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The Crisis of World Restructuring and why it will destroy WvW: Everything outside of one guild will be shifting sand

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So if anyone has actual issue with world restructuring then you just don't play the game. .Most of the alliance betas there was fights more people in map  consistently in comparison what it is now like a dramatic difference. Only big issue is the alliance will cause a lot of drama as 1 person or said people have control on who stays with alliance and who doesn't.

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, MedievalThings.5417 said:

There will be a couple HUGE guilds that control entire maps for some "worlds".  So much so that their guild drama is essentially world drama.  No one uses their guild chat anymore anyway, everyone is too busy trying to get internet points or simp in team chat as it is.  If a guild doesn't like a particular person/guild, I expect some trolling and mass reporting to be the norm.

This whole narrative that guilds are like these huge cesspools of drama and toxicity is approaching Disney villain writing levels.

Yea, I'm sure they may exist, but it indeed sounds extremely cartoony. I've never seen a guild bring their issues into team chat or "internet points" or wtf that is. And certainly a lot of people use guild chat. I really have no idea what kind of guilds you've been interacting with but they don't seem like they're going to go far anyways.

A lot of people don't seem to understand that a lot of alliances won't be mono guild alliances at this point, and joining one is going to either reduce the likelihood, you'll get matched some garbage single megaguild alliance or at least be able to mitigate the effects.


3 hours ago, MedievalThings.5417 said:

There will be a lot of worlds with a couple BIG guilds, the "always run as 40+" type.  Because there is no point in winning, and guilds like to do the same things, places like EB will just be 40 people running at spawn until it's time for their guild to play.  And, as they don't want to wait or risk the other guild being in their spot, they'll just stay on the map the entire week.

This already happens. There is already no point to winning (for many) and thus people already play like that.

3 hours ago, MedievalThings.5417 said:

Then, there will be the world(s) like I have gotten for 4 of the last 5 betas.  No guild bigger than 20, who never have more than 10 in wvw at a time.  Almost all pug/roamers/solos, outnumbered 20 hours a day.  We are the "content" world.  The world Anet intends everyone to just farm endlessly while the 2 larger worlds take their stuff back and forth to make it seem like a lot is going on.

That has more to do that few were forming official alliance for a 2 week event so many people just set their wvw guilds to their own guild, resulting in a bunch of closed small groups. Although to be fair this will always be an issue in some regards.

If you're talking about disorganized pugs doing whatever being farm material for subpar guilds, well I hate to break it to you, but that's also already the case.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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I think the WR change we are getting is great, the previous Beta was really fun, best times i've had in WvW myself, there was good action 24/7 so the matchmaking was working very well, all sides had pretty much equal pop/activity. Of course, as always some have a guild or 2 that are more active or "famously skilled" so they farm people, but they already do now and people complain about guilds/pugs bandwagoning to their servers with server transfers to create those overly stacked servers.. i feel this change is very good and fun chance to you know, have actual GUILD WARS in a game named Guild Wars 2. So the "alliance guilds" way we are getting soon is very thematic and fitting. And i will enjoy it and the match ups. Yes, the first weeks and match ups will be chaotic, but for sure in time it evens out when some alliances shape and flesh out, some go smaller, some bigger, but i feel we gonna get more action, so more content in general. A good thing.


Keeping the old stagnant model was not working well anymore, it was just bandwagoning into a few FOTM servers, i rather have feeling of actual Guilds warring, can see some rivalries. ^^

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Posted (edited)

I am also very excited for World Restructuring.


The stagnation of the current WvW servers - is akin to an old-nursing home of people just following the routine and pretending to be happy.


This is going to be good. 

Edited by ConorRhysT.3819
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On 5/29/2024 at 11:45 PM, Junkpile.7439 said:

4 hours with same people is a lot, but 4 week sound like hell. Why not 4 hour matches like in EotM?

We already have EOTM. Why are you looking for another one? Go there and play with all your friends, it's free there too.

If you find few players there, try asking yourself why. Or ask Anet to reduce the bill to 1 hour. I'm sure the EOTM will fill up instantly like that. Good luck and have fun. ✌️

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On 5/31/2024 at 4:40 PM, ArchonWing.9480 said:

This whole narrative that guilds are like these huge cesspools of drama and toxicity is approaching Disney villain writing levels.

A guild isn't in most cases, agree. But using a guild in the place of an Alliance isn't the same which is where the warning comes in. Don't get me wrong there will be a ton of great comm guilds. But...if you have never been in an a spot where a mega guild fell apart or an Alliance system where it did the same, its a great way to lose players. Hence the warning.

lol, and I wouldn't use the Mouse House as a good example if you have never had to deal with their legal groups in business, else your post would have already have had to been adjusted and signed off on three times before you were cleared to post about it after adjustments. Don't mess with that mouse, just saying. Its easier to work at ground zero if NA. 

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On 5/31/2024 at 10:15 PM, ConorRhysT.3819 said:

I am also very excited for World Restructuring.


The stagnation of the current WvW servers - is akin to an old-nursing home of people just following the routine and pretending to be happy.


This is going to be good. 

As a member of [OLD] I have to ask!....wait I need a nap, be back later.

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On 5/31/2024 at 10:15 PM, ConorRhysT.3819 said:

I am also very excited for World Restructuring.


The stagnation of the current WvW servers - is akin to an old-nursing home of people just following the routine and pretending to be happy.


This is going to be good. 

I am glad you are excited and hope you find awesome hunting!

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On 5/29/2024 at 5:18 PM, MercurialKuroSludge.8974 said:

For good or for ill, its happening anyway regardless of what we say.
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

I've already written about it some time ago, what WR has to offer you (if we don't decide to model it within the context of what WVW is) is what you're seeing today. Because we've already been in WR for 3 years now, since we saw the first beta. The players organized themselves accordingly. They started to create their own alternative accounts, they started to transfer more and more to make all the contacts they were interested in, they learned to play In reference to oneself, the server is no longer the reference. Anet did well to dilute all of this into 3+ years of beta, essentially the same, but got the time it needed. So he slowly and inexorably shaped his community, he made the team/server concept less and less valuable. Many have turned away precisely because they saw it coming, the diehards will soon be impressed by the permanent version. 

As a long-time WVW enthusiast, I don't like writing this, and it also hurts me a little bit. But at least I can say that I warned you with all the strength I had. ✌️

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On 6/1/2024 at 4:15 AM, ConorRhysT.3819 said:

This is going to be good. 

This depends on what you mean by 'good'. If you're saying it's good because it finally changes something in WVW, then the answer is yes, I completely agree.

If you're saying it's good because I'm going to be more involved in large-scale PVP participation in the long run, the answer is I'm not sure.

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On 5/29/2024 at 4:43 PM, Mabi black.1824 said:

Do you realize that I was referring to exactly that? you're asking for white while Thea Cherry is asking for black. while we should look at what can be in between. I, for one, can say that I don't want to stay where we have been sitting for a few years now. But with that in mind, I also have to tell you that where we are moving may not be a good solution or judge it as an incomplete solution or definitely not the only solution.

Indeed i may be very one in seeing black everywhere, while some others here see white. It will propably end somewhere in between, so grey.

But it is undeniable, that we had a massive lost of players in the past years and we had some very unbalanced Beta Match Ups before which led to even more players dropping out of the mode for a time. So yeah, i can understand if some people think the new system will improve the population balance, but it does not change the core flaws of the system or the fact, that GW should have made drastic changes years ago. A complete restructure of Servers should have been done even before the linking system, since that system changed absolutely nothing.

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9 minutes ago, Thea Cherry.6327 said:

But it is undeniable, that we had a massive lost of players in the past years

Is it?

Same amount of servers/tiers as always and all of them still quite active. Sure, there are some ups and downs and maybe also an overall decline, but a massive loss looks very different to me. As a former "bronze-tier inhabitant" i have seen servers and entire tiers die, so i know how that looks like and i haven't seen anything like that since we got linking. WvW probably has been the most stable (population wise) game mode since then, despite (or maybe because?) very little dev attention.

14 minutes ago, Thea Cherry.6327 said:

and we had some very unbalanced Beta Match Ups before

More imbalanced than regular matches? Doubt.

Don't get me wrong, i don't think WR is going to be the saving grace that magically fixes everything - it won't. But a lot of that doomsaying isn't backed up by anything substantial.

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I don't think everything outside of Guilds will be shifting sand, I think everything including Guilds will be shifting sand. Guilds disagreeing over who to create an alliance with every four weeks, guilds wanting to get rid of casuals who don't play most days. You won't be able to be a member of multiple WvW guilds any more unless its your alliance.

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it will sort itself.

there are already some alliances who pickup people , some roamers will bound together at the start, some guilds just wait etc.

it needs some time until everyone knows what happens where and then everything shuffles together.

if you are not happy with your first choice you can change it later again.

in the end, if you login, you will be able to play wvw.

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On 5/27/2024 at 8:10 PM, gerberlyfe.9736 said:


It's over for WvW. ArenaNet destroyed it.

Wasn't it already Ded Gaem ?

How can you kill that which is already Ded Gaem ?

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I do not normally 'do' forums but my BIL told me about happenings in his guild that I think sum up the problems here, its going to be all power grabs from here on. His guild isn't going with an alliance they have decided to invite people from their server, but officers in the guild are already going around kicking people for not being on for a week or two saying 'we do not want these sorts of people' BIL stepped up, said a few days is not much they could be invisible status, was told they are not allowed invisible status any more. Other officers did nothing, he kicked several people even ones my BIL knew had been on🙄

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19 minutes ago, Troubadour.6397 said:

I do not normally 'do' forums but my BIL told me about happenings in his guild that I think sum up the problems here, its going to be all power grabs from here on. His guild isn't going with an alliance they have decided to invite people from their server, but officers in the guild are already going around kicking people for not being on for a week or two saying 'we do not want these sorts of people' BIL stepped up, said a few days is not much they could be invisible status, was told they are not allowed invisible status any more. Other officers did nothing, he kicked several people even ones my BIL knew had been on🙄

The offline status and "last online" listing in the guild roster is pretty bad.  Wish it showed when a player was last online even if they set themselves as invisible.

Your boyfriend is right though.  It's a terrible way to manage a guild.  It's better to keep track of players who show up at rallies than use the last online list.  Bad guild leadership.  Not every guild is like that.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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Well, that's just what happens when you join a guild that doesn't value you as a person. I'm not saying to not play with those people, but that should never be your main thing.

Every guild I've been in kicks after like a year of inactivity and invites people back in anyways.

I honestly don't understand these kick in 1 week guilds; and I wouldn't even take any of them seriously if I did.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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On 5/31/2024 at 9:19 PM, Mike.3196 said:

So if anyone has actual issue with world restructuring then you just don't play the game. .Most of the alliance betas there was fights more people in map  consistently in comparison what it is now like a dramatic difference.

Because every single beta was conducted with a massive reward boost for participating... beta was very deceptive with massively inflated numbers that had nothing to do with restructuring.

Edited by Morvran.8265
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1 hour ago, Morvran.8265 said:

Because every single beta was conducted with a massive reward boost for participating... beta was very deceptive with massively inflated numbers that had nothing to do with restructuring.

Which overall would also be irrelevant given the new system can adapt on the fly to player numbers which means that even with similar numbers or less, there would me more engagement on borders.

That's the difference: the new system exchanges the static benefits of the old system (fixed servers, less flexible tiers, etc) for better player distribution and matchmaking.

There is no question about if there will be more activity in WvW. The question is only of what quality will this engagement be and can players organize properly for it.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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WR is inc at this point and all will just need to be ready. What makes me shake my head is it's 6/12 and I have been bouncing timezones, since I had the option to do so currently, and when asking are you ready, I am still getting, what is that and what do you mean? Now granted these have gone way down, but by now I was assuming no replies of what do you mean. The paranoid side of me says, double check your guild, comm guild, whatever list and make sure they have their WvW guilds set, and remember keep your hands and legs in the car at all times while riding the ride. 😉

Good hunting all!

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10 hours ago, Morvran.8265 said:

Because every single beta was conducted with a massive reward boost for participating... beta was very deceptive with massively inflated numbers that had nothing to do with restructuring.

Do you really think more people played wvw cause of that reward boost or maybe was it cause it was something different and maybe  beta was actually fun

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