorry for them. So no, wizards vault is a welcome change. 

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The current iteration of WV dailies has negatively impacted my guild's time spent playing together. Not the end of the world but having different dailies for individuals in the same group has been a bummer.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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19 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

The current iteration of WV dailies has negatively impacted my guild's time spent playing together. Not the end of the world but having different dailies for individuals in the same group has been a bummer.

I agree with this take. On the one hand, it's nice that the dailies are spread out a little bit. On the other hand, it's too bad that you will often have different dailies than your friends.

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