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When will Anet get better servers for WvW

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We all know Anet refuses to punish blob gameplay despite them claiming they want to change this. IF they actually cared about nerfing blob gameplay they would do a few things. Roy is too busy running a GvG guild to actually pay attention to any of the issues in actual WvW so maybe someone will see this and something can actually be done.
1.) Give a damage debuff to groups running 20+ players in squad

2.) Give smaller groups a damage buff when having the outnumbered buff

3.) Reduce the max amount of players allowed per map and bring back older servers that were removed after the servers merge
(Any other ways to reduce the reason guilds feel the need to run 40-50 players in a single wvw guild please share your opinion)

For anyone who plays current WvW even if you're a roamer you know when these Blob guilds like PvD, CO, Shield, Flux to name very few. These groups run about 45+ every night and when any of these 2 big groups start fighting you cannot use skills even across the map now anywhere near the fight you have 3-4 seconds of skill delay. It's unplayable. Somehow this is the only game that has this issue when it comes to large scale gameplay. Can Anet not just get better servers or is ncsoft too busy siphoning funds from GW2 to salvage the failure of throne and liberty? 

Anet continues to support BLOB gameplay by taking away siege disablers and making them siege disruptors. Allowing blob guilds to still tun through towers without being slowed down. 
They've always supported Blob gameplay first by the stab nerf near the beginning of the game which made stability stack killing small guilds, and then further killing small gameplay and skilled gameplay by removing damage from CC's. Truly Actions speak louder than words, and are more to be regarded. And it's clear their actions over the years has pushed players to run bigger and bigger groups including the beta events where guilds stack large blob guilds and run over the other servers. 

The current state of WvW is a disaster equally as bad as sPvP I would argue with the dwindling player base. New players are surely coming into the game but they're not coming to WvW or sPvP and if they are it's a laughable fraction of the number as a whole. 

I hear the excuse (WvW has always been this way.) No it hasn't I've been playing since launch and it's never been this horrid to the point I wish people would actually leave the game mode so 15-20 man guilds can actually play the game. You keep killing your WvW playerbase with every trash patch you shovel down our throats maybe do something good for a change and fix your games servers so they can handle whats actually happening on the screen.

Edited by WizardBro.4510
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  • WizardBro.4510 changed the title to When will Anet get better servers for WvW

How about reducing squad size? Like 25. That's 5x5 groups. Enough for a squad.

I could play 30 minutes EBG after reset today before the lagging started and I left wvw to save my mood. That's 20 min longer than what I expected (from experience). I guess something was done after all.

Also I'm for more reduction of visible effects than what's already possible. Some are certainly important to see but many aren't.

1 hour ago, WizardBro.4510 said:

I hear the excuse (WvW has always been this way.)

The lagging?

I have it since the last beta. Didn't have it before and I loved 3 server blob fights in sm (before).

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Sorry, but 1 and 2 won't change anything. Guilds will just split as much as they need to get the buff. Since most shared skills have a 5 man cap limit, squad size is nearly irrelevant. Running 1 squad of 50 as a single group or 5 groups of 10 is basically the same thing except extremely annoying for the commander.

In fact, is going to be even worse for PUG tags, since organized guilds will pre organize the squads and the public tag can't.

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1 hour ago, disForm.2837 said:

Sorry, but 1 and 2 won't change anything. Guilds will just split as much as they need to get the buff. Since most shared skills have a 5 man cap limit, squad size is nearly irrelevant. Running 1 squad of 50 as a single group or 5 groups of 10 is basically the same thing except extremely annoying for the commander.

In fact, is going to be even worse for PUG tags, since organized guilds will pre organize the squads and the public tag can't.

Exactly. Even before subgroups existed and people had to make their own parties, people were blobbing since day one.

Anyone that claims otherwise doesn't know how squads or boons work.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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Don't you play with KREW?? You and NEW had a map Q of 60 players nuthugging each other two days ago fighting Shw and OP in one of the alpine BLs. 

Imagine complaining about blobs when you yourself are running in a blob. It's just your blob is made of two guilds running 30 players each. 

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5 hours ago, WizardBro.4510 said:

We all know Anet refuses to punish blob gameplay despite them claiming they want to change this. IF they actually cared about nerfing blob gameplay they would do a few things. Roy is too busy running a GvG guild to actually pay attention to any of the issues in actual WvW so maybe someone will see this and something can actually be done.
1.) Give a damage debuff to groups running 20+ players in squad

2.) Give smaller groups a damage buff when having the outnumbered buff

3.) Reduce the max amount of players allowed per map and bring back older servers that were removed after the servers merge
(Any other ways to reduce the reason guilds feel the need to run 40-50 players in a single wvw guild please share your opinion)

For anyone who plays current WvW even if you're a roamer you know when these Blob guilds like PvD, CO, Shield, Flux to name very few. These groups run about 45+ every night and when any of these 2 big groups start fighting you cannot use skills even across the map now anywhere near the fight you have 3-4 seconds of skill delay. It's unplayable. Somehow this is the only game that has this issue when it comes to large scale gameplay. Can Anet not just get better servers or is Ubisoft too busy siphoning funds from GW2 to salvage the failure of throne and liberty? 

Anet continues to support BLOB gameplay by taking away siege disablers and making them siege disruptors. Allowing blob guilds to still tun through towers without being slowed down. 
They've always supported Blob gameplay first by the stab nerf near the beginning of the game which made stability stack killing small guilds, and then further killing small gameplay and skilled gameplay by removing damage from CC's. Truly Actions speak louder than words, and are more to be regarded. And it's clear their actions over the years has pushed players to run bigger and bigger groups including the beta events where guilds stack large blob guilds and run over the other servers. 

The current state of WvW is a disaster equally as bad as sPvP I would argue with the dwindling player base. New players are surely coming into the game but they're not coming to WvW or sPvP and if they are it's a laughable fraction of the number as a whole. 

I hear the excuse (WvW has always been this way.) No it hasn't I've been playing since launch and it's never been this horrid to the point I wish people would actually leave the game mode so 15-20 man guilds can actually play the game. You keep killing your WvW playerbase with every trash patch you shovel down our throats maybe do something good for a change and fix your games servers so they can handle whats actually happening on the screen.

Skill issue

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10 hours ago, WizardBro.4510 said:

We all know Anet refuses to punish blob gameplay despite them claiming they want to change this. IF they actually cared about nerfing blob gameplay they would do a few things. Roy is too busy running a GvG guild to actually pay attention to any of the issues in actual WvW so maybe someone will see this and something can actually be done.
1.) Give a damage debuff to groups running 20+ players in squad

2.) Give smaller groups a damage buff when having the outnumbered buff

3.) Reduce the max amount of players allowed per map and bring back older servers that were removed after the servers merge
(Any other ways to reduce the reason guilds feel the need to run 40-50 players in a single wvw guild please share your opinion)

For anyone who plays current WvW even if you're a roamer you know when these Blob guilds like PvD, CO, Shield, Flux to name very few. These groups run about 45+ every night and when any of these 2 big groups start fighting you cannot use skills even across the map now anywhere near the fight you have 3-4 seconds of skill delay. It's unplayable. Somehow this is the only game that has this issue when it comes to large scale gameplay. Can Anet not just get better servers or is Ubisoft too busy siphoning funds from GW2 to salvage the failure of throne and liberty? 

Anet continues to support BLOB gameplay by taking away siege disablers and making them siege disruptors. Allowing blob guilds to still tun through towers without being slowed down. 
They've always supported Blob gameplay first by the stab nerf near the beginning of the game which made stability stack killing small guilds, and then further killing small gameplay and skilled gameplay by removing damage from CC's. Truly Actions speak louder than words, and are more to be regarded. And it's clear their actions over the years has pushed players to run bigger and bigger groups including the beta events where guilds stack large blob guilds and run over the other servers. 

The current state of WvW is a disaster equally as bad as sPvP I would argue with the dwindling player base. New players are surely coming into the game but they're not coming to WvW or sPvP and if they are it's a laughable fraction of the number as a whole. 

I hear the excuse (WvW has always been this way.) No it hasn't I've been playing since launch and it's never been this horrid to the point I wish people would actually leave the game mode so 15-20 man guilds can actually play the game. You keep killing your WvW playerbase with every trash patch you shovel down our throats maybe do something good for a change and fix your games servers so they can handle whats actually happening on the screen.


  1. This goes against ANet design philosophy (Care-Bear-Rule)
  2. This would have to scale extremely high to even do anything, otherwise more numbers still just flat out-damage all other options.
  3. Easy to work around, like just running multiple 5 man parties, and organise with discord/voice, the way they did back in the first few years.
  4. As others have pointed out, this would hurt pugs more than anything.


  1. How do you plan to define "groups"?
  2. Outnumbered? Then organised/boon-balls will yell at other players to get out of the map so they can get the damage bonus, to boon-ball even harder.
  3. It would be extremely difficult to find a "right" scaling to that damage bonus, as it would be strongly affected by player skill and organisation.
  4. That means it would still hurt pugs a lot harder.
  5. Organised guilds/boon-balls would work around it.

(3a) "Reduce the max amount of players allowed per map"

  1. Reduce lag by reducing numbers on maps? This in theory work, as they've done this in the past. At the cost of even more queue's.
  2. Trying to ruin organised guilds/boon-balls so they can't get everyone on the map? This would punish everyone else as much or more, and just increase the toxic behaviour of people screaming for others to leave so they can get their guild in. Also more AFK wall-runners.

(3b) "and bring back older servers that were removed after the servers merge"

  1. This is not how the servers work, they're not physical computers per "world", it's a giant cluster of computers linked together, that shares and offloads its power and use on each others. Basically, ANet pays for a certain amount of data/performance, and the server-provider adjusts their caps.
  2. So if there are performance issues, it can be issues like:
  • Server-provider is running into lots of use from multiple (lots!) of different clients at the same time, causing so much use that they can't keep up with each clients individual caps. This is generally very rare, and very time limited.
  • ANet not having paid for a high enough performance caps (highly unlikely)
  • Bunch of other common internet issues/isp routings/distace etc messing things up and causing players to blame it on the servers (far too common).
  • Poor software coding that makes the game not be able to use the resources it has available efficiently enough, and thus slow things down (yeah, hello ANet, remove all that glitter crap!)

Now, I'm not saying ANet does not favour zerg play, they do. Just trying to point out that it isn't usually as easy to fix these things as people try to make it sound, and there's a reason no game devs really managed to figure out the perfect way to do this yet, because there's problems and disadvantages with pretty much every single "solution" people propose.

That said, I think the main problem is actually that ANet is doing what the "majority" want, and that just means that the veteran WvW players are not in a majority in their own game mode. If they want more PVE players to do some WvW, they're probably going the right direction (at the cost of WvW players).

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Amazing that you took all of this time to cry on forums that nobody of significance from ANet reads. Imagine if others guilds were as much of an embarrassment to the game as Krew is? Yikes.

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22 hours ago, disForm.2837 said:

Running 1 squad of 50 as a single group or 5 groups of 10 is basically the same thing

More than one squad has more variety.

I play every early morning with the same guild and when we hit 50 we often split and form 2 squads. Either we stay on ebg and one squad runs clockwise and the other counter-clockwise or one stays on ebg and the other goes somewhere else where needed/wanted.

It's fun.
If needed we come together again. And it is easier to assign a role to a squad than to subgroups - by design (or fail by anet if you want)

Running in a 50 blob is no fun and if you don't even meet something that can challenge it is is boring too. A smaller squad has better chances for content since almost everything runs from the tidal wave.

We have more fights with a blob of 20-30 ppl than with 50-60.

10-20 is my comfort size (if there isn't heavy resistance/annoyance that would require more quantity).

The heavy lagging starts when the queued full server blobs meet on one map.

Edited by Lucy.3728
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On 3/22/2024 at 6:53 PM, Zeesh.7286 said:

Don't you play with KREW?? You and NEW had a map Q of 60 players nuthugging each other two days ago fighting Shw and OP in one of the alpine BLs. 

Imagine complaining about blobs when you yourself are running in a blob. It's just your blob is made of two guilds running 30 players each. 


On 3/22/2024 at 7:19 PM, Hellscream.9081 said:

Hey Kitten, I saw that you went offline on discord last night... is everything ok? You know you can talk to daddy whenever you want... you are my kitten after all.


On 3/22/2024 at 7:23 PM, Glumpineapple.5270 said:

Seasniffer was right about you


On 3/23/2024 at 12:49 AM, Rall.4586 said:

Amazing that you took all of this time to cry on forums that nobody of significance from ANet reads. Imagine if others guilds were as much of an embarrassment to the game as Krew is? Yikes.

All are welcome on Forum Wars 2, but as is said in GW2 chat Forum Wars 2 is that way ====> In Forum Wars 2 GW 2 chat is that way =======>  Forum rules is skip the matchup banter. Keep to player with player topics if you don't mind. 


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Servers ran blobs, well before the Squad UI was a thing in wvw. Lowering player caps wouldn't resolve things, it would make queues longer, with minimal effect fixing the lag.

It seems the OP was blobbing with multiple guilds, which also happens, with guilds who don't show sportsmanship and just FFA every fight, even when other guilds are fighting, which nowadays can cause skill lag too.

Edited by RisingDawn.5796
For some reason auto correct on phone wonky.
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20 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


All are welcome on Forum Wars 2, but as is said in GW2 chat Forum Wars 2 is that way ====> In Forum Wars 2 GW 2 chat is that way =======>  Forum rules is skip the matchup banter. Keep to player with player topics if you don't mind. 


And the Ubisoft forums are that way =====>>


(Sorry.  Seriously though, very difficult to take the OP seriously when the writing doesn't really match the title.  What does this mean "get better servers" but everything is complaining about blobs?  Better servers would handle larger blobs!  Dmg debuffs for squad size and buffs for outnumbered would increase the combat calculations required...)

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I mean, you can't blame OP. They died in a video game and that clouds their judgement; sometimes a lot of nonsense is generated.

I can empathize with that. 

But in general, that is our problem. We know anet has had some pretty bad ideas for WvW. However, it's also evident players somehow come up with even worse ideas  so it's quite hard to filter

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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3 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

And the Ubisoft forums are that way =====>>


(Sorry.  Seriously though, very difficult to take the OP seriously when the writing doesn't really match the title.  What does this mean "get better servers" but everything is complaining about blobs?  Better servers would handle larger blobs!  Dmg debuffs for squad size and buffs for outnumbered would increase the combat calculations required...)

I agree there a lot of issues here. A lot of players don't understand the difference of hosted and third party servers. A lot don't understand that their connection is not direct to the server where the software is running. A lot don't understand how third party software on their PC might impact connection speed. A lot have no idea on how much global data warfare occurs day by day across the globe. A lot of players assume it's not me, its you in gaming. 

I am not forgiving their third party providers per region. It should be their job to handle outside attacks and address resource issues. But can't support the idea that its simply a 1 to 1 connection issue. In short, and this is less you versus other readers. It's not straight forward and quite complicated. Having dealt with cloud providers, no reason not to pass the ticket to them since they are being paid and ask WTW, get it fixed. 

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The lag issue is related to the number of calculations required, reduce condi stacks and increase the damage per tick. Do the same for boons and skills that hit multiple times per second. Rebalance skills that break the 5 target cap. 


Reducing lag would go a long way towards helping groups fight outnumbered

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On 3/22/2024 at 5:53 PM, Zeesh.7286 said:

Don't you play with KREW?? You and NEW had a map Q of 60 players nuthugging each other two days ago fighting Shw and OP in one of the alpine BLs. 

Imagine complaining about blobs when you yourself are running in a blob. It's just your blob is made of two guilds running 30 players each. 

About how many players does Shw and OP run on a regular basis? You do know Krew runs, at max, 15 right? We don't even have 30 players in guild. lol

It's just stupid to think a 12-15 man is going to be able to do much of anything against a 40-60 man but if you want to open that mouth of yours then drop 40 people from your squad when you run across us. If you win then you can pop your mouth off but until then stay inside that lagball and pretend to be great.

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1 hour ago, Actium.8765 said:

It's just stupid to think a 12-15 man is going to be able to do much of anything against a 40-60 man

No one was suggesting that a 12-15 man go up against 40-60 other than the OP who wants small group buffs to be able to do that.

What's disingenuous is coming to the forum to whine about what guilds do in response to map queues.  If you're going to take a 12-15 man group and add in to what's already a map queue fight, that's on you.  You aren't sitting in traffic.  You are the traffic.

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2 hours ago, Actium.8765 said:

About how many players does Shw and OP run on a regular basis? You do know Krew runs, at max, 15 right? We don't even have 30 players in guild. lol

Hi, ShW here.

We can get anywhere from 20-25 guild depending on the night. Indo likes to cap his private raids at 35, so on this particular night we pulled some allies to match his comp size. 

Unfortunately havoc sized guilds just cannot really compete in a standardized skill hit meta. As more and more skills get 3-5 target capped, the playstyle of a zerg busting havoc squad is given more and more of a hammer to the femur. The net result is needing to find another group to sidecar as the opener to the other groups finish. There’s nothing to be ashamed of needing a second group. We all end up needing a lil pickmeup when things get to be old and outdated. 

Edited by Atros.9607
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1 hour ago, Chaba.5410 said:

No one was suggesting that a 12-15 man go up against 40-60 other than the OP who wants small group buffs to be able to do that.

What's disingenuous is coming to the forum to whine about what guilds do in response to map queues.  If you're going to take a 12-15 man group and add in to what's already a map queue fight, that's on you.  You aren't sitting in traffic.  You are the traffic.

No, what's "disingenuous" is you thinking everyone should run 60 or they are just clogging up que spots. Stay hiding in those map blobs there bud.

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1 hour ago, Actium.8765 said:

No, what's "disingenuous" is you thinking everyone should run 60 or they are just clogging up que spots. Stay hiding in those map blobs there bud.

Nice try, but I didn't say everyone "should run 60" nor did I say " or they are just clogging up queue spots".  Also, please look up what the word "disingenuous" means and "strawman fallacy".

Edited by Chaba.5410
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