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Game world maybe ruined

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I just think game world is ruined for all games like guild wars. I think it's has to do with the population and the games being created. Guild wars 1 had pvp that could entertain for hours, and guild wars 2 had decent pvp. Dc universe online had amazing pvp  for consoles with the iconic characters and pvp armor and people still play game, but don't pvp anymore. That is why I say population might be what is killing games. Dc universe did it right by making it so if you don't have a certain role you get a buff. Guild wars did it right by taking out healers and making stuff do able. Guild wars had gvg, fortaspenwood, jade quarry, heros accent. All populated. Lord of the rings conquest had capture the ring and npcs and conquest and then they shut games servers down. What if I say I had a video game industry to counter out the loss of good games and it got stolen and now we are back to the old drawing board. The video game industry was to make fun games that don't get made anymore. Arche age 2 looks promising with GVG, campaign, and dungeons. I use to get ignored online during the guild wars and guild wars 2 days. I still sometimes get ignored online. Alot. Maybe the farmers cant push out enough food for everyone, but some people eat everyday and still ignore. So hopefully guild wars 3 comes to consoles. pcs are 2 expensive. I'm pissed about that video game business stealing.

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^ what Randulf said. With all due respect, I have no idea what you're trying to say, OP.

I hate the Confused react, but, dang, this is the one time where I'd use it for its purpose of "I am legit confused."

Edit: So, like, there's something about PCs are too expensive so PCs = bad, everything needs to move to consoles/crossplatform, and companies are bad for making MMOs only for PC. There's something about old-school PvP in MMOs being The Best Thing Ever(tm) and the modern era of PvP in MMOs sucking(?). ArcheAge2 is going to, yet again, be the Savior of the MMO World(tm). And then other stuff I can't figure out.

Edited by QueenKeriti.5176
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8 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:


Sorry, I don't measn to be rude, but I have no idea what you are trying to say here

I second this. Very incoherent post there.

All I understood was that the OP wants all MMOs to be playable on console as well, though I have no idea what GW1 and the other games mentioned have to do with it. 😄

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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Just an extension i'd love to see a guild wars game in unreal engine 5 with heros that had vanquishing and fortaspenwood and jade quarry. Plus alliance battles, but Arche age 2 is the closest we get to that With GVG, dungeons, campaign and trade runs solo or in group.


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I'm reminded of that meme about a student asking how they did on their reseach paper, and the teacher responds:

"Actually, you didn’t turn in a paper. You turned in a random assemblage of sentences. In fact, the sentences you apparently kidnapped in the dead of night and forced into this violent and arbitrary plan of yours clearly seemed to be placed on the pages against their will. Reading your paper was like watching unfamiliar, uncomfortable people interacting at a cocktail party that no one wanted to attend in the first place. You didn’t submit a paper. You submitted a hostage situation."

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[scratches head]

OP begins by saying that the game world has low population, I think.

Then there is a comparison between GW1's PVP game modes and how apparently badly it was done in GW2(?).

Then there's...comparisons to DC Universe Online and ArchAge 2 (ArcheAge? Never played that game, not sure how it's spelled), and...complaints that OP is ignored online, a pattern that started back in the original Guild Wars game, and then something about farmers and consoles.

I am baffled. OP, what are you actually talking about?

Edited by Batel.9206
Clarification that didn't actually clarify much.
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57 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Aren't the Guild Wars (GW1) servers still running?   Just go and play there if that's what you enjoy.

Logged into GW1 yesterday for a change of pace (and HoM points), and there are still people PvP'ing there, too. Even saw people chatting in Lion's Arch.


1 hour ago, Parasite.5389 said:

I'm reminded of that meme about a student asking how they did on their reseach paper, and the teacher responds:

"Actually, you didn’t turn in a paper. You turned in a random assemblage of sentences. In fact, the sentences you apparently kidnapped in the dead of night and forced into this violent and arbitrary plan of yours clearly seemed to be placed on the pages against their will. Reading your paper was like watching unfamiliar, uncomfortable people interacting at a cocktail party that no one wanted to attend in the first place. You didn’t submit a paper. You submitted a hostage situation."

This is beautiful; I love it.

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The best I got out of this thread seems to be that the OP believes there are certain aspects of games that are enjoyed but are being ignored? Aspects that were populated, but as people left so did the experience of the game? Then made a bunch of comparisons talking about other games and how PvP was once a cherished mode that gets neglected so people leave and then those modes are empty. Then says that games are being tailored to single player experiences (not single player, but how social aspects are being pushed out so you can play a game on your own) and that it might be time to transition to a new engine with a new title (Guild Wars 3) and bring that experience to consoles. Then something about how ArcheAge 2 being a console MMO that will show that MMO's on consoles can be done (what about FFXIV?)

I mean Final Fantasy XIV is the only MMO still relevant that is on consoles, and I think a majority of the Japanese player base is on console? Otherwise this is just another "MMO's are dead" disguised as broken English or an attempt to translate from another language. I'm not sure if this is a cry for PvP in MMO's to return or if they want MMO's on console (or both) but considering how many people probably opted out of PvP tracks in Wizards Vault, I can see why developers don't really focus on it anymore.

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Here goes...

3 hours ago, Zerin.9834 said:

I think it's has to do with the population and the games being created. Guild wars 1 had pvp that could entertain for hours, and guild wars 2 had decent pvp. Dc universe online had amazing pvp  for consoles with the iconic characters and pvp armor and people still play game, but don't pvp anymore. That is why I say population might be what is killing games

OP likes PvP, but every game with that has low population. I think. Unclear if post is ESL or machine-translated.

3 hours ago, Zerin.9834 said:

What if I say I had a video game industry to counter out the loss of good games and it got stolen and now we are back to the old drawing board. The video game industry was to make fun games that don't get made anymore.

Vaguely seems like a claim that some idea for a game was stolen? Could be anything tbh.

3 hours ago, Zerin.9834 said:

I use to get ignored online during the guild wars and guild wars 2 days. I still sometimes get ignored online. Alot. Maybe the farmers cant push out enough food for everyone, but some people eat everyday and still ignore. So hopefully guild wars 3 comes to consoles. pcs are 2 expensive. I'm pissed about that video game business stealing.

No clue. Honestly reads like OP is high and rambling with a case of the munchies. 🤷‍♂️

Edited by Teknomancer.4895
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I can explain the population decrease and the prevalence of single player games a bit.  Back when I was a kid, the novelty of the idea of an MMO was a big part of its appeal, but the younger generation have grown up with that always being a thing.  There's a certain age range where all the popular MMOs dropped, and if you weren't in that age range then it wasn't going to be your "thing."  Most potential players centered around WoW, and that basically consumed the market.  This was also a a time when IIRC channels and chat rooms were still a big thing, so the MMO was like having a game attached to your chat room.

Then Minecraft ruined everything.  It's not that it did anything wrong, but its runaway success has changed the way the industry views multiplayer activity.  There's little reason to actually make some big, sprawling collective server when you can use asynchronous methods (I.E. Soulsborn series) or player-owned server systems to accomplish the same goals.  The RTS is in a similar rut, since the publicly available Warcraft 3 and Starcraft 2 engines means you can make your own content and games within them, and there's been little success in the genre outside of them.  The ease of streaming games has made every game a social experience instead of just MMOs, and now we communicate with voices and videos of our face instead of text boxes.  Monetization has also changed, with gacha mechanics proving to be the superior money-making model over subscriptions and expansions.  The great time commitment also poses a problem, since the next generation of kids spends all their time scrolling through their endless feed of social media gossip and quippy short videos.

It is difficult to comprehend, given that we're all MMO players here, but enough scope and hindsight has taught me a horrible truth.  MMOs are a fad; a product of their time and place.  I don't think the genre will ever truly disappear, but the market is shrinking and the kids aren't interested.  Going to consoles or putting more into the PVP scene isn't going to fix this.  

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17 hours ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

Here goes...

OP likes PvP, but every game with that has low population. I think. Unclear if post is ESL or machine-translated.

Vaguely seems like a claim that some idea for a game was stolen? Could be anything tbh.

No clue. Honestly reads like OP is high and rambling with a case of the munchies. 🤷‍♂️

My main point is games are just not as fun as thry use to be or lack the modes to be fun or are lacking the population to be fun. When everybody is ignoring each other that can ruin a games population also.

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Fun is definitely subjective.  Sorry that you aren't finding enjoyment in what GW2 has to offer.  Seems like there are thousands of others who do, though.

As for ignoring, many players have moved away from text chat in favor of voice chat options like Discord.  However, some still do use the in-game chat and although I don't often engage with those players, I have on occasion included myself in the conversation when it is worth my time.  Often, map chat is a de-evolution into childish toilet humor so I will at times turn it off.

Still, point is, what is fun for some may not be for others.  Doesn't necessarily mean that the game world is ruined.

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21 hours ago, Zerin.9834 said:

I just think game world is ruined for all games like guild wars. I think it's has to do with the population and the games being created. Guild wars 1 had pvp that could entertain for hours, and guild wars 2 had decent pvp. Dc universe online had amazing pvp  for consoles with the iconic characters and pvp armor and people still play game, but don't pvp anymore. That is why I say population might be what is killing games. Dc universe did it right by making it so if you don't have a certain role you get a buff. Guild wars did it right by taking out healers and making stuff do able. Guild wars had gvg, fortaspenwood, jade quarry, heros accent. All populated. Lord of the rings conquest had capture the ring and npcs and conquest and then they shut games servers down. What if I say I had a video game industry to counter out the loss of good games and it got stolen and now we are back to the old drawing board. The video game industry was to make fun games that don't get made anymore. Arche age 2 looks promising with GVG, campaign, and dungeons. I use to get ignored online during the guild wars and guild wars 2 days. I still sometimes get ignored online. Alot. Maybe the farmers cant push out enough food for everyone, but some people eat everyday and still ignore. So hopefully guild wars 3 comes to consoles. pcs are 2 expensive. I'm pissed about that video game business stealing.

The problem cannot be solved easily and GW3 is unlikely to address this situation. The way games are made has changed indeed. But also has the target-audience and their taste. The current youth and modern generations of (MMO)RPG players are used to different monetizing models and different design concepts. What looks odd and questionable to us, is normal for them.

One example here is the acceptance of microtransactions and DLC. I loved Castlevania SotN, which is a massive game + the inverted castle & bonus bosses. I grew up buying a game where this is included in the price. The current generation of young players would never dare to expect this. They know this is DLC and they are fine paying for it. We do not. If we get charged extra for stuff that used to be included in the sales-price, we get mad.

A lot of the things that were guaranteed audience-magnets in old games barely attract a few old players nowadays. The majority of the target audiences (= young people) has totally different preferences than we do. That is why we feel disconnected and ignored by the publishers and developers.

Is GW2 going down? I cannot say. From my personal understanding of what makes a good game, we had our best years in the past. But I am at the end of my thirties. My opinion matters less and less. If the current design fits to the current target-audience, that is what matters. That is the only thing that really matters, because a wide target-audience is a guarantee for a high income. The company wants to make good games, but they want to earn money and create something that sells well. That is their highest priority. Satisfying a few old players, rather not.

Is there hope for us? Yes. In the entertainment and game industries, they know about us digital natives - who grew up with the tech. We are still a wide target-audience and opposite to the youngsters, we actually have money ^^. The market for older players already exists. But I think there will be entries of games in the near future, which focus more on attracting us than the young ones. Because there is potential for these games and lots of cash to collect.

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53 minutes ago, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

One example here is the acceptance of microtransactions and DLC. I loved Castlevania SotN, which is a massive game + the inverted castle & bonus bosses. I grew up buying a game where this is included in the price. The current generation of young players would never dare to expect this. They know this is DLC and they are fine paying for it. We do not. If we get charged extra for stuff that used to be included in the sales-price, we get mad.

1) Boy do I feel old now.
2) Boy does this make me feel sad. While yes, SotN was great. I have fond and great memories of playing through and that moment you completed the map but then found out...darn...there's that whole map...again...upside down... And now the sad part: Yes today it would totally be a full priced DLC, no suspense, no wonder, no suprise, nothing. Just a trailer "Here we go: Upside down Castle, 30$ Thanks a lot" And people would buy it and they'd love it.
3) Game world maybe ruined indeed.

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