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I just want Anet to acknowledge that they actually care about the future of sPvP at all

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We have not seen a content update for sPvP in years. and i mean actual content update- WvW is getting reworked and PvE is as usual constantly updating in stark comparison to the sPvP side of things...Why can't you guys tell us what if any of your goals or wants for the games sPvP are? Why is the most competitive side of the game, that shows how amazing GW2 combat even is (Especially by MMO standards). Is left completely abandoned in the general pvp players eyes. Am i wrong in how I feel? Do you guys agree that it feels as though they do not care about improving PvP itself and not just fixing over-tuned classes after 1 month.

That's all. 

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It feels like they do care, but are terrified of sticking their neck out -too- far because we got a lot of hatchet wielding players here ready to critique.

It took like 10 years for it to get this bad.  It might take a while to undo all the knots of dev philosophy, workplace politics, and player grievances before we get like a solid conversation cadence.

I'm not saying I agree with their methods just that its reasonable to expect handling like this as a possibility.

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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16 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

It feels like they do care, but are terrified of sticking their neck out -too- far because we got a lot of hatchet wielding players here ready to critique.

It took like 10 years for it to get this bad.  It might take a while to undo all the knots of dev philosophy, workplace politics, and player grievances before we get like a solid conversation cadence.

I'm not saying I agree with their methods just that its reasonable to expect handling like this as a possibility.

I suppose, but they have done a lot of things that would make me believe they want to not pay attention is all, like apparently the TOS change for pvp

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13 minutes ago, Sidetrack.2563 said:

I suppose, but they have done a lot of things that would make me believe they want to not pay attention is all, like apparently the TOS change for pvp

The ToS changes for PvP made it easier to ban people for afk/match manipulation, iirc. Was there something more recent that indicates this?

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7 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

The ToS changes for PvP made it easier to ban people for afk/match manipulation, iirc. Was there something more recent that indicates this?

the changes they made to the tos also took responsibility away from them to keep the game fair and well upkept- because they reserve the right to act AND not act based on reports. which basically means they can just ignore it if they feel like it and be following the tos. Which was not the case prior.

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4 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

It feels like they do care, but are terrified of sticking their neck out -too- far because we got a lot of hatchet wielding players here ready to critique.

It took like 10 years for it to get this bad.  It might take a while to undo all the knots of dev philosophy, workplace politics, and player grievances before we get like a solid conversation cadence.

I'm not saying I agree with their methods just that its reasonable to expect handling like this as a possibility.

This community cannibalized itself. 

Edited by jdawgie.1835
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7 minutes ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

This community cannibalized itself. 

Let's not also pretend that Anet didn't shoot themselves in the foot when it comes to adding anything new to PvP. Stronghold was the largest resource expenditure in PvP and it was meant to be the new flagship gamemode, but it failed horrifically. Followed by Courtyard and Spirit Watch maps that were made but not added to Ranked.

At the end of the day Anet is a business. If they feel new additions doesn't retain players in pvp, they'll simply not do it. We're fortunate to even have balance patches at all lol.

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41 minutes ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

Let's not also pretend that Anet didn't shoot themselves in the foot when it comes to adding anything new to PvP. Stronghold was the largest resource expenditure in PvP and it was meant to be the new flagship gamemode, but it failed horrifically. Followed by Courtyard and Spirit Watch maps that were made but not added to Ranked.

At the end of the day Anet is a business. If they feel new additions doesn't retain players in pvp, they'll simply not do it. We're fortunate to even have balance patches at all lol.

are you sure about that? the pvp players don't get any new content now. who shoot himself in the foot here? anet still releases new expansions and without a lot of pvp content. you are saying this like anet has abandoned this game. but I also don't know how the players were here in the past. from what I have seen a lot of drama about any new change.

Edited by Chaos God.1639
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44 minutes ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

Let's not also pretend that Anet didn't shoot themselves in the foot when it comes to adding anything new to PvP. Stronghold was the largest resource expenditure in PvP and it was meant to be the new flagship gamemode, but it failed horrifically. Followed by Courtyard and Spirit Watch maps that were made but not added to Ranked.

At the end of the day Anet is a business. If they feel new additions doesn't retain players in pvp, they'll simply not do it. We're fortunate to even have balance patches at all lol.

I agree Saiyan - Anet fumbled the opportunity to have THE PVP SCENE cornered. They combined MOBA and MMO combat and honestly they did it beautifully. I posted awhile a back a long breakdown of all their mistakes chronologically. In short though, yeah Anet messed up bad. Our community does NOT help themselves at all though. People would rather be comfortable than good and want their spec to be an answer for everything. It doesnt work that way. 

Edited by jdawgie.1835
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its probably because they would have to overhaul the game mode entirely and the community would literally eat them alive for it. the wvw community seems to have alot less politics going on, so the developers can actually do some work there without being cannibalised.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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2 hours ago, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

its probably because they would have to overhaul the game mode entirely and the community would literally eat them alive for it. the wvw community seems to have alot less politics going on, so the developers can actually do some work there without being cannibalised.

There's no way of knowing that outside of balance within the past 5 years, I'd argue we'd love new things especially now that it'd be more than fresh. Idk about cannabelization, all I see in anet is a father that went to the store for milk and comes back every 3 months to get a new brand of milk then poof gone again. 

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9 hours ago, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

its probably because they would have to overhaul the game mode entirely and the community would literally eat them alive for it. the wvw community seems to have alot less politics going on, so the developers can actually do some work there without being cannibalised.

They should just pull the ripcord and do it with how this game mode is going to be on life support real soon.

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On 3/25/2024 at 8:45 PM, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

its probably because they would have to overhaul the game mode entirely and the community would literally eat them alive for it. the wvw community seems to have alot less politics going on, so the developers can actually do some work there without being cannibalised.

I think it's just because WvW players have been in the acceptance stage of mourning while PvP players are still in the denial stage : P

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On 3/25/2024 at 1:45 PM, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

its probably because they would have to overhaul the game mode entirely and the community would literally eat them alive for it. the wvw community seems to have alot less politics going on, so the developers can actually do some work there without being cannibalised.

Yeah it would be almost impossible to do a gamemode overhaul- they would have to work around the gamemode if they wanted to improve it in anyway without just killing pvp lol

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spvp was meant to go esports in anets release plans. it did for a while then it was dismissed from ESL cause it didnt meet the expectations regarding numbers of spectators. 

there is no public interest, no viewers on social media and all that. no chance for anet to gain more from it then price money to spend. So any update is much much much unlikely to happen.

I personally think a rework is needed including a professional anti-fraud and bann system but yeah there is no public interest in guild wars 2. thats why one shouldnt take it serious at all. No interest anywhere, no viewers, just a bunch of pvp gamers left.

If there was a big headline in the USA like someone reporting the account sellers to the IRS for not taxing illegal account sales money then there might me movement in anet as they would need to imporve it in terms of public interest.  

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9 hours ago, SlateSloan.3654 said:

If there was a big headline in the USA like someone reporting the account sellers to the IRS for not taxing illegal account sales money then there might me movement in anet as they would need to imporve it in terms of public interest.  

Yeah, getting the Government involved is always a good idea💡

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On 3/25/2024 at 8:29 AM, Sidetrack.2563 said:

We have not seen a content update for sPvP in years. and i mean actual content update- WvW is getting reworked and PvE is as usual constantly updating in stark comparison to the sPvP side of things...Why can't you guys tell us what if any of your goals or wants for the games sPvP are? Why is the most competitive side of the game, that shows how amazing GW2 combat even is (Especially by MMO standards). Is left completely abandoned in the general pvp players eyes. Am i wrong in how I feel? Do you guys agree that it feels as though they do not care about improving PvP itself and not just fixing over-tuned classes after 1 month.

That's all. 

We should only expect exactly the information given to us, that's what I've learned from anet. Gw2 is in it's "final form" now, due to them working on Gw3. It wouldn't make any financial sense to make a gigantic risk in a game this late into it's life.

We'll get Soto type expacs with perhaps new weapons, traits, reworks that also add powercreep (like relics), and maybe small QoL changes here and there. Those changes could be map select being finally changed to be less annoying, or removing duo's from ranked. We don't know for sure but that's all in the realm of possibilities.

At the very most, and definitely what I would not expect, is a rework to Spirit Watch, or a new Conquest map in a future expac. It could still happen, but I doubt it.

Anything like a new spvp game mode, weekly automated tourneys, reworks to Stronghold as a whole (including the game itself and the map), or anything of relative note that would take up a fair amount of dev time I am certain won't happen. It's not worth their time financially. It was barely worth the effort before, but now with the confirmation that anet is working on Gw3, there's just no point.

TLDR: We need to stop crying into the void and accept the fact that we are getting quarterly balance updates, new weapons/traits/skills, and system reworks to things like sigils that will give the game more power creep. At most a new conquest map or two. But that's it until Gw3.

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They do care. Just look at the patch notes and the streams. We know the team is small but they do put the work.

A good amount of the balance is made for PvP. They really try to have every profession be viable and a lot of weapon variety. By definition not everything can be meta but right now a lot of playstyles are strong.

When it comes to balance streams they also focus on showing the functionality rather than the numbers which appeals more to PvP / WvW. If you take a look at the people commenting during the stream, a good amount are interested in PvP / WvW and they know that. We even had Roy stream the last few Mat.

Finally I think the idea “we need something new” often seen around the forums just brings nothing. What we have works. They tried some things during hot / pof but most ended up restricting builds / professions way too much for my taste and some things I liked (like Djinn's dominion) were not appreciated by most people so they might not want to invest a lot into things that split the community.

Edited by aymnad.9023
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They wouldn't dare do that, they're banking on the fact that you'll stick around by some false hope and possibly spend money on the gem store. Them admitting that nothing is coming would cost them money. 

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On 3/27/2024 at 5:25 AM, SlateSloan.3654 said:

spvp was meant to go esports in anets release plans. it did for a while then it was dismissed from ESL cause it didnt meet the expectations regarding numbers of spectators. 

there is no public interest, no viewers on social media and all that. no chance for anet to gain more from it then price money to spend. So any update is much much much unlikely to happen.

I personally think a rework is needed including a professional anti-fraud and bann system but yeah there is no public interest in guild wars 2. thats why one shouldnt take it serious at all. No interest anywhere, no viewers, just a bunch of pvp gamers left.

If there was a big headline in the USA like someone reporting the account sellers to the IRS for not taxing illegal account sales money then there might me movement in anet as they would need to imporve it in terms of public interest.  

They saturated the field with ground vomit aoe's to the point where the average viewer would have no clue what's happening. Too much congested graphics making it a mess to watch.

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