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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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They probably don't want you being able to filter out options to select a desired skin without the skin selection purchase but I agree that the licenses aren't great for people who don't have all the mounts.


Maybe they could at least have skin sets for one mount type you can buy. You'd still be rolling for a skin, but you wouldn't end up spending real money for, say, a Warclaw skin when you don't do PvP.


((Also we need targetable mount skins as in game rewards from things like achievements, meta events, fractals, dungeons and raids to increase the replayability and long term health of that content. I will die on this hill. They can still put a ton of skins in the gem store to help finance the game.))

Edited by RadiantWolf.2058
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The knowledge that I could get a skin for a mount that I do not have, nor ever will, is an aspect of my decision to not spend money on those licenses. The fact that ANet purposefully seeks to profit from arranging for players to get skins that they cannot use, essentially knowingly providing zero value for money spent, is a major aspect of why I avoid spending money on mount skins. To me there is a difference between a random selection of skins you can use, some of which you might like less than others, and knowingly taking players' money and giving nothing in return.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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11 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

The knowledge that I could get a skin for a mount that I do not have, nor ever will, is an aspect of my decision to not spend money on those licenses. The fact that ANet purposefully seeks to profit from arranging for players to get skins that they cannot use, essentially knowingly providing zero value for money spent, is a major aspect of why I avoid spending money on mount skins. To me there is a difference between a random selection of skins you can use, some of which you might like less than others, and knowingly taking players' money and giving nothing in return.

This is specifically why the select licences exist. You pay less for random licenses only because you want to gamble and risk not getting what you wanted. And the reason you can still get skins for the mount you don't have is so you can't manipulate the chance.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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2 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

This is specifically why the select licences exist. You pay less for random licenses only because you want to gamble and risk not getting what you wanted. You can still get skins for the mount you don't have, so you can't manipulate the chance.

Not just a risk that you get a skin that you do not want, a risk that you get nothing that you can use at all.

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1 minute ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Not just a risk that you get a skin that you do not want, a risk that you get nothing that you can use at all.

Yeah, I include that in the same category, the overal point remains the same since if you get a skin you consider ugly, it's still as good as if you got nothing, right?

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1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Yeah, I include that in the same category, the overal point remains the same since if you get a skin you consider ugly, it's still as good as if you got nothing, right?

I dont consider those to be comparable. Beauty or ugliness of a skin is subjective and cant be controlled for on an individual basis in such a system. A result that is objectively without funtion, purpose, or value is something else. Having to buy an additional product, such as a LW episode, to be able to use the skin is different than not liking the aesthetics of a given skin.

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18 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

I dont consider those to be comparable. Beauty or ugliness of a skin is subjective and cant be controlled for on an individual basis in such a system. A result that is objectively without funtion, purpose, or value is something else.

Of course they're subjective. But notice how I'm not trying to tell you which skin is ugly and which isn't. Chances are there are some skins you're considering ugly or wouldn't use over the others. It doesn't mean which skin exactly it is, it matter that you can "roll" [the dice] into it. I'm not discussing beauty standards here. What I know is that if I'd get a skin I consider ugly, there's no way I'd use it over the base one -at that point it's exactly as good as if I'd get nothing.

And again: if you don't want to gamble (completely reasonable btw), then just buy the select licence, which is how anet clearly values the individual skins.


Having to buy an additional product, such as a LW episode, to be able to use the skin is different than not liking the aesthetics of a given skin.

...and on the other hand people that bought and completed content of the episodes having worse chance to get what they want from the random licenses would be perfectly reasonable?

Overally I'd just go back to the golden rule: don't gamble if you can't afford (or aren't ready) to lose.

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4 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Of course they're subjective. But notice how I'm not trying to tell you which skin is ugly and which isn't. Chances are there are some skins you're considering ugly or wouldn't use over the others. It doesn't mean which skin exactly it is, it matter that you can "roll" [the dice] into it. I'm not discussing beauty standards here. What I know is that if I'd get a skin I consider ugly, there's no way I'd use it over the base one -at that point it's exactly as good as if I'd get nothing.

And again: if you don't want to gamble (completely reasonable btw), then just buy the select licence, which is how anet clearly values the individual skins.

...and on the other hand people that bought and completed content of the episodes having worse chance to get what they want from the random licenses would be perfectly reasonable?

Overally I'd just go back to the golden rule: don't gamble if you can't afford (or aren't ready) to lose.

No you arent telling me which skins ugly any more than I am telling anyone else to not play these (worse than BLC IMO) slot machines. I did, however, explain why I do not buy them and why they encourage me to not buy mount skins in general. 

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10 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

No you arent telling me which skins ugly any more than I am telling anyone else to not play these (worse than BLC IMO) slot machines. I did, however, explain why I do not buy them and why they encourage me to not buy mount skins in general. 

Not buying it is a perfectly viable option, I have no issue with that. But it seems some people here think the only change made here would be "ok, we're removing your locked mounts' skins from random licenses". Meanwhile the more probable outcome would be removing random licenses and leaving the "select" ones, since that pricetag is clearly how anet values their individual skins. Well... other than those occasional indivual-outside-of-license ones which they value even higher.

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How would people feel about an adoption license for mount type rather than skin theme?

Imagine, for example, a license for raptors. This can grant a skin from a wide selection of raptor skins, maybe even ALL raptor skins. You may not get a skin you like or will use but it WILL be for your raptor which, if you bought the license, you most likely have.

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Suggestion: A way for guild leaders to track if someone changes their display name for purposes of moderating 

Some background: In our Discord we ask people to include their account name in their nickname to make it easier on us for promotions, kicks, giveaways etc... Like if we need to ban someone who is causing problems in the Discord it was easy to then find their account name in game due to our naming policy.

In the past this was easy because Anet made it difficult to change the display name but now that the policy changed a couple of years back it is more difficult to do this. From a guild leader perspective this is frustrating but I understand why the policy changed as it is better for the player base as a whole. My concern stems from being able to easily coordinate with our Discord and in game rosters for things like promotions, kicks, giveaways etc... 

And honestly the last thing I want is for someone we ban for breaking our rules to get their display name changed, avoiding our blacklist and causing drama as that would be a massive headache.

Possible Solutions:

So I guess my suggestion would be implementing something along the lines of what Steam has with previously known aliases. Or maybe adding an in game ban action instead of just kick and tying that to a new in game blacklist that is only visible to guild leaders (to preserve privacy) where it will show if someone has changed their display name and possibly also making it so that person cannot be invited back at all if the new ban action was used instead of a kick.

Edited by Arcadius.1247
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57 minutes ago, RadiantWolf.2058 said:

How would people feel about an adoption license for mount type rather than skin theme?

Imagine, for example, a license for raptors. This can grant a skin from a wide selection of raptor skins, maybe even ALL raptor skins. You may not get a skin you like or will use but it WILL be for your raptor which, if you bought the license, you most likely have.

I like this idea, especially for those who use one type of mount a great deal more.  Then people who don't use a griffon for example won't have to roll the dice and get that as a skin.


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Is it possible with the code to make armor skins transmute to any kind of armor weight?


For example, having light armor skins work on heavy or medium armor.


I and others I know would definitely spend more on fashion if we could mix & match freely like this.

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Separate hide/unhide options for gear pieces in different gear templates when ? We playing fashion wars and still have to manually activate skins (we probably bought for gems) when switching equipment templates.It is extremely annoying and discourages to have multiple outlooks for one character.

Same applies to outfit tab - i want to have separate outlooks turned on/off for different equipment templates.

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Simple Suggestion for a new Idea or two : 

... Why not make Jade Runestones More accessible? I don't actually SEE a way to get them at a reasonable rate aside from 1 or 2 Daily Only Chests, and Then luck . 

If you're going to have them Be a Cornerstone of Aurene Gen Crafting / Skin unlocks. . . Maybe have them Show up More often than once in a Blue moon. 

Why not add them to the Canthan Armor Skin WvW Track , just to give some rewards to WvW that aren't Mindless Zerg Appreciation Posts ( Looking at you , New Reward " " " Buff " " " For stacking even more players on a defense / offense. 

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On 7/6/2022 at 1:40 PM, Jukhy.2431 said:

Was about to post this.

These can also be crafted by lvl 80 character with 300 cooking. You get the recipe from Gorrik after starting the Skyscale Lost collection.

 I cant seem to find how to start Skyscale Lost.  Maybe i am just tired tonight and am missing it?

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Not a necessity, but I would like to have the gliders and mounts associate with the equipment tabs. Each time I cosplay, I have to reskin and recolor whichever equipment tab I am using.


On the issue of balancing the professions. Why not consider using the five elements chart as a guide? Using the fire element as warrior, and on the opposite element which is water, elementalist is used, and so on. Each element is as strong as the next, as a whole, they balance out as they have weaknesses as well. Nature.
Currently, taking away the fancy lights and flappy arms; might as well give all a single hit point and one damage each hit, to achieve balance.


Finally, where are all the Asuran technology? The Trading Post is fill with Jade technology lately, and Jade technology are inferior to Asuran technology. As a Norn all technology at best is a convenience or a luxury, at worst, it is just a gimmick for short cheap thrills. We Norns do not need technology to live, all those technology reliant races; no technology, sky is falling.


Thanks for reading... And back to my ingame giggles.

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It would be a very nice quality of life improvement if we could get a portal/gate connecting the instanced PvE hubs (Aerodrome, Arborstone, and Eye of the North). Especially switching between EOTN and Arborstone for strike missions is a hassle (and expensive!). 

I realize that the portal scroll allows teleporting to Arborstone for free. . .assuming that someone has it *and* has it handy. Getting people to Arborstone has become a training headache, though. This is exacerbated by the fact that, even if they use a teleport to friend, the game just gives them a random assortment of people to teleport to, so the commander usually ends up having to leave the instance and stand in Arborstone to be a TP target. Then, factor in that the waypoint in Arborstone costs about 10s to teleport to from EOTN, and it's not just inconvenient for everyone in the squad, it's plain scamming newer players just trying to learn the content.


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