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This game begs for proper "hide others skins" option

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As Anet is going all in into squeezing money from the community and as we know community wants skins like plush dragonscales and beach outfits we really need an option to keep Tyria more toned down.

The day they will release swimsuits 90% of people will  wear them and those who prefer more lore friendly look will still have to look at it.

I know there is an option called low model quality but its broken as textures simply doesnt load (no faces etc).

Please provide an option to hide all this glowing/naked stuff and substitute it with some more lore friendly models to get this GW1 vibe.


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Posted (edited)

You can already set character limits to lowest level so you only see a handful of skins around you - and that works just fine for me to keep performance under control as well. Plus you massively over-estimate the amount of beach clothing people will be wearing. It'll be a novelty at first, but the vast majority of people will be seen in their usual armour as always, lore firendly, pink neon sparkly butterly that it might sometimes be

As much as I preferred the GW1 vibe too, that ship sailed. It's been 12 years. Lets get over it. We have the options to cull, so it's time to use it


Edited by Randulf.7614
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4 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

You can already set character limits to lowest level so you only see a handful of skins around you - and that works just fine for me to keep performance under control as well. Plus you massively over-estimate the amount of beach clothing people will be wearing. It'll be a novelty at first, but the vast majority of people will be seen in their usual armour as always.

Lore friendly, pink glowing neon butterfly armour that is

I think you need to read again what I wrote. If something isnt clear let me know 🤣

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Just now, nubzor.9654 said:

To all those "you have low quality model option" - show a screenshot of a game with this option and answer - is this a solution?

Yep it is. Substituting a 12 year old game with "GW1 vibe models" is a non-starter for a game that is neither GW1 and doesn't want to be GW1 - so you are asking to change someone's looks to something completely different rather than a generic model which we have now.

What we have now is the right answer. It's not really the game's fault people don't like the looks - that's on the player. Believe me, I don't always like them either but I made my peace with it a long time ago. Either we accept the culling option - which is perfetcly fine. or we accept the visuals. 


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Posted (edited)

I agree with OP, having so many weird and specific skins everywhere that are often not my taste is quite annoying. An option to only see your skin and show others as their base model (like their gear model) totally makes sense to me. Of course this may disappoint people with 3000$ dollars worth of infusions but i think the same way as OP.

One problem is there is no artistic direction coming from all the mounts, all the gliders all the character skins and so on. There are many skins, if not most, that don't align one with the other and it ends up in visual clutter. Most of them would be ok individually though i think. Problem is having all of them on the same screen.

Edited by GEGEZZ.7563
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3 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

Yep it is. Substituting a 12 year old game with "GW1 vibe models" is a non-starter for a game that is neither GW1 and doesn't want to be GW1 - so you are asking to change someone's looks to something completely different rather than a generic model which we have now.

What we have now is the right answer. It's not really the game's fault people don't like the looks - that's on the player. Believe me, I don't always like them either but I made my peace with it a long time ago. Either we accept the culling option - which is perfetcly fine. or we accept the visuals. 


Generic model with no face? This option looks like experimental beta feature that someone forgot to hide when realeasing final version of the game. 

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6 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

New month means it's time for this topic to crop up again.  (sigh)   Stay frosty, GW2 community.

So maybe its time to finally adress this issue? I mean it shouldn't be that hard to implement an option to change all other players with a basic model for a race (from a character creation) with a cultural armor. Its elegant solution that would not prevent anyone from buying 1000$ of glowing infusions if they want to and would provide relief to the others that prefer more lore friendly design.

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43 minutes ago, nubzor.9654 said:

The day they will release swimsuits 90% of people will  wear them and those who prefer more lore friendly look will still have to look at it.

People can already go full naked if they want. Event while wearing armor skins that show skin. Even in heavy armor with some global skins. And I don't see everyone naked.

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56 minutes ago, Portico.2354 said:

Joke’s on you because I already have my culling set to lowest so my cpu doesn’t combust and can’t see anyone anyway

Let that Intel Core Duo rest already 

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1 hour ago, nubzor.9654 said:

So maybe its time to finally adress this issue? I mean it shouldn't be that hard to implement an option to change all other players with a basic model for a race (from a character creation) with a cultural armor. Its elegant solution that would not prevent anyone from buying 1000$ of glowing infusions if they want to and would provide relief to the others that prefer more lore friendly design.

Apparently, Anet prefers it this way which is why over the past several years as this keeps coming up, they have not decided to implement the changes that are often requested.  I think that Anet wants  other players to see the bling to encourage gem sales.  Perhaps an elegant solution for you, but one that might adversely affect sales and that is what usually drives changes (or lack of changes). 

And, like many suggestions, no one really knows how hard things are to implement or not.

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2 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

It's not really the game's fault people don't like the looks - that's on the player. Believe me, I don't always like them either but I made my peace with it a long time ago. Either we accept the culling option - which is perfetcly fine. or we accept the visuals. 


This is precisely where I sit; you pick your poison and go forward because this has been a hot-button issue for years but Anet will never budge since the sparkle community is where the money is.
I personally chose to enjoy my high-level graphics while sneering at the lightbulb and cargo pants/butterfly wings/(soon-to-be)beachwear community; I get to laugh at others without hurting anyone's real feelings and they get... whatever tf they seem to get out of the idea of bringing down a dragon while dressed like Magnum P.I. - everyone wins!

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Posted (edited)

we already have the option for standard models for both friendly and enemy players in competitive modes. this will turn everyone into a human with toned down skins based on the class they are.
it should be possible to allow that option for PvE too.
i think Anet would only need to add coloration to it as there are no team colors in PvE.

edit: there is actually no wiki page for how those models look i think

Edited by bq pd.2148
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It is true that waiting a week or two will remove most of the beachwear from sight.  Though you will find parts incorporated into armor mixtures.

The display culling could be better.  Everyone outside a certain radius does look like shadows wearing pink and white armor.

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3 minutes ago, Kunzal.5640 said:

this explains enough...

I still tried to explain, but the "majority" you mentioned look over me, us.

You haven't explained, though. All you did was give some vague "RPers don't like it." You never tried to explain why they don't like it or how the inspect option affects their RP abilities in any way.

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It should be a way to categorize gear in several steps of "detail" aside the existent one that just gives everyone an horrible colored armour.

An "inmersive culling" that added at least 3 diferent sets for weight category and also kept the color diversity of the users.
Think of using cultural armors 1 instead of whatever the ugly mess is now and keeping the dye channels selected by the players.

My problem with the current lowest setting is that, the ugly armors and horrid color. 

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8 hours ago, bq pd.2148 said:

we already have the option for standard models for both friendly and enemy players in competitive modes. this will turn everyone into a human with toned down skins based on the class they are.
it should be possible to allow that option for PvE too.
i think Anet would only need to add coloration to it as there are no team colors in PvE.

edit: there is actually no wiki page for how those models look i think

This ^

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If you want "period" accuracy most of Medieval Europe was various shades of grey and brown.  Only merchants and nobility had bright colors.  The Far East was quite colorful, but Europe had to import most dyes. Commoners couldn't afford such dyes. 

It would still look better than the placeholder pink and white.

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Posted (edited)
21 hours ago, nubzor.9654 said:

The day they will release swimsuits 90% of people will  wear them

People predicted that for tons of skins and outfits before. Never turned out to be true.

I personally.... already prepared some gems. 😉 

Edited by kiroho.4738
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