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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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7 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

I can personally attest that when I (briefly) came back recently and did some leveling, having people in lower level zones who could do cool stuff with mounts when I couldn't made the maps seem bigger and all the running everywhere seem more tedious. I didn't even know you have to wait until that far in to get a mount, the game didn't hold my attention long enough for me to get PoF; glad I didn't purchase it then.

Especially as the game gets smaller in population, it can create a feeling of being left behind by the few other people around. That plus the contrast of knowing that in theory, you could be going significantly faster, it makes the age of the old zones show even more. This is in many ways designed as an organically cooperative game, which is a big appeal of it, but as far as I can tell, the mounts system and the glider system both are individualist design and the two styles don't mix well. You can see similar cracks in the system in the way waypoints have worked for as long as I've known, that if your character is new to a zone and you want to help with an event near an undiscovered waypoint, there is no organic way for you to hop in to help. You are stuck either ignoring it (breaks the sense of camaraderie) or desperately trying to run there in time.

Case and point.


Having a rude opinion being an older player or the mindset "well I did the maps without mounts" doesn't cut it. The game is no longer what it was, you are not playing vanilla Guild Wars 2 anymore...your outdated opinions of the past doesn't matter in the games current state.


I speak for A LOT of newer players as I help them daily, and clearly the people giving nothing but rude opinions on the subject "well they could just use a tonic for novelty"... or thinking I'm speaking for my own desire (I have all the mounts, and played since beta...so it wouldn't benefit me at all frankly) are not speaking of any valid opinion given just being rude no reason.


As quoted person here said, a lot of new people get discouraged when seeing others running around all the time with mounts, and they want to feel included. This is not WOW or LOL, it is not an elitist game to have the rude mindset "well they need to work for it" type of attitude. I will say, YES they do need to work for it...the good mounts, HOWEVER, to keep the game alive and new players interested...I think it would be beneficial to keep new players happy by giving them a taste of a mount at lower levels.


Half the people that got mounts, didn't barely do any work for them...they just skipped content, went straight to 80...which is what gets players to not want to even play. Why vest in the story, why vest in your character...why vest time, when your just told "well if you want a mount, skip and go"... The fact that ANET screwed up by not having mounts until Path Of Fire and making it available to skip content the case I'm talking about here.


New players want to keep onto their story, not have to skip around and also not feel like they aren't involved cause everyone is running around past them with mounts and such. Again, my opinion is a simple mount with minimal addition would at least keep new players intrigued long enough to keep playing. Or we could keep wondering why the game goes in a population decline every several months after an expansion.

Edited by HellsPriest.6745
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1 hour ago, Teratus.2859 said:

Brought this subject up many times before and I still believe that the best way to do it without putting resources into a new "beginner mount" is to simply make the Warclaw function as the first and only core game mount.

It is already a little diminished in PvE compared to the PoF mounts making it a fitting first mount.

It's accessible through WvW which is core game content, so you do not need expansions to play it.

If the Warclaw did become a core game mount it would be a massive incentive for players without expansions (free accounts) to try WvW, even if it is just to unlock it.

Making the Warclaw more available like this would also help lessen the mobility difference between those who have mounts and those who do not.. and not just in PvE but also WvW.

Also if the Warclaw was a core game mount, it would also add more incentive for players to purchase expansion content to get the better PvE focused PoF mounts as well.

There are a lot of pros to doing this imo.
Warclaws should be a core game mount, they're the best choice for it.

This is a great idea! The type of conversation I was hoping to get back.

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17 minutes ago, Neo Mortem.3627 said:

Why can't there be a vendor in the raid lobby/aerodrome to buy the raid wing weapons/rewards instead of going into each individual wing to get them?

If they could add an NPC to the entrance of each wing that would be a good start. Adding on another loading screen just to get to merchants is tiresome.

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12 hours ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

Didn't Anet say they are giving a mount(s) to everyone in EoD? On one of their live demo's? My wonky memory is recalling something like that... 🤔

I think they said the raptor will be available in EoD, so if someone only buys EoD or wants to play it first they will still be able to get it. But EoD is still level 80 content and you'll still have to unlock the raptor, so it's not really any different to the situation now. It's just a way for Anet to design EoD events and maps to accommodate the raptor while also selling it seperately to PoF.

10 hours ago, HellsPriest.6745 said:

Having a rude opinion being an older player or the mindset "well I did the maps without mounts" doesn't cut it. The game is no longer what it was, you are not playing vanilla Guild Wars 2 anymore...your outdated opinions of the past doesn't matter in the games current state.

I'm opposed to it because I think teaching new players to rush through getting upgrades like mounts so they can rush through the maps grinding dailies as quickly as possible will do more harm than good.

I also spend a lot of time talking to new players (including on my alt account playing without mounts or gliders) and I've already encountered things like a player whose friend had dragged them through getting the raptor and springer who was then completely stuck on how to navigate without them. They couldn't get into a Pact camp in a core game map because it wasn't possible to get over the wall with their springer. The solution was to go around the corner and through the wide open gate with a road leading to it, but they were so used to relying entirely on mounts to get around and being told that's how the game works now that it never occurred to them to try any other option.

Add in things like "you need a raptor so you too can rush through daily achievements" and you've also got the problem that it's pushing new players directly into very repetitive end-game activities before they're likely to be aware of their other options and can leave them with the impression that's what the entire game is about. That was the same problem as when we had champion trains in starter maps and new players were told that was what they had to look forward to after getting to level 80 - grinding the same few events over and over for gold. They didn't yet know there was a lot more to the game and it's just that some people chose to focus on that one activity, and if they believed those players they might never get to find out.

Yes GW2 has mounts now. That doesn't mean the game is all about mounts, which is how some people seem to approach it, talking as if even the core game is impossible to play without them and there are no rewards in the game just because mount skins are in the gem store. (Yes I'd like more mount skins as in-game rewards, but some people act like that's the only category of rewards which exists now, seemingly just because some other games use mount skins as their sole big reward.)

I think it would be far more beneficial for new players to learn the full scope of the game by playing through it as intended than to have their initial misconceptions reinforced.

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Is there any hope AN will go over some usability issues, when polishing, after EoD release? The following trouble me the most due to my sub-optimal eye sight, I'm sure there are more that deserve to be listed here, though.


* The boon/condition/effect icons are tiny, despite their importance. Could we get larger icons with permanent duration text in an outlined/shaded font?

Single purpose key-bind make our life much easier, especially in laggy or crowded battle situation, therefore I suggest:

* A key-bind [Cancel Cast] that works on all build-ups (kits, bundles, normal, crafting, whatever) but does not stop auto-run or opens a menu.
* A key-bind [Drop Target].

Last but not least:

* An option [Sticky Targeting] that prevents de-targeting with a click on the ground.
* A larger castbar showing the skill icon.

Edited by Plok.5873
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2 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I think they said the raptor will be available in EoD, so if someone only buys EoD or wants to play it first they will still be able to get it. But EoD is still level 80 content and you'll still have to unlock the raptor, so it's not really any different to the situation now. It's just a way for Anet to design EoD events and maps to accommodate the raptor while also selling it seperately to PoF.

I'm opposed to it because I think teaching new players to rush through getting upgrades like mounts so they can rush through the maps grinding dailies as quickly as possible will do more harm than good.

I also spend a lot of time talking to new players (including on my alt account playing without mounts or gliders) and I've already encountered things like a player whose friend had dragged them through getting the raptor and springer who was then completely stuck on how to navigate without them. They couldn't get into a Pact camp in a core game map because it wasn't possible to get over the wall with their springer. The solution was to go around the corner and through the wide open gate with a road leading to it, but they were so used to relying entirely on mounts to get around and being told that's how the game works now that it never occurred to them to try any other option.

Add in things like "you need a raptor so you too can rush through daily achievements" and you've also got the problem that it's pushing new players directly into very repetitive end-game activities before they're likely to be aware of their other options and can leave them with the impression that's what the entire game is about. That was the same problem as when we had champion trains in starter maps and new players were told that was what they had to look forward to after getting to level 80 - grinding the same few events over and over for gold. They didn't yet know there was a lot more to the game and it's just that some people chose to focus on that one activity, and if they believed those players they might never get to find out.

Yes GW2 has mounts now. That doesn't mean the game is all about mounts, which is how some people seem to approach it, talking as if even the core game is impossible to play without them and there are no rewards in the game just because mount skins are in the gem store. (Yes I'd like more mount skins as in-game rewards, but some people act like that's the only category of rewards which exists now, seemingly just because some other games use mount skins as their sole big reward.)

I think it would be far more beneficial for new players to learn the full scope of the game by playing through it as intended than to have their initial misconceptions reinforced.

If Anet lets players have a mount that only has the running speed and no abilities besides running at normal mount speed or a raptor without masteries won't make anyone play the game how it wasn't intended, you'll still have to go through the gate, not having a mount at start is what's wrong since it makes players want to bypass everything just to get a mount which then they make the decision to get things like springer which makes them use it to go over the walls and such. Players should still have the ability to choose for themselves to use the mount or not, if the game wasn't intended to have mounts at start then Anet wouldn't allow them in core Tyria. Thinking like that is like you were saying that since our predecessors had to walk everywhere then we should too, even though we have transports to go everywhere. Everyone has to keep up with the times and in Gw2 case not having a simple mount at start is like having your child with no computer and still having to go to online classes.

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56 minutes ago, Noenp.2041 said:

If Anet lets players have a mount that only has the running speed and no abilities besides running at normal mount speed or a raptor without masteries won't make anyone play the game how it wasn't intended, you'll still have to go through the gate, not having a mount at start is what's wrong since it makes players want to bypass everything just to get a mount which then they make the decision to get things like springer which makes them use it to go over the walls and such. Players should still have the ability to choose for themselves to use the mount or not, if the game wasn't intended to have mounts at start then Anet wouldn't allow them in core Tyria. Thinking like that is like you were saying that since our predecessors had to walk everywhere then we should too, even though we have transports to go everywhere. Everyone has to keep up with the times and in Gw2 case not having a simple mount at start is like having your child with no computer and still having to go to online classes.

I suppose if the point is just to give them 'a mount' so they can stop fixating on not having one rather than because they actually want (or think they need) the functionality of the existing mounts that could work but it seems a bit misleading. On the one hand it seems like reinforcing the idea that the game requires mounts now, but at the same time I assume it will pretty quickly become clear that this mount doesn't actually do anything they couldn't do before and is purely a novelty.

To use your analogy it's like saying "We used to walk everywhere but now some people have cars. Therefore people who can't drive should be issued scooters. It's not much faster than walking and won't get them anywhere they can't get to by walking, but it means everyone has a vehicle."

37 minutes ago, Noenp.2041 said:

Reacting with confused on everyones posts and not saying what you are confused about makes it very difficult to help you not get confused.

It wasn't me. I almost never use that reaction for exactly this reason, it's useless information unless you say what it is you don't understand, and then you might as well just comment without the reaction. (Also I understand what you're saying, I'm just not convinced it's the best way to solve the problem.)

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As it stands now when an officer has to clean up the Gbank and sort it , the time it takes can be considerable. I think adding a stack function like we have in our personal banks would alleviate all the hassle of moving stuff to bags then stacking then putting it back in the gbank. Also would clean it up when members deposit by auto stacking it when they click to deposit. Im sure large guild officers will agree its pretty pita when you have an influx of materials ect on a daily basis that get placed willy nilly in the bank, and you have to go and sort it all. So please consider this.

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Yes please. It's absolutely wild to me that guild halls got touted as a flagship expansion feature, but were shoved out unfinished and then just... left like that. For years.

For those who haven't messed with the guild bank in particular, if you have 6 of an item in the guild bank and a 7th in your inventory, you can't just add it to the guild bank's stack, you have to take the stack of 6 out of the guild bank and into your inventory, manually combine them into one stack, and then put them all back in. It's horrifically inefficient and just one of the many half-baked things that needs to be cleaned up if guilds/guild halls are to have any actual relevance going forward.

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And you are probably right, its not the best way to solve the problem. That's why we are here giving suggestions on the off chance that a Mod speaks about it to anyone on Anet, and even if they do, Anet like any other publisher will still add their own twist into the mix. Most likely they are either working already on something or they think its not worth it, for now atleast.

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8 hours ago, Miss Lana.5276 said:

Every player still has the ability to just not mount up if that's truly what they want. This still exists.

Tell me of any new player that has that choice?


On another note, about swiftness, In my second account I don't have warclaw and have to rely on swiftness to move around (purely my choice, since I'm not interested in getting them  anyway), but side by side with a player using a warclaw, I still eat dust against them. I'm just saying this because even swiftnes loses to the most basic mount. Maybe weaver can win when they have the boost for swiftness from 33% to 40%, not sure, but mounts still are faster, as they should anyway.

Edited by Noenp.2041
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All of this is spot on , the guild bank is a big part of the guild and having to drag 100 of the same items out to stack them in your bag then redeposit them is tedious and not fun. Auto stack and sort should be a thing by now, I really hope they do something in EoD. I hope more people support this.  


Got to love the people that troll with a confused emoji, like really how can you be against this? 

Edited by Tiviana.2650
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I Desperately need color coded boons. Instead of all of them being orange with icons. Each should be different color so we can see them without paying too much attention. Like red for might, blue for quickness, yellow for aegis, green for swiftness, purple for alacrity. Would be easier to see if something is missing.

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17 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I think they said the raptor will be available in EoD, so if someone only buys EoD or wants to play it first they will still be able to get it. But EoD is still level 80 content and you'll still have to unlock the raptor, so it's not really any different to the situation now. It's just a way for Anet to design EoD events and maps to accommodate the raptor while also selling it seperately to PoF.

I'm opposed to it because I think teaching new players to rush through getting upgrades like mounts so they can rush through the maps grinding dailies as quickly as possible will do more harm than good.

I also spend a lot of time talking to new players (including on my alt account playing without mounts or gliders) and I've already encountered things like a player whose friend had dragged them through getting the raptor and springer who was then completely stuck on how to navigate without them. They couldn't get into a Pact camp in a core game map because it wasn't possible to get over the wall with their springer. The solution was to go around the corner and through the wide open gate with a road leading to it, but they were so used to relying entirely on mounts to get around and being told that's how the game works now that it never occurred to them to try any other option.

Add in things like "you need a raptor so you too can rush through daily achievements" and you've also got the problem that it's pushing new players directly into very repetitive end-game activities before they're likely to be aware of their other options and can leave them with the impression that's what the entire game is about. That was the same problem as when we had champion trains in starter maps and new players were told that was what they had to look forward to after getting to level 80 - grinding the same few events over and over for gold. They didn't yet know there was a lot more to the game and it's just that some people chose to focus on that one activity, and if they believed those players they might never get to find out.

Yes GW2 has mounts now. That doesn't mean the game is all about mounts, which is how some people seem to approach it, talking as if even the core game is impossible to play without them and there are no rewards in the game just because mount skins are in the gem store. (Yes I'd like more mount skins as in-game rewards, but some people act like that's the only category of rewards which exists now, seemingly just because some other games use mount skins as their sole big reward.)

I think it would be far more beneficial for new players to learn the full scope of the game by playing through it as intended than to have their initial misconceptions reinforced.

Everything you are saying I agree with to an extent. New players are being told by a lot of old players to skip story and content and go straight to Path Of Fire...whereas if given a simple almost useless beginner mount it will help deter them from the feeling of "needing" a mount asap. A lot of new players are feeling like they need to get one asap, having a minimal use mount like the Warclaw would make them feel included and hopefully keep them on the correct path.

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Hi ANet,

I know you're busy with EoD, but I'd like to request a few... small fixes in sigils please.


● Superior Sigil of Blood

This sigil doesn’t seem to be working at all.

I've tried it on a character that has high Critical chance, and never see it gaining any health at all, even less if foe is losing health with each critical hit.

There's no clear indication of this taking any effect at all.

Perhaps making it visible somehow.


● Superior Sigil of Air

The lightning bolt is not visible.

Perhaps changing colour to a deep purple and make the bolts bigger should do it.


There is another one, but my mind has gone blank at this very moment, so I'll have to add it later.



Have a good day.

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Place Rune of Sanctuary for sale from an open world vendor for gold or other open world currency.

They are now only accessible for PVE via the deserted old group instance game mode (Dungeon; Honor of Wave.)   Getting groups frequently enough to earn a full set is unrealistic these days now that Fractals, Raids, and Strikes are the preferred group instance game modes.

Edited by Jalad Lantana.3027
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1 hour ago, Jalad Lantana.3027 said:

Place Rune of Sanctuary for sale from an open world vendor for gold or other open world currency.

They are now only accessible for PVE via the deserted old group instance game mode (Dungeon; Honor of Wave.)   Getting groups frequently enough to earn a full set is unrealistic these days now that Fractals, Raids, and Strikes are the preferred group instance game modes.

You can acquire 900 Dungeon (of choice) Tokens every festival, if so desired. 


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Heyhey people,

This is something that has been on my mind for a long time and I'd like to throw it in here.

What several people and me would like to see ingame is a function to individually select dyes/armor pieces/weapons/mounts that we don't want to see ingame and have them replaced with default models.

The visual griefing has gotten out of hand and it has completely ruined immersion and roleplay experiences.

That is all, thank you.

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