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The Crisis of World Restructuring and why it will destroy WvW: Everything outside of one guild will be shifting sand

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1 hour ago, Mike.3196 said:

Do you really think more people played wvw cause of that reward boost or maybe was it cause it was something different and maybe  beta was actually fun

Well I'm sure that some did join WvW just for the reward boost. In the first week of the last beta, we saw 2.3 million kills+deaths across entire WvW. The average week is around 1.2-1.6ish. That week had more activity at the end of sunday than a normal WvW week have at the friday reset.

But also that statement was incorrect as the last beta did not have the "massive reward boost" the entire duration (yeah so positivly massive compared to the 50g/h PvErs brag about). It was only partial, the first week. After it was still a high average WvW week despite people being heavily pushed away from WvW in turn (it was PvE and sPvP events).

Take from that what you will.

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12 hours ago, Mike.3196 said:

Do you really think more people played wvw cause of that reward boost or maybe was it cause it was something different and maybe  beta was actually fun

Reward boost, 100%. A matchmaking rework for a gamemode you don't already play means nothing. Massive reward boost that makes it more profitable, easier to start ranking, or farm gift of battle? Now that's an incentive. There were lots of tourists.

On the other hand I've had guildies skip the beta because WvW without servers felt meaningless to them.

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I have just swapped over to to represent my wvw guild and saw the guild message; and it's paraphrasing ' if you don't pick us or for whatever reason do not end up on our shard we will kick you for being on the opposing team'

Now, considering the fact that its far more likely that they would not end up on an opposing team but a team not in that match at all, I am very surprised at that attitude. People sitting in discord telling anyone questioning this to sit down and shut up. I want to emphasise this is normally a nice friendly welcoming guild. So myself, I will now go from three wvw guilds to one. I do NOT like how this is shaking out.



Edited by Whirlygig.9685
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There's plenty of guilds that have operated with guild mates on opposing servers for the past 12 years, and didn't kick those members.

You got some shady players in your guild if they all of a sudden worry about this. Nothing is going to change for wvw matches, spying will still happen regardless, rewards are the same, the only thing I could see a guild worrying about is having maximum numbers and wanting to keep active players on the roster. Other than that they're being shady people if they can't handle the fact a long time guild member is on another world for 4 weeks, but like honestly do you really want to be around players like that, finally showing their true colors. 😏🤷‍♂️


Edited by XenesisII.1540
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Well, I am not sure its a thing of 'showing their true colours' I have been in this guild a while. My point is, this is not an unusual reaction to the restructuring, I know others who have been told the same thing. I agree with you, its stupid; BUT it's what's happening, and none of those guilds are at their member limit. The restructure will encourgae more exclusive thinking I guess, it's won't be enough to represent your Guild and turn up once a week for a guild event.

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12 hours ago, Morvran.8265 said:

Reward boost, 100%. A matchmaking rework for a gamemode you don't already play means nothing. Massive reward boost that makes it more profitable, easier to start ranking, or farm gift of battle? Now that's an incentive. There were lots of tourists.

On the other hand I've had guildies skip the beta because WvW without servers felt meaningless to them.

I would agree if I saw a lot of low ranks in wvw but that wasn't case. I've played game for 7+ years moving in tiers and the fights and content that exist and beta had alot of people always. Big reason beta and how moves people and guilds all I'm saying if you didn't notice the big difference then you don't play wvw at all cause many people noticed big difference.

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1 hour ago, Whirlygig.9685 said:

I have just swapped over to to represent my wvw guild and saw the guild message; and it's paraphrasing ' if you don't pick us or for whatever reason do not end up on our shard we will kick you for being on the opposing team'

Now, considering the fact that its far more likely that they would not end up on an opposing team but a team not in that match at all, I am very surprised at that attitude. People sitting in discord telling anyone questioning this to sit down and shut up. I want to emphasise this is normally a nice friendly welcoming guild. So myself, I will now go from three wvw guilds to one. I do NOT like how this is shaking out.

Have you put yourself in the shoes of the guild lead and officers? It's far easier to manage removing and re-inviting players which are not on the same shard versus individually checking who is where and doing what.

Now granted this too could be managed easier/better with better tools for guild management.

You are correct though: some guilds will be taking WvW more serious and check for active member status. Simply being part of the guild but not active with them will not be accepted by some. Selecting a different guild as primary or being so inactive that one does not even select their main WvW guild as primary leaves a sour taste with some. A minimum amount of engagement can be expected.


Well, I am not sure its a thing of 'showing their true colours' I have been in this guild a while. My point is, this is not an unusual reaction to the restructuring, I know others who have been told the same thing. I agree with you, its stupid; BUT it's what's happening, and none of those guilds are at their member limit. The restructure will encourgae more exclusive thinking I guess, it's won't be enough to represent your Guild and turn up once a week for a guild event.

See above. Being at the member limit is only 1 reason to remove certain players. To me this reads more like: some guilds are taking WvW a tad more serious now after many years and this rubs some players the wrong way.

The restructuring comes with far more organizational work and effort too, which in turn will mean guilds will try to reduce workload while increasing efficiency.

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2 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Now granted this too could be managed easier/better with better tools for guild management.

Exactly.  This is entirely a problem because an announced feature isn't implemented yet and it's not been announced when it will be.  This would allow better guild management for those instances when leadership is trying to figure out exactly how many will be playing with them in a separate alliance guild.

"Adding guild roster indicators for players who have chosen the currently viewed guild as their WvW guild"


Edited by Chaba.5410
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10 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

There's plenty of guilds that have operated with guild mates on opposing servers for the past 12 years, and didn't kick those members.

Because it didnt matter! But now every unused slot in your guild means getting 1 more random on your team. There' a bigger incentive to constantly kick and replace people.

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7 minutes ago, Morvran.8265 said:

Because it didnt matter! But now every unused slot in your guild means getting 1 more random on your team. There' a bigger incentive to constantly kick and replace people.

Sure, a few randoms will surely doom your world from winning, and winning gives you.... oh yeah, nothing. 😏

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On 5/27/2024 at 9:10 PM, gerberlyfe.9736 said:

Guild Leaders now have the tyrannical and actually crazy power to take away the ONLY stability you have with a single click of a button, to throw you into the trash.

I've been complaining about this since "World Restructuring" was announced. And, I already witnessed this power being abused the other day.

A solid scout on our World for years and years, maybe even since launch, was just booted from the "alliance guild". I was seething mad at the tag, who's hasn't been on our world that long, and at the Devs for being so shortsighted to give them such power.

Without Worlds, this is just a worthless EOTM 2.0.

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Tonight's lockout was kind of like new years eve. Jumped on late to watch the countdown. Still had peeps asking what are people talking about. Which is, what it is. Hopefully info was shared enough so that they will be ready for the next sort. Good hunting to all on your new homes. Make sure to come back to the forums to share the good and bad and what you saw on matches, placement, time zones and all the details that will help Anet refine the process so we can move forward with other changes.

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1 hour ago, Morvran.8265 said:

Because it didnt matter! But now every unused slot in your guild means getting 1 more random on your team. There' a bigger incentive to constantly kick and replace people.

Some guilds will be “hardcore” sure. Just like normal.

But then again are you saying players encouraging others to play WvW more is a negative thing for the game mode? 

This reminds me of people saying WvW is dead because they’re in queue.

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37 minutes ago, DeWolfe.2174 said:

I've been complaining about this since "World Restructuring" was announced. And, I already witnessed this power being abused the other day.

A solid scout on our World for years and years, maybe even since launch, was just booted from the "alliance guild". I was seething mad at the tag, who's hasn't been on our world that long, and at the Devs for being so shortsighted to give them such power.

Without Worlds, this is just a worthless EOTM 2.0.

It's a 2 way street. Players which abuse power will eventually alienate others or be surrounded by like minded players, which if they can fill an entire alliance/guild with, good on them (meaning they seem to not be so outlandish, or just very good at manipulating others).

At the same time being socially inept might cause players issues with their shard placement. There are quite a few "this player has been on this server since launch" players which a majority on a server would have loved to see removed. Turns out that is possible soon to some extent. In most cases I've witnessed, that was a very understandable reaction.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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17 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

It's a 2 way street. Players which abuse power will eventually alienate others or be surrounded by like minded players, which if they can fill an entire alliance/guild with, good on them (meaning they seem to not be so outlandish, or just very good at manipulating others).

At the same time being socially inept might cause players issues with their shard placement. There are quite a few "this player has been on this server since launch" players which a majority on a server would have loved to see removed. Turns out that is possible soon to some extent. In most cases I've witnessed, that was a very understandable reaction.

Pretty spot on. If you see abuse you will need to speak up and address or decide the group you are in is not what you think and act. Same with those not grouping but floating. Someone asks you to leave map, ask them how much gold is it worth to them to do so. Else, send them a lol. 

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Well I completely understand wvw guilds are cleaning up rosters now. Guilds will actually matter now.

On the other hand if you are an active member, friend... from my experience most guilds would be completely fine having you on roster and/or in discord for chats or non wvw stuff. But if youre just one random guy, why would they keep you if you cant play with them. 

And I never saw players care about spying. Are thete even guild that care about ppt?

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10 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

Sure, that'll be a long wait. I'm not desperate to be in an alliance, and I wouldn't be in a guild like that in the first place. 🤷‍♂️

lol same. My guild has like 150 people and probably more than half  is even with us and won't be playing with us so plenty of space but the alliance is full. We kick no one.  There is no need to kick people from the actual guild; that's dumb and lazy and I wouldn't be part of that guild. Such guilds would be at best a 4th or 5th choice which I can leech pips from, not a main guild. And in most cases I'd rather have a troll guild in that spot.

Like we've repeated it hundreds of times on the forums by now. There should be a guild, and there should be an alliance guild.

Also even if I were kicked I could join 2-3 other groups, and kicking me would probably cause me to pull some off and I could do that on my own.

If you're not terrible at the game, it's easy to find groups and not be dependent on one. The only other reasons are

* Your personality was incredibly obnoxious and can't read the room so nobody wants to play with you, though given the tone of most forum posts.... this is probably the case lol.

* You joined some trashy megaguild that treats you as an expendable number. Of course people on copium are gonna deny it; it's always a sudden change but everything is sudden to the ignorant.  Not even real dictators just come up some day and say "I rule this place!". It's a process, and many are blind to it. I've jumped a few sinking ships myself while others were deer  in the headlights.

* You're getting carried and people are just throwing out the deadweight. The truth is you only need about 5 other people before you  and can get anything started in WvW if you have some basic communication skills.

* You have more explanations then actions.

There's going to be dozens of groups ready to recruit next week. Heck there's a active thread right now.

edit: Btw, if people still haven't rubbed their brain cells together yet, remember you can always just try to approach a  PvX  guild and stir up interest there. They are less likely to be prepared but still may have to venture into WvW out of curiosity and you have a far more massive pool to help and train plus as a WvW veteran you will appear to be a god.  Granted, that would require effort so ignore this.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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Feeling gutted at the loss of servers, so here's my 2 cents. This change kills the gamemode as it existed since the beginning. Especially for those of us who have enjoyed a variety of gameplay. WvW isn't PvP matchups or PvE metas; it relied on communities. I've seen people criticise this word here, suggesting to just guild-up. But servers were more than that. They offered space where guilds could come (or leave), and a space where you could play a range of things. You could have your wvw guild, and also invite pve guildies to join you. Big fights? Lets organise on a server discord. General defense when needed? Sure, join other guilds that are around, hop on the server discord. Leaving the game for a bit and coming back? That's ok, even if you guild is less active, there are still familiar faces.  Leading pugs is hearding cats? Yes, but people improve over time, especially if there are patient open tag comms. Now, that will go poof every few weeks, too short a time to get to know other players (=forever random pugs).

I'll stress that other players outside of a single guild are important, as guilds raid maybe a couple nights a week only, and people might play at various times and enjoy both fights and ppt.
On a 'solid' server, I could have played a variety of game styles, with different guilds. This type of restructuring is making me choose a single guild, thus limiting the WvW experience. And the "alliance" is not helping because it is not implemented. Instead, we have an overall guild slot, which is limited to only 500.

I understand the need for server restructuring as the population dwindles. But that could have been met through links, or by new servers (that guild could either choose or get assigned to) instead of ether that changes every few weeks, were we cannot grow new communities.

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Sure community wise anet shot itself in the leg,but man that leg was full of gangrene.

For a start anyone could start a guild group,make a 2nd guild with alts on 2nd server and use the guild overflow to bypass the queues and hit the 3rd server, on top of using spies to sabotage and burn tactics before arriving to an objective.

Gaming the system was and will remain an issue but at least the wr slowed things down.



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