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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Yeah, you have to use it 1st in soto, then it works everywhere.

(went to Bloodstone Fen 1st as well and didn't got it, but now it works there as well)

Yeah now I like it very much, flying in Bloodstone Fen is now more fun it ever was and it always was fun 🙂

Edited by Dayra.7405
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Infusion Suggestion : -

-Add an option that if you bound an infusion (can't be sold anymore),it will be shared across all your characters, at worst case make it exclusive feature for none fractal infusions. 

-Add preview section for infusions too


Game graphics suggestions:-

-add feature to disable/enable berserker mode effect, I spend a lot of money on infusions and its really sad that berserker mode effect cancel out all of the infusions, so it will be really appreciated if you managed to disable/enable the effect of entering berserker mode.

-Add feature that allow you to enable/disable boons animations...like for example aegis 



Thanks in advance!




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I may have one pretty stupid: allow the option to "manually" recharge mantras while out of combat in PvE. May sound wrong, but I liked the theme of preparing mantras with all that animation and sounds. Felt special and thematic.

And two requests I miss. First, a library. Maybe at home instance. And the possibility to recover and save every book we've come across (specially title and collections ones). And last, a tome of tomes, maybe not instant but a short animation like a portal or floating book (like the old books from guardian).

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Firstly, thank you for adding the toggle for enabling/disabling Leylines on mounts. But please please please let be a customizable hotkey on its own! Right now it is sharing a hotkey with Profession skill 1 and unless my three passes through the control options have missed it, is not able to be customized separately.

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18 minutes ago, Glacial.9516 said:

Firstly, thank you for adding the toggle for enabling/disabling Leylines on mounts. But please please please let be a customizable hotkey on its own! Right now it is sharing a hotkey with Profession skill 1 and unless my three passes through the control options have missed it, is not able to be customized separately.

Why exactly does it need to be a different button?

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Just now, KawsMeCal.5923 said:

Why exactly does it need to be a different button?

Because you may already be using that button. For example, I have my Profession 1 hotkey assigned to Q. I also have Mount Ability 2 assigned to Q. Changing either Mount Ability 2 or Profession Skill 1 will mean retraining muscle memory while changing the new ability to something else would not.

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Please make it so the daily vault objectives are tracked by default like before the update.

It's nice that you added the button for us to switch between tracking them and the normal achievements, but the button only show up if we manually track the vault objectives and of course other achievements.

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On each expansion map, as well as each living world map, there should be a vendor item scroll with teleport on that map account bound, with price which is not super fun time sink you need 12 weeks to collect it.

The reason is that if we have several alts, then running with each every prologue is not fun at all, what could be worse is code 7 error which kicks us from story mission.


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hey so twinspur haven waypoint in the wayfarer foothills has a bank, crafting stations and a regular vendor, it would be nice if you could also add a tradepost merchant somewhere here as well as it would help the new player's out that pass by regularly, would also be nice to not have to go elsewhere to buy/sell on the tp as i use this as my main hub.

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An aesthetic QoL request:
I think I'd rather enjoy the ability to skin minions with the jade bot skins.

The jade bot doesn't get much visible use, aside from the mini, so the rather impressive modelling, animation, and sound work that went into those skins is basically wasted. And since those skins are so spendy in gem cost to acquire, this would be one way to make their value considerably more worthwhile and let them out of their Hero Panel prison to breathe and be appreciated. Frankly, I think it would just be very, very fun to have 5 or so chonky little dragons following my Necromancer around, for example, or a fluffy flying cat friend answering the summons instead when my Elementalist uses a glyph. To have the Mechanist's jade mech adopt the jade bot skin would be nice too. All those sorts of follower/minion skills being able to be skinned via the jade bot system, would be sheer joy IMO. My layperson imagination visualizes the way to make that happen being something like creating a toggle in the hero panel or game settings that would trigger a call for a model swap whenever those skills call for their usual models to spawn into the world. Even just client side would be enough for me personally, but this being Fashion Wars, it'd be most fun if you could show off your tiny fashionable army in open world play.

While I'm thinking about it all, what about the mail carriers and finishers too? Why don't those get a way to integrate with the jade bot system like the miniatures can? 

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I currently run 5 PvE builds on my necromancer (PReaper, CondiScourge, AlacScourge, Healscourge, QHarb) and 2 WvW builds (Reaper, HScourge) and some random open world build.

Id love to add roaming builds or cele scourge for WvW or even a PvP build but I'm limited to the 8 slots.

You'd just make more money via gems and players like me would be able to use more fun builds to play with.

Also shouldn't be much effort on the programming side to implement this.

It's a win win win


I'd either increase the limit to 16 or just get rid of it alltogheter

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