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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Please consider adding batch processing options for the Research Kits.  Yes, I know, you can make better quality stuff and have fewer clicks, but I'm saving a lot of those trophies for legendaries.  Besides, I'm a differently-abled person, and finding ways to repeatedly click a single mouse button is frustrating and difficult.  I honestly can't believe that knowing how many stacks of research notes ArenaNet was going to require for various recipes, they didn't add a batch process to the Research kits to begin with.  The batch processing on salvage kits was one of the most lauded quality of life upgrades we'd had.  Anyone that played original Silverwastes knows that pain and can remember the relief expressed in chat when that was updated.

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There is something that I  feel needs to be addressed regarding outfits since they are premium items and maybe I am late to the party.


TLDR: Outfits are often the most cool looking pieces of "armor" your character can wear, however,  I feel they bring poor customization options that could be improved with a simple adjustment( simple from my perspective but I bet it could take a lot of effort and time from devs). 


Since it is not possible to wear individual parts of the outfit, I feel that to compensate, ANet/devs should increase the amount of dyes that can be applied to outfits. If possible this could be tailored to each outfit and some wouldn't even need this since there are simple outfits that work with current "dye space". For example, the Queensdale Academy Outfit, which has a jacket, a blouse, gloves, a skirt,  glasses,  leggings,  boots with heels and the garments only has 4 dye space and color the pieces accordingly: 1) Jacket is paired with the blouse, gloves and "bottom of the boots/heels" 2) Skirt, 3) Leggings, top of boots/heels, "leather"of the garments, a strap in the gloves and the bow tie, 4) metal parts of the outfit and glasses. 

I would rearrange it as follows:

1) jacket, gloves and bottom of shoes

2) blouse 

3) Leggings,, "leather" of the garments, a strap in the gloves

5)Bowtie and top of shoes 

6) Metal parts  with glasses 

I also noticed that when you apply certain colors to the jacket, the blouse is slightly different and although it is appreciated, it is not enough. 

Certainly this would take some thinking to group items from the outfit to dye them accordingly but i feel it is a necessary feature from premium items like outfits since each piece cant be dyed individually like usual armor and I assume the goal was not to have 24 spaces( most spaces u can have assuming each peace has 4 spaces)

. Adding one or two wouldn't hurt imho. 


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Dear A-Net Team,
i know crashes and bugs can happen so it happened to half a squad on the DE Meta this evening. After spending already 1:30h on the map active gameplay the game just crashed for many players. At the moment those players could make it back into the game the map was full. Lucky for those who tried to get on that map sadly for us others who already spent so much time on that map. So what i would like to ask if it would be any possible to reserv a spot on the same IP of a map for a short time. The whole process of finding a decent DE squad is challanging enough and if you fail due to technical problams it's even worse and i hope there is a way to fix this problem. Thank you for your time 🙂

Edited by neffi.9175
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I would love if we could get a larger guild pool that we can join. I have to shuffle my guiilds around a bit drop some here and there and rejoin later. If we could have a few more guild slots that would be great. Maybe 10 instead of the 5. They could even be a gemstore upgrade but it would be a feature I would love to be added.

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Give us an option to mute screen popups about who won what. I don't care about if *XxxanotherloreunfriendlynamelolzxxX* won a race or fishing event. It's irritating and annoying. Give us an option to disable that stuff please. Especially since there's people who care jack kitten about lore anyways and name their characters after something offensive and edgy. 

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2 hours ago, Cynder.2509 said:

Give us an option to mute screen popups about who won what. I don't care about if *XxxanotherloreunfriendlynamelolzxxX* won a race or fishing event. It's irritating and annoying. Give us an option to disable that stuff please. Especially since there's people who care jack kitten about lore anyways and name their characters after something offensive and edgy. 

Have you tried the option, 'Hide Optional Announcements'?

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I have a request for engineers. 

No point in starting a whole new post just for this tiny request... but pretty please ANet; could you replace the engineer Elixir Gun with a CrossBow?

...or maybe the Tool kit perhaps?


That would be tremendously awesome.


May I just be sneaky too and add if you have considered my request to upgrade turrets to Jade bots?


Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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Visible toggleable healthbars for entire squads, subgroups and parties with their own checkbox.


Fix the ally targeting not working, i still end up clicking enemies


Add a bait/tackkebox for fishing bait and a livewell for skiff. This inventory wars crap is getting old, use the new tech you have already.


Allow UI customization and skill rotation for all weapons and utilities. 

Show Initiative cost as a small tag on thief weapon skills, your tooltips are absurdly long

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The wardrobe and dye system is what really sets this game apart.  I Wish I didn't have to ignore 70% of my wardrobe for the sole reason the piece I want to like only has 1 or 2 dye options. For example, the Citadel of Flame set could easily use a little flame animation update and another dye option. Think about it.


P.S. Light armor mains want some heavier looking armor, Medium armor mains are sick of wearing wire cloaks, and Heavies may want to look a little more agile?  Just a thought.

Edited by Rokthor.2847
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Just don't make my camera zoom when I enter combat, thats all.

It it doesnt even need to make it permanent, just make it an option at least.

Don't get me wrong I know its just one scroll down and I also respect people who like it, let people have it.

All I want is an option for those who don't want it :/

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I'm not sure if I can post pics here due to copyright, so I'm not...

I'll describe instead the weapons I want to request.


● Greatsword 

A crescent moon GS.

Its a complete curved gs, sometimes with serrated 'teeth' .

It's like a version of a scythe, but with much larger curved blade and much smaller handle.

The Orient see it more of an Axe, though it's a great sword, as it's a 2 hand weapon.


● Sword

A Kris sword with a Skull and bat wings in the handle.

There is a similar sword already, but the blade is in a square'ish zigzag sort of design instead od curvy round; and the wings are way too big.

That sword could be reworked to be smoother looking.... more like the Kris.


● Shield

A futuristic metallic star shield; but with only 4 'spikes' , wich would be slightly curved inwards. Like a sort of 'S' shape, but more subtle. 

In the centre would have a sort of circular core.




ANet please consider making dyeable all backpack and glider combos, as well as weapons.




Please consider adding new stuff to Gemstone at higher prices, and reduce prices on older, outdated stuff, such as self hairstyle kits, total makeovers, name changes, upgrade extractors. 

These things should be cheap as peanuts now.


Thanks for reading.


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Do developers reads any input in this forum ? anyway... i found out something which annoyed me in hero point system on EoD.


When first release, i login and use my main character, i found 271 hero point there, so i can spent all the points to Spectre.

Now i already finish EoD story, and complete 100% 1 EoD map, and found out i got 260+ hero point in my main character. What a waste ?

There should be some method to transfer it to new character in same account, so we can test new specialization faster.

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Give an option to skip dialog of EoD.. 


Lets say you want each professions Elite achievement (weapon), you need to finish the game on each of them. There are 9 professions. Now lets only take the first chapter, we have 1 minute dialog Aurene, 1 minute Taimi, then another minute Gorrik.

We move on, 3 minutes jail, 1 minute talk, again another minute talk (2 NPC's). Then we move to Empress, thats a whopping 4 minutes talk, then a skippable cutscene. We go into recordings, thats 6 unskippable recordings, each 1 minute.

So by now, we have 1+1+3+1+4+6 = 16 minutes of unskippable stuff, times 9, makes just over 2 HOURS of unskippable stuff on your characters on the first bit chapter. 


I have huge respect for the voice acting, great story telling/dialogs, but like a very good movie.. watching it maybe twice or 3 times.. is kinda the limit to where respect can go.

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a checkpoint for the Kaineng Overlook Strike mission would be nice... like after the 3 stooges fight (Ritualist, enforcer, that mind bender dude) It a long fight, and people are getting frustrated having to start from scratch in a 5 phase strike battle

This idea came to me when a bug happened during one of the runs I did where everyone was downed but when we clicked on retry from checkpoint we ended up back at the phase 3 Li fight (we still failed mind you but the bug was okay I guess)

I also thought "what's half of 5? 2.5 well there no 2.5 so round it up to 3"

Edited by Zabi Zabi.3561
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Adding an option to exchange fragments for a raid instance with already cleared bosses (sans rewards for clearing them)?
Hello friends! After discussing this with my guildmates while discussing raids vs. strikes, I brainstormed a hypothetical changes to raids that I think would not only improve the quality of life of raids and possibly also ease the learning curve/transition from strikes to raids. After finishing my thoughts on it, aforementioned guildmates suggested I write said hypothetical change down as a suggestion on the forums, so here I am!

Some context:
Maybe not entirely necessary, but I'd like to recap the thought process that led to this to give the full context of this hypothetical. This discussion started over the uncertainty whether or not strikes would replace raids. I mentioned while I'd miss the "mega-dungeon" design and side stories of Raids I would still welcome it because being able to queue for specific bosses without having to clear prior ones would be a net positive (imo). A guildmate mentioned a proposed change made by a content creator (maybe WoodenPotatoes?), to segment the raid encounters into Strike Missions, then rename Strike Missions to Raids. I spoke from my perspective as a professional programmer saying that while this change would be great, it would unfortunately probably be far easier said than done with the aforementioned "mega-dungeon" design of Raids. But, that got my problem-solving brain going and made me think of a similar change that would still achieve a similar effect while giving a new use to items that are otherwise basically flavor items.

The hypothetical change:
So here's what I came up with. You know those tokens you get from clearing raid encounters? What if, by talking to the gate attendant standing next to a raid gate in the Aerodrome, you could exchange them to create an instance of the raid where that boss has already been defeated (without obtaining the rewards from it, to be clear, seeing as the tokens are part of said reward)? For example, if you're running a training group for Wing 4 and want a "Samarog Instance", you could exchange [number] Cairn Fragments to create an instance where Cairn is already defeated, then from there exchange [number] Recreation Room Floor Fragments to upgrade that to an instance where Mursaat Overseer has already been cleared (maybe with some confirmation dialogue from the gate attendant along the lines of "thanks to your contribution, our forces have been able to clear this foe out for you. The rest is up to you. Go ahead and enter when your squad is ready.").

Potential benefits (IMO):

  •  + Makes training for specific bosses much easier, as those training the newer raiders can easily lean on their stockpile of fragments to create, for example, "Deimos Training Instances".
  •  + Achieves a similar effect of letting people fight a specific boss similarly to strikes, with (potentially) minimal disruption to its existing systems of instances and weekly lockouts (TL;DR "maybe easier to program but idk for sure because idk how this game's engine works and I'm not going to pretend to).
  •  + A cool new use is given to an item that otherwise pretty much only exists to either prove you killed the boss before, or decorate your guild hall (though to be honest, that's just me not wanting "bloat items" lmao).
  •  + People (such as raid trainers) may be less inclined to buy instances (but then again, those who sell instances may have less work needed to do so).

Potential drawbacks (IMO):
 - Instance sellers may have their jobs made even easier (but, then again people may not be as inclined to buy instances).
 - The fragments given by the final boss of each wing are still "bloat" items that only exist to prove you've killed the boss or decorate your guild hall. Perhaps another option could be added to exchange these fragments for other items/rewards?
 - Could lead to a feeling of trivialization of non-final raid bosses (then again, this system by design would still require people to complete non-final bosses to "skip" to that boss).

That about sums up the discussion had between my guildmates. I'd love to see a change like this made to raids as I often help run training groups and love the idea of reducing some of the busywork required (at least up to a point as this system by design would still require occasional clears of earlier bosses) to prepare an instance for training for some of the more difficult bosses (KC and Xera, Qadim, Samarog and Deimos, etc). Even setting aside the training, at risk of committing a cardinal sin of MMO's, there's a certain other game I play, and one of the best things about raiding in that game is if you want to fight a specific raid boss, you just enter the instance for that boss (provided you've cleared everything up to it), and a part of why I said I would welcome Strikes "replacing" raids as a net positive and I think adding this option to create a partially cleared instance would be a fantastic compromise between the current design of raids and the format of Strike Missions. But that's it from me as it's quite late now. Cheers!

Edited by HarusameHazuki.8936
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Can equipment preview window be widened?

When Nords or Chars previews a Greatsword, Staff, Rifle, the equipment go out of preview window when rotating. Can't have visuals of sides, before committing to buying decision

Edited by medivh.4725
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Add an "enqueue" option to queue up in a PvE map if the map that you wish to jump to is full, and show how far off you are in the queue. Currently, if a 50-man squad is split up from the commander, you have to keep on spamming  "Join in <map name>", hopeful that you will get in. An enqueue option (like the one in WvW) would go a long way IMO.

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21 hours ago, medivh.4725 said:

Can equipment preview window be widened?

When Nords or Chars previews a Greatsword, Staff, Rifle, the equipment go out of window rotating the model. Need to see full visuals of sides, before committing to a buying decision

... or add a zoom in and out option, just like in character creation...

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