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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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1 hour ago, vares.8457 said:

below 80 gear isn’t even that important. 

exactly. I've been playing for a long time; I crafted a legendary set once and I'm on my way to craft another and the last time I try to play without using ToK I immediately quit cuz using drops or wasting time buying gear every 5 minutes gets boring really quick.

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5 minutes ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

exactly. I've been playing for a long time; I crafted a legendary set once and I'm on my way to craft another and the last time I try to play without using ToK I immediately quit cuz using drops or wasting time buying gear every 5 minutes gets boring really quick.

You don’t have to buy gear every five minutes. I have three legendary armor sets, all legendary trinkets and a legendary for every weapon. I think legendary gear should stay for lvl 80. 
You can just level using tomes of knowledge 

Edited by vares.8457
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Please allow us to transform exotic trinkets into ascended ones in the mystic forge using the current exotic trinket, and ascended materials.


There is one in specific I would really want to be ascended: Aqueous Amulet.

It's perfect for my Water Healer Elementalist, but can't use an enrichment upgrade.


Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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On 5/5/2023 at 2:30 AM, Cazriel.1027 said:

It's a small point. But a crucial one. No cat outfit is complete without Toe Beans. I have not confirmed this on any model out the outfit apart from Asura, but the plain bottom to the shoes lacks toes and is therefore 73% less adorable. The math on this is incontrovertible and must be remedied immediately. Thank you.


I was going to get the cat outfit for my asura;  but it gives the Asura two sets of ears if you tick to display headgear, instead of replacing the default ones with just the one set.

It looks silly having 4 ears.

If you hide the headgear and keep original ears, the outfit tail also disappears, which makes the outfit absolutely redundant. 

You guys need to fix this asap.

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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Possibility to add a "open all" button when you level up a character to 80 using tomes or birthday ones?

I start new characters frequently and eventually it gets very frustrating clicking 2X80 = 160 times.

On level rewards.


Really people... I'm not one to complain about the game. You can check all my posts.

Maybe only done it once or twice in several hundreds of posts. 

At this day and age, this should have been added ages ago.

I understand it is marketing strategy for people to get insta level 80s from TP, but really?

How many of those things people actually buy?


Please consider.


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I hope I'm somewhat in the correct section of the forum, I didn't see any suggestions page.
As the title kinda speaks for itself... I have no idea but I'm guessing that I'm not the only one that has some small things in the game that triggers their ocd..
I'm not into programming so I don't know how much work some things would be.

I'm an achievement hunter going for all story achievements, so far I've "cleared" a lot of chapters.
One of the things that triggers me a lot are repeatable achievements, they are done, but are not marked/colored like the other completed achievements.
So is it an option to also color them in when done and maybe put an icon or a counter visible that shows it can be repeated?
This looks probably pretty silly to some people, and they are right. Its not a gamebreaker or maker.

An other small thing, all the chapters in lws1, 2, hot, lws3, pof, lws4, icebrood are in order.
And then it starts with EoD, beginning with chapter V then IV, ... could that order be changed from I to V instead of what it is now?

For now those 2 things are ones I can think of bc I run into them a lot.
Absolutely no problem if everything stays the way it is, it's possible that I'm the only one having a problem with these things anyway.


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Please allow more skills to have auto-cast. Currently it is only one slot of all weapon-skills + utility & elite.

Please add 'Damage reduction' as a stat. So we can see how much damage is reduced, e. g. when increasing toughness or applying protection/traits. It is quite confusing with armor-stat & toughness, but you do not see how these two actually affect your performance.

Balance ideas
Note: Normally I strictly avoid this topic for the obvious reasons. But this is not a matter of empowering or nerfing certain professions. It is more about improving the gameplay by making it less complicated and more stable. Feel free to spam as many confused-reactions on me as possible. 

Please increase the baseline critical hit chance to 15 % and reduce the effect of fury by 10 %. It would solve a couple of efficiency problems with underperforming builds, increase the overall-dps in situations where people do not have access to all buffs and improve the gameplay for new players.

Please decrease the effect of quickness by 66 % and add this as a baseline passive to the normal attack-speed. Quickness in its current form is way too strong, but the boon spam is insane. You need to maintain this buff 100 % of the time at all costs. Not having that makes the gameplay slow and boring. Quickness should be the icing on the cake, not the full cake.

Add more sources of group-aegis, but reduce the duration drastically. Engineer has such a treatment with applying protection. Most of the sources apply 1-2 seconds only, which would be sufficient for aegis (imo).

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I appreciate being able to use all my crafting professions at one bench, but can the default profession be set to the crafting station we walk up to? Currently it defaults to whichever is alphabetically first. I walked up to the leather working station because I wanted to do leather working (not huntsman).

I'm a ding-dong. I only tried it on a shared recipe. Any way. I'd like for the drop-down menu to default to the station I'm at.

Edited by TwinFirebird.8306
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36 minutes ago, TwinFirebird.8306 said:

I appreciate being able to use all my crafting professions at one bench, but can the default profession be set to the crafting station we walk up to? Currently it defaults to whichever is alphabetically first. I walked up to the leather working station because I wanted to do leather working (not huntsman).

Since when can you do that? It might show your other crafting discipline/s above, but pretty sure you still only see recipes from the crafting discipline you're using the bench of.

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well if ya'lls are really going all in on everybody being able to do all roles just as well then warrior needs some decent support or at the very least a good aoe heal.i would favor protection and resolution for those damage reduction perks personally

all classes need a weapon with 1,500 range.

each class needs signets for those who favor passive perks


each class needs a jump skill


each class need a teleport

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Please change the effects of rune of the trapper from stealth to laying different types of traps randomly while in combat.


Some suggestions for random traps:

Immobiliser trap:

Immobilises up to 5 foes in area.

Stun teap:

Stuns up to 5 foes in the area.

Interrupting gás trap:

Interrupts foes actions for 5 seconds.

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26 minutes ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Please change the effects of rune of the trapper from stealth to laying different types of traps randomly while in combat.


Some suggestions for random traps:

Immobiliser trap:

Immobilises up to 5 foes in area.

Stun teap:

Stuns up to 5 foes in the area.

Interrupting gás trap:

Interrupts foes actions for 5 seconds.

Just remove the Stealth part. The Superspeed is enough as the sixth bonus.

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More colors for name-plates.


We have red for enemies, green for friends, blue for team-members and so on.


But yellow is way to crowded.  Inter actable objects, quest items, chests, neutral mobs, road-signs, harvest-able resources and so on, this could be split up with more different colors.

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Please add More Hairstyles. Options are pretty lacking compared to other mmos and in general.

Please add Hair to some of the hats and hoods. I don't wish to be cursed with baldness every time I put them on.



-Fashionably distressed players

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I see why my post got merged into this one.
If there are already +300 pages of ppl requestion stuff... forum would be a complete mess.

Good to know.
Are there any suggested things inhere that actually made it into the game?
ppl can have wonderfull idea's to make it better for everyone.
I just think anything that gets posted inhere is lost in the void.
But I'm far for experienced forumer so i can be wrong

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3 hours ago, Patsoor.6425 said:

I see why my post got merged into this one.
If there are already +300 pages of ppl requestion stuff... forum would be a complete mess.

Good to know.
Are there any suggested things inhere that actually made it into the game?
ppl can have wonderfull idea's to make it better for everyone.
I just think anything that gets posted inhere is lost in the void.
But I'm far for experienced forumer so i can be wrong

It is the one thread that the Devs state they do read.  (You know, they don't start from the beginning of the thread each time; the thread saves your place each time you open it.)

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Hello Devs.

Would you consider making an optional automated Guild System with the following functions?

Shall the guild leader opt to turn this on:


Represent: Automatic (Emmidiately) promotion to next rank.

Stop representing: Automatic demoted to lower or lowest rank after X # hours. Eg 12 or 24, etc.


Participation in Guild Missions:

Promotion after X # of missions.



Promotion after donating X # Of [Choose Rarity] materials.  eg One stack of Tier [X]



Promotion to next level after representing for X # [choose days] of days. 

Demote one rank after X # of inactive days.

Kick from guild after X # of inactive days.



Promotion after capturing X # of towers in WvW.


This off course would not apply to Guild Leaders. Duh 😂

There could also be an option which ranks would be affected by the automaded system.

This would save a lot of time for leaders and members with permitions to check the guild members everyday to see what's what.


I personally don't kick nor demote people just for the sake of it.

To be completely honest, I don't personally like the process to evaluate people.

But there are cases in which, for instance, a new player will come to check out the game, and never comesback.


We could off course still manually manage the guild even if the automatic system is on, but this would help a great deal to manage members, and knowing this, wouldn't feel so personal.

I hate demoting or kicking people from my guild, but sometimes is necessary.


Thanks so much for your time to read this, and hope thst you condider.


Many thanks.


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I'd like to see cosmetic presets decoupled from the actual equipment you are wearing.  I thing it makes sense to change the appearance of one equipment template without affecting the appearance of another equipment template.  If i'd like to do two different appearance setups, and I have one backpack for example, I should be able to share the backpack between equipment templates and have the appearance template determine it's look.


As other's have said, everything that can change appearance should change and be saved with a cosmetic/appearance template.  Visibility check-boxes, mounts selected, dyes on the mounts, etc...


If they wanted to actually do this, they could integrate the system, monetize it, and I think not anger too many people.  If you retain the current wardrobe system, and transmute system, that can still change how your character looks, exactly as it does now.  You could add a 3rd type of template, an appearance template, that takes precedence over any appearance of equipment you are wearing.  This way they could have you start with maybe 0 or 1 unlocked, and when it was implemented, you'd still look the same as you did previously.  Then of course, add up to 8 templates you can buy... per character... or whatever they want to do.  Preferably an account unlock, but you know...


One final piece of the puzzle is activating or deactivating the template as a whole and individual pieces.  This way you can default to disabled to avoid one template overriding all of your existing wardrobe presets.  And if you have, for example, a mount you really like and want all of your templates to use, you can uncheck that slot, and the mount in your wardrobe would be used instead.


Honestly, I think it's how it should have been in the beginning, but now it can be added in as a new feature/upgrade.  I've always thought there must've been some bureaucracy that lead to it being designed the way it is now so I won't get my hopes up.

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