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With Landspears confirmed, what you want it to be?

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IF all professions get spear, then the skills will undoubtedly vary per profession. But we won't know until maybe June 4. It could be some get spear, some get trident, some get speargun. Who knows?

Or, sticking to my guns, underwater staff for everyone!

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For warrior specifically:

  • One handed thrown 900 range weapon like with Paragon. Either Power or Condi.


  • A two handed melee rapid striking condition weapon relying heavily on Torment, Bleed, and immobilize.

I'm not going to pigeon hole it based on Forceful Greatsword, traits can change after all. What we do not need is another 2H power weapon, though if its kit features multiple rapid strikes, I would be okay with it. A 900 range thrown weapon would be great, Paragon had several power or condi skills that could be reused theme wise. It could be a 900 range power spike weapon, or a condi weapon that is heavy on bleed, torment, or burning. They could lean more into Paragon and have them skills be support focused as well leaving support warrior with a second weapon for support to pair with Warhorn. I would be okay if it were a 1H melee weapon, so long as it filled a missing niche, i.e. rapid striking weapon and/or fills out our condi game.

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I doubt another funky, quirky idea like bladesworn would pop up after its reception. So, they'll probably want to add something most warriors would want. What that is, I don't know.

With how they treat warrior, it'll probably be within the bounds of safety or will be nerfed into those bounds when its found to be strong.

With all that in mind, I'm guessing thrown spear with a burst that isn't overly exciting or overly boring. They might reference the leaping Achilles spear strike from the movie "Troy" as either the burst or just a part of the move set.

We're getting rehashed animations, that's a given. I hope I'm wrong but that's how things go.

To be honest, if they gave us the spear from the water, I wouldn't be against it 😆. I would love to pull people with spear 3 and spin up to 1200 range with spear 5 [Tsunami Slash]. I would actually have a blast with that.

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To be honest, I think the UW pull would be very easy for them to keep, it kind of would make sense for them to keep some portion of the UW skill set.

Here is what I can see happening:

1H Range:

  • AA: Barbed Spear, 1 bleed stack for 5s, 0.75/0.45 scaling (PvE/Comp). 0.5s Cast time
  • LS2: Harrier's Toss: apply 4 stacks of Torment for 5s and cripple them for 4s. 4s CD, 3/4s cast.
  • LS3: Barbed Pull as it is but on land.
  • F1: Burning Spear: Apply 2/4/6 stacks of burning for 8s/4s with 2.0/1.0 power coefficient (PvE/Comp)
  • Primal F1: Cruel Spear: Apply 4/2 stacks of burning, bleeding, torment, and confusion for 4s. 1.5/1.0 power coefficient (PvE/Comp)

1H and 2H could remain as they are, but with condi applications on land if they go condi. I really don't want them to bring in another 2H power weapon, but the Spear kit is pretty good...

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I just like the idea of spinning 1200 range and people getting angry because of how the skill keeps the warrior glued to the target 😆. Spinning with that kind of range is so hilarious to me and sounds really fun. The escapes would be so funny too, watching a warrior spin all that distance, off into the horizon.

Yanking people with spear 3 is also really funny. Yoink! Sorry, say good bye to your group, buddy.

Water spear block would need work coming to land. A single block is yawns-ville. No thanks, muchacho. Long block with flip-over skill or go home, anet.

Spear 2, the rapid strikes is fun. It's like our dagger 5 but cooler since it's a spear. But the damage needs to be there. Don't short change us on the damage, anet.

The biggest problem is the underwater burst. It's outdated. A giant leap would be nice, with a stab at the end. If that's implemented, maybe we'll be able to catch up to a willbender with our spear lol. Landing a willbender would feel like landing a whale 😆

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18 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:
  • One handed thrown 900 range weapon like with Paragon. Either Power or Condi.


  • A two handed melee rapid striking condition weapon relying heavily on Torment, Bleed, and immobilize.

From the video clip it looks very much like a 2-hander, so that's probably baked in. However, I see no reason why a throw skill or two couldn't be on the bar to give it some versatility. 1H axes can be both melee and thrown just as IRL, so there's no good reason why the spear can't be dual-use like that too.

Unless of course they're just going to let us bring the existing skillsets out of the water, in which case the whole discussion is moot. 

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21 minutes ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

From the video clip it looks very much like a 2-hander, so that's probably baked in. However, I see no reason why a throw skill or two couldn't be on the bar to give it some versatility. 1H axes can be both melee and thrown just as IRL, so there's no good reason why the spear can't be dual-use like that too.

Unless of course they're just going to let us bring the existing skillsets out of the water, in which case the whole discussion is moot. 

In the clip the character is holding it in one hand with the other hand unused. They clearly do not have the ground animation working yet, it could be the same UW stance, just on ground and it is 2H, or it could be a 1H that is drawn from the back. Either way they have work to do there.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 My bet is the stance is the same as that used underwater; that's the laziest possible coding option, no? 😆 When stowed on the character's back, it's definitely a 2H spear. Having only one hand on it when drawn isn't determinative, see every caster using a staff: one hand holding the weapon, the other free and directing the magic skill.

Pretty sure 1H vs 2H is mostly just about equipment-slot size rather than any requirement that both hands must be on it at all times. 🤷‍♂️

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I mean they could literally copy paste the underwater moveset onto the weapon and it would be pretty good lol. Multi-hit attack for adrenaline, pull, block, moving 100b... Berserker even gets an AoE pull burst skill, incredible. 

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1 hour ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

I mean they could literally copy paste the underwater moveset onto the weapon and it would be pretty good lol. Multi-hit attack for adrenaline, pull, block, moving 100b... Berserker even gets an AoE pull burst skill, incredible. 

I know... I really do not want another melee power dps weapon, but Spear's underwater kit is very nice. It would easily replace Greatsword in a lot of content. I just wonder how Tsunami Slash would work though... Spin to win with heat seeking tracking out to 1200 range? No wonder they removed 3 Spin Arc Divider if that is the case.

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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

In the clip the character is holding it in one hand with the other hand unused. They clearly do not have the ground animation working yet, it could be the same UW stance, just on ground and it is 2H, or it could be a 1H that is drawn from the back. Either way they have work to do there.

Or it could be categorized as a two-handed throwing weapon, but the animations are one-handed.

5 hours ago, Lonecap.4105 said:

a dragoon-style teleport jump

We already have discount Dragoon's with Vindicator and Daredevil's Bound and Vault.

I don't see why we'd need a third discount Dragoon.

5 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

My body is ready.

Calm down, Reggie.

3 hours ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

I mean they could literally copy paste the underwater moveset onto the weapon and it would be pretty good lol. Multi-hit attack for adrenaline, pull, block, moving 100b... Berserker even gets an AoE pull burst skill, incredible. 

I'd rather have it be a somewhat decent ranged weapon, even if it's just 900 range.

At this point, it's obvious that Rifle and Longbow won't ever be it, so only a "new" weapon has a non-0% chance.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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Knowing the devs it will just be more of the same with, maybe, a clunky mechanic slapped on top of the skills. Imo, the underwater skills with land animation wouldn't surprise me (it might even be surprisingly good).

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21 hours ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 My bet is the stance is the same as that used underwater; that's the laziest possible coding option, no? 😆 When stowed on the character's back, it's definitely a 2H spear. Having only one hand on it when drawn isn't determinative, see every caster using a staff: one hand holding the weapon, the other free and directing the magic skill.

Pretty sure 1H vs 2H is mostly just about equipment-slot size rather than any requirement that both hands must be on it at all times. 🤷‍♂️

There's a good chance the stance is placeholder. When melee staves were first teased back when HoT was revealed, they had hammer animations. So they might well have plans to make better 2H spear animations.

On the other hand, being on the back doesn't say for sure it's 2H - shields go on the back, and spears probably have a similar factor by which they'd be a bit big to just hang off the belt.

The big question is whether they'd use the same items as underwater spears. If they do, there'd need to be some tech to cut the stat bonuses in half when used on land for them to not be 2H weapons.

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As much as I do not want another 2h power weapon, UW spear is probably one of warrior's best move sets. If they do port it directly to land, Crapface is right, Barbed Pull ->FB->BB, Barbed Pull ->any F1, Barbed Pull->Final Thrust, etc. It opens up so many combos. Tsunami Slash might be an issue, but then that paired with Brave Stride might work, especially Strength+Defense with Stalwart Focus to get stab from Barbed Pull if someone runs core or forgoes Discipline like a Gigachad.

I'm still salty about not have a 1H 900 range MH weapon though...

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