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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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But if everyone is not voicing their ideas like they should, just because someone else already spoke about it, then it's no wonder the game has devoloped so slowly. The only feedback the developers have is just what players buy in the shop, no wonder all year just skins are released instead of new mechanics. Then players complain about underwater combat being outdated, or that their class was nerfed to the ground.

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16 minutes ago, Noenp.2041 said:

I would, but everything there just gets put under the rug, and isn't it better for players to voice what they want? I mean, that's what the forums are for. Also soon this will just be merged in that thread anyway. Atleast this way a mod will read and merge or delete this thread while also, maybe, just maybe, speak in the office about this suggestions if they think its worth it.

No, they'll probably ignore it.  We already know that the dev team keeps track of the QoL thread which is easier for them to do rather than scour the rest of the forum. 

The forums do exist for players to discuss the game.  Yes, the forum can also be a place to voice one's suggestions.  Anet just happened to have a thread devoted specifically for that purpose.  Since you admit that this will probably be merged anyway, then perhaps you should have simply posted there to begin with.

3 minutes ago, Noenp.2041 said:

But if everyone is not voicing their ideas like they should, just because someone else already spoke about it, then it's no wonder the game has devoloped so slowly. The only feedback the developers have is just what players buy in the shop, no wonder all year just skins are released instead of new mechanics. Then players complain about underwater combat being outdated, or that their class was nerfed to the ground.

Maybe Anet has decided that the ideas presented won't bring enough return on the investment needed to implement them?

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If they use it or not is their choice and theirs alone. Atleast like this i won't be sad thinking that i didn't do the minimum, which is suggesting. The merging of the thread is the moderators work, they decide to merge, move or delete, not us. Its the job of the poster to decide where they want to post, i thought it would be better to post here, so i did. If its ignored then its not my problem. But since so many are voicing and reacting to this post, i guess it has had more impact than when someone posted in the merged thread directly. Even if a viewer just reacts with confusion it means they opened it despite the title displaying that its Suggestions.

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51 minutes ago, Noenp.2041 said:

Remember that not everyone can play as you can, just because you can play 1 week straight, most players can't.

I understand that, you already get a daily login reward, no need to expand it further, because some already hiss at alt accounts due to the login reward alone.

52 minutes ago, Noenp.2041 said:

Jumpsing puzzles, 90% of players already skip them with mesmer/thief portals or with mounts, even with the banning zones, so why not change that and make it even more easy for everyone? 

In these trying times we need to make sure everyone can make a living, including Mesmers.

53 minutes ago, Noenp.2041 said:

Making an achievement for it would make every player have to complete jp's atleast 1 time without mounts or portals. Again, just beacuse you don't like it doesn't mean everyone else feels the same, or the mechanics would already been removed. 

You already get an achievement for finishing jumping puzzles, no need to add more to that.

54 minutes ago, Noenp.2041 said:

Remember Anet is a company and they need money for keeping the game up, for that they need the biggest number of players, and if they don't make it so everyone likes it, it will just die like everything else. Anet wants to make gw2 go to steam and become one of the top games, but as it is, it will never be the best game ever, so why not make it the more fun for everyone? 

Jumping puzzles, it's in their name. JUMPING, if you can just Skyscale through it they are not jumping puzzles anymore. This is not making it more fun or anything, it's turning a jumping puzzle into a box placed on top of a shelf. That won't help it become a better game.

56 minutes ago, Noenp.2041 said:

Everything that i suggested is just a suggestion, its not like what i suggested will be certainly in the game in the next year. But one thing i'm certain, companies go after what gives them money and makes their gamers happy, and if players are wanting, like you said, "sims wars", then just like the revenant, they'll get their "sims wars".

Your suggestions are mostly taking already existing systems and dumbing them down.

I gave my input in a discussion.

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Atleast this time it was more constructive. Though, if it was just dumbing down, then not so many players would be so confused. Atleast, my mind can go at ease, because i tried to be heard. As i said, i'm not worried if you guys agree or not, my post is getting more attention than it would being in the merged thread.

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Btw, I've read many threads of players complaining about mesmers asking for gold. I've never seen in my server in 8 years, a mesmer ask for gold, usually everyone just thanks the mesmer, atleast in my server, i guess they are more selfless there. Good for my server.

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Servers are meaningless in the open world, you are seeing any mesmer from any server. I hope people "on your server" do more than say TY, a tip is always considerate. After all, those players could be doing something else that would advance their character, advance story or achievements, or earn gold. Mesmers doing it for the sake of helping others often return tips that are unneeded. That is the mesmer's decision, though.

As for all your suggestions...there's a lot there. Too much, maybe, for a dev to pour through... maybe? I know my eyes were glazing over. All I'll say is, we already have enough dailies. There is way more to the game than dailies, so let's not add more.

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7 minutes ago, Hollowhisper.1093 said:

Yep, I just checked the poor house in Divinity's Reach. They're all Mesmers there.

Well, i do play manly with mesmer and thief (that's mainly why i suggest changes to their weapons), i always try to help as much as i can. I'm not rich, but i'm not poor either...

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Most of these are already prevalent in multiple forums but:
1. Remove workbench. 
2. Remove battery system or at least improve it. Make them stay on your character or be a currency in the wallet or something and able to accumulate more than just those charges.
3. Make cores/modules/chips accessible from anywhere. (See #1)
4. Incorporate the Protocol buffs into the jade bot somehow, whether it be pop up window from an object in our inventory or something built into the core/chip ui though I'm guessing that's probably a heck of a lot more work. 

I'm making these suggestions not only as qol improvements but also general map improvements as so many of these maps are LITTERED with them because of the way the system works, they have to be strategically planted nearby and next thing you know there's a protocol station or battery every 30 yards. 

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Hmm... It would be awesome if when i buy from TP vendor, the item would transferred to my inventory instantly (or on the TP storage if full), I am clumsy and always forget that this is not exists but will be great if we had one.

Otherwise, if I buy from "O" button, then it would go to the TP storage of course. (or go to my inventory too, that would be so great)

Edited by megamino.1430
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19 hours ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

Servers are meaningless in the open world, you are seeing any mesmer from any server. I hope people "on your server" do more than say TY, a tip is always considerate. After all, those players could be doing something else that would advance their character, advance story or achievements, or earn gold. Mesmers doing it for the sake of helping others often return tips that are unneeded. That is the mesmer's decision, though.

As for all your suggestions...there's a lot there. Too much, maybe, for a dev to pour through... maybe? I know my eyes were glazing over. All I'll say is, we already have enough dailies. There is way more to the game than dailies, so let's not add more.

Btw, you hope that others tip, remember that not all cultures have that, here where i live, workers are paid fairly so we aren't used giving tips and no waiter expects you to tip them, if they are tiped they already expect that the person tiping is a tourist or is trying to get in their pants. No one forces anyone to stay making portals, its their choice. I always help not expecting anything in return, expecting tips is just going against the concept of helping.

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Take strikes ans raid encounters, if you.faip after a certain threshold reached you get tiered rewards for getting that far.  They need this ir introduce a token saving system to get what you want after x amount of current earned but make it account bound when purchased. They want people to replay content and not have anything unpopulated? Then this is the route to go. 


As for the meta event in DE allow a private kitten instance like dragonstorm...it just works. Scrapped ideas were still the best

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Scratch the previously suggestion i gave for thief d/p skill 3, better make both d/p skill 3 and sword skill 2 being able to target allies also using the new "target ally only" key bind, if you target enemies the skills work as normal, shadowsteping to targeted enemie, dealing damage and applying conditions, but if targeting ally, both shadowstep to the targeted ally, but d/p skill 3 applies swiftness and removes 1 condition, while sword skill 2 applies fury and removes 1 condi, both skills applying those buffs and condi removal to your targeted ally and yourself.

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Please add an option to change our personal/self guild's name - I named my own guild after lady gaga - this was before I found out that she's into some weird satanic stuff and spirit cooking - writing symbols on walls with blood, etc. I now deeply regret my guild name and I can't change it. Sure I could leave it, but then I'd have to find a group to grab a guild hall again, and then spend tons of money I already spent on my own additional guild storage, etc. and it's just not worth the hassle. It would be easier to just have the ability to change the guild name.


Allow us to clear the 'new message of the day' history as well. I hate seeing word clutter.

Edited by Zaoda.1653
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12 hours ago, Zaoda.1653 said:

Please add an option to change our personal/self guild's name - I named my own guild after lady gaga - this was before I found out that she's into some weird satanic stuff and spirit cooking - writing symbols on walls with blood, etc. I now deeply regret my guild name and I can't change it. Sure I could leave it, but then I'd have to find a group to grab a guild hall again, and then spend tons of money I already spent on my own additional guild storage, etc. and it's just not worth the hassle. It would be easier to just have the ability to change the guild name.


Allow us to clear the 'new message of the day' history as well. I hate seeing word clutter.

No need:  https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013021194-Policy-Guild-Ownership-and-Name-Changes

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I've been exploring the maps with my skyscale to find the lanterns and I realized that actually echovald wilds is extremely amazing when seen from above but as events never take us to the top of the trees this goes unnoticed by the players because all the waypoints are on the ground, there are no events involving the skies like in verdant brink and the worst of all is that there are no griffon adventures even though the maps have great potential for it.

HoT doesn't have griffon adventures but the waypoints are placed very well that you start at the top and explore the maps in a deeper way and as eod didn't do that it gives the impression of the maps being very simple.

If I could I would put some waypoints on top of the giant trees of echovald wilds, one waypoint on top of the giant jade pillar at the entrance to kaineng city and one in the "bell passage" in Seituning province.

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On 4/14/2022 at 7:23 PM, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

I understand that, you already get a daily login reward, no need to expand it further, because some already hiss at alt accounts due to the login reward alone.

Why do players get annoyed because of alt accounts? Personally i don't understand, they still have to pay for the account to send the gold to anyone, free accounts can't even add friends, send mail or use black lion market. Its not like players can't just pay for gems and trade them for gold at a time that they are expenssive, the way i see it, alt accounts are like renewable energies, expenssive at firts, but in the long run you end up saving much more, the alts not only have to pay first, but have to keep all the mails and passwords in check and wasting time logging in and out every day, in a way, they are still paying.

Also, can't you get 2 gold too, from doing each route choice, every day, from all dungeons? From each account logging in daily you get some items that can't allways be sold, laurels to trade for the crafting bags, and 2 gold plus more random things to sell from doing daily completionist... The only difference i see is that, in one you need other players help, the other you can do alone...

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2 hours ago, Noenp.2041 said:

Why do players get annoyed because of alt accounts? Personally i don't understand, they still have to pay for the account to send the gold to anyone, free accounts can't even add friends, send mail or use black lion market. Its not like players can't just pay for gems and trade them for gold at a time that they are expenssive, the way i see it, alt accounts are like renewable energies, expenssive at firts, but in the long run you end up saving much more, the alts not only have to pay first, but have to keep all the mails and passwords in check and wasting time logging in and out every day, in a way, they are still paying.

Also, can't you get 2 gold too, from doing each route choice, every day, from all dungeons? From each account logging in daily you get some items that can't allways be sold, laurels to trade for the crafting bags, and 2 gold plus more random things to sell from doing daily completionist... The only difference i see is that, in one you need other players help, the other you can do alone...

People hiss at alt accounts because of the Amazon Prime deal some time ago. Make a trial account, bam, unrestricted GW2 account. Repeat as many times you want. If everyone had to pay full price for unrestricted alts then it wouldn't be a problem.

Not all alt accounts are for playing, a bunch are for daily logins. Even though I use both my accounts during Festivals I don't really play much on my alt. Logging into your Alt account to grab the daily login bonus takes less than 5 minutes.

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