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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Still no material storage for Baubles / Bauble Bubbles when the majority of other holiday currencies have mat storage slots.

Essences of Luck having their own mat storage would be nice too, honestly.

Endless Dolphin/Koi/Shark tonics deserve to be in the novelty tab. The PoF Music Boxes could also become novelties as well to save on bank space.

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1. Give us options to customise our mechs with side quests to get parts, such as mech wings for them to hover; paint, so we can change their colours; and different sets of armour/body shapes, such as spiky/studded shoulders and so on.

It's really even annoying that you sometimes see around 5 to 10 mechs in one place and there's no difference between them. No uniqueness. No originality.

Come on. I thought the game's alias was Fashion Wars. I'm not feeling it.

If you don't wanna do it for free in a side quest; add it to gem store. 

As long as it's not expensive, I'll gladly buy mech parts from it.

I just want my mech wings, for it to hover and have flames coming off its feet.


2. Why are there not new mounts in SotO?

I was so looking fowards to my Siege Devourers, and able to use it in WvW.

Still waiting for it and Siege turtle to be added to WvW.


3. Please. For the love of the 6 Gods, The eternal Alchemy, The pale tree, and the spirits of the wild... and even steel; can you do something about the lag in huge maps such as: Amnytas, Verdant Brink, basically all of Canthan, and now even Silverwastes ( Which didn't use to lag for ages).?

I feel indignation that I cannot play in those maps without it looking like a slideshow from the 1920's. FPS are like 000.01.

Extremely hard to control... ending down the chasm a lot of times and unable to regain height and having to respawn.


Thank you.

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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Could you please mark teleporters location on New Kaineng map? Why do we have them there if they are so hard to find?

Also, i quite often got stuck as a passenger on a skiff when the skiff owner got into  a combat/got attacked. Pls make it possible to leave someone's skiff during combat.

And, can u make the seagulls in Lion's Arch a tad quieter? This may be petty, but I (and probs a chunk of people here) live in a place where seagulls noises are far too frequent and loud. And their voices are so squeaky! Too high pitched to be likeable after a while... Just a TAD quieter or less frequent, so i dont have to play with sound setting every time i visit and leave LA.



Thank you!

Edited by Avelione.6075
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This came to me in a dream last night. Actually, it was in that semi-lucid semi-waking state one sometimes enters after one's cat emits a tremendously raucous 'get up and feed me you lazy bum!'  at 3 AM kind of meow. Anyway.

New tier of armor/weapons/trinkets. Absurdium gear! As with Legendary gear, you pick the stats, but NOT from the pre-existing attribute combos! Instead, you get an allotments of stat points you can distribute to any combination of stats. Like, say, 147 points. Put em all in one stat! Split em between two! Etc. In whatever ratio you desire. Of course attaining gear this absurd should be absurdly easy and casual, so it should only take like 10,001 of every gather-able material in the game that must be acquired by equally absurd gathering tools (earned by gathering 100,001 of every gather-able material the old fashioned way for each gathering tool, with the count starting when one unlocks the associated achievement or whatever) and you can only make one piece of Absurdium gear every two years. That should make it easily attainable by even the most casual hyper-casual player at some point within their lifespan. So. You're welcome!

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Could we get an update to the Gobbler devices that make them all work using the menu system in order to get them to consume from material storage?
Star of Gratitude, Princess, Mawdrey II, Herta and things like the Shards of Glory Convertor all require the consumable items to be in your inventory.

Versus the way the Gleam of Sentience works, which is much nicer because you can just do it from anywhere, rather than always need to grab everything from material storage. It almost feels pointless that Gleam of Sentience lets you do it from anywhere if the other ones don't work that way.

Edited by hellsqueen.3045
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On 9/23/2023 at 6:33 AM, who want blood.8765 said:

Can we get more Bank Tabs, and maybe more home instance nodes, even if we can upgrade existing into rich nodes? pretty please =]

Maybe if you get a second one of the same node, it can be consumed again to make it a rich node. But like only one extra time, the way the candy corn node works.

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Tradable legendary armor

coexisting with the already prestigious legendary armor sets that are account bound.

in the same way that 

Tradable legendary Weapons coexist with Prestigious Gen 2 Legendarys in the game already.

wich has proved in the past and in the present that accessibility and grindability can coexist in this games ecosystem with no harmful impact on either sides prefered choices in the future.


time to make QoL items equally accessible to both Grinders and Swipers again!



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What if we could create the same system as the old Warcraft  looking for group ,where you essentially choose from drop-down menu .

We could modify it a bit , by allowing the players to either choose some parts  . But whover choose the fill the non mandatory  buttons he is not eligible to get 100%   "special reward". Essentially he sacrifice the rewards for "stability"


And filter the lfg by Layers .   

Layer1 (random-mandatory choice only) - Layer2 (not mandatory -  Role) - Later 3 (Achiv + Comment section)


a) Dungeon (mandatory *)

                 1) Random (the system create a teleport to dungeon Button )

                 2) Ascalon



b )(not mandatory)  Role 

                 1) Random

                  2) Qdps 



c) (not mandatory)  Achievement needed to join the group :


d) (not mandatory) Put a comment :



Edit: As far as afk checks , there could be 2 Rabits that attack you and stop moving for 10 sec .

One create a dark hue on the ground when he attacks you and next time you are standing on and re-attack you (or 3-4 times) you are demmeed as semi afk .

One that attack you  and place you a debuff that is not dispelled if you dont use 2-10 utility spells

Edited by Woof.8246
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24 minutes ago, Woof.8246 said:

What if we could create the same system as the old Warcraft  looking for group ,where you essentially choose from drop-down menu .

We could modify it a bit , by allowing the players to either choose some parts  . But whover choose the fill the non mandatory  buttons he is not eligible to get 100%   "special reward". Essentially he sacrifice the rewards for "stability"


And filter the lfg by Layers .   

Layer1 (random-mandatory choice only) - Layer2 (not mandatory -  Role) - Later 3 (Achiv + Comment section)


a) Dungeon (mandatory *)

                 1) Random (the system create a teleport to dungeon Button )

                 2) Ascalon



b )(not mandatory)  Role 

                 1) Random

                  2) Qdps 



c) (not mandatory)  Achievement needed to join the group :


d) (not mandatory) Put a comment :



Edit: As far as afk checks , there could be 2 Rabits that attack you and stop moving for 10 sec .

One create a dark hue on the ground when he attacks you and next time you are standing on and re-attack you (or 3-4 times) you are demmeed as semi afk .

One that attack you  and place you a debuff that is not dispelled if you dont use 2-10 utility spells

Have you missed the newly added dungeon portal in lions arch?

There is no need for dungeon teleporting anymore.

And for the rest all welcome lfg messages is all thats needed bud.


  • Added a universal access point for dungeons in Lion's Arch outside the Aerodrome, and moved the dungeon weapon and armor vendors to a location nearby.
Edited by Linken.6345
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While trying to do these shrine puzzles I soon realize how you don't give enough time to react and counter if you cannot make with eagle like reaction, this is a very lame

way of making people having to get mad and cursing your game just for a lousy 3 AP points, its amazing to me how you reward players with like 10AP's for sneezing on a tree vs 1 to 3 AP's

for a 1 hour grind, you guys seem to be backwards in this case, "THE GREATER THE RISK THE GREATER REWARDS" but I guess they don't teach that up in Washington its more like the

greater the risk the less you get.

You need to up the time limit on these so called shrine puzzles so people can actually do them and not waste time working for hours trying to decipher where the next marker is in like some

of your shrine puzzles, a bigger marker on the mini map or some sort marker like for the races, somethings. 


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4 hours ago, Ollie B.8597 said:

Put all the Triple Trouble mastery points under the Triple Trouble tab. 

Currently Cobalt Wurmslayer, Crimson Wurmslayer and Amber Wurmslayer are in the "Bosses" tab but Triple Trouble has it's own tab...
it would be useful if they were all together.

All achievements tabs should be reordened. how? I dont know atm. Return to achievements next to their counterparts. Maybe Tabs per expansion. 

Right now you need to scroll as a crazy person just to find the right achievement. 

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Black lion recovery event isn't listed in the UI like other events and caused me to miss the first week despite playing daily. For those who aren't aware could you please add that or at least in the mail you send specify it's a limited time weekly event. It's quite annoying when I was willing to engage with the content but wasn't aware it was a time gated thing. 

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Hi, i have a request for GW2 Staff, I have a Royal Terrance Pass (1000 gems), i would like to have the Mistlock Sanctuary Passkey (1000 gems) and do not want to spend for nothing another 1000 gems can you add a vendor to exchange the pass among them or give the ability to support to do it?

Thank you all

Edited by ciddorulez.9105
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How about an in-game polling booth where players can make, vote, or comment on suggestions for game enhancements or new content? This could be similar to how Old-School RuneScape operates, except the suggestions would go from the players to the developers instead of vice-versa. I think a more direct line of communication between the players and devs is always a good thing.

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Do any of the devs perchance, know if this setting can be split into Player Character Model Limit and Non Player Character model limit (both friendly and hostile)?

Or is such a split unfeasible due to the way the setting was designed from the onset. It is clear that setting this to 'lowest' improves framerate significantly, but even clearer is that player models have a higher effect on the framerate than npc models.

It would be nice to be able to optimize the game without losing elements of it by keeping the npc's visible and only hiding player models specifically, instead of the visual ghost towns we get when lowering this setting as it currently is.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Have a great day!

Edited by Altriba.8092
clarification of a term
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I have been reading  this reddit thread , and a particular post got my attention (Raiseborn) .

Could there be a system that remembers the people that you have completed events together and the system recommends friends to party with in various modes ?

Let's say on OW player will see the listing in the dungeon's lfg only of others OW players  or the system offer to invite them , or start a group .

The system expands to other players that you met less after 15min , in the Training  /Experienced /Fractal /Dungeon Tab


For experienced players , it can check if other people are running Arcdps and match it with you

 (copy nearby names // check if the objecive is completed together //checks for Arcdps // if specific high lvl achiv is unlocked // beware of 1-80 smurfing without noob-achiv unlocked)

Edited by Woof.8246
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