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[POLL] The Boon Ball Meta

The Boon Ball Meta  

287 members have voted

  1. 1. Boon ball meta yea or nay

    • I love it - Keeps my group safe - Keep up the good work Anet
    • I hate it - So tired of it - Get rid of it already before I quit the game
    • Doesn't affect me - I avoid them - I roam
    • My unique answer doesn't fit in any category but my own

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Same kitten, different day, and no different from a really bad linking where you play against groups that send 10 players to cap a camp. Everyone asked for it, now its here, and time to recheck if I want to continue down this road. Please dont speak to me about balance where you can stand in the middle of Lords room and be unkillable while you flip stuff, no point and hackers dream to hide amongst the teams and be unkillable, mystery ports, invisible mesmers and thieves even during the 4 minute CD after caps.
I think the other MMO's are silently cheering.

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Current boonball is for casuals there no competitive aspect to current meta when grps run 4 supports 1 DPS. When a pug grps can't do anything to boonball  idk and there hasn't really a balance 5+ years so prob why.

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On 5/28/2024 at 1:09 PM, Razi.6031 said:

Boonballs have actually become a massive crutch for players, with or without realising it. You find out just how bad these players are, or how extremely niche to boonball their builds are that if you manage to scatter them ever so slightly, they drop like flies.

Give me a group of 5-10 players with good roam builds that know what the H they're doing any day over a group of 30-50 that are basically just pressing their rotation as if they're fighting a world boss in a pve starter area.

What the hell are you talking about? Are you suppouse roaming builds doesn`t use boons? Roaming builds are even more boonball trash than zerg players. You telling something makes no sense at all.

Just try to play with 5-10 roamers without boons and you will understand that your words makes no sense at all.

I pray anet will remove ability to get boons from players which are hates boons zergs, so they are basically will only able to sit in the corner without any word and keep silence while other players having fun.

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15 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

I stomped an Anet Scourge last night, so Scourge buffs are definitely coming! 🤭

if u won with a willbender over the scourge its the proof that scourge lacks  and has space to severall buffs to become on pair with willbender.



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I liked this video (someone posted in this forum last year) as a prime example of the current state of boons n condi:

It's pretty nuts. Just pay attention to the top left corner with all the health bars n boons.

Everyone has every boon basically all the time, and no damaging conditions ever stick for more than 1 or 2 ticks.

Support was a mistake.

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55 minutes ago, Aeolus.3615 said:

if u won with a willbender over the scourge its the proof that scourge lacks  and has space to severall buffs to become on pair with willbender.



Well.. support chrono lol I just happened to be there first lol.


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Ppl can't tell a boon ball and a blob apart. Boon ball is boring as kitten, but it doesn't mean people wanna go in the complete opposite direction, no.

And if anything, the boon ball favors not so good players, not the better ones, as half of the builds are completely brain dead spam any button on cool down build that anyone can do.

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34 minutes ago, One more for the road.8950 said:

Ppl can't tell a boon ball and a blob apart. Boon ball is boring as kitten, but it doesn't mean people wanna go in the complete opposite direction, no.

And if anything, the boon ball favors not so good players, not the better ones, as half of the builds are completely brain dead spam any button on cool down build that anyone can do.

The problem is when you dumb down builds to make it easier for the "not so good" players, it still helps the good players just as much, or worse because they know how to make those work even better.

So we might be thinking well at least it gives the not so good players a chance to stand up in a fight without being one pushed now, but they're still getting killed by those better players, only now maybe it's 5sec fight instead of a 2sec fight. The end result will still be the same.

Even worse playing as a boon ball does not teach any of those not so good players any healthy combat habits, like stay out of red rings, they all think they be carried by boons now instead.

I'm not even asking to dismantle boon ball, I just want my counters to still be useful, instead of this all defense spam attacks until some one dies due to skill lag.

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1 minute ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

I mean... it's a mantra build, how much worse could it get? 😏

Bruh I swear if they hit all mantras with that I will moa you.

Wait, never mind I can't.

Well, you know, I'll hit you with whatever wet noodles we have left in 2027. No weapon creep can last because we can't have people dying.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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21 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

The problem is when you dumb down builds to make it easier for the "not so good" players, it still helps the good players just as much, or worse because they know how to make those work even better.

So we might be thinking well at least it gives the not so good players a chance to stand up in a fight without being one pushed now, but they're still getting killed by those better players, only now maybe it's 5sec fight instead of a 2sec fight. The end result will still be the same.

Even worse playing as a boon ball does not teach any of those not so good players any healthy combat habits, like stay out of red rings, they all think they be carried by boons now instead.

I'm not even asking to dismantle boon ball, I just want my counters to still be useful, instead of this all defense spam attacks until some one dies due to skill lag.

Proper difference between skill floor and skill ceiling doesn't actually exist atm.

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2 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Bruh I swear if they hit all mantras with that I will moa you.

Wait, never mind I can't.

Well, you know, I'll hit you with whatever wet noodles we have left in 2027. No weapon creep can last because we can't have people dying.

still better than revenant with a septer :)  on the weapons release did a AA contest with a minstrell chrono with rifle to see who would die with just AA to each other minstrell chrono won easilly with almost permanent 20stack of confusion on me :P and his Hp kept @80% + 

So yah it could had been more silly  xD

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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  • 3 weeks later...

74.5% of respondents dislike the "boon ball meta", and yet Anet hasn't done anything about it?? It's easily the most glaring problem with WvW right now. A team of 30+ can walk around with permanent shields and be practically invulnerable to all incoming ranged damage. If anyone on the Anet staff actually plays in WvW combat, I've sure they've encountered this problem before. Maybe those at Anet who WvW do so in a boon ball and just consider the current state of affairs as "working as intended"....

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1 hour ago, PulsarianDevil.8125 said:

74.5% of respondents dislike the "boon ball meta", and yet Anet hasn't done anything about it?? It's easily the most glaring problem with WvW right now. A team of 30+ can walk around with permanent shields and be practically invulnerable to all incoming ranged damage. If anyone on the Anet staff actually plays in WvW combat, I've sure they've encountered this problem before. Maybe those at Anet who WvW do so in a boon ball and just consider the current state of affairs as "working as intended"....

I don't think we'll see them change this anytime soon as the devs themselves love participating in their boon ball GvG fights. 

It's a very narrow minded way of "balancing" that game mode.

It's funny watching certain streamers, who's newish to WvW complain about how hard it is to build a PUG zerg.

That's because a lot of players left and the players that are still playing the game mode KNOWS an inexperience PUGmander will lead them to demise when facing a comp boon ball. 

so far ...
They've killed roaming.

They've killed pugmanding.

They've killed pirate shipping.

They've killed siege defending. 

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  • 1 month later...

Lets be honest.. aside from the trash matchup BS we now have, the boonball meta has further made the game  mode just trash.. but I guess those lame ANET boonball players just love it....

I spend the least amount of time in the mode possible now, just to get some dailies and weeklies done then out again.. my favourite game mode has disappeared all for the love of the gvg boonball bs... still it makes spending anymore real coin on the game an easy decision.


Edited by Bloodstealer.5978
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There were two eras in zerg meta

- we did not understand the game

- the "boonball meta" or whatever you want to call player getting together with builds that interact with each other. 


if you want to summarize it as "I love it" or "I hate", sorry but your approach of the thing is fundamentally flawed.  Thinking about what boons can your build bring or what is an important part of theorycrafting. 

Also, seeing that the zerg meta changed 3 times over the last 4 months, I would like you to be a bit more accurate on what you want our opinion on.

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I had to bring melt cele scourge out, against a roaming group, comped up with loaded heals, boons and condis, because it's hard to pressure them without corrupts and poison application, that's at least why I enjoy solo roaming, because I don't have a roaming group or partner to follow.

Organized squads, outnumbered is also fun, but unless the blob is badly comped and disorganized, it's quite difficult to break them, unless you get 6 parties put together in a squad too.

Even against some clouds, there's a lot of damage and cc being pumped out, but then I've seen bad and good clouds, it obviously depends, what you classes and builds you bring though.


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12 hours ago, latlat.4516 said:

There were two eras in zerg meta

- we did not understand the game

- the "boonball meta" or whatever you want to call player getting together with builds that interact with each other. 


if you want to summarize it as "I love it" or "I hate", sorry but your approach of the thing is fundamentally flawed.  Thinking about what boons can your build bring or what is an important part of theorycrafting. 

Also, seeing that the zerg meta changed 3 times over the last 4 months, I would like you to be a bit more accurate on what you want our opinion on.

I'm pretty sure boon access in terms of skills, target caps, and 8x the modifier duration with more defensive stats in the game is not "we didn't understand the game."

Unless you started after HoT, when complaints were already mounting about this play style in high-tier smallscale, there was a definitive period of there being significantly less ranged CC, near-zero AoE healing beyond blasting water fields, and with much lower boon uptime save Stability by simple virtue of the concentration stat not existing; where BiS blob tank gear was plat doubloons for runes, and if you were playing WvW even somewhat seriously, you would know this.

Plus Alacrity and Resistance/Resolution did not exist affecting much of defensive utility uptime and boon sources, which by far and large also had increased cooldowns.

Edited by DeceiverX.8361
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