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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Please give an option to the gear slots and build slots, to be switched 1to1. So we can organize how they are listed. 

For example i wanna put dps build from 1 to number4 & the healer from slot4 to slot1.

Right now we have to remove or override a whole slot in order to place something inside

Edited by Virdo.1540
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Don't know if this would be better in Gem Store requests or here, but nevertheless. 

Please make it possible to hide twigs/branches from the Winter Monarch outfit.

The outfit is awesome, but the shoulder twigs spoil it.

Can you make it part of the shoulder bit, so when we untick the box to not display, it hides that too?

It would be marvellous. 

Thanks 😊 

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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Could the crystallized caches at the end of Tangled Depths meta be replaced by 4 "greater" crystallized caches that could spawn where a chak gerent dies and also have a chance to drop a chak egg sac? The auric basin meta has 5 chests with a chance to drop the aurilium vial, this way the tangled depths meta would also 5 chests with a chance and the chak infusion wont continue to cost more than the 10k gold limit of the trading post. This would also solve the "stare at the wall" part of the meta

Edited by andreiblue.8231
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/!\ Be careful, a long post in very bad English is coming (and I'm sorry for that)/!\

Hi all !

Playing GW2 since its launch (with several breaks), I think that the richness of Guild Wars 2 lies in the diversity of its content. I wanted to offer ideas that I may have had while playing. Some are probably impractical, some have already been proposed several times and others may seem minor but could greatly improve the gaming experience

I) ) Reasonable
1) Masteries: New category

A new category for unused mastery points. This could be XP on all maps and powered with all types of mastery points. This would give interest to our unused mastery points and make us want to seek out all the available points while therefore increasing the appeal of all the expansions.

-Mounted movement speed (1% per point / 10%)
- Mount skill cooldowns (1% per point / -15%)
- Mount skill damage (1% per point / 15%)
- Hang glider movement speed ((1% per point / 10%)
- Fishing power (5 apr point / 50)
- Magic Discovery (1% per point / infinite)
- Gold Overdraft 1% per point / Infinite)
- Bonus XP ((1% per point / Infinite)
- Karma gain (1% per point / Infinite)

- Etc.


2) Buff Masteries

Be able to use all masteries on all maps (cantha buff, IBS buff, HOT mushroom buff...)

This could be done via the repair workbenches which would be “reworked” and would give access to the unlocked mastery buffs (with a limit all the same, such as the choice of a single buff per extension) or via workbenches to appear as the IBS workbench (this could even be a new master's degree),

This would once again increase the interest in unlocking all the masteries in all the expansions, making them more useful.

3) Hang Gliding Skill – Blood Magic
→ Usable everywhere


4) Various improvement of masteries

Buff Masteries: Increased durations to 30 min
Jade Drone Teleport: Reduce the cooldwon or not limit it to a single use as long as you stay on the map.
Jade Drone: Have access to all unlocked improvements, especially our characters…
Jade Drôen: More sensors / Cores / Chips. This feature I find is under-exploited.

5) Skin wars: Wardrobe infusions, with much more effect

Lightning, wind, mist, flame, etc...

6) GUILD wars: Recruitment panel / Guild search

A real recruitment system, in-game guild presentation. (in the guild window for example) which does not require a person connected in the lfg).

7) Service area: Content instanced

A HUB with access to all available instanced content: Dungeons, fractal, raid, strike, DRM.

😎 Mystical Coin / Mystical Clover

Weekly reward for:
- Dungeons,
- Each meta event (so that some regain popularity)


9) Don't be afraid new player / QOL : Reduction of different currencies and keys

Merger of the following currencies & keys:
- Proofs of heroics, testimonies of desert Heroics, testimonies of jade Heroics,
- Geodes and Bandit Crests,
- Zephyirite lock picks and bandit skeleton keys,
- Airship Parts, Lumps of Aurillium, Ley Line Crystals,
- Pact Crowbars, Exalted Keys, Vials of Chak Acid, Machetes
- Unbound Magic and Volatile Magic,
- Blue prophet shards, Green prophet shards,
- fractal relics, pristine fractal relics
- Static charges, pines of stardust, calcified Gasps.

II) Crazy

1) Graphics Improvement

The 11 years of GW2 are starting to make themselves felt As said previously, the game could still offer a ton of necessary content for the next 10 years, but without graphical improvement, it will be difficult to last over time and continue to play. attract new players.
A graphical rework coupled with an increase in available platforms could probably attract a lot of new players,

2) A naval-themed expansion

Who never dreams of playing a pirate in GW2?
A new mastery for a combat boat (this time with the possibility for the players in the group to move on it),
A guild ship that can accommodate a full squad with various mechanics for piloting the boat requiring several people as well as for combat.


A redesign of the aquatic system would, I think, be too complex and would require too many resources; the “terrestrial” content could then be limited to islands and “atlandtis” type underwater areas to explore.
An MCM map on the theme of course!
New elite specializations finally using aquatic weapons as land weapons.

3) New Masteries: Customizable Mount

Anyway, the skyscale overshadows the other mounts a lot!

A new, somewhat special mount:
- A racial base skin (interchangeable obviously): horse for humans, “ship” for asuras, tank for Charr, something plant-based for Sylvary, Mammoth for norns 😄
- No particular mounting skills: Choice of movement skills among those unlocked with a switch as for weapons which would allow us to change our mount from a land version to a flying one.
- The chosen skills would add a customizable cosmetic element to our mount

4) An In-game vocal

Mute by default – Manual activation
A squad channel, a guild channel, a group channel, no need for more. Even if I am personally a player who likes writing, I think that this could greatly improve interaction between players whether in pve or mcm and would "warm up" the somewhat cold atmosphere of our lfg system: join a group , Hello, thank you, goodbye, leave the group.


5) Thief's Whim

After 11 years of play, our 2 left-handed weapons are feeling a little lonely, and with the latest addition once again being a right-handed weapon on its own, it's really starting to be miserable. At this point, we're not asking for much. Simply for example, to go with our new right hand axe, a second left hand axe:
- skill 3: all axes thrown return to our position inflicting damage on enemies crossed,
- skill 4: the axes on the ground rotate around the character for x seconds, inflicting damage on enemies crossed.
- Skill 5: 6 axes are thrown around the characters, inflicting damage on enemies crossed.
(yes the vote is slightly distorted :D)

Mars Balancing: For some unknown reason, the thief's main sustain trait is going to be reworked and will no longer include sustain. A balancing of the healing trait accordingly to be considered, this one performs on piercing projectile weapons and underperforms on other weapons. It could then be re-worked accordingly in line with what the previous trait was (heal on critical damage).

6) Skin war: New races

Requested many times and always brushed aside for the resource cost it would require, but it seemed impossible not to mention this point. For the lore etc, I think that simplifying by having them arrive from an unknown region would be sufficient, it would be a little cheap but would nevertheless add diversity.


7) Skin wars::End of outfits – transformation of outfits into armor

Similar to the previous point.

😎 Beetle races:




9) Beetle Races: A system for sharing guild hall circuits requiring joining the guild in question

10) GUILD wars: HOUSING in guild hall

Expand the guild halls by dedicating land to housing per member where everyone could build!


11) GUILD wars: Housing – Inter-guild community map

An entire map (based on classic servers) where each guild could rent land to build a small HQ!

12) GUILD wars: Allow personal harvest areas to be put in the guild hall

13) Instanced content: raid & dungeons

Don't abandon this content by releasing at least one dungeon and one raid per expansion!

14) Pvp: New game modes

Usually, I enjoy PVP a lot. However, on Guild Wars 2 I didn't like it. I think this comes from the fact that the core of the gameplay lies in moving and "tanking" points.

A little more fun modes I think would be welcome, with 10 or 15 players per team in slightly larger maps. Without reinventing the wheel, “classic” modes would be nice, which would be based on principles other than those currently available.

15) Rework of activities (shrine races etc.)


Thx for reading !


Edited by Merrow.3564
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  • Merrow.3564 changed the title to {Suggestion] Letter to Santa

Thanks for breaking this all into sections, makes it much easier to read!

1.1  Interesting idea, might cause some overpowered problems, i.e. mount boost along with jade bot.

1.2  Again, may cause some issues with being overpowered even more than now and the screams of pay to win 

1.3  Not opposed, as a nice CC maybe

1.4  I'm with you having it unlocked on account, and I wouldn't mind having my waypoint feature movable while I'm still on the map and not wait for cooldown unless it's used.  

1.5  More infusions are good.  Please no more flashier or brighter effects though.   Preview for them in wardrobe would be handy.  

1.6  There seems to be quite enough guild recruitment methods?

1.7  Service area?  Like the workbenches and vendors?  No.   Buy a pass if you don't like the ones in cities.  

1.8  Have you used the wizards vault?  They really can't throw more at you without playing the game for you.  

1.9  Agreed that there is currency bloat, but it does make people go back to maps and that's a positive.  How about telling new players not to worry so much and just play the game?  

2.1  I don't want to pay for GW2 Remastered.  Some touch ups, sure.  I am not interested in other platforms personally.  

2.2  I do not wish to play a pirate or pirate themed content.  

2.3  Sounds like WoW....no elekks!!!

2.4  Discord works fine

2.5  No opinion, I don't play thief

2.6  Well, one can wish, but unlikely

2.7  They make money, not going to happen 

2.8  Hamster tubes for roller beetles, sure!

2.9  You want them to join a guild or not to use the beetle track?  Confused.  

2.10  No thanks.  Sound laggy 

2.11  Many many MANY thread on housing.  No.  

2.12  That's what a home instance is for.  

2.13  The majority of players don't raid, but I'll support the development of more raids, more fractals, more WvW, and more PVP, alongside open world.  

2.14  They still haven't finished WvW alliances, so you can wait.  

2.15  Maybe just add them with each map.  Crab toss can rot.  



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hello there!

i was wondering if the current guild teams functionality could be expanded by being able to not only create/add pvp teams but also fractal groups, raid/strike squads etc. being able to add specific people. this would enable to quickly head into contents, e.g. if you agree on a specific day+time with your static and with the click of a button you can invite all people of that group.

also if you're already in a group, you should get a request for join instead of when in the position of an inviter you get an error message  saying that person is already in a party/squad. 

in addition to that, it would be great that when you're in the same guild, you should be able to see open squads listed, requesting to join.

after all, i believe gw2 should be focused on guilds themselves... playing together and bringing people together...

let me know your thoughts!

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Can you please fix purchasable collectibles? Example: Guide To Kurzick Combat Stances is available to buy from Hall Director Shooee by my Renegade despite me already having bought it! I spent karma and Imperial Favor for nothing 😛  Make purchase -one-time objects disappear from a merchant's menu please! and make them available when they actually are possible to be activated please 😛

No one can remember all the dozens and dozens of collections they have running

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Considering the whole "dragon saga is done" direction the game is currently at, I think it would be fitting to add the "dragon saga" collective tome for storing HoT/PoF/EoD/LW portals. Or at least just for LW tomes. 😄

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Seriously, Anet -- Why can't we have at least some of the great armor sets various npcs get to wear? SERIOUSLY! As the saying goes, you're leaving money on the table.
I give you, for your consideration, the Sayeh al' Rajihd armor set: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/b/bb/Largos_female.jpg
There are SO many others. Anyone else have a hot set they'd like to see?

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Can you please finally make Celestial Insignia and Inscription tradeable on TP? 

It's really a pain every time I have to stat swap Ascended gear to Celestial because these are the only materials not instantly acquirable through any means. And waiting 2 days to charge a quartz for a single weapon/armor is really annoying.

Edited by ZephidelGRS.9520
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For the Weekly Festivals collections increase the count for activities so if you have to do so if you do a full round of them you get at least 50 points. The old cou8nt, here using The Lunar Festival where if you do a round of the Celestial Tournament, adventures, and the time trial you only get 25 points. Before when this achievement only went to 100, 25 points would be 25%. That's fitting. Now it's only 12,5% of the total you need,m which requires you to make an, IMO, soul-crushingly amount of effort.

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Guild Wars 2 housing idea  

Hear me out before you say no. I’ve thought this through in some detail and I get that the programming alone would be a nightmare. But I got ideas to help lessen the workload and both you (the company) and us (the players) can benefit from this. It means more items to sell in the Black Lion and it’s something new and exciting to do in the game for players. 

Guild wars 2 is considered to be quite the game and able to hold its own against many rivals, but if you don’t evolve and keep up with the others then you’ll be left behind. And I can’t have that. I’m a vet player since gw1 and I love this game. I’ve seen how this game has evolved over the years. I remember players freaking out over being able to just sit in a chair! And mounts, oh my! I do have a small idea for mounts I’ll save to the very end. So, I think with a little adjustment, you can bring in even more players and that’s good for you as a company. 

So, you already know how players get when it comes to fashion…fashion wars. If fashion wars weren’t a thing, you wouldn’t be selling so many skins for weapons, armors and mounts. So, imagine another way to sell such things. Housing and its many…many possible decorations, the only difficult side would be creating the different types of furniture and decorations.  


Housing placement: 

Put it in home instance. You can have a door in the home instance that leads to a copy of the home instance land, just without all the people or buildings and simply allow a house to be built there. No need to create land out in the world, that would be such a difficult task.  


The House: 

The houses themselves can be in different styles depending on which city’s home instance it is placed in. You could even just mimic or alter an already existing building, but I'd suggest creating a new one. If you want to start out small and later add additional floors to the house, then just have the houses maximum evolution be up to 2 stories (2 floors) and add the third later on down the road.  You could allow all the players to plant things around the house or in a certain designated spot for either cultivating or decoration. That in turn could later on down the road be a way for players to grow some of the supplies needed in crafting things. Also, place a limit on how many decorations can fit into it. But if the player’s house goes from 1 to 2 floors or if an addition is attached, then increase the furniture/decoration capacity accordingly. Another thing you could add is the ability to paint the walls, ceiling and floor. You could add a requirement such as using a special potion to be able to do this. This benefits both you (the company) and the player because if something is too easy then the player might get bored, of course if it's too difficult they might give up so this gives it a happy middle. Plus, the potion is something you allow to be made or bought too.   


How to give the house to the players: 

You can do this a number of different ways. But I know gw2 likes to make the player work for it. So let me pose this example for you. Make the first house an easy-ish accomplishment. But, as for the other home instance cities (owning more than one house), make those achievements of their own and once a player has a house in all cities that’s another type of achievement, add a nice title to it too and it would be a satisfying achievement. Let’s say, all house types can go up to at most 2 stories (2 floors) and let’s say a player achieved this, that’s another achievement and another title. You can assign titles for the different achievements and even take it a step further and make getting all those titles a title of its own. I got some ideas for titles if you’re not sure what to put. And let’s say the houses are built and filled with furniture, make that another achievement. You could even have a best decorated house contest. As for how this house is given, it can be a house plan that the player could select which house style they want ahead of time then right click and place it down on the ground or have the house automatically change to the proper style according to which city’s home instance it’s placed in. To save time on confusion, I’d say the first option. To prevent others from getting it easily, make it account bound upon selection but not character bound, that way all the players’ characters can enjoy the house. I hope that made sense. And you could even add the feature of letting the player know if they have that house design already or not.  


Stuff for the house: 

Now, I’m sure you’ve asked yourself this question; how will the furniture and decorations be made or obtained? Well, I have a few propositions for this, but I’d say one easy way is to create another crafting discipline, and this too can be another achievement. A title for this could be added as well.  All of these achievements can give different rewards related to the house, such as decorations or potions and such. If you’re wondering which furniture should be allowed to be made with which supplies, I got some ideas. No need to make it too complicated. Save that for the special furniture. You can even create seasonal furniture and make a special storage box to store all the stuff they make, because a player might want to switch out the furniture with another one. And aside from regular everyday looking furniture, or seasonal holiday ones, you can also have each city’s own style of furniture. For this you could place a vendor for any race to obtain by paying with gold, or trading it with another piece of furniture, or both if you are feeling adventurous and creative. Or you could simply have the vendor sell the recipe to be able to make the special city inspired furniture and after creating a certain number of furniture, make that an achievement as well with maybe a reward or title or both depending on how generous you’re feeling.  

You could even, later on down the road or even in the beginning (up to you), add a cooking crafting station, for example, in the kitchen of the house. Such crafting stations could be either an additional update to the house or a smaller type of house that can be placed next to it. It depends on how much work or creativity you want to put into it.  

An area for planting different plants for either building up supplies or decorative or both, a vendor could sell the seeds for planting and this vendor could simply be placed in the home instance, aside from the one that already exists since not everyone has the plot garden open in their home instance. And for those who have it, it could simply be a second vendor but for housing gardening only.  

One other catch is to make sure house furniture and decorations are not used for the guild; otherwise, things might get complicated and wouldn’t be fair to those without a guild. But if you wanted, you could add a portal ability on the house property somewhere and that could be crafted with items from the scribe discipline. 

You could even have a stable for mounts, but that might be considered more of an unnecessary luxury that could be added later if you still wanted to.  But I'm personally for it. Imagine seeing your decorating mounts in your own stable! 

And finally....

Small idea for mounts: 

Add the ability for all mounts to carry 2 players! I mean without needing to operating some gun like the siege turtle. You could even add a small slow effect to it if you want. Not for battling, but just simply going from one end to another. I get that taking up such a feat programming wise isn’t a small task, but I think it would be worth it. It would be a quality of life that would be highly appreciated and fun!  

I hope these ideas helped inspire you at least. Sorry for making it so lengthy, this is actually shortened. Lol.

Thank you for reading it to the very end, it's appreciated. ^_^





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In general options there is a drop down titled "Content Guide". If I select Hide Events and Personal Story, I will have an arrow guiding me to locations on the map I haven't discovered, or hearts I haven't completed. It would be great if it weren't either or. I would like both at once, one arrow to direct me to personal story I haven't completed and one arrow to direct me to areas on the map I haven't discovered.

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1.1 New masteries
 The main objective is to have new objectives which are at least interesting and which use the resources already present in the game without increasing the powercreep problem.

1.2 Masteries usable on several maps
The gain would only be in open world, which in my opinion would not pose a problem of overpowering. In addition, this would make it possible to reduce certain inequalities during the open world without unbalancing the breakages.

1.6 Guild Recruitment Chart
Currently, the only “fixed” way is the forum, otherwise you have to go through the lfg which requires a person who dedicates their lfg to this. And, this is my opinion, but the forum can pose a problem, particularly in the event of recruitment opening/closing, or for guilds whose position is a little old and would therefore lose visibility.

1.7 Service area: Content instanced
I have passes, but I personally find that changing maps 3 times to access this or that instance is a bit restrictive. (And personally it takes me a while to load the maps each time :D)

1.8 Mystical Coin / Mystical Clover
Obviously I take those from the wizard vault. But 20 clovers and 60 coins every 3 to 4 months is really light, even taking into account fractals, strike and possibly MCM or PVP knowing that for trinket you need between 250 and 500 mystical coins.
The economy on mystical pieces has always been complicated, and this would help restore some interest in this content.

2.1 Graphics
Personally, having 6,000 hours of play, paying for a graphics rework would not pose a problem to me, as the quantity of content is high compared to the price paid.

2.5 Thief QQ
Let's just say that 2 left-handed weapons for 11 years, it's starting to feel light.

2.7 Outfits into armor
Personally, I don't buy any outfit, if it was cut by piece like armor, I would be much more interested in mixing it with other armor.

2.9 Beetles Races Guild
Some guilds offer to try the circuits they have built in their hall. But to do this you have to ask them for a guild invitation each time. I find that this hides this feature which is nevertheless nice. The idea would be to be able to share it “publicly”

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  • Merrow.3564 changed the title to {Suggestion] Qol, features, content and more

why not make it so u can save wardrobe presets/dyes, similiarly to how u can save build templates. clicking on a saved template would preview all the saved parts with the ability to click the small cross to cancel specific parts being transmuted, and then u would ofc need to use transmutation charges untill u get legendary gear (same as when u click the randomize button). wouldnt mind if u get like 3 slots default for free, and unlock more via shop. it could be 100% skippable, giving absolutely 0 advantage in terms of gameplay. i wouldnt mind buying more since i tend to change the wardrobe A LOT, and usually combining specific parts together. guessing there would be quite a few players enjoying such functionality ^^

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Please convert Thistlereed Waypoint  [&BFECAAA=]  into a plain PoI and just be done with it. The thing is always contested (smashed into pieces, actually) and unusable, so just take out the never-available waypoint function and make it a PoI instead. That's all it is in actual practice anyway. The other three waypoints in that part of Timberline Falls aren't too far apart for a Lv 50-60 zone, so there shouldn't be any need for a replacement.

Let's just admit that the Jotuns own that bit of land, and stop pretending that there's a waypoint there.

Edited by Teknomancer.4895
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Preserve my selected mount between game modes.

When I leave WvW my selected mount is warclaw rather than the mount I was using previously.

For some reason my selected build and equipment templates go back to what they were, but not my selected mount.

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Many times NPCs do not react at all at nearby danger, even if they are the ones that asked for help/require protection during events.. or outside of events.

Either way, it is a bit jarring, even if I've seen it happen tens of times. I know this is an MMO, I don't expect 100% immersion but... would help a general impression in the long term if they reacted with fear/cowering or even tried to run away. It's kinda like.... I'm fighting this big enemy and the NPC standing between me and some monster and just chilling with default animations is kinda... ehhhh 😜 

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3 hours ago, Watt.6420 said:

Preserve my selected mount between game modes.

When I leave WvW my selected mount is warclaw rather than the mount I was using previously.

For some reason my selected build and equipment templates go back to what they were, but not my selected mount.

If you want your PvE Mount to show up, dismount your Warclaw before leaving WvW.

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Maybe this was already discussed and I've missed it. >.>

Can we PLEASE get the ability to remap the keys for ALL mount abilities? Skyscale, for example, has 4 abilities. Can only remap 2. But, if we can already remap 2, why not the rest? For those of us who already had our mount abilities re-keybound, having Fireball perm bound to 2 is frustrating.


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