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Top 5 things in Guild Wars 2?

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So open ended lol

1.  Open world.  It's gorgeous, it's fun, I always find something to do.  It's what attracted me to the game. 

2.  World boss portal device.  I use it multiple times daily, even if just for a way to get across the world.  Love it, one of my best gem store buys.  

3.  Chuka & Champawat.  Loved the storyline, love little tigers flying everywhere.  Nice tip of the hat to actual history as well.  

4.  Joko for my favorite villain who makes us question ourselves, and ask who is the bad guy, and a memorable storyline.

5.  Rama's hat.  Just because.  

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I'll just cheat on some of these 😛
1) Exploration and movement. Just the way you can traverse the open world from map specifics to gliding and mounts, the freedom of movement is just awesome.
2) Open World maps. Some are better some are worse bute some are simply breathtaking.
3) Combat and Classes/Elites. The combat system is still one of the best out there. It's fluent and flexible and with the way gear works, new classes/elites can be triedd out with ease.
4) WvW. Although basically forgotten by ANet and alliances are a joke by now. The game mode is still hanging in there and is still great fun.
5) Fractals. I'm not doing them much these days, but the concept is great and should have been developped a lot more imho.

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Top 5 best things in gw2

1 Virtuoso, is just that good

2 Virtuoso again due to being so reliable.

3 Virtuoso, is so good it makes the devs not nerf 1 trait that addressed another spec just because some virtuoso players also use it

4 Virtuoso, You can do everything Mirage can but at range and with your eyes closed.

5 You won't believe, Virtuoso again. You can rest assured you will never wake up to a patch that makes you worse than the day before(Even if you do, is so small you might have to open one eye to compensate)


Edited by Geronmy.3298
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1) Guild chat

2) Variety -- both in types of content and difficulty, there's a niche for everyone

3) Size -- the game is just huge at this point. You could spend all of your waking hours playing and never run out of things to do

4) Horizontal progression -- You can take years off, come back and pick right up where you left off

5) I don't really have a five, my first four were too broad ; p

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  1. The landscapes and architecture are imaginative and beautiful, both on spectacular and more close-up scales
  2. PvE is cooperative, not competetive
  3. The combat system operates smoothly and intuitively, one of the best
  4. When fully mastered, the mounts in this game are second to none
  5. No sub fee, with store items that are cosmetic/utility only and don't affect gameplay (P2W)
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2 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Everything and anything counts.

From a specific item you can't live without, to a skin, or a bit of story.

Rate your top 5 things in Guild Wars 2.

I see nothing a rational person could possibly disagree with or find utterly confusing. Please carry on.

1. I like how my characters look.
2-5. Lots of other things. 😊

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Ooh fun thread.

1. Easily this spot goes to the sylvari for me. I just love them. They're adorable, like house cats. You've got the ones that are all friendly and cute-like, and then you've got the crazy ones. "Aww!" "Don't touch it, it'll slash your face off." "Oh." And then you've got Canach specifically. My absolute favourite sylvari is, of course, my sylvari. He's mine and that's what makes him my favourite. Also he talks and that's the coolest thing ever in an MMO.

2. Mesmers! What a neat profession. I love the whole concept. Psychic powers that are used primarily to screw with enemy's minds so much they actually start bleeding from "shattered glass." Neat!

3. Open world! The bulk of this game for me is just running around, doing events, maybe the odd meta, collecting stuff, gathering, jumping puzzles, finding secret mini dungeons... The open world is just so immersive in this game. 

4. The mount system. In WoW, I have a stupidly large mount collection. In GW2, I never feel like I miss that collection because in GW2, those mounts do things that feel like they matter individually. The Skyscale is for different purposes than the jackal, which functions differently from the Skimmer, etc. WoW's got a lot of neat looking mounts, but they're all in one of three categories. There's little that makes this dragon more interesting than that gryphon or that horse more interesting than that bear, etc. In GW2, I typically avoid using waypoints because I'd much rather just ride wherever on my mounts. That's part of the fun to me.

5. This spot goes to the story. It's fun! Maybe one of the best MMO stories ever? My two favourite things about it in particular are:

  • The replayability for all LWS1 (as it was remade) and newer content. (Just go into the story journal, navigate to the story chapter you want, and click Replay! No need to make another character for this content!)
  • The fact that character choices matter and may impact the story. I wish the personal story was replayable like all the content that has come out since, but I realise that may be a bit of a can of worms. However, its lack of replayability is likely a result of just how involved these choices were. Since then, the choices to be made are less frequent, but they're still fun when they come up. I particularly love the LWS4 jailbreak sequence as every profession gets something here. I also enjoy the occassional custom bit for specific race choice too. HoT was fun! "But Kiki, there's been so little story choice dialog since personal story! What are you on about?" Maybe that sort of story choice is pretty well done, but the fact that the game does something with a choice I made 11.5 years ago when this game came out still has a special feeling IMO. I chose to play a male sylvari mesmer, and any one of those three facts gets brought up from time to time, as I mentioned above. Even with Through the Veil, the conversation with Ramses is ever so slightly different for me because I'm a cabbage. ❤️

Also did I mention that my character can talk? Like in the story? To the NPCs? That's awesome. Are there even any other MMOs out there where the PC is this vocal?

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See? This is what the forums needs more of. Not complaints about doing too much damage (you won GW2, why are you upset?). Not complaints about this game not being WoW.  This is how you engage the 'community'. Here's my list, and it is the best list.

#1: Legendary kittening armory. This says it all. No other game does anything like this that I know of. You work super hard and dedicate a lot of time and effort to something and when you finally get your payoff, it REALLY kittening pays off and that kitten is yours forever!

#2: Female Sylvari voice actress. Jennifer Hale, 'nuff said. She does a phenomenal job of bringing the female Sylvari character to life, along with all the other characters she voices. No one else in this game has a Berserker say "I'LL DESTROY YOU ALL!" and makes you feel it.
#3: Horizontal Progression. They really did it right with HoT and PoF masteries. You actually made real tangible progress when you unlocked and finished a mastery level, in a manner that echoes the legendary classics like Super Metroid (unlock something and finally reach a previously unreachable area). You can't tell me you didn't get super excited the fist time you jumped across that canyon on your raptor to reach the Bunny Ranch. If that is the case you are either a kittening liar or a scrub who got skyscale before bunny and will have forever missed out on a real sense of accomplishment. Sucks to be  you.

#4: Game complexity within simplicity. While I do wish the potential for builds were as extensive as they were in GW1, I understand why they aren't. Regardless, despite the simplicity of the core skill gameplay, there is still enough variety and complexity to avoid monotonous builds that all do the exact same thing. It's great that people can play damage, support, condi, tank, or a hybrid while still keeping it relatively simple.

#5: Me. Yes yes, I know I'm not the only player in the game, but when I do, it is MY kittenING STORY. You all just happen to be here as well, supporting me in your various ways via res, boons, backup damage, complimenting my sexy style, or just plain enjoying the game with me (which I am grateful for). Every day is Zera day.

PS: you are all behind on your Zera Tax!

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In no particular order...

1 - No sub fee.

2 - All the stuff to do (or not do) in the open world.

3 - Mounts, especially Skyscale.

4 - QOL/Convenience items (WB Portal Device, Copper Fed Salvage Kit, Teleport To Friend, etc).

5 - Being able to pursue goals or just chill and relax in the game world with no worries.

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1. WvW with Discord - Though it may be one of the orphaned and abandoned step-children of Tyria, WvW is still my favorite game mode. My guild has a great time chatting away on our runs every day.

2. The sandbox nature of GW2 - My early computer gaming was focused entirely on single player rpgs. I can't play those anymore as they are so linear, with a set, fixed path you have to follow, step by step by step. Tyria is wide open, allowing me to set my own goals and (mostly) play the things I want to play. 

3. The incredibly rich and varied world of Tyria - There is such an enormously wide range of things to do in this game. Personally, I love WvW and open world PVE but I've also happily dabbled in PvP, fractals, strikes, and dungeons. There is so much to keep me involved with this game that I've been playing it daily for six years.

4. The beauty  of Tyria - All those many years ago when I was a little, baby noob, the Shadow Behemoth was the first world boss I encountered. The moment it's head came roaring down into my face for the very first time, I knew I was gonna love this game. Vistas often take my breath away, they are so sweeping, majestic, and beautiful. One of the things I really enjoy about new maps is seeing their vistas for the first time.

5. The Legendary Armory - I didn't bother with  legendaries until Anet's initial announcement that the Armory was coming. Since then, legendaries have been one of my overarching goals in Tyria. With 40+ alts on my main  account, the Armory has been a joy and a delight for me to use.

There's plenty of other things I love about GW2, things like building new characters, as well as the cosmetics and the ability to reskin things to fit the individual alts. Those five things are at the top of my list. OP, thank you  for this thread. I enjoyed thinking about and then writing this post. 🥰

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Enjoying reading what everyone of You wrote. Curious, funny thread. Here's my 5 cents from favourite to most favourite. Altho I think that point 1 and 2 are equally important to me.

5. Professions and Specializations. Especially thief. I am absoultly in love with this profession. From evasion focused gameplay on daredevil that gives every boss fight a hint of Soulslike taste, through stealth themed Deadeye, and ending at Specter and his shroud that turns You into a kitten sorcerer, all in one profession. But most of all I love my shadowsteps, the moments  when I teleport to some place and thus skip and save myself and my group a few minutes are just priceless. Being able to perform most roles with a single character is something I also treasure in this game.

4. Races. Charr in particular. In previous MMOs I was always playing humans, becouse it was eighter the only race or every non human race looked just like reskinned humans. Charr are exactly how I would imagine "beast" race to look like. From running on all fours, to their unique apperance, I love them to the point of playing  only my charr thief for last 11 years.

3. Fashion Wars. There are so many skins to choose from, and so many awesome dyes I can use to customize my character, it's just insane. Ton of beautiful infusions and effects that gives You even more opportunities for a perfect look that will make peoples whisper You with praises and ave.

2. Super Adventure Box. 8-bit wibed game inside of a game was a BLAST for me. I absolutly LOVE every single ounce of this festival so madly that I have to use up some of my holiday days every year just so I can spend more time there. I really hope it get's finished at some point. And I really hope to get a Bee Dog skyscale at some point.

1. (Please cover Your eyes dear Mods ^^) Map breaking. I absolutly love getting outside of the maps. Discovering the cut content, map design, it's history and funny gimmicks, and most of all, getting to this insanely high places. The wonedrful views and the feeling of being in the place barely anyone knows about, is what keeps me in this game for so long. 

Oh and heres a special place that is above all else actually. Bee Dogs. Bumblepugs. Bee dressed pugs. No matter the name, I LOVE THEM. Everything related to this cute, adorable flying doggos is an instant get/buy from me. Even made a "water for insects" thingie, with the image of a bee dog carved in the block of wood once. It fills the carvings of the image with water, and nerby bees and butterflies come to drink from it during hot summer days. (Ok wasps are comming too xd ).

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1) The original Tyrian Maps - loads of quests, events and variety of terrain.
2) HoT Maps - loads of quests, events and the twisty maps.
3) PoF Maps - loads of quests, events and some truely stunning maps (hmm there is a common theme going on here isn't there?)
4) in game music and sound effects.
5) Jimden the Asura who has an owl phobia in Snowden drifts

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10 hours ago, Zera.9435 said:

See? This is what the forums needs more of. Not complaints about doing too much damage (you won GW2, why are you upset?). Not complaints about this game not being WoW.  This is how you engage the 'community'. Here's my list, and it is the best list.

Agreed! I love threads like this. Let's have fun. Sure, feedback to the developers is important, but constant whinging about silly little things doesn't help anyone effectively. Also, I know I mention WoW a lot... but that's just my point of comparison. I play both games actively and love them both for different reasons. 🙂 One isn't better than the other, on the whole, for me.

Also, not sure how to pay that tax but uhh... ( ノ ゚ー゚)ノ🍃Here you go?

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Feel of movement.  Mounts, jump puzzles, fast, fluid combat.  GW2 does a really good job when it comes to how the gameplay feels. 

I also like the animation-based combat as opposed to games that use a static GCD.  As well as the light feel to combat animations where it doesn't feel as locked in as more modern games such as Elden Ring.  It strikes a nice balance that feels great to play.

Open world map design.  In particular HoT is simply amazing.  I doubt I'll ever experience anything like exploring the jungle for the first time again.



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