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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Warclaw "Chain Pull" skill, after you hooked to gate, should be also on button 3 .Its just counterintuitive to press "3" once,and then press 11111, and "2" to release the hook.Can we simplify the process ?

Also,skill 5 - Dash have no functionality,and not working when u hooked to gate.

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Any chance for a tooltip , or an extra character sheet , or strange buffs icons around the HP bar of each guardian, in WvW : "Mantra of Solace - grands aegis".

It would be a bummer if people  get confused , or others to try block any change with that excuse

Edited by Woof.8246
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Create a clearer visual indication / highlight inside the equipment panel of which pieces are able to have stats selected.

When equipping new gear that has stats you're able to select you get a pop-up notification informing you that you can do so appearing in the top left corner, but when you land on the equipment screen there's no visual queue of which equipment piece has that option available. I see there's small text buried in a list of other information about the equipment piece which get's lost especially if you don't know what you're looking for.

Some suggestions on improvement:

  • Outline / glow of equipment pieces
  • Arrow notification pointing the equipment similar to the initial notification you receive in the top left when equipping the piece
  • Move the "Double-click to select stats." text below the given stats giving it greater hierarchy 

Image for context: https://imgur.com/XLwohfW

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On 6/1/2022 at 11:13 AM, Quench.7091 said:

Like a helmet override slot in the outfit panel, with an additional show/hide tickbox? That would be pretty cool!

Edit: When town clothing was a thing, people used to buy the sunglasses for their town clothing set. It was pretty popular, if I recall.

Yeah, I want to use my main helmet plus the outfit, would be nice if I could hide the outfit helmet without affecting my acutal helmet skin

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Some QoL ideas:

- Add the new EoD attribute combinations to Wegloop's Air Mask/Helmet/Veil. I already have two characters that could use this, for Ritualist's and Dragon's.
- Add a way to obtain legendary armor that doesn't require coordinated group play, or that can be done in a group but in smaller chunks of time (such as Fractals or maybe Strikes). While the raid changes look interesting, the biggest liming factor for me is still time.
- Add an option to use all but 1 of a stack. This may seem like an odd request, but it would be useful for anyone like me who keeps unidentified gear in shared inventory slots and wants to use all except for 1 to keep them in that slot (so that when I pick up more they stay in shared inventory).
- Allow Gift of Battle and Gift of Exploration to be converted to and from one another in some way. Even if it's a mystic forge recipe that greatly increases the cost, it would be nice to have more options for these.
- Remove Account Bound from Glob of Dark Matter, Fur-Scorched Stone, and possibly other materials. The globs are quite common and I don't really need the huge stockpile of them that I have, so it would be nice to be able to sell. And the Fury-Scorched Stones can be difficult to obtain since they're only available in the one map, and you need a group of players to be able to get them. The map doesn't get nearly as much traffic as it used to, so these tend to be quite rare.
- Allow the new cursor visibility setting to either be toggle-able with a keybinding or to allow it to show up when shaking the mouse cursor (similar to what mac OS does).

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Please allow us to modify exotic trinkets into ascended.

One of my eles has an exotic pendant "Aqueous Amulet" that I would like keep its effect, but could add an enrichment slot to it.


Or is there another way for us to add the enrichment slot to exotic gear?

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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I think an LFG category for fishing parties would be great. Whenever I want to join a random fishing party in my downtime I'm never quite sure where to look in the LFG. I think having a dedicated category "Fishing Parties" would encourage more people to get involved, too. Lower barrier to entry.

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Lounge Pass Tome please!!! I can't buy any more passes if you don't. I'm a incurable completionist and I'd go full pokemon with those things. But each one I have is taking up a valuable shared inv slot. I've reached my "Nope!" point. But if you introduce a Lounge Pass Tome... the gravy train starts moving again! Come on... you know it makes sense... 😁

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Can we have "Cold Resistance" effect (after you consume Thaw Elixir) work not only in Bitterfrost Frontier ? Let it protect players from cold in other areas or instances.At least make it work in Bjora Marches,to keep up with immersion and lore.

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Turtle Unlock: Suiting Up

Add PvE, WvW, and PvP 'alternative' methods to obtain the 'Thruster Control Unit' item, which is currently only attainable via the "Ministry of Security" 10-team/squad raid-like difficulty strike mission, required for fully unlocking the siege turtle mastery track. Not all of us do, or enjoy, strike missions - especially ones which require 9 other players and a huge amount of team co-ordination, planning, gear, skills, and multi-tasking. Some of us just aren't that capable. It would be nice to have an alternative for each game mode for obtaining the 'Thruster Control Unit'. So the PvE alternative method for obtaining this item as an example could require world boss kills, events, item collections, etc. - WvW could require 5,000 skirmish claim tickets, captures, kills, defending things, etc. and for PvP, well, whatever is appropriate for PvP (I don't PvP so no idea on suggestions for this). This way we can all get the 'Thruster Control Unit' item required for unlocking the siege turtle, via our own preferred game method. I believe the strike mission requirement really is the only 'extremely difficult' part of unlocking the siege turtle, and if nothing is done about this, I believe Anet will find themselves not only missing out on plenty of siege turtle skin sales, but you won't see the siege turtle in the game much at all.

Siege Turtle: 2 player mount system

On a similar note, scrap the 2-player system for the siege turtle. It is dumb, I'm sorry, but it really is. Why make the owner of the siege turtle only able to go 'walkies' with their siege turtle, whilst a random person can join in and have all the fun with the cannon? It rewards random strangers, rather than the siege turtle owner who did all the hard work getting it, not to mention all the time and gold spent unlocking it, all for a complete stranger to enjoy the perks. Makes absolutely no sense at all. I don't understand Anet's logic here??? Allow the siege turtle owner to both move and use the cannon. Problem solved.

Infusion Wardrobe, Effect Unlocks & 'Stacking' Infusion Effects/Visuals:

Currently, infusions which provide agony resistance cannot be changed to provide WvW stats for example (+1% Damage to Guards, Lords & Supervisors, as well was -1% Damage taken from Guards, Lords & Supervisors, respectively). This means as a WvW player, you have to decide between losing stats & bonuses against Guards, Lords & Supervisors, simply for gaining the infusion's aesthetics/visuals, as well as some agony resistance, which is completely useless in WvW. At this point, an 'infusion wardrobe' would most likely resolve this problem - this has been mentioned many times before by other players, and is not a new idea by any means. Honestly, an infusion wardrobe just makes sense.

Players could have the ability to unlock infusion effects similar to how you would unlock a legendary weapon or armour skin from the legendary armory. You could 'consume' the infusion, and thus 1 stack of that particular infusion would be added to the Infusion wardrobe. Similar to how the legendary armory works in terms of multiple legendary runes/weapons etc. available, if you have, say, 6 peerless infusions, you could consume them all to obtain 6 stacks of peerless infusion in the infusion wardrobe. The peerless infusion effect could then be applied to a total of 6 infusion based items (applied identical to how skins are applied to weapons, armour, and gathering tools). So if you have, say, 6 Power based WvW infusions, they could have the peerless infusion visual effect applied to them, and there would be 6 stacking visual effects in total, making the effect more powerful. By consuming the infusions, this would retain demand for infusions, if not make them even rarer and more desirable to obtain, and players would be able to keep the stacking effect regardless of stats chosen - because another problem right now with infusions is that you allegedly need to have different stats on each infusion to create the 'stacking' effect. If Anet can manage to make it so that infusions can stack their visual effect regardless of stats, this would be a recipe for success.

"All Available Dailies" needs an option to select all 4 checkboxes for the dailies at once:

The "All Available Dailies" interface (which pops up after you press "continue" from the "Log-In Rewards" interface) needs a checkbox that selects all 4 dailies at once for the Pve, PvP and WvW tabs respectively. When I'm on the WvW tab for example, it's annoying having to tick all 4 WvW individual dailies (which are very small 'eye' icons by the way, and often times I miss-click them) when it could be easily simplified and integrated with 1 checkbox that ticks all 4 of the dailies of the tab that you are on.

Decent and Reliable Cursor contrast options

It was nice to hear about the new cursor contrast options, however there's still problems with both the Low and High visibility options. The High visibility option for starters is way off center/not in the middle, the outer circle is extremely distracting, and the huge amount of white glow behind the cursor prevents you from seeing what you're clicking on. With the low contrast option, it's certainly an improvement, however many players including myself have trouble clicking on small up and down arrows with this cursor - for example when buying/selling items on the trading post, even though the cursor looks like it's pointed on the little arrows when adjusting prices, it often times isn't - and I think it's because of the white glow preventing us from seeing exactly where the tip of the cursor is (Increasing the size of the up and down arrows on the trading post would greatly help in this regard too - as right now I have to click inside the box and use my up and down arrows on the keyboard to adjust prices because the arrows are very inconvenient and tiny to click on). You know there is something very wrong when many players (including well known GW2 YouTubers like AyinMaiden) are having to resort to using third party programs like Yolomouse (which I will NEVER use because even if it isn't frowned upon and is allowed by Anet, I simply don't trust downloading something that for all I know could have ulterior, sinister motives, and possibly compromise my GW2 account in some way, shape or form. I would rather not take the risk at all, unfortunately for me this means I have to rely on Anet's cursor options, and both of the new contrast options aren't completely viable or decent. The pink cursor that AyinMaiden uses from Yolomouse looks brilliant because it still clearly shows the tip of the cursor well, has a slight white glowing border around the cursor, and the cursor itself is a very bright pink colour. Can we have something like this in GW2 please? It seems to work great for everyone else who uses that particular cursor. Also it would be helpful to have options for those who may be colourblind, so perhaps a variety of colours, patterns, pointers, etc.?

Laurel Merchants in WvW borderlands

Add 'general' items to all WvW laurel merchants. It's frustrating needing to buy an Experience Booster for the additional 50% WVW Reward Track but you have to exit WvW in order to purchase it.

You may only have one rentable contract NPC out at a time

When using a Personal Merchant Express item, for example, at a jumping puzzle end reward chest (like the Wind through the Walls jumping puzzle end chest), if another person has their Personal Merchant, Trader, Banker etc. out, then you can't open yours nearby - you have to go far enough away from theirs (which is difficult if you're at the Grand Jade Tech Chest in the Wind through the Walls jumping puzzle area - the space is very small and squishy), OR wait until the other person with their personal merchant active, logs out. This prevents you from being able to use YOUR personal merchant express, banker, trader, etc. and although it doesn't happen all the time, it's still an annoying nuisance that shouldn't exist in the first place.

Another nuisance is when inconsiderate players use these merchants RIGHT ON TOP OF THE GRAND JADE TECH CHEST. Making it difficult to interact with the reward chest. Can Anet put some sort of merchant deployment restriction within a radius of, say, 300 range, from ANY chest? It would also force players to be a little bit more courteous.

I think the easiest option really would be to eliminate the physical merchants altogether (thus eliminating the restriction of not being able to place your personal merchant if another player has theirs out), and instead, have the physical merchants replaced by just a pop-up interface. Identical to how the 'Bank Access Express' item works - in that it pops up an interface, and as soon as you move, it goes away. This would eliminate the grievances of other players using their merchants at the same time, and would declutter any jumping puzzle reward chests, for example. There'd still be the odd troll that would put a bobblehead laboratory every now and then, but that's where Anet could implement a restriction for those types of things within a radius of 300, from any reward chests.

Repel The Enemy Attackers Enemy Siege Blueprint

Stop allowing enemies in WvW to throw blueprint siege up on to walls of towers, keeps, and stonemist castle, from below said walls.

I'm getting sick and tired of enemies throwing siege up onto our keep wall in order to 'contest' our keep, preventing us from using our waypoint for 3 minutes.

This is the dumbest, most idiotic thing in the ENTIRETY of WvW, and I can't believe this has not been fixed for all these years. Let's be honest, it's not repelling the enemy attackers, it's repelling an enemy siege blueprint.

You shouldn't be able to throw/place siege from below a wall, or at least from a certain height distance / angle from below a wall.

Infinite Gathering Tools - 2 glyph slots idea

I think infinite gathering tools should have 2 slots for glyphs similar to how jade bots have 2 slots for different functions. I find it incredibly frustrating have to alternate all the time between glyph of reaping (so I can gather the nodes of, say, herbs, in one swoop - very handy in close clusters like in the personal home instance for example), and the glyph of industry - for nodes which don't particularly have multiple nodes of the same node nearby (like in WvW where there is usually 1 herb, 1 log, and 1 mining node), where it's easier to use the glyph of industry for quicker harvesting from singular/individual harvesting nodes.

It would be neat if I could have the glyph of industry and glyph of reaping on the same infinite gathering tool. That way I can reap all similar nearby nodes, AND harvest them 50% faster. I think it would be a great QOL update.

Anet could make it a gemstore purchase or something, to rake in more money, OR have it as a feature of an exotic or legendary rarity harvesting tool, OR as a mystic forge recipe where you have to combine 2 of the same gathering tool, and 2 other ingredients, to create a gathering tool with an extra slot - sort of like 'infusing it' or something.

Option to Keep Inventory Interface Open upon map change/load

In WvW for example, if you're close to a waypoint and waypoint to it, your character will just move there without a map load because it's close and there's no map loading, but once you've moved past a certain range and waypoint to a waypoint, the map will load when you waypoint to it, and if you have your inventory interface open at the time, it will automatically be closed upon the map loading. It's incredibly frustrating having to always open the inventory interface when changing maps. Allow players to keep the Inventory interface open upon map loading if the Inventory interface was open at the time of waypointing to said waypoint.

Endless Mobile Crafting Station Contract

It would be nice to be able to pull up any crafting station regardless of where you are. I just struck this problem right now, with all my alts parked at a difficult jumping puzzle end chest, which usually requires a teleport to friend item if you want to skip all the hard work each time to get back to it, and my one and only MAIN character that ISN'T parked at the chest is used deliberately for everything else, so my main can go wherever, whenever, however, murphies law, my alts are the only ones that have the specific crafting levels and disciplines required to make mystic aspects (Armorsmith/Leatherworker/Tailor) and to make the gifts for a legendary rune, it requires my alt which has 500 Weaponsmith (and at this point it would be nice to have account wide crafting to save all this drama in the first place). My main does not have all the crafting disciplines at 500, and thus this means I have to get my alts with the required crafting disciplines and move them to a crafting station to craft the items I need, but this removes them from the map and jumping puzzle location, which, every time, requires another teleport to friend item (2 in this case, as I need 2 of my alts to make the legendary rune). It would be a nice QOL update to include this contract in the game.

Permanent Name Change Contract & Permanent Total Makeover Kit Contract

Permanent name change contract - ability to change 1 character's name once per week (being able to change your character's name at any time without restriction would be OP I reckon)

Permanent Total Makeover Kit Contract - same function as a total makeover kit, with infinite uses. There's a permanent hair stylist contract, so why not a total makeover contract as well??

Edited by Zaoda.1653
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Please allow us to customise Jade Mechs with different parts and colours.


For instance bigger legs, etc...

Also, our Utility Skills weapons and turrets, should be their weapons.

For instance, if we equip a flame thrower, then an F skill should be that.

If we equip a rocket turret, the corresponding F skill should fire rockets. 

So on so forth. 

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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I never liked that the important Event Schedule is only externally available, e.g. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Event_timers

Additionally most (all) only give rewards once a day per account/char and this is of course logged by the system, but nowhere shown to the user, e.g. as complained about in: 


To solve this I propose to add a "Daily Encounter" Kategorie to the Daily Achievements, that gives exactly this information.

At the Daily-Reset it shows all such Events (e.g. Tequatl, Dragon Storm, ...) rewarded only once a day available in the game as doable, when you do one it turns into completed (and ideally inside the completed  achievement you can see which char(s) did it today, such that you can figure out which chars would still get a char-bound reward).

For open ones it shows in how many minutes/hours it will happen next time and per default is sorted such that the next ones are on top. This way, you can easily see, what's the next event you haven't done today. As usual for achievements you can add them to your watch list.

Edited by Dayra.7405
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Select dye slot first, select color afterwards


hello, i think this will be a great and maybe easy to implement:

  1.   first select the dye slot to dye
  2.   then hovering the mouse over the dyes will color them
      or (clicking the colors until you select a new dye slot)

that way we reduce the mouse back and forth from dye slot to dye

i think its a great QoL improvement.

i iwsh you all a nice day 🙂

Edited by Dynamo.5709
when merged the title was deleted, that and to be more clear on the idea.
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9 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

Make /gg available in sPvP.

How would that work with ranks and rewards. What would keep people from griefing others by /gg whenever they see them on the opposing team?

Edited by Gibson.4036
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7 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

How would that work with ranks and rewards. What would keep people from griefing others by /gg whenever they see them on the opposing team?

Grieving and other match manipulation already exist, and are not addressed, so these issues officially are of no relevance. Ranks mean nothing in the current sPvP, so ranks are to be disregarded as well.

However, opponents abusing down state by attacking the enemy every 10 seconds or so and letting them slowly die need a way to be circumvented. /gg can do that.

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8 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

Grieving and other match manipulation already exist, and are not addressed, so these issues officially are of no relevance. Ranks mean nothing in the current sPvP, so ranks are to be disregarded as well.

However, opponents abusing down state by attacking the enemy every 10 seconds or so and letting them slowly die need a way to be circumvented. /gg can do that.

I may have misunderstood. I took your suggestion of /gg to mean conceding the match. Did you mean just shortcutting the bleed-out to go directly to the respawn timer?

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About: Catching Fish.

I just want more accessible ways to catch Fish, this current Mini-Game makes the player hold the 2-3 keys for too long and constantly go back and forth too often; it has already 'caused me minor carpal tunnel once and I'm too scared to engage with your fishing system for too long. GW2 has a crap ton of buttons, keybinds, and UI, normally it's all been one key press or click and some hold keys. And you have toggle Autorun too, Left/Right-hold-mouse-click is a thing as well. I'll point out that A-D is another fishing option in place of 2-3, but that doesn't fix my core problems. You're still shifting your hand back and forth repeatedly and applying pressure on keys.

Even if it's a new Living World episode Mastery, it would be extremely helpful too have a way to Auto Catch Fish, and it's better or worse depending on your Fishing Power. Red=Failure, Yellow=40/60 Chance, Green=90-99%+ Chance, and Fishing Party + Fishing Power Food, would contribute to a 100% of Auto-Catching every fish. Also if this were too be a change made to Fishing, it would also be helpful for the Fishing Buff to carry over with Instance changes, maybe map change too.

Fishing doesn't need to be like Runescape or Raft, mostly standing in one place and giving minimum interaction. ArenaNet, you already make players board a Skiff and drive it to a Fishing Node, anchor, wield fishing rod, cast, play a Mini-Game, then repeat previous steps. I personally love all of these steps I have to take in order to fish- you did a fantastic job with the Skiff & Fishing Nodes, yet the Fish-Catching-Mini-Game is a long term problem.
I at least need a Auto-Catch option for later into my fishing trip where I don't have to destroy my hand while pressing 2-3 for 99+ fish catches. - Please and thank you.

Thank you for reading. ❤️

Edited by Tearthy Flame.1463
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35 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

I may have misunderstood. I took your suggestion of /gg to mean conceding the match. Did you mean just shortcutting the bleed-out to go directly to the respawn timer?

/gg is a feature that kills you.

Obviously, a chat command to forfeit a match would be terrible.

I just don't want people be forced into down state abuse by enemies.

It could also help you get to the spawn if you are stuck.

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1 hour ago, Fueki.4753 said:

/gg is a feature that kills you.

Obviously, a chat command to forfeit a match would be terrible.

I just don't want people be forced into down state abuse by enemies.

It could also help you get to the spawn if you are stuck.

Got it. 

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So i was told by a support dev to post this here so the game devs have a better chance to see it so here goes.  I now have three mount skins that are usless to me...and all three came at the cost of gems which to me is the equivilent of &15 us dollars worth of uslessness.  I do not and have no desire to get the warclaw nor the skyescale.  The reason is because I have a physical disability with my hands that make jumping puzzles and trying to survive pvp/wvw virtually impossible.  while I did start both, I had to abandon the quest for them because my hands cannot take the stress of pvp and jumping puzzles.  Its hard to explain why my disability limits my ability to do these so I hope you will just understand that as much as I have tried, I simply cant.  And before you say to just get a mezmer to port me up, I have had great difficulty finding one willing while I am online.  


My suggestion for the game devs is this... when using a mount licence, please only allow it to unlock for the mounts you DO have.  While I could use a select a mount license, I feel they are priced a bit too high.   Another option would be to allow another roll for a mount skin whenever the rng gives you a skin for a mount you dont have.


Anyhow thats all i wanna say.  I probably ticked off someone with it so I have my fireproof pants on and ready.  Hope everyone reading this has a good day!!

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