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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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For the love of the Six can we please go back to the old daily achievement box in the top right??? If I'm in pvp or wvw, I don't want to know what the dailies are for pve, i want to be able to see what the dailies are for that game mode at a glance without having to go into the daily achievement and select watch on those particular ones!!

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Dear Devs,

Would it possible to make Triple Trouble easier, in order to get the mastery point?


Would it also be possible to add a few more core Mastery points?


If you feel so inclined, probably adding a one time, WvW MP in final chest.

Perhaps adding them to LWS1.


I've been struggling to obtain one last MP I need to complete core Mastery.

I think this will be good for new players too.


Thanks for your understanding. 



I'm not sure if we are allowed to request forum features. 

If not then please ignore this last bit.

I would like it very much if you gave us the option to not allow others to quote our posts or put a @ message directed to us.

I'm all up for a good debate about the game itself, but do not appreciate when my posts get quoted in order to try ridicule me by personal attacks.

Thanks again. 

Keep up the good work.

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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Over the years, one of the off-and-on complaints this game gets is that Central Tyria mastery points are among the hardest to obtain. The reasoning for this tends to be due to a number of points being locked behind the Season 2 paywall (16), bad RNG Silverwastes Legendary enemy spawns (5), and Fractals (18), and other mastery points with high bars. With 49 mastery points required, and 83 total, cutting out these 39+ leaving less than 44 points left to obtain. This results in a rather limited pool to get Central Tyria Mastery Points from - as opposed to the four other categories, where you can end up with over a dozen to spare even without going into difficult group content or gold sinks (especially HoT and EoD).

To get to my point: I feel it is a lost opportunity by ArenaNet to add in 5 new Central Tyria Mastery Points (perhaps a sixth with the upcoming strike if it gets a CM) to help ease the burden a bit more here, by placing them on the new meta achievements for each episode. And I bring this up in hopes that maybe it simply wasn't considered and, with it pointed out, perhaps we can see them added in the near future.

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Might be harder compared to most others - but not compared to Icebrood. The Icebrood one are the tightest. I have just checked the wiki again. I think the most problematic (if you totally want to avoid the fractals) is that you might have to do one or the other collection.

And then needing to get all the ones from the season 2. Which I do not consider "paywall" - just a normal payment as for any other expansion as well. (Where you can't get the mastery points without having paid for the expansion.) Might be more of a problem that there are harder achievements. (Where people might have a hard time trying to solo them ... or looking for help cause it is old content and barely anyone uses lfg for story.)

Also the Triple Trouble might be - a problem for some people. (If you only can play during times where not many players are online.) Not sure if we really need more mastery points here. Would not be against it though if it were only a few (like the 5 suggested here).
The fractals - though I usually try to avoid group content - gave a lot of easy ones which I  noticed when the "Fractal Rush" got me to try them. (Having no trouble with up to T2 fractals and no toxic players in lfg. No big requirements in that tiers.) And without fractals it might be just similar to Icebrood I guess.

(Where the last ones for me where some grind and more annoying achievements. I have the main collections though. But basically none from strikes except Shiverpeaks if there was one. And none from the additional ones from DRMs. Hard grind and/or a lot of annoying ones there.)

Edited by Luthan.5236
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1 minute ago, XenMaster.7165 said:

QoL Request : 

Engineer Turrets can be relocated with an ability. Like a teleport all the turrets to the player for repositioning.

I requested some time ago for turrets to be upgraded with jade tech to be smaller versions of mech.

They could transform or transmutate into little robots that follow you and do different thing, such as shield, etc...

That'd be pretty cool.

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● Personal Way point

Please make this permanent until you manually relocate/replace/reset it.

I feel at the moment this feature is kinda redundant; and doesn't serve much purpose , as it disappears if you change map or asked to change map when low number of players.


● Insta level 80 that came with EoD

Please make it so we are able to move this item to our bank.

I really could do with using the shared inventory slot, but it won't allow us to move the lvl 80 tome until it's used.

I do wanna get another character slot, to make a Specter ES character , but I'm a little tight for money atm.


Thanks ANet



Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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I realize there's a lot of blights regarding the outfit system in the game, and I get that and I agree with it.  Outfits in place of individual armor skins is stupid.  It should really be addressed properly.

For now though, can we at least have the subject-line idea?  I like the Winged Headpiece but I want to wear it with the Mage Knight outfit and thats not a thing the game supports for some silly reason.



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On 6/8/2022 at 9:21 PM, mythical.6315 said:

I don’t recall that ever being possible. Surely there would be a video somewhere if it were?

 bobble head labia similar: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bobblehead_Laboratory

Which turns pets and mounts bobbled too.


Although technically that's a status effect not a transform


But I will advocate for imbiggening/shrinking tonic being an effect

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My main can't/won't wear outfits, since from character creation she's worn the little red devil's mask marks on her eyes.  She would not be the same person without them, so she doesn't wear outfits, and I won't buy them for her until that changes.


To the point, aye?


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The outfit headpiece seems to be separate anyway, since it can be hidden, so maybe they could make it so you can change an outfit headpiece away from the default to something else (which would include armor-weight-specific helm skins). That seems to me like the most straightforward way to make something like this work without being able to see their code.

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The Devs have stated, in the past, that enabling the proposed suggestion would require changing all Outfits into individual armor pieces, as they use a different weight from Heavy, Medium and/or Light.  It is unlikely that that amount of work will be undertaken soon.

Regardless, good luck on your suggestion that has been proposed previously.

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