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The population definitely felt low for the 3 weeks SAB was out, because a decent percentage of the population was spending a lot of time in there. I know I was. Less people to do events...but that happens every time SAB comes out.

And it's one week before specials reset and new content comes out. If there's a time to take a break, this is it. Even I'm playing less for the last two weeks, while I try to get my new novel finished.

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The megaserver system and event timers seem to do a decent job of bringing together those interested in similar open world content. If you are off the beaten path, doing achievements for old content or something similar, you may see significantly lower population density. That, however, is not uncommon in this genre.

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14 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

How can it be the bare minimum if at least one other MMO (SWTOR) is still around with even less content coming out?

Swtor isn't hiding the fact that it's on the  great ride into the sunset though. Swtor died the very second they killed open world PvP. Kinda like what WvW is heading for. Kinda funny that the common factor in both games is trying to kill off the competitive crowd...it's almost like PvE players aren't the most healthy for a games population...crazy... I actually tried reinstalling it last night, it's so pathetic origin doesn't even have it available to download anymore. 


Gw2 is better than swtor....bravo. you beat a game that's been in maintenance mode for years. Bravo. Top argument! Take my plus 1!

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51 minutes ago, Wolfofdivinity.6251 said:

Swtor isn't hiding the fact that it's on the  great ride into the sunset though. Swtor died the very second they killed open world PvP. Kinda like what WvW is heading for. Kinda funny that the common factor in both games is trying to kill off the competitive crowd...it's almost like PvE players aren't the most healthy for a games population...crazy... I actually tried reinstalling it last night, it's so pathetic origin doesn't even have it available to download anymore. 


Gw2 is better than swtor....bravo. you beat a game that's been in maintenance mode for years. Bravo. Top argument! Take my plus 1!

Plus1? What does that even mean?

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Posted (edited)

from the character creation screen, at the bottom left, there is a button to change which server you log into.  Change world.   From there you can also see how active your current world is in WvW  It costs gems to permanently transfer to a new world, but there is an option to guest in another world for free.
currently (at this time of day) there are 24 worlds/servers.
2 have medium population
12 have a high population
4 have very high population
and 6 worlds are full and cannot be transferred into.
It looks to me as if there are a great many people playing in WvW.

Now I don't know what this means for a PvE player, if anything.   If you happen to be in a full or very high world, does this mean that almost no one in your server is playing PvE?  Would it be better for a player to guest in a medium world because most players there are not playing WvW, or do those worlds just have low populations in general?  Do the worlds only apply to WvW?  Do PvE players all play on the same Mega-server anyway?

It could be that PvE is empty wile WvW and PvP are thriving.  In which case the game isn't dead.  You just prefer a game mode that isn't popular with the majority of players.

Edited by Zebulous.2934
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2 hours ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

Now I don't know what this means for a PvE player, if anything.   If you happen to be in a full or very high world, does this mean that almost no one in your server is playing PvE?  Would it be better for a player to guest in a medium world because most players there are not playing WvW, or do those worlds just have low populations in general?  Do the worlds only apply to WvW?  Do PvE players all play on the same Mega-server anyway?

On 5/11/2024 at 7:32 PM, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

Side note: servers only matter for WvW; everyone plays PvE/open world on a "megaserver," which is all servers combined, that makes new instances of maps as needed if the population on a map gets too high.

I answered this already x_x Unless you meant it rhetorically? 

Your server does not matter at all for PvE. 

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1 hour ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

I answered this already x_x Unless you meant it rhetorically? 

Your server does not matter at all for PvE. 

I simply didn't see your post.  I am not sure how I skipped it, but I must have.

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Posted (edited)

Pretty normal , game is getting bigger and bigger , more maps , people are more scattered around diverse meta maps and there is maybe a slight player loss , but that's pretty normal for a 12 yo game.

But still crowded enough , trying to join a tarir meta or chakk regent 2 minutes before it starts is still working hard on your waiting skills 

Edited by zeyeti.8347
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Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, Wolfofdivinity.6251 said:

Swtor isn't hiding the fact that it's on the  great ride into the sunset though. Swtor died the very second they killed open world PvP. Kinda like what WvW is heading for. Kinda funny that the common factor in both games is trying to kill off the competitive crowd...it's almost like PvE players aren't the most healthy for a games population...crazy... I actually tried reinstalling it last night, it's so pathetic origin doesn't even have it available to download anymore. 


Gw2 is better than swtor....bravo. you beat a game that's been in maintenance mode for years. Bravo. Top argument! Take my plus 1!

For a lot of us Guild Wars 2 also better than ESO, FF XIV, and WoW.  This is the most strawman argument ever. This game offers different stuff than other MMOs. I'm sure there are people who like SWToR better than Guild Wars 2. I know one guy that left Guild Wars 2 to play SWToR.  One game isn't better than another, only better for specific playstyles or specific reasons.

I'll probably never play another quest hub MMO again. That doesn't make quest hub MMOs bad. They're simply not to my taste.

Yes, I think Guild Wars 2 is better than any other MMO I've tried.

Edited by Vayne.8563
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Posted (edited)
21 hours ago, Wolfofdivinity.6251 said:

Swtor isn't hiding the fact that it's on the  great ride into the sunset though.

They have been hiding that for years lol. I haven't played it the last two years but two years ago they were still hiding it and I can't imagine that changed

21 hours ago, Wolfofdivinity.6251 said:

Swtor died the very second they killed open world PvP. Kinda like what WvW is heading for.

Open world PvP was a sham from the start but that had to do with the engine not hacking larger numbers of players. Even the 16 man raids sometimes suffer from this.

21 hours ago, Wolfofdivinity.6251 said:

Kinda funny that the common factor in both games is trying to kill off the competitive crowd...it's almost like PvE players aren't the most healthy for a games population...crazy... I actually tried reinstalling it last night, it's so pathetic origin doesn't even have it available to download anymore. 

 PvP has seen updates in recent years with new formats and maps. So SWTOR has done more for PvP than GW2 has done if I'm not mistaken. And I'm not sure what you mean with your comment about PvE'ers but competive play comes with a lot of toxicity and that's not good for the overall community. Origin sucks so that doesn't really mean anything to me.

21 hours ago, Wolfofdivinity.6251 said:

Gw2 is better than swtor....bravo. you beat a game that's been in maintenance mode for years. Bravo. Top argument! Take my plus 1!

That's your personal opinion. I've played SWTOR for many years and it's still not in maintenance mode. Maintenance mode, since you don't seem to understand it, means that there's ZERO content updates anymore and they just keep the servers running; and that's not the case in SWTOR. My argument stands; your flippant comments at the end don't change anything in that.

Edited by Gehenna.3625
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Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

They have been hiding that for years lol. I haven't played it the last two years but two years ago they were still hiding it and I can't imagine th

Open world PvP was a sham from the start but that had to do with the engine not hacking larger numbers of players. Even the 16 man raids sometimes suffer from this.

 PvP has seen updates in recent years with new formats and maps. So SWTOR has done more for PvP than GW2 has done if I'm not mistaken. And I'm not sure what you mean with your comment about PvE'ers but competive play comes with a lot of toxicity and that's not good for the overall community. Origin sucks so that doesn't really mean anything to me.

That's your personal opinion. I've played SWTOR for many years and it's still not in maintenance mode. Maintenance mode, since you don't seem to understand it, means that there's ZERO content updates anymore and they just keep the servers running; and that's not the case in SWTOR. My argument stands; your flippant comments at the end don't change anything in that.

You have heavy selective memory. Rose colored glasses I guess. Swtor ceased any meaningful updates after yavin 4. The rest has made guild wars 2 updates look like brand new games. That fallen empire bs was so disgusting its not even funny. Rolling imps into the Rebs....it was the pinnacle of lazy. I'll grant you their engine sucked as week 1 illum was awful, but spontaneous pvp was fine. You keep carrying their water though, it's clearly at the end of the road. The vision that was swtor died many years ago. PS I'm a bitter SWG fanboi that still holds a grudge against what that exclusivity deal for ea did to SoE and their star wars license.


Funny enough I logged in last night and had a blast in warzones after almost 6 years away. Maintenance mode isn't always the worst for a game.

Edited by Wolfofdivinity.6251
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3 hours ago, Wolfofdivinity.6251 said:

You have heavy selective memory. Rose colored glasses I guess. Swtor ceased any meaningful updates after yavin 4. The rest has made guild wars 2 updates look like brand new games. That fallen empire bs was so disgusting its not even funny. Rolling imps into the Rebs....it was the pinnacle of lazy. I'll grant you their engine sucked as week 1 illum was awful, but spontaneous pvp was fine. You keep carrying their water though, it's clearly at the end of the road. The vision that was swtor died many years ago. PS I'm a bitter SWG fanboi that still holds a grudge against what that exclusivity deal for ea did to SoE and their star wars license.

lol, you say that I have rose coloured glasses because I said there's still content being made but I didn't say it was good or meaningful, in fact the main reason I quit was because of more recent content sucking...but that's my opinion. Others still like it, so more power to them.

But I don't defend SWTOR, what mental gymnastics leads you to that conclusion? I'm just arguing that they still bring out content and that's a fact. Whether or not that content is quality content is not important for my point. So please, stop. Just stop. 

3 hours ago, Wolfofdivinity.6251 said:

Funny enough I logged in last night and had a blast in warzones after almost 6 years away. Maintenance mode isn't always the worst for a game.

Then you've played more SWTOR than I have in the last 2 years. And again, they're not in maintenance mode until they stop making content for it, bad or good content...doesn't matter.

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Zera.9435 said:

That's weird.


From Dictionary.com:

updoot. Updoot is a humorous internet slang for an upvote (or a "like"), which is a favorable rating a user gives to an online post or website.

Or a 🤍

Edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234
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