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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Not so much a problem as what I would call a weakness in the TP system.

OK, I've had a number of items sitting up for sale on the TP for over two months, many for three months, now. Some have even been up for four.. Even though they were priced at the bottom of the price queue for that item when posted, they've still been sitting there for over two months or more. Clearly, the "current" price I've set, even though it was based on the then-current market price is way too high. Given that they are 40gp items, it is very **very** prohibitively expensive to withdraw them and re-submit.

I suggest you consider the idea that perhaps the current mechanism does not allow prices to adjust well when items are clearly overpriced.

To that end, while I don't suggest you eliminate the fees (which, I understand, discourage use of the Trading post to "store" items), but perhaps offer a much lower "re-listing fee" be allowed after the item has sat at a given price for more than a reasonably long length of time -- say, 30, 60, 90 days.

The only thing the owner can do in this instance would be to change the price on any item sitting for more than that length of time for a much more nominal amount -- 5 silver or something akin to that as a re-listing or "listing adjustment" fee. There would be no refund of the original fee, just a way to encourage the sale of an item that one inadvertently overpriced, probably by basing presumption on the existing price at the time. And once you re-set the price, the 30/60/90 day countdown restarts, so you can't do it again until it has sat around for a long time. You might even place constraints on how much it can be lowered at a time -- 25%, perhaps, to discourage hacking accounts. Perhaps not, but it would be reasonable. 

I feel this should be relatively easy to code, and provide a much improved functionality to the market.

One other option would be to allow someone to just automatically adjust the price of something one time during the current month or other fixed period -- this could be implemented as a single, simple flag on any item, no tracking needed -- just go and reset them all to "off" on the first of the month, and then set the flag to "on" if anyone uses the "reset price" feature... after which they can't reset it again. And you can set the flag to "on" when it is first put up for sale, making them wait for it to reset on the beginning of the next month to adjust the price. This seems like a particularly elegant solution, and almost trivial to implement -- a single bit-flag in the item DB to be set, and a "reset" feature that allowed the price change while setting the bit. And then a once-a-month daemon to reset them all (or whatever frequency you decided to implement, really).

This would encourage prices to be adjusted occasionally on those really expensive items. and the standing price of "common but hard to get" items would then tend to better reflect the actual market price of an item, rather than some inaccurate historical price, as the current system seems to do.

You could verify this yourself by doing a query on how many items there are that have been sitting in the market for over a month or so, and doing a bin-count for different values (e.g., 0-10gp,10-30gp, 30-50gp, etc)

Thanks for considering this idea, and I hope you will implement some variation on it.

Edited by Jaxson.1593
added "header"
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Adding players to ones friendlist makes one currently able to see where they are located ingame.

this funcion is abused by pvp players to identify if opponents are current in a pvp match to avoid fighting them. aka "queue dodging" or "queue sniping".   If you want to avoid playing against strong players just wait until they started a match and queue then to ensure not to meet them.

in wvw this function is abused to identify where enemy commanders and players are located, too.

this should not be part of competitive gamemodes.

there is no need to look up this way where your opponents are.

this function should be anonym at least for spvp and wvw.

the friendlist should be changed accordingly.

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UI Customization (idea)
Currently it is not really possible. We can re-arrange a few elements to specific spots, but that is it. Now when we enter certain events or press (default) CTRL+SHIF+H, the whole UI disappears. Everything still works as normal, just no UI. Even chat works. 

So instead of trying to change the UI, which does not seem to be possible without destroying the game, we can utilize this hide function. I suggest making multiple (gemstore) UI templates, which are just the hide screen. Make a little editor, similar to the one in FFXIV or SWTOR that places copies of the original elements which are not visible during hide-mode. If I remember correctly, making UI elements visible and hiding them is done with different visibility-layers?

The whole functionality still works with the original system. The custom visuals are just in a hide-mode-template. And if we switch back to normal, the hide-mode elements vanish.

Edited by HnRkLnXqZ.1870
reactions as predicted :P
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Guild Hall - The pvp arena in guild halls is still using the pve skill configuration.

there should be a npc in the guild hall’s pvp arena which offers to switch the configuration to wvw or pvp skills.

This will enable wvw and pvp players to make proper guild hall training to improve their gaming.


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suggestion for more class build flexability - increase boon range, at present it basically makes all classes mandatorily mellee, because of boon stacking, anything to do with fractals and such, you either stack or get kicked, because boons have such an overly limited range, making class builds focus heavily on mellee range as the sole and only concept. which means that anyone who even romotely considers those other play styles basically have to exclude themselves or face social backlash as they quickly get kicked and labeled as uncooperative, or some such - which would be basically solved by just increasing boon range to reach just a bit further - heck alacracity has such a small range that it FORCES you into mellee range to keep it, come on now, this is just rediculous already.


what? did Anet just forget that ranged gameplay was a thing entirely or something? that's what it feels like anyhow.

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Good morning, good afternoon, good evening...


I would like to request a separate setting for ranger pets in different modes. 

For example :

Ranger pets set for pve will remain in pve, if you set different pets for WvW or PvP.

When you comeback to pve, your chosen pets will be there.

If, and when in WvW, you set different pets, they will then only appear in WvW, when you comeback to it.


There is probably an easier way to describe this request, but my mind at the moment is in a milliom different places at the same time.


Hope that you understand what I mean and consider this ANet.


Thank you.

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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4 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening...


I would like to request a separate setting for ranger pets in different modes. 

For example :

Ranger pets set for pve will remain in pve, if you set different pets for WvW or PvP.

When you comeback to pve, your chosen pets will be there.

If, and when in WvW, you set different pets, they will then only appear in WvW, when you comeback to it.


There is probably an easier way to describe this request, but my mind at the moment is in a milliom different places at the same time.


Hope that you understand what I mean and consider this ANet.


Thank you.

This already happens. 

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1 hour ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

This already happens. 

No it doesn't. 

Not with me it does not.

I don't know where or how you have done or seen that.

But I just tried to confirm.

Changed pets in wvw, cameback to pve and didn't change back to the ones i had in pve previous to changing them in wvw.

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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Certainly works for me.  Better check your WvW and PvE Build Templates. 

Ranger pets and Revenant legends (and skill order) are also stored.  Build and Equipment Templates last used in PvE, WvW, and PvP are remembered as of the December 3,2019 update, and are automatically activated when returning to that game mode.


Edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234
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43 minutes ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

No it doesn't. 

Not with me it does not.

I don't know where or how you have done or seen that.

But I just tried to confirm.

Changed pets in wvw, cameback to pve and didn't change back to the ones i had in pve previous to changing them in wvw.


28 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Certainly works for me.  Better check your WvW and PvE Build Templates. 

Ranger pets and Revenant legends (and skill order) are also stored.  Build and Equipment Templates last used in PvE, WvW, and PvP are remembered as of the December 3,2019 update, and are automatically activated when returning to that game mode.


Correct you will have to use a seperate wvw build template to store different pets mate, we have 3 of them for a reason and one of those were the one you got before in wvw.

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23 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:


Correct you will have to use a seperate wvw build template to store different pets mate, we have 3 of them for a reason and one of those were the one you got before in wvw.

Thanks both of you.

@Inculpatus cedo.9234


I don't know why I haven't noticed or figured this out before.

I guess that I didn't read that part of the update.

Thanks again.

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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Dear ANET developers and artists. A huge request to create a hybrid of skins, even for the gems of pirates and Jade technology, where 1 hand will be a claw-hook, and the 2nd, like a jade prosthesis. With legs, just like a 1 leg crutch, like a pirate, and the 2nd prosthetic jade, like an NPC in the main city of Kaineng City. And I also ask you very much... there are such shoulders Twisted Watchwork Shoulders, I beg you to make the same on 2 shoulders, not one, they are very suitable for the glider..... I hope it will not be difficult..

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Here's an idea for the dev team.  Why not make an auto replanter for ascended seed packets for the home garden and sell them on the trader?  Then (sarcasm) maybe you could make enough money to NOT charge people when they want to swap servers in WVW so they can play with their new guild.  Actually, THAT would be a great idea anyway.  When people finally find a guild they like running with, and they want to run wvw with them, you guys make it hard on them financially to make the swap over.  That's just not right.  Also, guild mission in PVP - the timer should not start until the actual match starts, and pause between matches, instead of ticking down while teams are in queue.  That's flat out wrong!  You also could bring back items that were very popular that you left on the gem store for a short time.  Loads of items I'd like to buy more of for my other toons, but you guys just pulled them off, and that's lost revenue for you.  Maybe you need some better bean counters?


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