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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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On 3/1/2022 at 5:57 PM, Raxmiga.4560 said:

1. Please add a section so we can choose our own buttons for Jade Bot functions. I've been flying with C as down on Mounts for so long now "riding" the Bot it wants me to hit V and it is just weird to learn something new for the same basic function as another game mode.

The lack of customization for the jade bot movement surprised me.  My key buttons are customized for me because of hand issues, I need to be able to change that.

Now to my own, ArenaNet, could you please add a "tool-tip on hover" for the Jade Bot battery charges?  The white number fades into the white battery area on that icon, and I am constantly hitting batteries for charges because I really can't see what the number is.  The upright line of "4" just ends up looking like a "1."  I know we'll have better charges on it eventually, but this is sort of a "visual" accessibility issue.


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Hi. I would like to see an option to limit FPS when the program is in the background, to e.g. 30 FPS so it doesn't work too hard when it's not necessary.

Additionally, I'd like an option for 144 FPS in the normal frame rate limiter so that my GPU doesn't go overboard in situations where it can.

Edited by Argonil.6970
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Please consider to add, let's call it, Care-bot Protocol sensor array for Jade bot.

With that sensor array equipped Jade bot will have two slots, one for stack of Utility and one for stack of food Food.

Once player's character food and utility effect will be Diminished and Malnourished, Jade bot will use one portion of respective food and utility to refresh it's duration on player's character.

Edited by Aeon.4583
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Hi Anet,


I have a suggestion to improve QOL when using Zip Lines. 

I think it’d be helpful to change the icon above the zip lines to show which direction you will travel once you use it. Every zip line has an upwards arrow above it currently, but that can be confusing when you go to use it and it sends you down when you’re trying to go up. I’d like to see the 1st zipline at the beginning of the route have the upwards arrow to signal that it travels upwards, and the 2nd one at the end have a downwards arrow to show you that it travels back down the route. 


I know a small beam of light appears briefly when you go near a zip line, but it’s very easy to miss. Please consider my suggestion and I hope it wouldn’t be too hard to implement. I really believe it’ll do a lot for zipline QOL.


Thank you! 

- Alex 

Edited by Alex Fryer.3064
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here's my small request; to make weapon skill 4 and weapon skill 5 work on same keybind with mount ability 1 and 2.

Atm, mounts need to have mount ability keybinds (default V and C) to use their skills, other, than engage. At the same time, mount engage skill have no specific keybind, and works on weapon skill 1  keybind. Then, some specific vehicles, like Charr'y tanks or recently skiffs, uses weapon skill 4 and 5 for the same skillbar slot.

The problem is, we cant have same keybind for all of these skillbar slot 4 and 5.
If I set mount ability 1 and 2 to button 4 and 5 (same as weapon skill), this prevents my skiff [Depth Charges] and [Turbo Boost] from being clicked, even, if there is no way both skills could be available at once. (That was barely an issue till now, just a tank in Forged Steel strike mission tbh).
If I unbind mount abilitis 1 and 2, the skiff skills will work as intended, but Im losing mount skills. (I know about "Disable Conditional Mount Movement Ability Input", that's not the solution here).
We could unify these keybinds or at least make them not interrupt each other.

Why is this a problem? just get separate keys for them all? Then, I have some disability irl, and cant reach so many keybinds at once. For nearly 4 years (and many more other games) Im playing with up to 16 buttons (its a gamepad) for all actions, includes all skills, movements, interactions, lootings, all mounts or controlling maps. Till recently, I was ok sacrificing single FS strike skill once per week, with new fancy content, the sacrifice is too heavy.

Solutions? To make skiff and other non-mount vehicles skill on slots 4-5 independent to mount ability 1 and 2, or at least to make mount abilities work with weapon skill keybinds (just like engage).
(The option 1 could be better, as I could bind mount skills same as weapon skill 3-4 (making my own mess with keybinds vs skillbar slot, but its for access of a cripple).


If anyone care bout the gamepad keybinds, Im using another app to rebind gamepad buttons to keyboard 1:1, its A, B, X, Y, L3, R3, start and select gamepad buttons  as 1-8 + LT and RT as shift-ctrl,  combo them all for up to 32 keybinds. ABXY+shift/ctrl as skills, others for other uses, dpad as wsad, LB and RB as mouse buttons, and both sticks as moving cursor. Then mess some in game keybinds and it works. That was enough for years, skiff beats me here.

Thx for any help,
stay safe and also thx for great job around o/

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Feels like QoL but feel free to move if I’m off.


Really not been feeling the map design. First question most friends/guild mates have asked me about coming back is did a new movement mechanic or something get added.


(Subjective) A lot of us don’t like the headache some of these maps take to traverse, the core game truly had the best map design (though I guess I liked PoF fine). If you make traveling through the map frustrating a good number of people would rather just leave. 😕

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First of all,

Thank you so much for that new character select screen.

It's astonishing. 

I was so fed up of the dark orange desert background, and the extremely loud wind sfx.

Now we're almost golden on this department. 

Except a few things that could make it perfect, ANet.


● Show character's DoB/Creation

● Show a little birthday present icon when they have an anniversary, and need to pickup their gifts. 

● Even though the new background is gorgeous, you could give players the choice to select the one they want.

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Perfect Salvage Kits



Upgrade extractors are too hard to get a hold of and too expensive. 

I have to move a lot of weapons around characters when I do buy the expansion, and am already beggining the process... therefore, need to remove the upgrades safely to switch weapons between characters.


The Runecrafter's Salvage-o-Matic is supposed to do this, with 100% chance to salvage upgrades, but it doesn’t. 



Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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Add more details to harvesting tools in the Gem shops, specifically where extra materials gathered can be used if they are exclusive to paid content.


Short story: I bought Unbound because I was told it was better than Volatile for trinkets and was too excited(dumb-dumb) to double-check wiki. Since I have no LW3 I just wasted my gems for nothing. 

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Too many stairs and floors in New Kaineng City.
Where is Jade powered lifts and Jade cabs for quick effortless transport?
The city is high tech yet we jumping around in our mounts, climbing stairs, and hopping from floor to floor? 

Edited by medivh.4725
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