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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Perhaps update the material storage to include the new garden plants, such as the Shing Jea Orchid, Ascalonian Royal Iris, Koda's Blosssom, Kyrtan Spiderwort, and any others I haven't unlocked or am not remembering at the moment.

Edit: What's with the confused?!  They're materials, aren't they?  As I recall, the only use for them right now is to make dyes and tonics... hence, they ought to qualify for material storage.  Unless I'm missing something?

Edited by Lyssia.4637
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Make the "Exalted Portal Stone" item used to teleport a user to the egg chamber in Tarir, Account Bound, rather than soulbound.

Make the White Mantle Portal Device purchasable with other currencies, other than Raids (magnetite shards). Not all of us do Raids. Even buying it for 5,000 skirmish claim tickets + 5g from WvW would be nice, for example.

Edited by Zaoda.1653
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21 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

There is a gay male couple in the sylvari personal story.



But yea there are more the other way around.


Thanks for that info! I didn't know about that sylvari couple - I don't think I've ever completed a sylvari personal story - probably how I missed it! That's really good to know then that there's at least 1 gay male couple in GW2.


Still, I find it strange that gay males are excluded from the heart in the Garden of Seborhin, when there's lesbian and straight matchmaking. I suppose 1 gay male couple in the GW2 game is something to be grateful for.

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1 hour ago, Zaoda.1653 said:


Thanks for that info! I didn't know about that sylvari couple - I don't think I've ever completed a sylvari personal story - probably how I missed it! That's really good to know then that there's at least 1 gay male couple in GW2.


Still, I find it strange that gay males are excluded from the heart in the Garden of Seborhin, when there's lesbian and straight matchmaking. I suppose 1 gay male couple in the GW2 game is something to be grateful for.

The Wiki notes that men or women may be matched, regardless of their own gender.  It's just RNG. 

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Each armor template should keep and remember shoulder/cape/hat/glove toggles specifically to that template.  In other words, if you toggle your hat on and cape off in armor template 1, and have only your hat off in armor template 2, it should remember and keep those settings when you change between them.

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  • A tickbox for the world map, which, when ticked, would reveal a red outline/border around ALL the maps your character hasn't 100% completed yet.


This would be extremely helpful to quickly and easily find out which maps aren't 100% complete - as there are a lot of maps that aren't included in 'world completion'.


For example, my warrior has all the maps completed for 'world completion', BUT he still needs to complete Lake Doric, Auric Basin, Tangled Depths, Dragon's Stand, Draconis Mons, Dragonfall, Crystal Oasis, Elon Riverlands, Desert Highlands, and many other maps. However, finding out which ones aren't 100% complete means having to painstakingly go through the whole world map bit by bit, trying to find out and make sure each one is complete. This is hugely time consuming and frustrating.


Being able to tick a box to quickly reveal ALL maps which aren't 100% complete, would be extremely helpful to me.

  • Make crafting account-wide - not per character. It's extremely frustrating having to remember which character has 500 jeweling, armorsmith, weaponsmith, etc. and having to swap characters all the time just to be able to craft something is incredibly annoying and stupid.
Edited by Zaoda.1653
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>>>Squad feast contribution<<<
Squad food drop system

Add something simple that makes it possible for squad commanders to make feasts available to squad members and be compensated for it.

Obviously to avoid gold sellers abusing the system they maximum compensation limit would have to be set at something like the crafting cost of the feast +10% or so.

You could make it a portable foodsation(another questline item people have to farm) of some sorts with a vote on which feasts are desired and a pledge which automatically debits once the cost is covered and then spits out the feast.

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I'd like to see effects from Winter's Presence, Nightfury and the metallic effect from equipping The Juggernaut as cosmetic infusions.

I personally like all three effects but not the way they're achieved. The fact that Winter's Presence and Nightfury are armor skins puts me off from crafting them and well The Juggernaut is a hammer which puts me off from playing it... 😄 

It would be great if there was an option for these, and other similar effects maybe, to come with an account bound item being unlocked, at for example Laurels Vendor, that would allow crafting an infusion. 

Edited by Lilito.4973
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11 hours ago, Zaoda.1653 said:
  • A tickbox for the world map, which, when ticked, would reveal a red outline/border around ALL the maps your character hasn't 100% completed yet.


This would be extremely helpful to quickly and easily find out which maps aren't 100% complete - as there are a lot of maps that aren't included in 'world completion'.


For example, my warrior has all the maps completed for 'world completion', BUT he still needs to complete Lake Doric, Auric Basin, Tangled Depths, Dragon's Stand, Draconis Mons, Dragonfall, Crystal Oasis, Elon Riverlands, Desert Highlands, and many other maps. However, finding out which ones aren't 100% complete means having to painstakingly go through the whole world map bit by bit, trying to find out and make sure each one is complete. This is hugely time consuming and frustrating.


Being able to tick a box to quickly reveal ALL maps which aren't 100% complete, would be extremely helpful to me.

  • Make crafting account-wide - not per character. It's extremely frustrating having to remember which character has 500 jeweling, armorsmith, weaponsmith, etc. and having to swap characters all the time just to be able to craft something is incredibly annoying and stupid.

I thought someone once told me both of those things could be checked on gw2efficiency.com

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I don't know if people mentioned this already, but can we have more Racial themed armors?
For example I like my Sylvari to wear plant themed armor, but there's only like 4 armors sets (for each armor class) to pick from and mix and match. I would like to have more of those armors, not only for Sylvari but for other races too.
They shouldn't be locked for each race, meaning they should be available for everyone.  Seems like a really cool concept they had when they game started but then later just gave up on.

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On 1/12/2022 at 11:11 PM, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

● The Lions Arch Fanfare video sequence...

should be played once per account; then it's done!


I'm frankly starting to get tired of having to wait for it to load each and everytime I go there with a new character.



Norn tatoos...


There should be more of them, and we should be able to choose each body part individualy.


I just deleted a 2 year old human character, to make it Norn, just because of the tatoos, only to find that the only face tattoo that suits him has no body tats.

What am I gonna do now?

I just wasted an instant lvl 30 on it which I'm not going to get back, and neither the Age privileges.

I thought there would be more using a total makeover kit, but no more tattoos.

Nothing, zero...

Now I have a dilema again if to keep it or not.

I'm not exactly a fan of the Norn, but I am of the karacter it is role-playing.


Delete and start again...

So. Question:

Do I make him look like a clown or back to human?




I'd like tattoos for characters that aren't tied to norn also. Especially some chest tattoos for male characters, which would hide any chest armor - I would love to have some Viking-esque themed characters like that. I'd post some google image examples, but I'm not sure it would be allowed, but people can look up some examples themselves.


Would be neat to be able to colour our skin too, so if you want to go for a dr. manhattan look with the glowy eyes (from the watchmen movie), you could. Or if you wanted to go for a hulk look with green skin, you could. I could imagine them as options in the gemstore.

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Dragonblood spears (dragonfall bundle item) are bad@ss because:
1. They're bad@ss.
2. They don't invalidate your stowed weapon or backpack visuals - how awesome is that!

Now why can't we have them as perma skins? As long as you're not actually using another bundle you could run around with dragonblood spear on your back!
I think a skin like that would be awesome reward for achievements, same as Trophy of Boneskinner is an awesome reward for it's living story episode.

While the non-story heavy bundle skins could be sold in gemstore.

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Would it be possible to organize friend list in sub sections? It would be nice if we could assign the names of the sub sections ourselves but I could also go for predefined ones close to what LFG categories currently are (WvW, World Bosses, Raids, Fractals, ...)


I'm starting to have a huge list and the only way I can organize it is by assigning nicknames for now

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Can we please have the option to SAVE a look of a character's appearance on a Total Makeover Kit (TMK)?


I have a thief character that I made as a new character, but now I want to use that exact look on one of my level 80 thieves' so I can delete my new character to free up for the weekly black lion key run, but I want to keep the look on one of my other character's.


I have tried to mimic the bars and settings exactly in the TMK, but it still doesn't look as good as the new character's look. It would be neat to be able to store/save character appearances that we like, so we can apply it to other characters when using a TMK. Sort of like being able to store builds, but for 'looks' instead.


I also have a relatively new mesmer male alt character's look which I'd love to put on my older mesmer.


Can we also please get the ability to "upload image from computer" onto these GW2 forum posts, rather than having to try and find a free image hosting website to upload it on to, then paste the links on these forums? I want to post some images in another thread, but there's no option to upload them directly from the post.

Edited by Zaoda.1653
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The Charr Elite Skill "Warband Support"

How about summoning two of your own warband? Just the generics if you haven't done the story? Even if they behaved as a ranged and melee but had the name and look of your warband?

I'd maybe even use it as my Charr's elite skill in open world PvE. Just, you know, you have your surviving member then you recruit more. Then after you join an order you don't see much of them, just when you enter Hero's Canton. What if my elite skill could summon two of Reeva, Luccia or Zemzer at random? Or all three.

Edited by Sinmir.6504
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8 hours ago, Sinmir.6504 said:

The Charr Elite Skill "Warband Support"

How about summoning two of your own warband? Just the generics if you haven't done the story? Even if they behaved as a ranged and melee but had the name and look of your warband?

I'd maybe even use it as my Charr's elite skill in open world PvE. Just, you know, you have your surviving member then you recruit more. Then after you join an order you don't see much of them, just when you enter Hero's Canton. What if my elite skill could summon two of Reeva, Luccia or Zemzer at random? Or all three.

That... or alternatively, just give us Mercenaries once and for all. For the love...


At least 1 for now, but could go up to as many as you deem feasible.

I wanna match up my own characters and make duos for combat, or even trios... or more.


I would replace, minis, novelties, and whatever other visual clutter there is to have mercs in open world too... instead of...

But I'd be happy with them in private instances and dungeons.


Come on ANet, give it to us,


You know you want to.


I've been making my characters with the thought in mind that someday I will be able to put them together in play.


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As I had just mentioned in another thread, just some tools for inventory management would be nice.  You get so much random stuff, from junk, to collectables, to salvage stuff.  It would be nice if we could get maybe collection items moved out of the normal inventory and into its own inventory system,.


And, I will take heat for this, but a sort button would be nice.  Kind of help put like items together, drop items into bags that have characteristics, i.e. hitting sort sends equipment to equipment bags.

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Since launch the game has had the same weapons. And mostly all have stayed the same usable weapons by professions. Except es.

But the skills are still the same.  Why haven't they made them customizable or swappable to different skills?

Being vertically capped at legendary items (a job) for soo many years.  Thru 2 expansions. 

It would be nice to see some what of a progression like this.

I'm talking about when you go to you weapon skills menu. Instead of hovoring over it and reading a tool tip.  You get three minot options to choose from.

Edited by Midknight.7324
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19 minutes ago, Midknight.7324 said:

But the skills are still the same.  Why haven't they made them customizable or swappable to different skills

Because it is core combat mechanic? You see char, you see it's class and you see it's weapon and you know skillset character will have. You are asking why core game mechanic, around which whole game is built around and makes GW2 - GW2 is not changed.

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