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I asked why we kept losing in WvW

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The answers given were as follows:

1-You do not participate in the game much.

In fact, most of the time there is a queue and it takes time to enter. There are popular maps, but the unpopular ones get busy from time to time with various guilds entering. Moreover, I don't think this is right since I play it every day, but there is something that caught my attention. AFK players who usually face a wall and constantly run towards the wall. I think these might cause the maps to be full, but I don't see many of them, to be honest. I see these types of players mostly in PVE. However, there are always a few players.

2-Although it is a competitive game, you do not use meta builds. This is why we constantly lose.

Now let's think about it like this: It is impossible for a player who has just started the game to have legendary items, which takes a long time. The guild I left wanted me to build a special meta build for PVE raids so I could deal 45k damage. Meta-building websites and players do this by experimenting with full legendary items and with much higher base damage than a normal player. When you watch the meta build videos, you will see that they are shot with full buffs and full legendery items. Of course, they also do this with Mighty WvW installed or in different ways depending on the video. Separate builds are used in WvW, PVE, and PVP. Of course, when you want to play with different classes, different builds and items are required. On average, how long do you think it will take for a player who plays 3 hours a day to complete all these builds for 4 different characters? Let's say I bought and use all the Mighty Infusions in WVW.(I did and I have legenderys) What should I do if I want to enter fractal 80 lvl without my legendery armor? Using meta builds is mandatory in every aspect of the game. In Strike, Fractal, Raid and WvW and PvP, everyone has to play with meta builds because those who hold the doors will not allow you otherwise. Show me a single player who can do 45k damage during a raid and new player. There are many metas out there that are like an attack video against an NPC that, in ideal circumstances, is not attacking you. You are trying to direct the entire game according to a video made mostly using auto key. No person can play like in the meta videos. Unless he is cheating.

3-You don't play in groups and you don't join discords.

I have joined many groups, in most of them they do not accept you without entering the discord, but in some they do. There are some things about Discord. First of all, the game rules do not apply to Discord. As soon as we enter, we may lose our account with a link sent to us, they may swear at us. There is no way to prevent this because it is a platform outside the game. In many discord servers, we are asked questions to become a member when entering, for example. In a server I joined, they asked me my real name and age. They required a video call for me to verify. Moreover, we will only play together. The only video call I make is to verify my identity with the bank. Playing in a group or not depends on meta builds. When played in groups, everyone plays as a single body on top of each other. When I play in these groups with Deadeye, I die immediately, especially with the full berseker build. So, I need to use meta build to avoid dying, so I cannot move with groups.

To summarize, everything in the game depends on meta builds and those who require this are the old players of the game.

I have a few questions.

1-Why are you playing the way someone else wants instead of having fun? Even though meta builds are required everywhere, I don't play them. It doesn't seem fun to me, are you sure you're having fun?

2-If a game is an MMORPG, when the number of players decreases, even if you have the best items, it has no value. Did you know that you are actually harming yourself by forcing other players to use meta builds and causing them to quit the game? What's the point of traveling alone in WvW with the stuff you bought with so much effort if no one else plays with you?

3-Why don't you use any tactics or strategies for years? The strongest one always wins by playing together in the same group and using meta builds. For example, there is a narrow door and the enemy has to pass through it, but the commanders usually fight in the open area. So it will be much easier to kill the enemies who pass through the narrow door. Commanders just wander around in flocks, but I have not seen any commander organizing the defense on the walls. There may be more than one commander, for example, there may be a commander who draws the main force of the enemy away and a commander who captures the castles while they are away.

4-Have you ever read a book, for example The Art of War - Sun Tzu? I did. This book is more important than the meta builds that will be useful for WvW.

5-Why aren't specific groups used to monitor the enemy's main forces? While a group is constantly reporting the location of the enemy, even if they are stronger than us, the main force can easily move on the map. In other words, scout forces. We even had spy players for the enemy forces in some games.


It's a game and we should play it for fun. Everyone should play the way they have fun. However, when I look at the videos you made years ago and the current videos, I see that you always play the same way in WvW, where we can use thousands of different tactics and strategies. Going around in a herd and crushing the enemy with meta builds.

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54 minutes ago, eriniy.8607 said:

4-Have you ever read a book, for example The Art of War - Sun Tzu? I did. This book is more important than the meta builds that will be useful for WvW.

That's not how throwing bodies of meta at the problem works. 

Either way, they're not wrong but you are free to play however 🤷‍♂️

Much of the "problem" isnt players per se but rather Anets complete lack of interest in giving us more visible roles aside from the standard of the blue 50 man zerg commander. Colors and catmander isnt enough. Just something as simple as having a tag that has limited size and with a specific looks will separate it into a roamer/havoc/scout/etc tag that zerg commanders no longer need to have a hissy fit over if they are also on the border.

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, eriniy.8607 said:

It is impossible for a player who has just started the game to have legendary items, which takes a long time.

You don't need legendary items, you can use ascended and you can get by with exotics, legendary only gives you the switch stats for free option, but they both have the same stats. Ascended is available in many parts of the game, including wvw.

Personal note, surprisingly been getting at least 1 ascended drop per day the past week, mostly I think from the sab reward track.


3 hours ago, eriniy.8607 said:

In a server I joined, they asked me my real name and age. They required a video call for me to verify.

Just say no, there is absolutely no reason why they need to know these things for a video game. They are not the only group/guild in wvw.


3 hours ago, eriniy.8607 said:

For example, there is a narrow door and the enemy has to pass through it, but the commanders usually fight in the open area. So it will be much easier to kill the enemies who pass through the narrow door. Commanders just wander around in flocks, but I have not seen any commander organizing the defense on the walls. There may be more than one commander, for example, there may be a commander who draws the main force of the enemy away and a commander who captures the castles while they are away.

They use chokes all the time, that's why most commanders will let walls drop, so they can use those areas as choke points(which frankly don't see a point to anymore since they all tend to just stand on each other and bomb till one is dead). There is no point to organizing on top of walls, you will just open yourself up to bombs and pulls up there. The two commander strategy is used often as well, just last night on the bl I was on for reset, one group was the main fight force that drew the enemy zergs to them, while there was a smaller 5 group going around capping out of the way stuff. There is also the 2v1 strategy that many servers are doing these days, when one zerg will go to the enemy keep and keep them busy there, while the 3rd server goes around and papers all the surrounding towers and camps and smc in ebg's case. Maybe your server is lacking commanders or something, but it happens regularly.

Edited by XenesisII.1540
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First off ouch, if asked this question and got these answers I would be wondering as well.

1 hour ago, eriniy.8607 said:

The answers given were as follows:

1-You do not participate in the game much.

This is the base reply for when people want to just reply but have no actual answers, I would ignore this one.

1 hour ago, eriniy.8607 said:

2-Although it is a competitive game, you do not use meta builds. This is why we constantly lose.

I haven't had coffee so I will refrain for the silliness of the meta statements you might have gotten and how it lends itself to various posts on the forums and a lot behind the nerf this and nerf that one.

This is more for readers, run builds that you can be effective in for the type of play, size of play, style of play and one that matches your reaction time and connection speed. Even better if it has group support unless you are in full Roam mode where there is no one on your side around. But even in full roam those same group support may help yourself so consider that.

1 hour ago, eriniy.8607 said:

3-You don't play in groups and you don't join discords.

Ah the fabled we lost because you weren't in voice. Love that one. On paper voices comms are a better choice. In reality it can lead to extremely better movement but also range to you might as well be listening to a World Cup Football match that can be even more distracting. Mileage varies. 

1 hour ago, eriniy.8607 said:

I have joined many groups, in most of them they do not accept you without entering the discord, but in some they do.

To be fair this up to each group and is fine, up until the point that they handicapped themselves and blamed others that they were the problem versus it was their requirements if they don't get enough. 

1 hour ago, eriniy.8607 said:

In many discord servers, we are asked questions to become a member when entering, for example. In a server I joined, they asked me my real name and age. They required a video call for me to verify.

Tell them once the admin shares their admin rights and login then you might consider it.

1 hour ago, eriniy.8607 said:

To summarize, everything in the game depends on meta builds and those who require this are the old players of the game.

Ok let me play the otherside for a second. Too many people use meta in different ways. Even websites that claim to declare meta do that in different ways. So the word is used in lazy terms which is why I don't like it myself. For a tag for example they might be asking you to bring something that they can assume they know what capabilities you have and make guesstimates in their tactics about what your build might be able to do. In other game modes this is not the same since there is not another mass group game mode as WvW is.


1 hour ago, eriniy.8607 said:

2-If a game is an MMORPG, when the number of players decreases, even if you have the best items, it has no value. Did you know that you are actually harming yourself by forcing other players to use meta builds and causing them to quit the game? What's the point of traveling alone in WvW with the stuff you bought with so much effort if no one else plays with you?

This is a group by group culture. Personally I think everyone should run in large scale, small scale and Roam so that they can create builds that work in all three and understand differing roles and goals which leads to a better understanding of the builds they make. If players find themselves not thinking for themselves then something has gone wrong.

1 hour ago, eriniy.8607 said:

I have not seen any commander organizing the defense on the walls.

Walls are death traps for the most part. A lot of tags don't get as much practice defending since a lot of fights are over before they start. The better odds are hoping you have players that preset defenses in ways that are understandable to a player that wasn't involved in that setup. This falls more to the scouts and havocs versus main tags. Main tags might be more concerned with keeping their players in motion since if they are idle too long players will wander away.

1 hour ago, eriniy.8607 said:

There may be more than one commander, for example, there may be a commander who draws the main force of the enemy away and a commander who captures the castles while they are away.

Mileage varies group to group, server to server and region to region here. I think the biggest issue you have here is a lack of reason to win. With no reasons to win why does it matter if you 50 that instead just needed 5 to do.

1 hour ago, eriniy.8607 said:

4-Have you ever read a book, for example The Art of War - Sun Tzu? I did. This book is more important than the meta builds that will be useful for WvW.

Agree this one applies a lot to this type of gaming.

1 hour ago, eriniy.8607 said:

5-Why aren't specific groups used to monitor the enemy's main forces? While a group is constantly reporting the location of the enemy, even if they are stronger than us, the main force can easily move on the map. In other words, scout forces. We even had spy players for the enemy forces in some games.

If you don't have scouts, then a better question might be why not and what type of environment lead to that. How do you change that. Its like servers that don't have tags, what lead to that. Find those aspects and start being a counter voice to them.  


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1 hour ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

Just say no, there is absolutely no reason why they need to know these things for a video game. They are not the only group/guild in wvw.

NSFW voice chat

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3 hours ago, eriniy.8607 said:

For example, there is a narrow door and the enemy has to pass through it, but the commanders usually fight in the open area. So it will be much easier to kill the enemies who pass through the narrow door. Commanders just wander around in flocks, but I have not seen any commander organizing the defense on the walls. There may be more than one commander, for example, there may be a commander who draws the main force of the enemy away and a commander who captures the castles while they are away.

Commanders tend to pick locations to fight that play to their strengths and a choke isn't always their strength.

A boon cloud isn't going to like fighting in narrow spaces and many pug groups tend to be boon clouds.  Other groups will favor fighting in chokes and try to draw others into them.  Pug groups also don't fight well in chokes usually because they don't coordinate their big AoE damage skills well.  Or if you have less players than your opponent and need to be more mobile, a choke can mean certain death.

Elevation also plays a role in picking where to fight.  Some skills don't work well up or down ramps/stairs.  Scorched Earth, for example, works better when casting up stairs than down.


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2 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

There is also the 2v1 strategy that many servers are doing these days, when one zerg will go to the enemy keep and keep them busy there, while the 3rd server goes around and papers all the surrounding towers and camps and smc in ebg's case.

Hahah I hate this strategy because it's usually against the weaker server in the match.

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Posted (edited)

I hate to say this, but if you have to write an entire essay defending your playstyle, then you need to write less and listen more.. And frankly, there is a lot of misinformation. Legendary items aren't required for builds-- honestly neither is full ascended either in many cases.

People want to play with other people that have similar skill and goals. This isn't just particular to WvW.  This is a game, and you are free to associate with players that don't run meta builds. This is a video game. Nobody can force you to run anything because they cannot kick you from the map. All that can happen is you can't join their group, but it's not like they can make a barrier that prevents you from following them.

Unfortunately, there is no way any game design can change human nature. People have to conform to a group's norms to some degree if they want to join with them, or find another group. And there's always a tendency to target the weak. So if you're not running the right (not necessarily meta ones)  builds, then there's a chance you'll be a liability and groups won't want that.

I will say it is rather unfortunate that some groups do not moderate their discords and I almost never join these. But usually a bad situation has two sides to the matter, and responsibility is often split. You can mute specific individuals after all. However, I also don't need to play with any of these groups to play WvW either so at the end of the day the responsibility lies within you to get what you need done.

You just have to decide whether or not you are happy with what you have in this game. Whatever gets written here doesn't matter, because at the end of the day you have to deal with your own consequences.

Also reality check here:


5 hours ago, eriniy.8607 said:

2-If a game is an MMORPG, when the number of players decreases, even if you have the best items, it has no value. Did you know that you are actually harming yourself by forcing other players to use meta builds and causing them to quit the game? What's the point of traveling alone in WvW with the stuff you bought with so much effort if no one else plays with you?

Most people do not care if you play with them or not, because they still get to play with their friends and guildmates. Who are you? They didn't know you yesterday, and they won't know you tomorrow. And this isn't just you-- nobody is that important. People come and go all the time. Even if everyone in this subforum quit, the game is still going to go on. Heck, I left my server this week, and I can assure you most people didn't care or even notice.

In my case, my friends and guilds go beyond the game and if Gw2 does croak, we'll just play something else.

So to say the least, these Appeal to Consequences are an idle threat at best.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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Why don't you actually play the game mode before making all this weird allegations. 

You are joining the wrong discord if they are asking you to video call, no one has ever wanted to ask me anything on discord, you'd  be lucky if someone wants to talk to you or respond to your posts.

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14 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Much of the "problem" isnt players per se but rather Anets complete lack of interest in giving us more visible roles aside from the standard of the blue 50 man zerg commander. Colors and catmander isnt enough. Just something as simple as having a tag that has limited size and with a specific looks will separate it into a roamer/havoc/scout/etc tag that zerg commanders no longer need to have a hissy fit over if they are also on the border.

This is really good advice. Easy to do for Anet, useful and impactful for the players community.✌️

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18 hours ago, eriniy.8607 said:

2-Although it is a competitive game, you do not use meta builds. This is why we constantly lose.

This one again? The meta-builds help, but in order to win, you need to understand your class. If you do not understand when to press which button, the best builds in the game will not help you win a fight. If your understanding of the combat-system, your class and your enemies has reached a certain level, you can use customized builds freely. Some people can even surpass players who use meta-builds in dps and survivability. This is more important in competitive than in PvE.

Why do people tell you to follow the meta? Because it is designed to help you. Even with little understanding of the class you play and the combat-system, you can still perform acceptably well - as long as you follow the guidelines. If you however have no understanding of your environment AND insist on playing a customized build, the chances are pretty high you are just a free loot-bag for enemy players. Sorry.

18 hours ago, eriniy.8607 said:

3-You don't play in groups and you don't join discords.

That is a bigger issue. You can play in smaller groups and also roam solo. But for some very weird reasons, ANet does not promote this way of playing WvW anymore. They want zerg vs zerg. The game is designed that way and the classes are boosted into that direction.

Regarding the groups, we have the issue with the stealth-tags. Groups of 15-50 players who move in massive zergs across the map without a visible tag - closed community. A huge problem if you ask me, especially in a game-mode where coordination is key.

Using discord for group-coordination is acceptable to a certain degree. But there are always options to not do it. Think of it like this: If your server/team only loses because one random player refuses to join the discord. What does that say about the strength of that squad?

18 hours ago, eriniy.8607 said:

1-Why are you playing the way someone else wants instead of having fun? Even though meta builds are required everywhere, I don't play them. It doesn't seem fun to me, are you sure you're having fun?

As explained above. The meta works the way it is. As long as you follow it strictly, it provides the guaranteed results. Whether you use it or not is a personal choice. Keep in mind you are inside an MMORPG. People come here to spend their freetime and relax from the madness in RL. If they had no fun, they would not be here.

18 hours ago, eriniy.8607 said:

2-If a game is an MMORPG, when the number of players decreases, even if you have the best items, it has no value. Did you know that you are actually harming yourself by forcing other players to use meta builds and causing them to quit the game? What's the point of traveling alone in WvW with the stuff you bought with so much effort if no one else plays with you?

WvW is one of the few places in GW2, where newbies rarely get help from the community. If you do not know what you are doing, you are considered dead-weight. So every new player who decides to stay out of WvW is considered a win. Certain veterans also keep calling out newbies in public or whispering them, asking them to log off/leave the map/play PvE instead - not kidding.

18 hours ago, eriniy.8607 said:

3-Why don't you use any tactics or strategies for years? The strongest one always wins by playing together in the same group and using meta builds. For example, there is a narrow door and the enemy has to pass through it, but the commanders usually fight in the open area. So it will be much easier to kill the enemies who pass through the narrow door. Commanders just wander around in flocks, but I have not seen any commander organizing the defense on the walls. There may be more than one commander, for example, there may be a commander who draws the main force of the enemy away and a commander who captures the castles while they are away.

The strategy part is overestimated. It boils down to placing siege carefully and zerg-control in the open field. With smaller groups, you can use things like terrain and obstacles. We do that sometimes with guild-groups. When we are in a map with a huge zerg, we usually pick smaller targets or go for structures while they keep the others busy. But that is not organized. If we would ask that commander of the zerg, they would rather see us join their squad or leave the map instead ^^. 

17 hours ago, eriniy.8607 said:

4-Have you ever read a book, for example The Art of War - Sun Tzu? I did. This book is more important than the meta builds that will be useful for WvW.

I actually did. A lot of different groups believe those teachings work 1:1 in their field, like managers of big companies or people playing games. Ironically you can find the note inside the book that this is not the case. In "The Sheathed Sword" he points out that the rules that apply to the field depend on the specific conditions. You cannot just copy/paste it wherever you think it fits. In most cases, as he kindly explains, you make things worse if you try. Believing WvW applies to the same rules as RL war is about as accurate as believing a pancake is a cake.

19 hours ago, eriniy.8607 said:

5-Why aren't specific groups used to monitor the enemy's main forces? While a group is constantly reporting the location of the enemy, even if they are stronger than us, the main force can easily move on the map. In other words, scout forces. We even had spy players for the enemy forces in some games.

Exists. As a commander, you have the option to give a few selected people passive participation iirc. So your main squad focuses on fighting the baddies, while your scouts keep looking for enemy forces to prevent ambushes or look out for new targets. This is usually a thing in big organized groups.

I usually see this job being done by people outside the squad, roaming alone or in small groups, keeping the /team informed about enemy activities. Which color, where they go, their numbers, ... etc. If that does not happen on your server, you may be just unlucky.

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Posted (edited)

@eriniy.8607 don't tell me that u play on one of those Anet favourite boon balls?

At minimal it sounds that u play on a server that ktrains a lot by the nonsense u typed, sound like u only experienced the side of a boon ball.



Edited by Aeolus.3615
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Posted (edited)
On 5/4/2024 at 4:21 PM, eriniy.8607 said:

The answers given were as follows:

1-You do not participate in the game much.

In fact, most of the time there is a queue and it takes time to enter. There are popular maps, but the unpopular ones get busy from time to time with various guilds entering. Moreover, I don't think this is right since I play it every day, but there is something that caught my attention. AFK players who usually face a wall and constantly run towards the wall. I think these might cause the maps to be full, but I don't see many of them, to be honest. I see these types of players mostly in PVE. However, there are always a few players.

TL;DR: population disparity causes issues in competitive modes.


2-Although it is a competitive game, you do not use meta builds. This is why we constantly lose.

Now let's think about it like this: It is impossible for a player who has just started the game to have legendary items, which takes a long time. The guild I left wanted me to build a special meta build for PVE raids so I could deal 45k damage. Meta-building websites and players do this by experimenting with full legendary items and with much higher base damage than a normal player. When you watch the meta build videos, you will see that they are shot with full buffs and full legendery items. Of course, they also do this with Mighty WvW installed or in different ways depending on the video. Separate builds are used in WvW, PVE, and PVP. Of course, when you want to play with different classes, different builds and items are required. On average, how long do you think it will take for a player who plays 3 hours a day to complete all these builds for 4 different characters? Let's say I bought and use all the Mighty Infusions in WVW.(I did and I have legenderys) What should I do if I want to enter fractal 80 lvl without my legendery armor? Using meta builds is mandatory in every aspect of the game. In Strike, Fractal, Raid and WvW and PvP, everyone has to play with meta builds because those who hold the doors will not allow you otherwise. Show me a single player who can do 45k damage during a raid and new player. There are many metas out there that are like an attack video against an NPC that, in ideal circumstances, is not attacking you. You are trying to direct the entire game according to a video made mostly using auto key. No person can play like in the meta videos. Unless he is cheating.


Running a proper meta build on exotic gear for either WvW squad fights or small scale will outperform any full legendary PvE build by miles. You lack serious understanding of gearing in this game.


3-You don't play in groups and you don't join discords.

I have joined many groups, in most of them they do not accept you without entering the discord, but in some they do. There are some things about Discord. First of all, the game rules do not apply to Discord. As soon as we enter, we may lose our account with a link sent to us, they may swear at us. There is no way to prevent this because it is a platform outside the game. In many discord servers, we are asked questions to become a member when entering, for example. In a server I joined, they asked me my real name and age. They required a video call for me to verify. Moreover, we will only play together. The only video call I make is to verify my identity with the bank. Playing in a group or not depends on meta builds. When played in groups, everyone plays as a single body on top of each other. When I play in these groups with Deadeye, I die immediately, especially with the full berseker build. So, I need to use meta build to avoid dying, so I cannot move with groups.

To summarize, everything in the game depends on meta builds and those who require this are the old players of the game.

A lot of words for basically saying: you don't want to join a voice program (be it discord or teamspeak). In general it is far easier to coordinate and lead a group of players if you communicate. The word of mouth is faster than typing. Spin it however you want, some players want voice comms for better results. I've been to almost every GW2 EU discord, never was I asked to make video or identity checks. Your example does not hold and is hilariously hyperbolic.


I have a few questions.

1-Why are you playing the way someone else wants instead of having fun? Even though meta builds are required everywhere, I don't play them. It doesn't seem fun to me, are you sure you're having fun?


Losing is fun? People are playing the game they want, you seem to be one of them. Why are you here whining?


2-If a game is an MMORPG, when the number of players decreases, even if you have the best items, it has no value. Did you know that you are actually harming yourself by forcing other players to use meta builds and causing them to quit the game? What's the point of traveling alone in WvW with the stuff you bought with so much effort if no one else plays with you?

Good thing we covered this up top and your entire summary here is based on your lack of itemization and build-craft understanding in this game. Good talk.


3-Why don't you use any tactics or strategies for years? The strongest one always wins by playing together in the same group and using meta builds. For example, there is a narrow door and the enemy has to pass through it, but the commanders usually fight in the open area. So it will be much easier to kill the enemies who pass through the narrow door. Commanders just wander around in flocks, but I have not seen any commander organizing the defense on the walls. There may be more than one commander, for example, there may be a commander who draws the main force of the enemy away and a commander who captures the castles while they are away.

So much to write here but in essence: you lack fundamental understanding of this games line of sight systems nor are you accounting for cooldowns, target caps, etc.

Just no point explaining how this games combat works to someone who is this far off from basic combat understanding. Suffice to say, strategies and tactics adapt fluently as patches make it necessary (as in guilds usually pick things up quickly, then pug groups eventually follow suit). If a commander decides not to stand on a wall and submit his entire force to attacks from below, there are reasons for it.


4-Have you ever read a book, for example The Art of War - Sun Tzu? I did. This book is more important than the meta builds that will be useful for WvW.

So you've read Sun Tzu but essentially learned nothing from it. What was that one part? Know your enemy and know yourself? You seem to know very little about either but presume to lecture others on things. Maybe spend some time understanding the game, then start questioning why things are the way they are. Or better yet: become good enough to force change on others by bringing superior ideas and strategies, on the field and not in the forum.


5-Why aren't specific groups used to monitor the enemy's main forces? While a group is constantly reporting the location of the enemy, even if they are stronger than us, the main force can easily move on the map. In other words, scout forces. We even had spy players for the enemy forces in some games.

It's called scouting and having scouts. They are always in rare supply. Feel free to take up that duty yourself. Report back to us how it goes after a few days, weeks, months, years.


It's a game and we should play it for fun. Everyone should play the way they have fun. However, when I look at the videos you made years ago and the current videos, I see that you always play the same way in WvW, where we can use thousands of different tactics and strategies. Going around in a herd and crushing the enemy with meta builds.

and to a knowledgeable observer things will have changed. Pirate ship meta, melee meta, boon ball meta, boon corrupt meta, etc.

What obviously does not change is things which relate to game fundamentals.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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On 5/4/2024 at 4:21 PM, eriniy.8607 said:

3-You don't play in groups and you don't join discords.

I have joined many groups, in most of them they do not accept you without entering the discord, but in some they do. There are some things about Discord. First of all, the game rules do not apply to Discord. As soon as we enter, we may lose our account with a link sent to us, they may swear at us. There is no way to prevent this because it is a platform outside the game. In many discord servers, we are asked questions to become a member when entering, for example. In a server I joined, they asked me my real name and age. They required a video call for me to verify. Moreover, we will only play together. The only video call I make is to verify my identity with the bank. Playing in a group or not depends on meta builds. When played in groups, everyone plays as a single body on top of each other. When I play in these groups with Deadeye, I die immediately, especially with the full berseker build. So, I need to use meta build to avoid dying, so I cannot move with groups.

I am in 15+ WvW Discord servers and never have I been asked for any kind of personal information or to make any specific video calls. I heard it happen to some but I don't have that experience.

The people on Discord or any other voice chat are usually much nicer, chattier and more fun than in game chat. I guess having to use voice chat reduced anonymity a bit. Also many are long time members of gw2 community and don't really go and curse other players. Some commanders can be demanding and criticise fast. But with their job, making up to 50 players play together, that is understandable. I can imagine when people form a tail in 3 secs or just do their own thing disregarding others it can boil your blood.

Yeah Deadeye is quite useless in groups. Even if you get into an organised squad it's highly likely you will be put into a party without supports because supports are valuable and are used to support useful classes. So yeah as a DD it's likely you'll melt in secs. 

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Posted (edited)

@Cuks.8241 I might be wrong but it was cause players found a way to manipulate inside alliance groups or servers and  trolling the group, so some guilds took it NSA level "show me your face" to reduce the probability of being a player of another server that just want to tell everything to the main group.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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8 hours ago, Tom.8029 said:

You must quit all real life activities, sever all relational ties, and become one with the GW2 WvW server. 

After looking at this from a number of snark angels, huh? Want to try that again?

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