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Enable Skiffs and Fishing in WvW

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Turtle is literally bigger than skiff, how would you want to put it on the skiff? Just curious.

Anyway no, no to all of it for many obvious reasons that does not have to be said. You want argument? You do not deserve one for troll post.
Fishing would make PvE players play WvW? No, it would only make them fish and make big queues, no thanks. 

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Maybe you're well intentioned, but we should incentivize pve players to come play WvW to enjoy this unique game mode, not to fish. There's limited space on each map, and filling it with players just fishing - not fighting - would reduce opportunities for people who want to actually fight.

Siege turtles attacking a keep might be funny, imagining them surrounding the keep in EB, but hard to see beyondit being a meme.

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1 hour ago, Ruufio.1496 said:


Why not it's a better question.

And let us place siege on the skiffs. Mobile trebuchets what's not to like? And why not fish in WvW? No good reason you can give me is there. And giving WvW unique fish would make PvErs play. Maybe even give a new mastery track that introuduces cannons onto the skiff and we can do skiff vs skiff GvG. Give me an argument against it. You can't. Skiff vs skiff GvG would bring something new and fun to WvW.


And do something with the siege turtle too. Let it be in on the skiff vs skiff vs siege turtle GvG. Imagine the turtle out of no where from underwater sinks the skiff. It would be amazing.

 - 90% of siege gameplay consist in dropping 6 catapults on the same pixel,as close as possible to a wall. The remaining 10% is people trebbing from a tower while watching netflix.
 - the various bodies of water do not make a navigable route that connects tower to tower. There are small lakes near 2 keeps at best.
 - staph with the "promote pve activities in a pvp zone so that more pve players will join pvp activities" mentality.
Does not WORK like that. 
A guy joining EBG for fishing will just fish and will gtfo as soon as some pvp caresses him... and honestly he will probably opening a post here complaining how the WvW community is a toxic environment for not letting him fishing.

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When PvE players want some WvW, they go to Drizzlewood. You can even use the turtle there and steamroll through it.

But I love the Skiff vs. Skiff battle. You dock two Skiffs next to each other and then board...you can even cosplay as a pirate!

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All the random fun stuff gets deleted  :(.  So the real reason it wont happen is coz anet are fun killers who want everyone staring into the boonbar abyss while dribbling brain cells out their nostrils.  I think we can all agree they give zero "kittens" about server performance, queues or balance, and they'd rather turn off revenue streams than fix things.

Anet, probably: "You want a fancy chair to afk in vale with? NO! Disabled!  You want an adorable lil friend to keep you company while oot and aboot? NO! Disabled! You thought you'd catch some fish while guarding watercamp? NO! You will have junk and you will like it! You want to have random boat parties when it's slow to welcome newbies into wvw? NO! DISABLED! Now transfer to that server and feed the boonblob with our mates in it kkthnxbye."


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It would work if the only possible fishing spot is the invisibility pool in SMC, and it dropped a legendary fish that sells for 10g each.

Then you would really see people fighting over the objective.

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No fishing for obvious map pop reasons.

Not much reason to have skiffs unless we're getting some kind of ship and underwater combat gimmick. Everyone expecting some lit pirate ship battles would be let down by just floating in circles in one of the few small bodies of water. If WvW maps were pvp zones in the core world then that would make sense. There's not much scenery in WvW maps and most of the water can almost be stepped over. It would be like wearing a floatation device in the bathtub. 

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4 hours ago, Boh.4568 said:

It would work if the only possible fishing spot is the invisibility pool in SMC, and it dropped a legendary fish that sells for 10g each.

Then you would really see people fighting over the objective.

Joking aside, close. It could work. What it would need to look like is fixed hotspots on the maps that random open on the even hours for 30 mins and have a a chance to drop valuable fish. This would create both mini-events in WvW and act like combat magnets in open field areas that could draw fights. Some people would be looking to fish, some people would be looking to fish the fishers. Those activities would create hotspots on their own that could trigger bigger fights, and as people at times ask for, with no worries of walls and a bounty to be made in a number of ways. It would need to be event style to Kash's point to not make it into something that fills the map without creating more fights, so not open all the time.

As far as skiff fights. Could see that as a thing, though as a DBL fan it would be limited to mostly Bay on ABL and limited on EBG.

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6 hours ago, Boh.4568 said:

It would work if the only possible fishing spot is the invisibility pool in SMC, and it dropped a legendary fish that sells for 10g each.

Then you would really see people fighting over the objective.

I've always wanted an aquarium in the SMC lord's room. Or maybe the top floor.

But then again fishing in an aquarium would make no sense.

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10 hours ago, Luranni.9470 said:

*blows a raspberry*

I fear they didn't enjoy the days when parts of a zerg would squirrel to nodes while others moved to target which allowed for a tasty target rich environment of yum! We can't lead others to joy, we can only feel sad they missed out on the yum. Or maybe we are twisted. I am going for the first thought personally. 

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7 hours ago, VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig. said:

no to fishing. We have way too many afk slackers already. We do not need more of those wasting precious map slots.

You want to fish? Go outside. Done. 

Its a number of combos. Those silly enough to think that fishing in WvW is good. Granting them gains if no one opposes them, and creating targets of those trying to do so. Creating more fights away from objectives. Its a multi level win in my book. Risk vs reward.

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Could be an event weekend, just for the fun of it, fishing enabled on green and blue borderlands while your side has the bloodlust on the map. And only in the waters around the ruins.

The reward however, should be wvw bound. No need to encourage pve players to join wvw for fishing.

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