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Your Top 5 Problems or Concerns of WvW

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Got to be careful what tag you follows, too many times a tag will lead you to a bunch of bush whackers. Have to watch your surroundings, your target and if the commander wander off and stand off to the side and start watching or port away without any warnings. Sometimes it's safer just to defend, if the enemy wants your tower make them work for it.

Edited by Widebody.5071
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13 hours ago, One more for the road.8950 said:

I am not sure you get how unbalanced it can actually be.

I am not sure you aware of how mental I am.  I have played maps where single players cans see their action move numbers. As far as groups, yeah been there where its 5 v 50. So I get it. But if you just run, you will never gain numbers you need. It has to start somewhere. I roam, since often grumpy and adding challenge, can I do it alone? I havoc, how few can get so much done? I pub tag to try and get peeps more into the idea of what to do when one is not around. I try and share what a roamer, havoc and large scale might do and how to deal with that. I ramble a lot, I don't deny that. But that's one of the things I missed during tournaments is the various scales of play working together and cross training. We have lost out on that. Doesn't mean we shouldn't try. That's one of the things I have enjoyed in the linked servers and WR is for peeps to intermix, meet and reconnect. It also shows one ring might not rule them all. 🙂 Be wary of what you wish for. Happy reset!

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5 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

I am not sure you aware of how mental I am.  I have played maps where single players cans see their action move numbers. As far as groups, yeah been there where its 5 v 50. So I get it. But if you just run, you will never gain numbers you need. It has to start somewhere. I roam, since often grumpy and adding challenge, can I do it alone? I havoc, how few can get so much done? I pub tag to try and get peeps more into the idea of what to do when one is not around. I try and share what a roamer, havoc and large scale might do and how to deal with that. I ramble a lot, I don't deny that. But that's one of the things I missed during tournaments is the various scales of play working together and cross training. We have lost out on that. Doesn't mean we shouldn't try. That's one of the things I have enjoyed in the linked servers and WR is for peeps to intermix, meet and reconnect. It also shows one ring might not rule them all. 🙂 Be wary of what you wish for. Happy reset!

Yeah, I get you, I'm enjoying all sorts of types of content in WvW, from mental stupid drunken kitten for funsies to more serious organized content, small scale and big scale, voice or not, but even if we had unbalanced MUs in the past, it has gotten a lot worse the last year or two, the last year in particular. And the reason for the larger gap between the good servers and not so good servers  in WvW (in EU) is a good mix of everything. What the transfer and link system does/enables players to do, the dumbing down of class/profession complexity and skills and skill floor/ceiling, boring metas, bad or non-existing countermetas and the fact that there's just less people and/or guilds that's good or really good, so it's extremely apparent where they are at the moment - which again makes players use the transfer or transfer to link system sometimes as often as every few weeks. So we end up with some basically dead servers and/or links, some entirely overstacked servers and/or links, and some between. What I forgot to even mention in the scenario up there when it comes to the two weaker sides hitting on the stronger, is that sometimes the other weak one in fact might even just be an almost dead one, so basically you're on your own.

Whiteside Ridge, just as an example right now this minute, was a monster opponent already, had no link, opened for a week, and had an insane amount of transfers in. So now it's even worse. And then it started in T5 on relink. At some point something will happen on servers like this like a guild or two or just a random gaggle of good people transferring because they get tired of queues or no content, and it shifts for a little a while, until people catch up again and back to square one but new server names. Earlier you could at least roam by yourself, make a small party or squad or hit another border or back cap, defend home or EBG,  always content, but now you're in danger of having MUs where not even that is a viable option in the time available for you to play. No, it makes no sense, but it is what it is.

I really enjoy links in the way that you get to meet new people and shift the dynamic and I enjoy playing with a variety of people on several servers, but the system is flawed and the flaws are getting extremely exposed these days in EU with their too many servers compared to activity and people and how the game play have changed. Which is one of the reasons I am hoping WR will come sooner rather than later, because if anything, the last couple of years has shown it's not getting better even if there was a little boom during COVID. I enjoy the game mode and I enjoy the people in it, but current situation is that it's a hit or miss if I'm able to enjoy it at all that week, depending on dead servers or monster servers in the MU.

Edited by One more for the road.8950
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On 4/12/2024 at 4:04 AM, TheGrimm.5624 said:

This thread so far has been a good thread to read players and about WvW in general. What is your point? Want to re-issue it about WvW? 

If you PM and then block someone in WvW that should be an instant, permanent ban and that will help make WvW better.

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The current block to whisper thing is dumb anyways, and the fact that people will bother doing that is also dumb. Also  this game in particular has a culture of whispering people and then blocking them.

It should be removed and they should make WvW whispers opt-in. There are some legitimate reasons to want to talk with people, but as is,  is mostly people abusing it to harass people it would seem.

All and all, the social features in this game are extremely dated and this doesn't just apply to WvW. Something like auto-block squad invites wouild be cool too,

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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15 hours ago, Leger.3724 said:

If you PM and then block someone in WvW that should be an instant, permanent ban and that will help make WvW better.

I agree I see this one a lot, but it makes me laugh that they took all that time and then blocked a reply. Makes me laugh. You should see that more as you won. 


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18 hours ago, One more for the road.8950 said:

Yeah, I get you, I'm enjoying all sorts of types of content in WvW, from mental stupid drunken kitten for funsies to more serious organized content, small scale and big scale, voice or not, but even if we had unbalanced MUs in the past, it has gotten a lot worse the last year or two, the last year in particular. And the reason for the larger gap between the good servers and not so good servers  in WvW (in EU) is a good mix of everything. What the transfer and link system does/enables players to do, the dumbing down of class/profession complexity and skills and skill floor/ceiling, boring metas, bad or non-existing countermetas and the fact that there's just less people and/or guilds that's good or really good, so it's extremely apparent where they are at the moment - which again makes players use the transfer or transfer to link system sometimes as often as every few weeks. So we end up with some basically dead servers and/or links, some entirely overstacked servers and/or links, and some between. What I forgot to even mention in the scenario up there when it comes to the two weaker sides hitting on the stronger, is that sometimes the other weak one in fact might even just be an almost dead one, so basically you're on your own.

Whiteside Ridge, just as an example right now this minute, was a monster opponent already, had no link, opened for a week, and had an insane amount of transfers in. So now it's even worse. And then it started in T5 on relink. At some point something will happen on servers like this like a guild or two or just a random gaggle of good people transferring because they get tired of queues or no content, and it shifts for a little a while, until people catch up again and back to square one but new server names. Earlier you could at least roam by yourself, make a small party or squad or hit another border or back cap, defend home or EBG,  always content, but now you're in danger of having MUs where not even that is a viable option in the time available for you to play. No, it makes no sense, but it is what it is.

I really enjoy links in the way that you get to meet new people and shift the dynamic and I enjoy playing with a variety of people on several servers, but the system is flawed and the flaws are getting extremely exposed these days in EU with their too many servers compared to activity and people and how the game play have changed. Which is one of the reasons I am hoping WR will come sooner rather than later, because if anything, the last couple of years has shown it's not getting better even if there was a little boom during COVID. I enjoy the game mode and I enjoy the people in it, but current situation is that it's a hit or miss if I'm able to enjoy it at all that week, depending on dead servers or monster servers in the MU.

In all regards, thanks for sharing more details since server by server and region by region I see we all have various differences. I will leave it there for now since I do appreciate you giving more info on what you are seeing which I ask a lot of posters. I appreciate your time. 

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On 4/8/2024 at 11:19 AM, Mabi black.1824 said:

I agree and understand very well everything you have written. Personally I think that players like you, are the most valuable in this game mode. I myself play that role very often. I was just thinking more broadly about how these changes affect the game. In the eyes of the developer, this change stimulates player participation. For example, when attackers and defenders have very similar numbers, We know that the defender already has a stat advantage precisely because he has the structure, if we stimulate the offense a little maybe it's better? Is this a way to encourage the attack to try? rather than give up and say goodbye to the content? Maybe that's what the development is looking at?

A little you say? A little? These changes are a LOT. I suppose Anet listens to the cry-babies who just want to PPT around and want it easy mode. Instead of them trying to put siege in another place or try to find alternate solutions, they just want to place siege at the usual spots and if that doesn't work then they cry. 

There are some rare groups that have figured this out so they found places where they could circumvent certain issues for attacking quite successfully as far as location of attacking siege is concerned but also using things like shield generators etc. This is just dumbing down WvW afaic. And what's the problem with an attack failing once or twice? Because of the limited supplies in an objective, you have a lot better chance the second time around because people rarely do supply runs from another location. Some groups understand this and just attack a second or third time.

But most people just want instant gratification and these changes reflect that. It's an attacker's game now and defending is just there for the sake of being there. So yeah, this is why I quit playing WvW.

And from my experience attackers and defenders rarely have the same numbers and then there's the boonball issue as well. So no, developers are looking at the majority of WvW players that want instant results and give up after one failure  and Anet balances around similar numbers which is dumb to begin with imo. But the thing is, they're probably right to do this because, well, it's the majority of players after all. It just leaves me bored to death and frustsrated because whatever depth WvW had is (not so) slowly but surely being dismantled.

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  • 4 months later...

wvw is a joke.

players got told by the "pros" over years that "no its not about items, its the skill", then when you tell that your

char is bunkered down by a perma full boon perma damage mitigation of over 90% char

with no chance at all, same anetbabies tell you it IS a matter of items and youre to dumb to get it - while youre fully equipped with the 

items from the wvw vendor - and if you tell them  the last argument is "ftard, noob, go quit..asf" or that youre "toxic".

this game is not unbalanced it is NO balance at all, which multiplies all the idiotic stuff experienced on the giant maps and the pseudo 3 faction thing.

anet should provide wvw more like alterac valley style of gaming just a junky bit bigger, and a waiting list to even out the population. and one is for randoms and the other is for guilds or premades.

but this wvw is a joke. cos its pve vs. castle lords anyway most of the time. and people often wait til the other faction is gone to bed before they start to reconquer keeps so that its jsut pve the other way...

so, many new players join and ask if theres any content in these maps. the answer is always the same. join a blob, get better gear, get better skills, 

wvw is a joke, nothings really immersive or incentive. unless you get a hefty keep fight. the only good thing that happens every now and then once week at max. and THIS this is what anet should focus on and build around

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14 minutes ago, hardloop von edgehoven.851 said:

wvw is a joke, nothings really immersive or incentive. unless you get a hefty keep fight. the only good thing that happens every now and then once week at max. and THIS this is what anet should focus on and build around

Hate to break this to you, but, that's essentially their mantra for wvw for the past few years, getting fights on lords, nerfing everything else that gets in the way of that like boon strips, siege, walls, gates, tactivators, supply, repairs, objective buffs, making sure boon blobs can run around without much problems, screwing with capture circles, buffing lord with pitiful support to encourage defenders to engage in those lord fights.

Reset night is when you can get the most keep fights because all three sides can have map queues, and there's barely any fortification upgrades(although those are a joke to bypass these days anyways), and there's enough guilds or commanders logged on to make it happen, every other night of the week it becomes a toss up because most times only two sides will show up on a map with force, and also you have groups running from each if they don't match sizes. Smc is the more consistent hub for big fights because players gather in ebg when the borderlands are empty.

They want those long fights in lords room, to the point they've destroyed the defending ecosystem of wvw for it. All that done and I don't think it's even had an impact on producing more fights, let alone anything balanced or enjoyable, because they and their secret discord don't want to acknowledge the huge difference that support spam and numbers produces. Attackers can break upgraded objectives so fast while defenders have a hard time defending more than one at a time now, in a three sided game built to snowball over the weakest on the map, not the strongest, but the weakest.

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51 minutes ago, hardloop von edgehoven.851 said:

wvw is a joke.

players got told by the "pros" over years that "no its not about items, its the skill", then when you tell that your

char is bunkered down by a perma full boon perma damage mitigation of over 90% char

with no chance at all, same anetbabies tell you it IS a matter of items and youre to dumb to get it - while youre fully equipped with the 

items from the wvw vendor - and if you tell them  the last argument is "ftard, noob, go quit..asf" or that youre "toxic".

this game is not unbalanced it is NO balance at all, which multiplies all the idiotic stuff experienced on the giant maps and the pseudo 3 faction thing.

anet should provide wvw more like alterac valley style of gaming just a junky bit bigger, and a waiting list to even out the population. and one is for randoms and the other is for guilds or premades.

but this wvw is a joke. cos its pve vs. castle lords anyway most of the time. and people often wait til the other faction is gone to bed before they start to reconquer keeps so that its jsut pve the other way...

so, many new players join and ask if theres any content in these maps. the answer is always the same. join a blob, get better gear, get better skills, 

wvw is a joke, nothings really immersive or incentive. unless you get a hefty keep fight. the only good thing that happens every now and then once week at max. and THIS this is what anet should focus on and build around

4 month old necro post?

Not sure how to translate this....trying not to add explanations just trying to understand the underlying points...

1. Not geared to match the playstyle of choice, players giving feedback that its gear choices

2. Not getting results expected in a fight

3. Trying to roam and getting attacked by havocs or roamers that are geared differently

4. Playing while outnumbered or times where the other sides have more organized groups or alliance hours

5. Not finding other havocs and roamers to join up with

6. Not finding other players that are open to new players 

7. Not finding large scale fights that are open

I guess the ending question is, did you find these in the past under the server system? 

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main concern is why anet cant balance?

a bug in PvE fixed within hours.
a extreme overpowered or over done class, anet leaves it for 3 to 5 months.
i mean few classes in WvW need stuff done. some need cooldown increase some need to lower skill power some need to be reduced in boon time.
how hard are these tiny fixes to do within a week, every week a tiny balance patch.

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On 2/22/2024 at 2:04 AM, XenesisII.1540 said:

Been a while since we've had one of these.

Here's my list, feel free to list your own.

1. Boon ball game play. Too much support, not enough strips, too easy for groups to roll maps when there's no opposing groups of same strength, discourages pugs and essentially kills off content for hours. Numbers matter, skill doesn't. Not to mention the lag that comes with it, game is turning into ESO.

2. 2v1 doesn't work as it should. Two strongest should not be avoiding each other to fight the weakest. That is bully game play, there needs to be incentive to always go after the strongest, seek out a challenge and not prey on the weakest, King of the Hill, not Swim in the Sewers.

3. Population, on a server, world, or time zone level, a mess and will never be balanced, but why spend so much time thinking about it on a world level, instead of fixing it on the smaller level, with outnumbered or map mechanics.

4. Roaming in a good place? meh, some specs get away with having too much of something or another.

5. What's next after WR? What's going to change to make me want to continue playing WvW in the future? Points don't matter, siege don't matter, upgrades don't matter, wins don't matter, is there any change coming to boost WvW in the future or is it another 10 years of missing Cornerstones?

Bonus 6. Where's the wvw legendary accessories? A 5k ticket infusion with a 0.00000001% drop rate was a giant nothing burger.

What are your top 5 problems or concerns of WvW?

The number one concern for anyone who wants to play WvW should be glitchers and hackers. It's been happening for years, when you report the perpetrators with screenshots or even video Anet does nothing, and if you name & shame the perpetrator here on the forums you are the one that gets banned.
Preventing Glitiching and Hacking should now be, and always should have been Anets No1 priority in WvW, not sweeping it under the carpet and pretending that it isn't happening.

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5 hours ago, Nidome.1365 said:

The number one concern for anyone who wants to play WvW should be glitchers and hackers. It's been happening for years, when you report the perpetrators with screenshots or even video Anet does nothing, and if you name & shame the perpetrator here on the forums you are the one that gets banned.
Preventing Glitiching and Hacking should now be, and always should have been Anets No1 priority in WvW, not sweeping it under the carpet and pretending that it isn't happening.

Yep. Happened again tonight to our T3 keep. Everyone pretty much quit playing. Green can PPT our empty BL all night I guess.

Edited by Stone.6751
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On 8/24/2024 at 6:50 PM, hardloop von edgehoven.851 said:

wvw is a joke.

players got told by the "pros" over years that "no its not about items, its the skill", then when you tell that your

char is bunkered down by a perma full boon perma damage mitigation of over 90% char

with no chance at all, same anetbabies tell you it IS a matter of items and youre to dumb to get it - while youre fully equipped with the 

items from the wvw vendor - and if you tell them  the last argument is "ftard, noob, go quit..asf" or that youre "toxic".

this game is not unbalanced it is NO balance at all, which multiplies all the idiotic stuff experienced on the giant maps and the pseudo 3 faction thing.

anet should provide wvw more like alterac valley style of gaming just a junky bit bigger, and a waiting list to even out the population. and one is for randoms and the other is for guilds or premades.

but this wvw is a joke. cos its pve vs. castle lords anyway most of the time. and people often wait til the other faction is gone to bed before they start to reconquer keeps so that its jsut pve the other way...

so, many new players join and ask if theres any content in these maps. the answer is always the same. join a blob, get better gear, get better skills, 

wvw is a joke, nothings really immersive or incentive. unless you get a hefty keep fight. the only good thing that happens every now and then once week at max. and THIS this is what anet should focus on and build around


Seems a bit like a skill issue.

I roam alot alone, i find fights quite often. I am outnumbered more than i am not. I win sometimes which feels great, but more likely than not i lose them. I try to think about what i could have done to win(unless its me vs 10 that makes no sense). This way i get better at the game, i win outnumbered situations more and more and i learn which fights not to take.

I can do this in exotic gear as well, is it harder ?

Yes, but not impossible.

You cant have a open world player vs player style game and expect everything will be easy balanced or in your favor. The point of the open world is, that alot of times it wont be in your favor.

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On 3/28/2024 at 6:52 AM, Riba.3271 said:

- Objective auras combat bonuses -> non combat (Passive defending nerfed and more fighting incentivised) - Defending nerf, combat buff, dueling and gvg buff

- Stronger gates and walls (More time for defenders to get numbers/commander -> Better fights) - Defending buff, combat buff, scouting buff

- Boon golems removed and shield gens reworked (Using siege to defend possible again) - Defending buff, combat buff

- Gliding in combat removed, mount shares endurance bar with walking form - Defending nerf, combat buff

- Siege 40-60% more damage to siege (for the unintended 100% increased siege health vs siege)- Defending buff, scouting buff

- Keeps and castles require more dolyaks (2x, 4x) - Defending nerf (for certain situations in keeps/castles), Roaming buff, Guild raid buff

- Links removed (reduced servers) - Buff for coordination and activity (More enemies -> More fun -> More allies -> More fun -> More Enemies ->)

- Desert map removed (Matchup outcome fair, no"dead weeks" on home bl) - PPT buff, guild buff, scouting buff

^FYI that was my previous list from 5 months ago.

They adressed about half the points indirectly like reducing supply cost of siege. So they been doing pretty good job. I would like to add following:

- Monoservers returned under new names. Permanent team where every speaks same language is better than World Restructuring.

- 1% boon duration per 15 concentration -> 1% boon duration per 25 concentration. Boon duration on runes nerfed.

and change following

- shield gens reworked (Using siege to defend possible again) ➡️ Shield gen bubble cooldown 25s -> 30s, Duration 12s -> 10s.

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Boonball. That's it.


They have way too much sustain, I'm fine with the damage a boonball can pump out, it should be a lot of damage with a lot of players.


But to have infinite access to stab, prot, resolution and aegis every 5 seconds is just not okay.

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I can't help but smile as more and more players are starting to make the comparison to how balance in GW2 is mirroring the major balance issues ESO has been having. The irony in this all is that the current lead balance Dev as well as the one before them were both the two devs that started the issues still ongoing in ESO. 

Why this was not looked at in more detail in the hiring process is concerning. 

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Your Top 5 Problems or Concerns of WvW

  1. ANet nerfing everything that's fun
  2. ANet adding things nobody asked for, nobody wanted and just annoy
  3. ANet allowing thief in wvw
  4. ANet's meddling with my account
  5. ANet telling me when to play wvw (if their new scoreboard ever comes up again)


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On 8/25/2024 at 12:59 AM, reddie.5861 said:

a bug in PvE fixed within hours.

hey, when the warclaw in wvw could jump as high as the new warclaw in pve, they fixed it within a day.
now it's back in jumping max 3 pixels high, as before.

don't tell they don't fix things qickly in wvw 🤣

(but that was a fun thing - see point 1)

Edited by Tula.6021
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9 hours ago, Tula.6021 said:
  1. ANet nerfing everything that's fun
  2. ANet adding things nobody asked for, nobody wanted and just annoy
  3. ANet allowing thief in wvw
  4. ANet's meddling with my account
  5. ANet telling me when to play wvw (if their new scoreboard ever comes up again)


Cries about things being nerfed. 

Wants other classes deleted from WvW.

Expects Anet devs to take this forum seriously. 

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On 8/28/2024 at 5:51 PM, kash.9213 said:

Expects Anet devs to take this forum seriously. 

WvW is just for release, nobody - anywhere - takes it seriously.
And it shows.

Remember when they disabled gliding in wvw because 1 new glider skin was broken? 🤣

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6 hours ago, Tula.6021 said:

WvW is just for release, nobody - anywhere - takes it seriously.
And it shows.

Remember when they disabled gliding in wvw because 1 new glider skin was broken? 🤣

That actually was a valid lockout since they didn't know what was causing it outside of the indicator that it had something to do with gliding. Players then abused that and were routinely crashing the game and trolling the rest of the player base. I agree the fact that it was a cosmetic doing it was a pretty bad miss, but the lockout to ID it and get it clear was a legitimate reason for the temp disable.

And actually quite funny when people forgot about the lockout and jumped off a ledge any way made for much guild cheer and banter. 'WITNESS ME!!!! Splat!'

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