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Live Now: "The Realm of Dreams," Second Major Update for Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure

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Pleeeeease can we get a fix for the constant tutorial pop ups on everything? Or if one exists via the options, please point me to it. 

(also the fishing spots are insanely difficult to fish from. Fishing should never be this hard, just a nice relaxing, quick break from the action - maybe reduced their skill level to something sensible like 500 or less)

Edited by Randulf.7614
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2 hours ago, zealex.9410 said:

You get it from lanterns

Yeah, now lanterns transitioned from being a system to let us repeat map completion into an alternate system of map completion that now has map completion rewards... when the old system seems to be semi-retired now and some wonders why it's even there anymore.

Consistent inconsistency strikes again. I mean, why use a well-established system that worked well, when we can surprise players with a new (but not better) approach to it? And "surprise" is a right word here, because for sure there was nothing about this change in patchnotes.

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Just played through the story, didn't experience any bugs. All achievements triggered properly in the story as well as in map (so far haha), the new Astral rewards are great (except raising the price of 1 gold...1 gold...to 35 from 30 acclaim...I mean come on), I am soooo close to finishing my leggy armor and am super excited about that...all in all I just wanted to say thank you for the hard work!

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Looking good so far. Played mainly the map for exploration + events (finished almost all of the small normal ones. Western part 2 missing). Meta not tried yet. Story only at the first step. Continuing now. Being able to see some settlements and "smaller" Kryptis - is nice. (The ones looking like Quaggan look funny lol.) Already wondered where they are living and if we only get to see empty stuff (nature and wildlife).

Next I need to wiki the items for the weapon proficiency unlock: 😄 (Don't want to buy them and did not come acrosse one yet but maybe I need to progress the story a bit more first.) / Edit: As I saw in the wiki now this was the step where I stopped - where after doing events Galrath wants to talk to you again and then the artifact thing starts. So no need to quote me because of this. 😄

Edited by Luthan.5236
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8 hours ago, Firefly.5982 said:

the new Astral rewards are great (except raising the price of 1 gold...1 gold...to 35 from 30 acclaim...I mean come on)

That was actually a good move. The vault already generated way too much gold, tbh. Although the real issue still is that there simply is no alternative to that purchase. All the other uncapped options (and some of the capped ones as well) are just strictly inferior to it. Personally i'd rather see the gold option increasing in price even more, and introducing some other purchases competing with it (like random fine mats bag at decent price that is not a t5 guaranteed, or even - one can hope - uncapped MCs at 45-50 AAs). Wealth that comes in forms other than liquid gold is just way better for the economy.

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The gold seems fine imo - they did not have to increase the cost. But then again: We get black lion salvage kits that I still have a lot from old login rewards. Will be nice for new players that could not stock up on them. Gold at the end ... ist mainly for players that play a lot. And the previous season was longer. For 11 weeks season if you miss a weekly it will already be less + new players have already the legacy stuff to catch up that they need to buy.

The mystic coins could need an adjustment though. And that is why I would have preferred no changes to the coin cost (and the vendor sell value of the other item - mastery potions): You still need a lot of gold to buy coins. Though it also not wrong what Astralporing says: More/easier gold of course can increase the prices. (Inflation.) More mystic coins would have been nice.

Ideally they could move the mystic coin TP price towards a price target. If it is about 2g at the TP and the coin bag is 35 AA atm then an unlimited option in the vault would cost about 70. Setting it lower will make it more attractive to buy coins and sell them - with then the price at the TP dropping until people buy the 1g at 35 AA instead. Try 50 maybe. Yeah. I would agree with that suggestion from Astralporing. Or maybe 55. Or an increased price like with some vendors. (First few cost x, next y, next ... ... until a permanent option at a highest price is available.)

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I am not impressed.

It feels dragged out.

"Complete events" twice? That is right out lazy. 

Plus, I am getting real tired of some obvious complaints we had since day one:
More turrets to shoot out of the sky, with NPCs that just won't shut up so I could actually properly Aim. 
Why has the Text Bubble issue not been fixed yet?

More Kryptis that totally ignore mechanics, not impressed.
Turrets target and shoot you, despite class stealth or mount stealth
Stability is utterly ignored by enemies, so the entire map feels like playing with intensive lag due to the massive overuse of push and pulls.

Complete story, map, mastery, run away screaming.

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Not sure if this has been mentioned already somewhere else and if there were changes to the previous weapon skins from the vault. But for this season I like:
Chest automatically removes the skins you obtained. (We had people that obtained multiple copies of the same one and then reaching the purchase limit of the chest not being able to obtain the remaining skins.)

Also: The skins can be deleted without confirmation. (If you only get them for completion for the unlock.) If I remember correctly the previous ones had you still type the name for confirmation. Good to see feedback accepted and implemented here.

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40 minutes ago, Luthan.5236 said:

Not sure if this has been mentioned already somewhere else and if there were changes to the previous weapon skins from the vault. But for this season I like:
Chest automatically removes the skins you obtained. (We had people that obtained multiple copies of the same one and then reaching the purchase limit of the chest not being able to obtain the remaining skins.)

Also: The skins can be deleted without confirmation. (If you only get them for completion for the unlock.) If I remember correctly the previous ones had you still type the name for confirmation. Good to see feedback accepted and implemented here.

Those are good improvements. Thanks for the info. I wondered what would happen on previous seasons if I ended up picking the same one twice.

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I've quit because of this update as a competitive pvp player


just queue up rn youre just gettingoneshot from 2500 range by thieves or fighting invincible mace soulbeasts

i main willbender and the pistol 5 ability is unfortunately useless in PvP because you cannot weapon stow it lol

so its a 3 sec cast and if you stow it it goes on cooldown??

What other abilities go on cooldown if you stow them?

please make pistol 5 not go on cooldown if you weapon stow it so it has a use in pvp..

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A small dislike: Started the new story stuff on a 2nd char. The artifact collection is correctly skipped. But it seems now there is another "do events" (seems it needs like 5 or so then 2x5 = 10) immediately after the first one. Cause the other step in between is not needed anymore. This should be shortened maybe. Include the dialogue from bothe into one step (filling 1 green bar) ... maybe it needing 6 events or so. Should be enough.

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I'm happy with how the story turned out. No major twists, but that also means that some of the really stupid ones I was worried might happen were not a thing either.

The weapons are a mixed bag. Some are good, some not so good. I think swords are fun conceptually but they need to be tuned way up so I can use them in fractal CMs without someone throwing a hissy fit. 

I have not touched obsidian armor and don't plan to for now. I am doing my weekly rifts, hoarding the essences and sometimes turning them into amalgamated essences just in case I change my mind. 

The new skins in the wizard's vault are good. I especially like that the new weapon skins seem hand-tailored for the astral ward look from astral armor and that wizard's cape.

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The story missions were much more elaborate and fun this time around compared to Update 1, whose story scope was a joke. I also liked the character models for General Nephus, Queen Labris and King Eparch.

The map design is pretty cool, I have to admit. Map events are okay, but it all feels quite repetitive, especially when interrupting the story.

The legendary armor was a disappointment from beginning (grinding boring rifts and meta events) to end (very bad implementation of medium and heavy from beautiful concept art).

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So far, I'm really liking the adjustments to the wizard's vault PvE dailies and weeklies.  More choice w/in categories is really nice.  Thanks for that.  🙂

I don't have anything to comment on the rest, since I haven't started soto (even though I have purchased it).  I'm looking forward to the new weapons and legendary armor once I finally do.


Edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643
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